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<br />This form is used in cantxer- <br />F1 flan with rnortgaiCes insured <br />$1~ (1030~~ MQRTGACiE under the one- to four-family <br />provisiana of the Natiarra! <br />Hausirtg Art. <br />TNiS ~QRTGAGE, and executedthis ISth dayaf Jtme ;A©, <br />t4 BI .by andhetween Steve Irxrin and ,Teri Ii~,?3ttr Hnabatxd artd-Wife <br />of the minty of Ha7.1 .and State af.Nehratlta, par[y-cif the first ttarr. httr-itht~er i~tled'. <br />?he hfonga~x. ttnd 5txpexiar lNOrtgsge r ins. <br />a corms-atian organised artd existing under z he laws a[ Atebrsska <br />i~Y d-the cecortd peat, hereinafter catttd xlwe Mor[gagee, <br />WfTNES$F,TH: That ttte Mortgagtx, for and in carilidera?inn crf ?he sum of 'TYtirty' six tttausastd eig21'C <br />htxrtdted fifty and Ala/100ths-----------__----- fkHlartri 36,850.00 t.patcilsythtMart- <br />gagae, the receipt of which it lurehk° acknowledged, has C;ranted and 1rrld and by [hest presents does Grant; Bar- <br />itain, Sttf. Cattvey and Ccrrthrm unu+ the ~forx its surcexsarc and assittrts, farr4er, the fnltawing-deseri~d <br />real eaiaft, atuatrd in the CoteneY ctf Hall .and *sxaxe <br />of Nthtraska. ro wit: <br />T,t#: Twenty Orxe {21)« piper's Glen Subdivision, being a Subdivision of <br />Lots Eight {8Z and Mina {9;, ;~trren Stxbdivisian, in the City of <br />Grand islaxtd, ifaSl County, Nebraska. <br />Oaf the Sixrh f*nrx%aa£ Rtrrafian. _net~sinx rn ~~1 <br />ttnmt survty <br />..c:es a~•cort#usg tr: Cios~rrn- <br />TCy t#,i4`E A`iU Tt3 flt)I_it site psrnna€a ~[ae,e nit5a nhti!. xrth su ;hc ~., ur:rn:xrr:c: rtrrrrunty t*et.anrzttr~ :trill rnstiadiny <br />:ill Fttatrsg, plnmtnng atxi iightiteg.4iatttrt, trot eyatpmtnt sx~.. s€ tteiraf:r; ,isu:.z~u r,:=s :,,rd ra;.t;onsaz~=ar w r?h ~atsi teal e.+tutt <br />untozhe Siartgagec.:entt znvts,uc::e.++a€,::nd -,'srrccrr ~2':r til,rrEEag.,r rr,rr,c:it. r:;...srd;viersntsz+~Lrfh. the Ott}rtgt- <br />igst, that zhe Martgagsrr tray ittxxt rrght z ttiaM1 rrnrc, •-a:ct p€rmr,c,. ;ittct !ttrs .s€r !rcr Crrtni en~u;rh€t:nce..:,nd !haz for <br />!t4attg>lgtx asst! warrant and deftrxl tht tamr ~gatnsz eht aw(ut =izant• „! ft P.t.,urs, g h,,,n..+e.c**: ;zttd sty -utd #4~t~at5 a€ here- <br />try reljnyuishet ,~I! rtghta of h[amesreasi< and alt tnar?tai rtxht=__ rrthtr <e %mx +,r rn seas?} _ .rrrtt sit a?1Mr ~antingent intertst<.:C the <br />tlttrtgagtrx m atidla tlxe atxtse.u5cribeat prtmr,t~. tAt tnstntu>r* txute zr+ zranvty ittrch, .trs ni.xdutt alit, ire tee .tmpk. cncfud- <br />ityZ art rights te( #IaASCatttltt, xcWtt+thtt €st#ht~.ttttt r'tterre75 ~- ato!rsaw3 <br />}iRtkb'1C}E1} AI.lYAYS. eta! tttox pre,ent, .;rc ranv sste.i aeri .irittctetf sap:°n lht tot3.>M tna ~~.or#ttn~ns, to w IC: <br />Tht tga~cx ttgtets to pay taf ihr 4taritt, rtr .,rdtr, tts€ prtnet, of ~:t;€t v£ Thirty six thausand eight hundred <br />fifty attd A:alIOQLhs-----^--'°----- {A,4;ar*re3ti,850.t30 <br />with mxtresi fratn date at the rate uk Fifteen and 7tie-half err *rttwta ( 15.54 '?) annum ran <br />rho uttpaat tadaatt ut~paid. The s3td p~rrrtcip'ai and iattrrsz :haft ter esa;ai,k ,~t thr r>Plrer .ef <br />Superior Alortgage, inc, <br />to Grates BSI~ , Ne;~38iea _ ,ustexzttiet piacr ss the tur£dtr++C <br />the surte may dtsignale to +rttiag. to nwnthfy roster nts^nt+ rrt Four. :undyed eighty and 7i/t-OOths-------- <br />~_.._ Ekrd{;trs ii y~,0. 71 , iht £ir+t cins ,> <br />A~~t -~__.~-__~-.._,.__ r,~ 81, ::rht.rn the ;u-: c1a} .+t :~. t; m.;rNt; ihtrr~(trr untrr tine pt nt::rpat :rrar} rn- <br />itxoxf are fall} t.xctpt that zhr ittt;u ,?a)tnom of pnrnzpxi gnu sntertat, tf n.r; ~~=rurrtr Paul. vhr7! i,e sue ~. act <br />payable un the flxst slay- of July 2012 xH -ti~~rcrJing i+, tine tct m, v£ , _er tacsr purrrcr <br />st»y nuts caf earn dart herertth tzctutcs£ by the :,:red lgrarrq~sar <br />tlx llr«rtgttgur in ardor matt fatty zo prefer zht ,ccurity a£ €M, S1urt?tage, ,:g.ce• <br />1- ~flfat be rritl uty ?he tndebttAitCSp, .,s htatxttt+etnrt ztt.rviyitai, tSt>. tttge e, 1'tStT ti'•rt£ to t+~}' the dtht tit ~xirrrie, :+r in ire <br />aun.'egM cyg81 tg tme_rrt mare aauaih#y fraymcnts :en ttrr psrnctp.rf thxr <vt :er=t due ~rn ttte nule_ :.n thr strv .i;r, .,t am am=nih <br />prior to rrutiertiy. E'#st:. hs~res~er, That ,srrttea nttte:t art art taitntu_ut to cae€tt+t .u.n Prat t£tge s. xt~rn a[ tru:,t zhrrz4 e ;€at <br />days prix ur psQfrarmtttt. <br />'-, Tfk~, zstgetttu kith, sell is addiinxt ta. ;ht nwnthfY ptkrnsnts of trrtttuPdi sad tateteei payc~ltt 3tnlrt the irrtnz o[ itse <br />tW#t a4+.'uted ftOtt€bry, tltc:'?icxt~,+ar wilt ~y b, the ~itrr?,{Gtare. rrn t!K fast day s£ czatitt az~,nth tetUt the. aitE~ ntszt t ; trd'} psaU, iha <br />Ea#k+wirtg +oatx, <br />Ez) ltitttxtett stri'fk~trt to {attrside ttLe hudcttr t~€aFai vrtt3t iuttds tv lxsy the sipxt +~«xt~aar tnsutan,<r Pre€earufzr t. rtu, <br />attstrut€~sx- lard tda tec:4o t~:rtd -#etaht aro iwwtsxic ai a mcmttds ~~t;t€s3t rrr trer+ ,t€ s mvtrgv{~a• :x8atrart-s ; ~t-- <br />+ntttunl tf tdatry +prt hrtdd by the 5t~ntary =,i tltttaantg sell 1 }roar[ fSerttapmtnt, as £:altaw-s. <br />it1 ff sr,![sr~ as sxeitf mat rf even date awl thrs tratcatnt a~ zn~s~l ,s ~,e ==rr-8utr« :aet~zr r:+c t•r.- <br />Yirkasx rsf aho APa?iuettt{ Fhx+tutg, rtct, an garttrunt suf~ICittit t.t ,xc.saZttaiiie u`r r}re h.artef:t c;t the nrd.,e~r +++x~ <br />~+awr, r~ td,ey-2 i4~lrt y,Prrxt.. 'x'gttt ba u€eat :rnr+s tutspty .• q?t+rasr,utP '+T.l'f F, 1 ti' ti F: Fifi:~'~''~fi..l <br />r«cet>SaslaSRa rP Pee <br />