<br />83--U(i3U9~
<br />UxQastst Covsxaxss. Bot'rower and Lender cavensnt and agree as folbws:
<br />1. Psr!~t ®f Ps11ae1Mai reel Its[aat. Borrower shall Promptly pay when due rite pritteipal of seed interest on the
<br />iadtrep evidenced by the Naha, prepaytaart and late chatgaa as pravitkd in the Nutt, seed eke ptinctpat of and interest
<br />as auy Future Advatxees sayrad by this Mtmgage.
<br />Z Feedo far Teat aed fesesaese. Subject to applirabk law or to a written waiver by Lender. Bortower short pay
<br />m Leader tm tier day taoattdy iCrstalbgeats of pritrcipai and interest are payable under the Kota, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Fttn~`~ t?q:tat to ar[e-twethh of the yearly races ataf assessments which [gay attain priQrky orer this
<br />Mottgttgs, atsd ground r+atts on the Property, if any, plot axis-iwelhh of yearly pntmium ittsttdltttenb for harerd insurance,
<br />phn orte-ttreffth of Yearly ptmtitttn irrstalltneou for mortgage inauratrce, if aay, all as reasonably atitttated itdtiaBy and from
<br />tigxlcr time by Leader an the wit of assessments amt tsith and reasottabk esritnates rlttrscf.
<br />1Le Funds shall bo 6efd in an inatitu[ion the atepositt or aceswttas of which art irrsnred ar guaranteed b)t t=~eaieral or
<br />ata~ agency tinettsekng Leader it Leeakr is such an instirotian ). t.etrder shalt apply the Fttttds to pay said lam, amts,
<br />etrwtsnce ptremittaa~s_atd ground ants. Lettdtr tnaq ntn charge for tar hording and applying the Fw+ds. analyzing said-acctntnt: - .
<br />or =`~ifyittg ate rattnpiling said assessments and bilk, unless t..cuder pa}s 0orrowtr interat on the Furfda sad applicable law
<br />ptrmiis lender to make such a charge. Ebrrt>wer seed t.enakr may agree in writing at the time of axactttion of this
<br />Mortga®t that itrtarest on the Funds sbad be pool to Harrower, seed unrest such agremttant is made. ar applieattk taw
<br />ralettrss nth in¢eresi to ire paid. Lender shall not tae reyuitaxi to pay Burrower any interest or earnings vet the Funds. Lender -
<br />shal! give to Borrows, witixwt charge, an annual arrounttng of the Fumis 'showing credits and dcltd[s to the Fut~a and the
<br />propose fax whxh each dt:bit to the Fundx wax made. The Furrdx are pledged as additional secnriry tot the sums secut'ed
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />[t the arrrouat of the Fins htM #ay Lender, together with the tuturc trtoruhly tnstatlments of Funds payable prior to
<br />lire doe dates of taxes, atxesartCer[ts. trswrarx-s prcmtums and ground ants. shall rxcead the amount requited to pay said taxes,
<br />......~,.,,~ tnstuatu:e premiums arxt grawnd rents as then raft Que. such rxresx shad ire. at Horrowu's option, either
<br />p~ptly repaid to 89urower aN srcdrted to &trraswer on rru>nthly :nvaifinents .+f Fund... tt the arttount of the Funds
<br />held by Ixaxder xhatl not #x suthexeat tc+ pay :axex. assexsments. arxuranar prcm+umx and ground rams as they fait deer.
<br />t?IOnnwer shalt pay io (.ender any amrwnt tmypsan ?a rnaxe up the drhttcncy wzthin 30 days from the data notice is mailed
<br />by t.sader to Borrower rcgtrestang tmymrm rheret t
<br />Upon papmew m full of all rums secured tts ?htc lt,:rtgagr. ! ender yhail promptly refund u+ t3arrower any Funds
<br />haler Iw [ender If uepder paragraph tx hereof t€+e Prupert:.~ ,old .=r the Prr,pcny ac aXherwt.,e acyaured 6t' Lender, Lender
<br />shaft opgfy, teat later than tmmedirtrly pr+ot t., the sale t~t ttu Propery <:r us acquatt[iaxt by l.trtdtr. any Futrds erred by
<br />d.mder at the tetne al applr:.atson as a credrt aga,nsr #?x xum+ ~urrd Fe apes '<tortgagr
<br />S- A/+liceslae of laraieM. 1-~nMss apphcaha law .~€<,•. :, tc-s :=ttrcrw ne, ai4 paytnrnts rcrencd by lender under the -
<br />\rrtr an4 parsgraphx t aced '„ hersxn sbai{ be xppt,rd by I ender first to payment of amounts payable to l..rnder by Borrower -
<br />etndcr paragraN+ : hereof. tArn to anterest payable u:s the ."se=re ?hen :n the Pnnnpsi of ?hr 'reset, and then to iatetut and
<br />pnrrcrpai cn any Future Adx'arx:es.
<br />{. t°~R~: LJer. Hr,~owzr shall pay all ::€xr,, a,rrxcrrrrats and .+thrr ::hargr<. firers and imposutnns uttnbutablr to
<br />the Property wiCich »tay soarer a prtetitq rote tree. 47cxtgage. and icaticfitsld s aYrroeruc nr ground rrn[s. if anq. to the trtantxr
<br />ptuvrdad under paragraph ? hcreart or. tf nit pard .n s:uh nrannrr. by tfarrt.*-wcr mat mg payment. ++han deer. diraeYty to the
<br />payee iheemf. Betrrra+s'cr [halt prtmrptlp furn;ah w I_endrr at3 teat€rrs of anurunu •Jur under rhrs paragraph. seed ut the event -
<br />Burtsrwer shah enalr payrr~nt directly. Horrmarr •<haH prorrepttt ?urnryn to 3.rncirr rr:c-rtpts rytatet~ing sCxf: payments.
<br />Borrower shalt prompth ditch=rgt anti ixn wh .~la has l,r+oran~ .•4er :+.:. ykmgagr. ; m.tatrd. treat Harrewer xhaH not tx
<br />rt.~ubred 9a drsctrargt soy surh irrn yo taing as fkrrrowrr st+att agree nr K::r;ag to the paymrm e,t the c?b#agation sr.:urad by
<br />xurh ties ;n a mattntx arcrptatde to t.rmder. a~ shall sn g:xtt forth , unrr•-t s.,,n hen ht- aK delend entarr+rmrnt zaf such teen tn.
<br />lager prxrrdttsgs wtr9ch operate w prryenr :br c~nt.=rcrrncnt ,.. the s.r„ ,,r :,_.rtcttt,:c ;~ nc~ Ptoprny ar any pan thereof.
<br />~- D!ml+l !a[aeatst:. 13orrxtwer sha74 lrrp #t:r :roper+s rrnrnr-. re.Fx r..t,unq ~ € !srrraf ier err. red t+n tree Pra?prtty mxureti
<br />A(Arnxt trnac 7*y hrc. tsazardt rtxfudaxt with<n trta; tuna ra trndrE? ..n a•'.i}^c an.t =_sx to .+t!+rr harasds as Larder may rr:}uare
<br />ads[ to stx.tt arna>.arsta and t.r x+xn ~rrzx#u as t ender noes rryu:r° S -°.~~.±.:isxz i tiro€+ =?',ar1 ea:n rcqurre that the amount of
<br />xah^ts ravrragt cta:axd t#rat arste~=ant :-i t:=s~rragr rcyurrd R, ;+a= €rar e=s,m, °.e:.: red h•. , ,.s ytottgage
<br />Tla tr~rrtnre comer pmx•~tnR the ,rxrtancc aftaii hr .. i,~,.,;n hs ti<rrr=rw rt a.,btr~t t++ appravat by tender, praveded.
<br />that sucle apprayal strait tt;_st be ;:nreasaxtat.~ wuhhr{d. l;l p-sr»rsunty ,=n tnsa:rarer ptaik:ees shaft l,c pard an the manner
<br />pruvtdtd uedrr (r+tatrapt+ I lrereot ar tf rose paW cn aeYrs ma;uxr, ?,} it,+t n~arr malstng paymrxit, v hen dire, drrrctty to thr
<br />iraauatrc-e cartssr.
<br />:let iaatttance ptatrcirs aexl renew ats tfrrrn=t stfai! ~ ter t;=rm at_e tJL+tr tes 1 rn.ter anal shat! ,n4htdc a nandard mortgage
<br />cfau-s m favor a+f and m (serer ac~piahie :.: Lrndc;. ! ea=ter ,f:aii h.,se the right t., ».,ist the paaxrcs and rerxwais ttxreui.
<br />and Strrttrwer shall promptly furnrsh to Lerxkr ail rcttrw of txx.cr± an=t ;li rccraptx o= )+z+.i ..^.rcmrtems !n rtes a°°+ent of kxss.
<br />HOQPVY'ef xhall )lid pr[rmpt nartrC Ii: t71r ir4xUratkr ar1YY ;fey; 1 Cn4~r t=ender m.il nxake prix'[ cat l.MS it nisi n}edr QrnRt p[ly
<br />by 84irYrtYef.
<br />tireless {.eatki and 9orrarver cxlurw~;x agxer +e +.nteng. ;asurarwr i ruerrds shall bf app{eed to rrtrrratian or report of
<br />the Ptvperty daspsged, prov,:ted stK-n rrstorat,;x± c+r r~°paet :x c. uni>m[catl>` ?rawblc and ;?rr se:unty of tb:s tl ortgage rs
<br />rem tt~reby ieapseted. 11 weh rcctoratron a[ report a nut r:urx,mekatis tcaatde of at the sec tatty of this T.t urtgage would
<br />be'~rr.+d. Care ttts,trsau pr9rrcaatx shall br applrcd IL the turns sr.wrd hs th,s Atungagr, w:tlr ?rte execs[, if any, pstd
<br />ttr tikxrower. tf the Propaxty~ n aturuta*:rraf hs- tf~+rrwver. c,r ,t Ha+reowe[ tools tt~ rrsporat tar I.trxirr wrthtn 3fJ days from the
<br />Sate rrotwe rs mar{ed b}' t.enaiar i« tisrrrowrr that test tnxurana:c .aerate o=tters to settler a ciarm for rnsuratxe txaefits, l.tttder
<br />is arahorrrad w ctalket atst apply ~'rt rnxuraru;r re;.~xt~ds ar Lcru3er~s .sptun erthcr [a r~wratrtrn ar repair of the Propeny
<br />ar to the stmxx sa:ured by rhrs fatartgagc
<br />C.roleu l.erxkr atsd Botrussrr c>thrrwise agree , wriing. aRy s,+eft apps;: anon of trrax;eeds a> prrnc€pal shad ra estetrd
<br />cx pogporre [Fee dose date of the nutottrfr utstai?r[trnts referred ;.: +:: paragraphs an.i hereof or rhangc the am root of
<br />.ueh ttutaiirrtaasfs. ff utrdat putsg[aph l K lrereert the Property rs ac,turrN hp f.erxlrr, mil rtghr. t,tk arras interest of Borrower
<br />to [tad to any !tsitu'anet ptataaes sad to and u= !#x pra>EE~eais rile rrs*? -a-,:aSt:og rro:xa ciamagc to the Pmpert) poor ttf the stir
<br />w a6'yYtsrt~l't slfalt pats to Leader tc. the cucnt <,t the sums srcurc~: *.. that' xtc,rtgage rmmrdtattiy prto[ tc Such salt ur
<br />~•
<br />a. lfrtlersgtiag iW Attsca d Pryrtstyt L.easelrairitC (-+m4asaletertsx 1'tasaed Udt I1rvelapsaesti F9arxowcr
<br />r#asll itCS¢ the Property is gausd report seed shat[ teat cxttmxs waxtc :,r prrmat rmpa+rrt>zttt ar deterinra[ran of the Property
<br />arsd shat] y yrirtt the pro,riiuons €=t any [east e} tress Atesrtgagr ,. aka a irasetctrtd. If rhrs Mortgage [r on a unn rn
<br />cueduetku[ra3 or a pimsaaati 9r:nC titrefcqurrerxt, f~urower shall peel:+€n+. alt ~+t Narrmwet s ohttpaix+ns under tree .h~a•iarai+a+n
<br />err ca7it ~eauttg or gswarmrta (fat catxdamxmum as p.ar:nrd z: rear deaeiarprrsrnt. [tae bv.law=s and mgtdattc+ns el the
<br />rn pfattOpl unn devefoprtreau. and ,rnstltarnr dtartnN:nts. tS a conakxntmum ur olamtrd e=rase :k-.rltsrsmrnt
<br />ri$~ ix ear[cuted by tlrR'raltred and ivti'X~tskwf :esgfYtrar ~a}th rhrs S7.?ngaYe. She c`r:s°enants seed agrertnrnts nt rte4~#s tsater
<br />rAag !xa ittc+trporatatf xrnat acrd short araetrd oral suppirmrm thx co•cuatnts and agrrementx of rhos htorrgattr as ;I the rider
<br />a peas ttareat-
<br />T. mast stf iriMer'a tiesssatGty. If &srrexwor inks to prrtaxm the coarnaws and agreerrnms arntatrted an thsc
<br />tti9sra, ter if ++gy sa:uun ar p'tvarcadrpg .s ~a4na9errays: whr,;h mareria#ly affects t erecter-s +nterest tr< ttu Pre+prn}-.
<br />- bin ta# 1;mihn4 fo. esttr>sau dattraan, tnsarlsetu:. a+.,€k cnlorrcmrnt.:.,r arrangcrttenCS or lenx.-erdinFs ttsvals tog a
<br />R nr daci4kaa7. 9ltert tsasder st t coder's opurn, upon rra>9asr rev Borrower. may' rriafce set=a[ apptararCS~ Qtshursr sa,ech
<br />xtaimt seed tales suctr aetbtta as is rxcexxart ra prax~t I.eRd:trx .nrtsrrgt, ,mlualing, hart nu trmflrd tn. :luhurscmrm .+t
<br />rs~a air i- rocs and entry ~m the Propel°rx a<,3 ~.~4c rTpaars. - t: 1.-enuc' -r rn;t,rttexl ,^,:nriR +nsu; nt>k°e s, ,
<br />r.ties'r +rt ~. 97fe h-xan s~9€red by rhrs htrsrtaage. H,.mr,wer sh;a}l day t+r ;.remnants rzqurrxd t€+ r[taintam such
<br />uyt~rtmet lrs s 9r?rtil ss}t lima as ebr realuireaaetrt fta StK#t r[xanuarxr tcrrn,mtrs ~e a,i,>nia=n-r wttfe Haxrnrwet`s anal
<br />