<br />f t) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder
<br />arith funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Noosing and Etrban Ikvelapment pursuant to the
<br />Natitxnai Housing Act, as arrtended. and applicable Regulations therrtmder; or
<br />{ft) if and so tong as said Hate of even Aate and this irtstrurtxtrt are held by the Secretary of Houshtg and
<br />Urban l7evetaprtTertt, a monthly charge I ire tfezr nj a monde innsrance Irremtum,t which shall be irran
<br />arnaunt er}ua1 to arse-twelfth f l!t^<) of ate-half (1(?) per centum of tht average outstanding balaace
<br />dire on the Harr computed witttr}u[ [3icing into acctwttt delinquencies or prepayment,;
<br />{b) ,t1 stem equal to the ground rents, tf any+ next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on
<br />poUeies ut tier artd other ftatard insurait~. ctrrering the anarigagod ptapertp, plus taxes and assessrtrertts next due-
<br />on the martgpgrd property /atf as r•stimaterf by eke dfrrtgage~e) less all sarrrs already {laid therefor dsvided by the
<br />numbs[ of months to elapse before one mtstnh prior [v rhr date when su;h ground rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />assessments will txcurtxe drtiriyuent, such sums to be held by Marteagee in trust to pay card ground rrnt3: pre-
<br />mtxuits: taxes and special assesarnenas; and
<br />(cj All payments ttseneianz^d sn rhr two preceding sutrsrctsan+ of dtis paragraph and all payrttenis to be made under
<br />the Hate, secured hereby <hatl he addzd tn~ther, seed [hz aggregate amount Thereot s!tatl be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />cash month in a single payment ro he appl~d bt the Mortgage[ :. the following [toms in tttr ardzr set Earth:
<br />t}) prc~xum :barges untie[ thz 4nntnset „finsurarscr wrth [h<a `;ecteta~ rat Housing and urban l;evrlopment,
<br />tit ttxinthfy .:barge (i» ha'ar rrt »a~r;katte nasutttnce 1>rrrr»uem). as =,hz cave may err:
<br />iltj grrrund [zirts, taxis, asstssrntrts, itrr arrcl +uher lraaatd fnsurancr laremtums:
<br />iHlb !nterrst ;?rt the taste secured i+crrby-and
<br />f l~ i am!mtcanon •_.t the prsixxpas of said note
<br />any drticrcncy in the amount .,f any such aelttegatc ::rurthiy {,avmtttz ..>.halt, unltsx trade garird bV the Matt-
<br />ga{tor prior tss the dtrz date ;sf the nett +ur : {•-svnx!,t „mertn;te an ct'tnt :, 3rtauii !sndtr th>_c murtgagc_ The
<br />Mortgagor may caller? a "fate chug" ntit ui cSCCrz; t....± tzni=. t'igt live ~acl. dollar z S l t rd <ach parrorrzt more
<br />than fifteen t 1St does to azeas us rater the extra rxnen~.• tni•.EveG in handling dzhnqucm payments. -
<br />that tf der rotor at r}te pavets!nt+ mad[ to the N+rrteas[nr under ' ; r+i );aragraph '~ prr=rr=!linp shall rxceterf
<br />tft« aatsastnt nC pxarvsa>ltt~ ucrualta road[ h} rhr \lnrttta{ter for _=ratrnd rtmW. rate=r and a~.r~:.mavsts nr in~uraner gre-
<br />mitur:. a.: ihr c.s~e mss tar. a}Yet exۥe~lt. if the- learn t..vrrcm..tr the opttan of zhe -fartf{agar, [:hall he reedited F~
<br />rhr tbrtpp~te an -ttb>,i•eryrnt pattnrnt~ is, tn~ road[ to the 'rlrrrts,a{~trr, r+r rrfundrNt to rhr ykrnpatrar. If. tzotitrvrr. rhr
<br />rnaxtthly paytnrntz made t,s the ittxtga{{sx under - ,,f parrgraph .' :xric°dmc ~.6zt11 rx>r lie .uffirieYtr ra puc krsxrad
<br />t>tmmt_ taxer asef ,Lr>~nSnfFpck ur snKuraner prrrntum=. i- rhr ca:.e• mat sr. =c-hen rhr -,tme -MaH hernmr due and pxv-
<br />able- titer der ltortArxgrar ~htdt pay to the= L#xtt~~rri° out tmxunt nrcr=-rte. ter ma}t= !sp 11n~ de-firirrtcE', net t1€ hrftue
<br />the [loll[ xvhret paystrstt nl -+uch ~rrxurxd rsnt+~. tax[-. a~-rR;$rrrxmt- ,.r rn>,.tranct• pr+*mYUm~~ -hall tn= dw°. If at any
<br />firer the 14nrtt[aaar -halt ermfrr to rhr linitgagrr•. ,n :rrautdzrnx°rr Ktrh the pro v,~rttn- of rhr ,rote -error+^t! hernby,
<br />Enll pavtnesrr6 of the entire inrk•Mtdnr~~ n•um-rntrd tltrmtr5, rhr• yksnp;fpr.• .ha!t.:n tamputtn>_ the stmaunt of wch
<br />indrhectithex>Y, c7e'efit zrr the .uccwrxt of ttrt Nartgaavr ,d! lr„y:na~ist m :~n.iCe the l~ru. t~rrrzt~ of + : erf ptraKtalrh _'
<br />havcv~f which ttlr Nurt{i+r bar nut 4rt=corecr .,ufiasLLrw a, pati to rhr ~!•trrtan- „f flrtu~ing s+na trh,-tta 1}r:ekr(rnsenxt
<br />and ant Galaner rrmainintE in tt•-• fumi- .s! rumul;ru•,i unJrr rhr irnrs,-tones of .,( paraliraptt ` hrr!Krf. ff th!,r'N
<br />'3ttail Etr a default under ant ,tf zh!• pru.,~;rrn- ,rf rhr• .xn,rtz3:t~.. -,.-airless ,rr a obit[ -air erf the pmmt-r= u ns!vr^tt
<br />tir7'tx131'. tx# if tftr rtR~k!`+• .ir'r{ttirN~ rhr {nsrrrs+.s .+tir!.r.+;-r. _Its•, ;,e~t.au:.. ft!~ jtr•rte•:i;r,. -.3, ylE ;¢ppl}, ,!r €ftr tiro[ ,!f
<br />dt!' !'rxihpti?Itt:reas!ttl .rf wr'h pins rY•dine^, .rf 31 the lrmr• the {HY!trrrYl „rh!•rtt r-«~ a+i{atrr!t. th!' t!a t.lri!'r then Frm aln'
<br />sAt;; in rhr fundY .xrs~uaur3au•!i <xnrtrr '. !rI ;raru¢ra{.rn ~ ;+n•,-ani;ns;, .s-..c . a-rfi z ...ttazn-; ::+ ~ ::m~unz us pnnripat then
<br />r~arunia{t unpaid suedri -aicl rtexfa•.:tnrf -,FSrii pn:pest, aJlu-t :n, ;,:,xr.+.-nt- =+ixerh -hai+ {i;rte been mad[ under:,.-
<br />af paragraph ~,
<br />2. TlYet ?hr lt,.rlgrr<=:r .-t<? y;:i er!,ran.3 - -r.t, €: tem. ..,., r-.t-- .,.err- ,.=c - ,x, ,-~!xr: :. - :,r!nrniai - . •n!!nra:tp:!i
<br />r.twrgrs, firs,. ,x entY+.? When,. `,>! utirtt, ;r,:.!-v,~ ca•' -tote: =s<:an herr:flr - ~!:+i ,n +:c!s..r; Cher C,.~t tnr yI UrtKCF,~ty rnuy
<br />pat zhe same- arr,i that rhr }dau [x.,kot ., dl^-r,-rnpttY .ie<tetr [ice ,>th~s rs r., er;,ta ?i:ere(.,: !:, ihr 'dc.Tt4:,3dra-
<br />` i-#xr '+#tiri~,gcsr -»sr. , ..;. ... -, isr..:t -tU': t~ ,': sru.'. err..-r; `. ry i#sn ,~.-,~cr .;tr€•:t>l a^ -<.. _,ta a art:# !;rnr,>'+;:
<br />!rte er., .xnJ uhtCh av,,y ,c 7e=red :+{'.-a •ri» .+at t>«n{,>; ,•r±nr ca~i x:. Wr+l hrrrh> -+~rt .*nih '~, rot t,ir: -h.,. -„leis h nut psuhshn-
<br />ei fix law uud „niY i„ !ne ; .lent tout vats .adf ~e,t ,riai e rhx: !,;.rs:.:=!<rrr=u.r. -gut r,clvuling ny ere. rtre r, >r,rte ar hederat.
<br />rmpoud on '*ltxtg:;gcc. .,riu •~,a tttt the ,rffty til! re.rpt ,t, .H;ng,sect, p=,.?,r nt !+rrh the lt•rt gysee r~,r, -=lt,i,rtkzn s+i t^,iF un,Fei-
<br />iakt6tt, Ur It Itrt '6tA!r{(t~r~arf ~. {>l+.ntt,n8'u ht ,,iii 3K Ra- .r t•'cr,`r,ii ter i'r!~ti Ei~ i!,,:it j~41 n{; tl5r ,i t1c+fG ,'+r .: i44 l~ rr[ki: fi err [ne", at.ire''
<br />satJ rate,. ur upon tttc rer,Jrnntt :,( ;net .avert dr.[cr {::~„hiinnng tree ;+.+~. ,ncnt ?~ ,rt• ~tuttg;,uc.t , =uth t.rs.::t ,t ,uth iai:
<br />+» Jtcrer pr,-rW3t., char any .irtt.nsnt ar trxtJ iiy tier Lturt!a shah be :.tcdtic;i+=..rr :he r=t,:*.-t~.gr. ,sth~r~, tier 41,,,,g„Kett +#a€:l? h.[te
<br />rtM ±i~1it tL? rove 'HIRYIt ,fit `~ aF!nCn :'laQter r., rhr JN nit •,t [hF =t` .rt~;agt>3 ('remteC~- rCHaiFl775 the rwy merit a+f The ~iif tgig€
<br />efct+t 41 ,ugh [setae hr gtsta. [h€ ~tJ Behr ,ssat} be.a,r~c a:ur. =.v ~ „r« enJ ~ =tvu!+k r,t rrre ra{xrars!tn cf ,utd n!ne[}~ art,
<br />h that .haukf Ae fad to gay any ,um sw keep ;+ny c,,.-rn::-,i Fuc:atdrd for sn tisis 3#rxtg:r#;e. nc~n t#re 4#rntgager. _rs us up-
<br />twn, may tk4y +x per fount the vme- and :.1', <tpcndtturr~ •. rnsJt -_h~i; ±+e -~dJr+1 to ;hc trrrz~~aptez ,;t nt :;kuai ,>r. true .+ihis!r nuce.
<br />,hart br srcuird heretss. and shall tear snterr,a at tttr t;atc ,ct ttrrtts fn t'xe wiA Here. until paid-
<br />" tlrrt ter }xrrrt+..:+.:>tan~, tr,r n.frr~ rnu =ets <:ses r.. the .~t«rttu{~ee. [.+ t••e ..,^-phtil t,+,; arJ tt:r ,^-..:.tYCnt r=t !4s~ n,3te art!i .,li
<br />sums ,ei tueJ titrrhy u, ass .,t .. dt?aut! en [he pct iar.nnnir of zny .•f t!h turn= auu ,~aJrtu==ns n[ fore '.#c.rt_t;;y;r v:r rhr ,aril
<br />[reef[. art tbt rent,...=r,crtur, .ant :iri.,nte an P+e v+ertied +r,:=nr the tnoirgagr~a prenu5e, Jurneg ,ugh tier+e a, !hr rrte.rtttrgc rrtJxhtcd
<br />~,~s(f romaxn unputJ. anJ the ~Rinrtgagtt ~h.~i. ha.e p.>wtr to eippwnt .,u± sgcr[ or agznt. rt rzsay Jr,ue f+,r the purp=„c .,f
<br />ropatrtsy sold prravors slot exf rrnurstt rite ,dmr .usJ r„Itrchrt¢ tilt =rots. reirnut, ,,nxi rn~r,anc..rnv ;t m,} ; ny .+ut ni said rn~
<br />ttxrrres aW r:tpense+ .st reparrtrtg .a!d prtnxrsts atsd rs~;t.sary c!;mmtssta:n. ,,sui a xprnses u!currcd an rerrttltg erns nian:rgtng ziu
<br />saxtt sell .rt eaxt{rcttttg rrnta:< ttterrfram; tfx tmlarfcr remarning. rt -:tn;. tr, twc appiir;: z=+w aril the Jixhar{ie +,f ,:+id rn.=tzµ:rgr
<br />radttxifednesa.
<br />rL Thsct be ir.Tffi kelp the rmpra.emeats rrira rxxstirtg e.!r hereafter rrcetrJ on the sn.rrty:ya_cJ pr.rprttr. tnsusrJ :+, mat. t*r
<br />rcqusttd fr,im umr te, tsrnr t+y the s4ertgagte agasnst lass t*s nrr anJ-esttset hazard,. ~3-,uuinzt .>rni tnetmxenara rn suah
<br />nmuu®isand firs stu:h prrirrtitr-as Wray br rraiuired ts!' tPtt 4tortgagee sent ~iil pzt3 r*rr;rnptty. +,hro Jue. ,uci ;atrnYSUmt +,n u;ah
<br />ttsstvaRCC tauwitwift flat {raYaurpt isf wlrit'h leas sts~r been rn~k tterestthzture :U! tnsurancr shaiE hr +.ntrrcu ;ra _r=aYp.sott+ .,. `
<br />pts3t~i ta.~ rhr 4l~r~ngtc ars>1 ttae pylrcxc:- :~trtf ictt~uats therc!!f abort ere he!d hs the MtrrTgagtr •szxJ ha,r uttaititd thrsrtr, t.,„
<br />paYat+.k Chtusrs-rn fa+'aar (rf and rn far sr scixptsbk to €Fre ~lmi};ttgze_ !a c~eni !sf I,aaa ttcn!}:ugur a lit gtae rru:nedratc trszrcr--~•
<br />~ ~e. x#At tgav make ~ trt loss if [veal marl[ pre?mpitp by ~lnr#ttar'. oral tuck tasur;xitse .+;+. pans . e,a
<br />coast is htteiyF su(hr>Fttzed and directetd t;: make pay rnrnt fret sorb toes dur~#ty to the tt!{rt~ts~er tnatzad of ru the Nerrrgag!v
<br />3rui itxo 'visstr faintly. and rhr rn9LranCC grin etas. .,s soy part itrcreu,', ntay t9e applied ht ttx Stangdgea' .rt rev ,:,a tUra rrthrr
<br />ur rhr rrtheetioa trt tlxe iedrtrtrdtt~s lreteby aeetried at lathe restxx;stiaa to repair siC ihr ptti}srrr} d;+zn,tgrd. to r<acztt av i~,rr.1~~
<br />suers ~hA13 ~~ aiher iranatst ref 4itk ear fix martcd property in rkfiragus_itrmrnt i,r rfte .ndea~ttrGTC., scaustd hctetrs.
<br />all ri{iht. #dfr attd iattrett erf tftr iitxtt,;t is and ttr,tn} itisurunsse poltiaoc then in fraree stta4l l»,3 t. ztxr quzets,.3r+ .,r gtaanc+v
<br />4- Tlwt at addititrttal ;srsd irrt#atcrad ;zturtr} ttx eta pax nesnt ¢f the Hutt Jr,trtceJ. ,and ;4!1 ,{,s;:z tr= tx•.:.•+Trr due r;nJtr !firs
<br />!t~rtgatpe, rfae atcnt~gaas hereby ~:rxgns to rhr ktiwtga~tcr, ah prsrfsts. revennG _ r,ya7ttts. rsglita ,uJ k+cncfi#s ~!,:uusng ua tha-
<br />'rEiKt~gax :[rick[ atst arr+i alt <ril attd gas ;rase'; tin stud ptrntivrs, xrtts rhr right t,+ ttaeitc ,uau rttript test tfre ;anac arsd >{spl:
<br />theta #cr said erTdskxtedttrst as x~rf1 t+cfarr as ;otter default rn the t'±ttdtUi!rss,if tisiz rt!irtlrua~t ,}ou =.;rz 4t*rtg.igce Trsay +lrsnaati_. ,.re
<br />rear and t~'ustr ;rny srx'h rwt~m~niy >b he~tdue otMf {mt~wi±lr, l+ut :broil Hat tae rryutred w t ,i,• thi.+.,txigizsasent !s t!, ternstnxte
<br />.!r!d tttt~c stuff-duet trtisd opal=u rttarac :,{ t tot rn+ertgiige.
<br />
<br />