<br />82--OQt3Q9~
<br />[XNtFOaM COxTiNANT$. Borrower arx! Leader covenant and agree as follows:
<br />I. 1'gweot o[ ~ laced latareat. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interts[ on [he
<br />iatiebtedstess evit~td by the Noic, prcpaymen[ and (ate eharges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and intettst
<br />oa atsy Ftmae Advaocts secured by this Mortgage.
<br />~'+ Fpir t~ Y'ititut ni 6attaneee. Subject to applicable. law or ro a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shaA-pay
<br />to Lett on the they ttltulihly ittStalbnttxfs of principal aced interest are payatile undo the Mott, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a assn (ht~rlrt "Fetal"i tqual to one-twelfth of the- yearly- texts- and asstssrtaentx which may attain priority over -this
<br />14iotf, acrd gtalmtd rents an t6a Fmperty, if any. plus one-twelfth of pearly premitam itntattments far hazard insuratxe:
<br />plus o~twetfih of yetarty preett+ttstt instaltmenta for mortgage tnsurarzce, if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and froar
<br />titnt to titnt bv_Lettder tin: the basis of asstsstnents and hilts and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />'T7te Fnttds strati be held in an irasiitittion the dtpaxits or acceums of which are insured or guanntttd by a Federal or
<br />sloe agtency finchxling Lander if Lender is such an institution t. 1 ender shalt apply the fiends to pay said taxes, affiessmtnts,
<br />itlWfiakY pt'etrrinrtes atld ground hats. Lender may not charge far so bolding and appivtng the Funds. analyzing Said account.
<br />or vet'iCyinE atxl eomp+tiag said aasesttrttettrs and bills, unless leader pays Borrower inerest on the Funds and -applicable law
<br />pRtrmtts Leader to make such a chae~fto. Berrrswer and I.tntkr mat- agree in w'rinng at the time of execution of Ehis
<br />Martg~ that intertxt on the Fnrrtls shall be paid to Borrower, aced uni~s stx-h attreernent is made or applicable taw
<br />rttip>ittes sttctt interest to tx paid, Isnder shall not tr requirtd t2, pap Barrawe,- any interest of earnings en the Futrds. l.tnder
<br />shall give to Borrower. without chat. an annual acctwaung of the f=unds showing crtxiits and debits to tht Funds and the
<br />pneprzaaa #ar which each titbit to the Funds was made. -lire Funds are Fledged as additional sexnrity fur the sums secured
<br />by that lstortgage.
<br />if the atnamt of tht Fttatak ttcld tzy Lender, together s+itn the kuaure manihiy installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the doe dads of tsxts, assassmems, iztstzrance prtnnums and ground rents. shall-exceed the amnuat required in pay said taxes,
<br />astttaaaatttts, ie~ttrance prtmiutas and ground rents as zney tail d:te. ux~h cvicess shall bt. at Borraw-er's option, either
<br />ptam}trty rtpaid to Borrrnvrr ar irtdated to Harmwet c+n m:tnrttl~ r€:ctaifinentc ni Funds. Ir the amaum of the-Funds
<br />bald by [_tetder abaci atot be stttlicient to pap taxes, assessrnenu- :nsurancc premiums and ground rents as they fart duo
<br />8otmsrer shall pay to i_trxter anp attn.-item rsectssar} t n:akc ap tht dehcirrct utthen its ties, tram [he date nonce is tnailr:d
<br />by l.cackr to Harrower regndlmg paymem fix rn=t
<br />Upon paysrmtt m furl vt all tittns zttiurtd ti5- t ;r: kt.~+rsgaw-r. i rrrdcr ;hati nrsstnptiv z-ttt:nd to Burr wet anp Funds
<br />held by l.ctxier. tf under paragraph i.k hereof t.^.c f'r.+pert. [. si,td c,t the Yrr}errs. a ctherwz~ s~autrcd By Lender. Lender
<br />shot apply, izn islet than :mrttedta[ri} prior n, the .art <~t the (tn,ttrrre- .~r eta .rrqu;sruon by l.rndrr, an}' Funds held b}•
<br />l.tetkr si the lane a:Y applicattort as a s redo against tlzr some ;,_t;;rrd hs iht. sfort¢sgr
<br />3. .A~1iearsinr of Maya•eatr. i niris afvpta::shie law ~.,,tez .,therur~.. :lit fiaymen:s received by l.cndtr under the
<br />'.siote arstt parsXtaphv t std ? lxrtot .hat) !ir apFin:d :i}- t rider nr;t -;: ^.tstnent .n amsnmts payahlr v, Lcndcr by Borrower
<br />under par~raoh 2 hsrmt, tlfen n> mrertst hsvahle x•n the tiate then ;. ?~ ; nnctpat nt rhr }€Ne, ::nd tkzcn tat interest and
<br />Irnaserpui car a.ny Future Adratras.
<br />•. C'iards: tJeas. &*rrsror': ~,a.slt {,av .,:! ;.+, r- .:,,es>nacn*s .:nd .:t hr? .-r.srrc. tr^o. a;,a imptxun,na attnbntabtt to
<br />tiro Propertx w~h#ch rr~ atiatn a pnnrnp veer irvs il:rrte.~e..,rMi t~sschattd > avmenis .:r ground tents. if any, sn the mentor
<br />pttavtdtd taaskr patasraph ~ txrcot or.:, not ,,std ,n ,ex:t; r~tanncr Rs H.*r*e„+-cr nt4,ng pasmcnt. -.~ hen dec. dvtctly to the
<br />pttymt thtraai. Borrower :ltati pt'omptii turnzsh r,, 1 an:k^r ai; ra.,t.i c3 ,.,t .r:n='i; ,u cur ~idrr thss F.srees-aph, and in the event
<br />HWtctrrtr ehdf make paumeat rlrrect..- Her=-ss"s -=,aat n ,.mFzr- :,:rt==-nr; ~.- t -.ender ^..rip!s .,ecien:mlt ,met? psiniunts.
<br />Barrawtu <_itall pttirnpaFF ~~chartft env ?yt. i<t.H ;,ss ,-..a~,ia - ..a=- it-rt~.ys. ,,'=.4^.d. :hat Br~rrs,wrr -hall :r*t t,e
<br />regttiraf to st_r-fcttatg~G sas sua~t; d.rn sr, iurt¢ ,. liar r.,:~sr .~,ac; .,t; r +,.. .-.e .s.ir~.:: ;:s F-c° rrht.~,au.,€t -c°~urcd b)~
<br />sect; Iseo an s rrtnrirrer acrx;eatl~ tv i ender - ,bait ,. ,,-bvt 'auii as: ... . ,.. r .mend .,-nrorecmem vt su;~h iztn in.
<br />i;gaE prvccedtrtp wteaeit i.ptratt t,i fires-rnz t'r rev=,r.xmcnt .... - c ' . , -r-c ~~r_~ ..! the t'r:,prrt ~. ,.: ant pars thcreo!
<br />S. llaart/ Iatrttatsae:. Hatrtauer +.h;.7`, keep t'3c ~snprc~*in:c::z.:r. » . i.*itnii _,< t.-n•atter 4~ r,'tccz .:n the t`t,,f,rrty anstsrcd
<br />a~gatat fAtst 1+3' tire, hazards rr~:.tctded wititnn she reties , xerratru .,,,~rr:y-,t .€rrct ~:kh +:six=, hazrrdn a. I.rndri nzat reAlsnre
<br />sad zn such atnastnts and for ,t„2: pert~,sty .~, 1 ernier rra.a. r,L .. *..dc4;.:>`at t ~nacr .tta3 n„2 rruutrc that !tie azneerznt :,t
<br />`:erect c.iserlt~t els`tn'd thxtt amc~at:at ~,, ~.,t-retie tratsx:red 3„ ^a;rt+:r-ri. -.3 ;:.c.: n; +?r:=. ittsr;r<~iltr.
<br />~1~3E tnsszrarx'e catiitr t,tasuttr:} rtic :r:xur srede .i:ait ~ ;rtrz;:rs 'ie, ft;?rr,;,.+:^r s,;;, tell 1e= appri5'<s! by t tn.ter, , rc,k'xded.
<br />fleet sinlz appfssvat strait non Le s;nrrax•nah:s ~,s:ittitrid -1 i'r t~rern:a,n:s A~.,. ...ses at,r fx,itr:es ~naIt tx- toad :. the ;Wanner
<br />ntoraded ursder paragraph 2 hcrr+ut vr- :'. oat geed ss s,rct; rtzaasxr. t., B.?arc+ae~z mai,n~ Favtrunt. w4xn due..;,rrrtly ui for
<br />iastarrtrtcx sart'~.
<br />Aft flra3ataneC ptittS:KS ~tri(t rCtR°r. aka. tnf.•t•,.[ .ruff r'K .[. i.,I?at 1. ntabf;. ::~ 7. C:Als't ,.;ev 4+rdtt ~ri~jnJr ~ +tand:irtl n?o>•'IFa}'t
<br />caataaeln favrn:,t a±xt sit iarm a;r cpish#c t„ t smicr t cx~cz .tea h..ii t;<e g@se tr ht~d the ~:i-era .,~ati r-ne~.x~•: rh~rr,i.
<br />atut 8mro+a+cr shad promptip lztrnab t. i ia1-scr ail ;trerw ai aea.i e, .::.a s: =cusfax .,i non! pfrnuum, to the e.rnt ,,: 1.>as.
<br />Itstrawar ''ties': gr,•Ee ptxuttpt Rnt#cY t:t tot ntaursar,.r _.rrrirt .ttW t errdc~ ! r:ittt'r nrx, :naic pr: n,t ,:i Ittvs ,! ::. ± ~E;ade pt, rneptiY
<br />ray Berm+rcr.
<br />tta3klc Ltasics -BC4tpvtvet tttaet~=.bz agcn::e. +re;a7~. sas.aca.+.~c ~:;:,ce'cis n'tnati be ai=F#ttd t. rrst~aratiun .,r repair :+,
<br />iht ITtoperty daatatttd, paszvsdtd xuit: rcxtr>rata.rn , : r..-gau - t~_.r.iznxail*~ icavtxtr :erzd 1Fzs security ,•t this `.iartgage ~-
<br />atot ittY itnpaaxA. It sash resNrataare >H :cfrarr :~ t~*t c~anaxnt. skis t,:as:#itr ='•_ ;t the securttF .,t th;s Nortgafte ,could
<br />fX ttt~ttred, tbt rttlWrtteK'C prazcctds r2isiE Est xi.pe:FU t.. she , w +.r...reu i,r !..,, 'Slr,rtgatc. i,th the esctss. it n}. paid
<br />tti $prt4tYlt t! iliC pR+ptrt4 s ,et4Y3kleatcal 4: issarawe:.:-_ .~ fk+rr.,.wer i.t:Ss to reY;x>rtd ?n t ender wtttutt iii staYS tr(srt the
<br />date aotict :a matted t`4~ l.eas#et tc tit'trr<,sver a*;at the zstsuraa$r..arnrr ...rfe-r-a ,r~ v_u!c u ..'erne tore ansutancc =',earhts. E.end~er
<br />is stiL6d til criitCt -tad apply itK i-swr~rs~c- eck:rtsta 3. t rn rr ± ~;ptts+n crttur ..- r+3z.rrauvn v: rrgatt :,t ttrc Frapcrt}.
<br />iN Ell lift t.Wa5 accu[itet bi ahts Atltrlgage-
<br />linltas Lemftr and Bcirnswer trttzrtws,x sgrrt •.:. s.rnsrtg, ar:: s.,si, appr=.. ,.. ~t;c>Leeds to prmrtpai ,f;all naR extend
<br />eye peMptine tltt deac dart ,.,t ttx n><-ntrin ansaaSimrn:.:etrrred :.. =.r ;,aragraptz>?R .,,r~i_ it>_~ee~if .,r ~harsge t=te ::nwutu t:i
<br />arzC3t imYa#hrscati- If under Rraph !h htrexit fix ~sptrtt ,. =;~u,ruti tis LeuJcr, nit €ight, tale atni interest ni Borrowtr
<br />to 4ad to nap satsttratt..e psitt~xa stxl z.z asw t= tt;s- i;; a-*:.eeds ;;tc: ct.t !c xa;sin5 ir:an.: ,z,rstvagr i:; rttc Pr. }srrtg Frinr t:+ rte sal*;
<br />m` uwi~ aYna# Fir tc* Ltias3et t., t~ reteet rf ttx >xi;:as >ecur~i fls tfi[> 's#e,rtgage ?tttmtsdtatety prraz =~,, sac'ta nail nr
<br />~~
<br />14. !'narrsafina std ~;alisewers f+f Ninmpstty; lit (-sssdarailliuaast 5'tattuxed l'aii l)tvtdap~ellts, [iztrrz>t+-rr-
<br />s,ttaH keep the Nrapttl; is gad repeat acid strati txx ccxrtmtt °~s ast>r :~r ;~smn ~m#utrmtnt a*r datriorattcrn ni the PropttYp
<br />and stroll csxrspli' want t~ ptavevrtaxs :it any Erase ri iftr> Ai4atgr~c .> r>n ,r u~;t~tuiid. i? :«+> >lurtgage is can a auto rn a
<br />c ssr a ptAnnt*i unat tievpi~rtns.-a;. ticvt rc-ys.ez vF:sii ;t. --..r:u ~;! «f Barn•+acrt axk>itgakrunA a.ittfC!` ti;e uc's;ixiintta.n
<br />-. :'~"S t s>s; .--- gi.s><=-=xng tom: „~zn„.re:ns:rtt r s-!a.-~rn.d r~;t r.,pr.s~:r4. he hy-tasr,z ,r3 rKe tai.-::s at toe
<br />`~ <e pama~ro unit-dnetopment. .rid s~r:st,ttarrtE ~.;t'sc: r€mettta. mot` a ;:.ar=.icrmtnrtrnt «r f,taanrd~stn,st ;!c:r; i,4pzveut
<br />r:dac i.:eaHSxaf?rti its-Ikrtttiv~a art:.i re~.ear:ltci ttit#ier „~rtli <StiS 4tr€tagz. r<he r:x:venants ard -agreruirnt5 c+. ....h r:dtr
<br />stpll !rs t;awrptaratcit taro eclat stroll arastnd areci =utment it;•r .:i cstaraiv una xtaerrncnts <;( tats 41urtKalye x, rt roc ri;ter
<br />*s+aec a part t~soL
<br />7- ~-!Yf labs ~. !? tu,rr€>r (zsas ac: f~rS:.~m ttY -~:rveuastix :,rs; ::gr-~tstur;.s-. t+t.aautect rn this
<br />, cr if aa+y actmn as fira±.irt3k r.:.:emtn:~ue-ed ~.+n;co uvaaetraii}~ st{retr, i a:nt~ra antrr~~t fu the property.
<br />btla niil Isnaestd W, @~rirKi2i tL3t3nstn i-~txi,era :}. ;. txlc r-. fcxsx,err}fin r 3; rangcments c=r Fra-rrpstruYl et v[a3ti+ng 3
<br />ar tiattedatt#, tttml l~td€e+' as Le-atier .--ptx,n" tf~rr rt+xrvt s,~ Izsitnvuei aas ~.:atc stfch :zfs~easan~,+ sirsbursr +tt:~#t
<br />vveAS sad t>~e arcaxxi as zs nr~ssasrg ts~ pt~te4t la~a?i~`t- ,*tcretC r.~. etadtt>g. ±*ut •ist F.nsetei t_=>: r'~sbur~sn*€.ni ..
<br />rs~ st~xt€ys tvCS oral er,ity ~ttrEtrs iFie t':~ipertu t;s zua}.e ;,risrv (t l.s--n+ter scµxnr.,3 7*.rairt
<br />stal;r sn-urarta:e as a
<br />~'aNt pt a~aag th4 F+ttn .ae>t'.strte! !,t ztta itlurtgalft, Heriisrtix: et .irafi r>;iy flit i=rerrt+uttis t+~<t rcit S.x rnati coal. su€i!
<br />+te5t~tsaesta in t~iset wntil `.a43x titer as tip rvi{r;arcttttat fur Stich anntiraars:e t-~rrrt:eaaac~v ass ai.cnrda:'+cs; t%nh Be,rn,v.~tr's uxisl
<br />