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r <br />81--t)0309? <br />Leaders written agrecmmt or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of a!I mortgage insurance prcmiurm in the <br />manner provided tinder paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbtused by Linder pursuant to thia paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />ittdcbtettrt~s of Borrower seeutcd by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agrce to other terms of payment, such <br />amoanta shaft be payable upon notice fran Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shaft bear interest frtrm the <br />dam of disbursdnent at the me payable from time io time on cxrtstandbrg principal untter the Note carless paymea! of <br />interest at atxh rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such anmunts shalt lftnr interest at the higher rate <br />pttttnim'tde tinder applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shalt require Lentkr to itlcur any expense or take <br />arty action hereunder. <br />li. ~aFaeAlea. Ltmdtr tiny make ar cause to be mach reaswtaAle entries-upon aced ittspectiorts of the Property, provited <br />that f,enckr shall give Borrower native prior to any such tmpestion specifying reasastabk sense therefor related to t_encletas <br />intertni in the ProPertp. <br />4. Cwietwsafiaw. The proceeds of any award or claim far damages. direct ar eonsagtuntial, in rimneedon with any <br />conatmnation or other taking of the Property, or part thermf. or for conveyance in lieu of amdemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and aheli Fle paid ro Lander. <br />fn the event of a rata! taking of ttre Property, the practxds sfiall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the ezces, if any. paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Ixnder <br />ottrcrwnx ague in wriung, there shad he apphtd to nc~ yams secured to this MtuYgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that praparlion which the amcxmt of tfic sums severed try this Mortgage immedtatety prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair mar9cet value of the Prnpern tmrnediateiy poor to the dare of taking, with the balance of the proearcds <br />paid se Borrower. <br />tf the lsrttperty is ahattdotted by Bctnnwcr. ar if, after naive by I ender ro Bormsves elt:t tfie condemnor often to make <br />an award ar settle a claim far damages. Borrower faits ra rspand r_i Lender within 36 days after the date stsctt notice is <br />maiia>d. Letfdrr is authorirrd to collet and apply the prncetds. at Lender's option. either [o restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums stcurrd by this Mortgage <br />Unless t.ertder and Brtrrr+wcr athrrst•ise agree ir. Mriting, ant such apphcatttan of proceeds to principal shaft era axtetwd <br />ar pcxrpone rtes: due dare r,f rtes mantfily ntseailmrnts rcfrtnd to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof ar change the amount of <br />+tsctf ettstaitmenis. <br />fi. liaetaster'.Wt Reteaaed. Fssrnsian of tits rims far payment er mcxtifkar><xt at amcsrti2afiaf a# itte stuns secured <br />tfy this Mangage granted by t ender t., env srucess.+r ~n interest ,,. finrrawer shall not operate to ukase. in any mantttx, <br />rtes iiattitsty of tt~ cviginai Batr:+w~tr acrd 13arrrnsrr's srtcs'esat=r. an intcrtst lender shall rte itc rtquved to cammenee <br />prracerdin~ against such succrssar rtr roux h, ecttnd trine f:sr payment t.r otfierwi5e modify atnartintian of the stmn <br />stitured by this Mortgage by rcasrm e,f am dement! made h. the r+riytnai &arnxver and Horcrwers strcctsors in mterpt. <br />if. FatWrasa: ~ i~sha blot a Wai.er_ fns f.trhrarance M° i coder is csrrcnmg arty right or remedy hetrotmdtt. or <br />~>ilttrMisc attrtrded !w appticahk fear: shall oat hr a warner n( „r ~rtciudc tfir rsrrcist of any such right or rettrtdy. <br />Tttr prsswetrtent at lnstnatsce or the pavrrltnt «f tase5 ;•r :~tttrr urns <,r charges t+v Lrrtdtr :hail oat !x a wolves of tender's <br />right: to aecett"ta!! titelasraritl'of fix ittdehtrdruss cccurrd by ehta `rtartgagr <br />t4. ~Cewe~es~`'"awl: Afl remetirc< r`r.•.,drd .^ rhos '.tcxzgagc are .trst,nit and cum^iatiae to any other right or <br />remedy under this Mortgage t,r aN.::xtted f+v tau ,~. rvu:ts and may t+r Pxrrr+srd c:•n<artrntty indeprndenth or succesaivtly. <br />f3. Saetrswaes >se/ Atripes lars+k }otwt trod 5esrrrt l1aAtMr.; f ate. tTtr covenants acrd agrremt:nts herein <br />contatrt~f ahatt frittrt. and rtes rights iur¢un~i shat? :near t+, tCx r°s+,frveryc scs~4csy,:rs ar# a stuns of tender acrd Borrower_ <br />suifject to the pravssrars at par atttaph '" htrta?t 4[! .,,;vcnartts asi;t agrremrnrs of Ha,*r,,wcr chair he ietnt acrd srserai. <br />Tile captr,rts awd tteasLttgx etc tftr paragraph. :wt €hts ~tcsrtgaxr are '~+r :.,men.encc< :rod arc rn'ti to rte used- is <br />,ntrrpm cv t~fttte the t>rnriinns tttrc<tf <br />id. !VNitt. FxccyN far tRy ~tsce rrctutrid nodes app!i<•at+ir ia-~ t.' be ar><rn r;? stx,ther manner, far any nalre to <br />BMr•t'tsvtr provided far to this Mort;age shs}S !x eruct; t+r ntattinlr acx;tt €x-~tct t+v :~rtrfttd maei at~rrssed to H.Nrtnwtr at <br />ttfe Ptx+persy AdtUsss a xt sstc#t :uficr address as Hrarn+wrr w;av dtc:gr<-au hs ,?ixs,r :.+ f rncier as Rrovided herein. and <br />fret soy rtnttst to Lrrtcter sitatt iae g~yen by crrtrftesi ;va,i- rctt:rn rst-crt=t rrgttestad- :r t radrr'+ address atstrd tretein ar to <br />satc#t stihcr atidtrss as t_rttder maa designate },+ raNtcc e.= 6.,;r., as prov-sdrd t+rres^ Any norn-t pnrvidcd frx in this <br />Martgagr shall t>e titemrd tat hour }xert gts-ro trs Harr+„stir ,~r ! tmtrr ~-tern g.s-rn tr. rhr manner designated tscrcin- <br />fi, L'ttiroew Moetsage: C;ovrrttittg i.a«; fir«eraA~ts. Th,. i:,rm. ,:- mongage c,~mhirxs umfzrttn , x,vtn:nts for national <br />tsar and neat .xn~€tttrt a-=-=+rtstxtrx titiith litres:r? -aeaat;:-ns .s s-..> - _„-.,.., .,era^,>rr a urs:f xr+n spur:h• iastrtemenr ctwtring <br />real prttpcrty Tests ltartgag+e cFaii t~ g„vcrr~rd h: ,±x 3..+ ,£ •hr~.:ns.#IC S,r=r, ~a s.hw:h *he Prr>prrn~ r+ iecated_ (n the <br />evert that any prsrvtstan ar ciatssr :tt 'his Mtutgaxr .•: e'+c `+:•,r ,:,nRt.:, -=,:h a}±t?#u:ahk law. ,rch terrtfliet .ha!} nzM affect <br />tuhs,r prr!vrsicats of thee Mortgage ==r efts dc,ar .ch,;:h ,a ~ hr g.. en rdc;; -:rth.,t.t t!srr:=nittettng Provision. acrd to thh <br />end ttre praa~.v,~rsfa.~m.~ 'tit the Mnrtgagr aced ti+c~ i.-de err .<.:land t.~ '+e ,es^erattir <br />flu >rw~Ywgs Caps. Barts?wcr .trait t=r furnr€}xd , ,.,net+rrncd .apr~ ~~t tier \c,tr artist of this Mortgage a! the tiros <br />of exxuion er afar ra°:bxdat3an herersi <br />1T. Tra~atCe[ ~ Bee PteFarlr: Aratagttrw. t+ a1E ,=r ens pan ..t the Pnq±rny ar an interest therein is sold ar transferred <br />by tiorrrsxs,r s}ci$oY1t Lender's error »rxten .rmsent rutuding ~~, ;hr r:>`a[tea of a }fen or encumbrance subordinate to <br />this Msxtgage. fir) tttt cn;atron ~ a pttrcttax nn,etey srs-urrr+ <ntetest for ttaaxhaid appitances, ?c) a trans{er ttY dtvist. <br />deacem ctr by txpcratipn of law upon rife death .~t s ro+nt acttant cr f 3, ahc g-ant of ens itasehoict sntereat of thece wars or less <br />tint cafrNaiosng an option te, purcttate, l.ttrdn mos. at t rt°.deic r,ptrr+n, dtti'iarc ail the sums secured by this Mortgage to be <br />tasmrs#taasty dur and payable. [ender ,hail hays ua:veat s;.,h .,pt,c,r± t« accrteratt sf. ptittr tC+ rtes sale cr tranafer, Lender <br />and khu parstxt to Yshom flu Pmpcrtr h to tee se+4d xsr rnnsfrrrrd reach attrrrtrfcr.+t to ur:ting that the credit of su..h person <br />n tatisfas:aHry to fender and ttfat ttre imtrcat na<aMt E*tt atx satins :ccurtd hp this ?4ortgage shah rte at such rata as !,coder <br />sisatt rsa{tnmrt. tf t_eotkr ties waived rhr n{xtcn *e accrteratr prrtstded .n this paragraph i 7, acrd if Bortosver's succrsaor in <br />intt h~ 3ztsttttett t written aammptrotf agrrrrrrrnt au=rptcd ir. rri=,ing fry [.ender. Lcttder short rtkase Borrower from ail <br />tsfriigtstictas +:ntter this ttrOrtgatg+t aced rhr Nate. <br />tf Lertdet r+xent*tc9 wctt npxxan txs araxkratr- i r. vice a'sati r-tare ttc>froscer xstice of ar<i~eleration in aceordancc with <br />pars~ratdf td hereof.' Stotts notut shah prawuk a ptrxxl ref tart less than 3t) days Pram the date rhr notice is marled within <br />mhitttt flor3a+a%zr loos pay the seas dxiartx! due- tt Herrrn«tr faits ro c=ar ~ts::n soma pr;sar to the respiration of such period, <br />I,artdtr may, wr`tttoat ftittfter notixt ar demand rat ttormrrer, rnvs+kr anti rctnestita pcrmxrtd by paragraph ItS hextxtf. <br />I+tiYS.xtktg4ate ~6c~tsaxrs. ~rr+trwct and t.crsckr furtb« <a -enattt and agree as taliaws: <br />1~ - tt<esse~r. 1Vac€ls! as ~ k p~rapa. tr Aereef, epees iorrosr¢r's itreach of tray cga~at m <br />a~StMSSptt ar #farowrat 4 this '-+ ttscfsipag die cnvraamla w pay sstses Asir rtes wtr aecseei M tMs Alortgtgs. <br />1+ttitiea pelsr ie ~ ttttafg w~ arm ~ flotse+rer a! }rovid[A lee pwaRtaFtt ti Aawte! ~erNyireg; tf} t6e leeacb: <br />(~} i4 ttsliatt atsgtieai is ease stseY ttrarit tat a teas ties 3i ~qrs frws tie t~ Eke ataMce b ttuisd w fdareesrrr. <br />3ttr tattttttlt tle rwte/e reel 4et tttiat raga to swd Mtore o. or ksdse tier t6ra tlpee~llFar at tae tub <br />clot!' fwllilt#a sarNaatfss d Mfr taaw necaatud E.v aria 4rsAgalra. ~ ;1 l~ -~*~li aad aait or ttre PtaFCtty. <br />1'M ttaaiat ttltat• rMSMMrt fateatas isess+aor of #st ritbt to retsemae artn asteMaaHss ash the right to attaM M tfrr faseei~e <br />giptaaa~sffiYa ~ at s fteru& a trey ttgitt defesae ar flaatewsr b ocaetttssairw satti (~ tf t)re braaek <br />ie atri sttatpi eta *r Mhaie Mee fait ywrlir# M tip rstrNea. t.earler aA iKaita"s amt ttetiase ai or ehe saws sttctatai tety <br />Mitf~wtNags4fte itrtsaiYrals tract earl ggtsilt srftiraat xtsrfYex tietsawt aai tsaa3 foesrlase by RteraetBts~, [.ender <br />elritls.tadlti fa esifltarA r wtatr ~roceaiiari a6 aargeatttt d tttrseit~tse. ~ Mat trot tiwfAsi n, caaHr or dn[rmetpuy <br />aritMsrts, aYMSa~r trot! !Ms aspatttt. <br />~b ~ 4sl+NlwWe. Nc~xithstarvli~ i_endcr's :ec:cx}eraaSun of the ems ~uucc! by this Islarrgugc_ <br />ittsrspsaea feat! trwr'e tits w tuitro eery ptrn;ssiditsgs txgun try t.rndtr tat ettfrrr<x this Moataa;c ttissentin:~tt.~ti at any ttrttr <br />