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<br />81--+~t~30G1 <br />Leutbr's written attecanent or applicable Saw. Borrower shalt pay the amot[m of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner ptavided tattier paragraph 2 heranf. <br />AnY atttamta disburoed by taarder pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thtrean, shall became addltiottal <br />itzde6tedtteas of Borrower secured by this Mortgage Ltnless Borrower and Lcndttr agree to other terms of payment; s[rch <br />amautNtt shall-be payable upcm notice ftam Ixnder to Boemwer regirtstirtg payment theteaf, and shelf bear interpt fTam the <br />t of dlsbttraetraerrt at rite rate payable from time to time on ountand'mg principa( under the Nate unless pagntmtt of <br />itabfesrat stxlrrate would ha catrtnry to applinbk taw, in which event such amounts aha8 bear interest at-the hl`hest rate <br />ptxptiadltk utxkr applicable lea,. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall regairc Letxkr to itrenr asp etcpgne or take <br />airy sttion hercurtder. <br />a. frspeeBw. Leader mey make err cattte to he mask rcasrmabtt entries [;yon And inspectitms of the Proptstty, prtwi¢I~ <br />that Lertda shall give Borrower tmtice prior to any sack inspection specifying reasotrabk cause thercfos related=to Lender's <br />+nterpr in the Property. <br />C~-aeieawars~. The proceeds of any award nr claim fnr damages direct or cort_segircntial, in cantreMian with any <br />condemn ;,art nr other taking taf the Prrperty. nr part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby amigned <br />and that{ tx paid to {.ender. <br />in the evrrrt of a total taking et t3te Pmpetty. the proceeds sha$ be app}ied tr[ the sums scented by-this Mortgage, <br />with the eacem, if any. paid to Borrower In the evens of a partial taking of the Property, unless borrowerand Lender <br />xtrers.ise agree in writing, there sfiail i±e appired ro flu sums secured by t#tis Mortgage such proportion of the proeteda <br />u is equal to {hat ,+ropnrtinn xhich the. amount of the sums eecured by this finrtgagc immediately prior ro the tlsste of <br />taking ttey+s to the fair marker valttt at zhc Property *mrrwdiateh' prior zn the date of taking, with the txilancc of the proceWa <br />paid Fa BrtFrawer. <br />if the Ptnparty is abandoned t+v Borrower. i=r !f, after nori~~r hr irttder to Borrower that the mndentnor offers to mate <br />an award car sertit a c{aim for damages, Borrower fails to respcmd t:. (.ender within i$ davs after the data such tt'%ice is <br />tnriled, i,evder ix aWhteiud to catlect std apply the nmcceds. at E.etsder's option. Tither to restoration isr repair of the <br />Prapixty or to the soon set.°ured by this Mortgage <br />I?nless l-ender and l3carrowrr c+tt:tnur.e agree =n ~+-tiring- am• ,rxh appsecatr,+n r,f proceeds zo principal shall not esiend <br />or ptxtporx the ti>x date +=t the monthly :nsraitta~-nts reicrrrd tc. in ttaragraphs t and 2 ltcreof ar change the amount of <br />xtuft :esta3lnrerna. <br />!'@. Bwrowee :Vat Reicaaed. E~.z[rns,igt t,f the [ime !or ; avmenr .er mrxfificaui:n of atnortizatu?n of the sums secured <br />!ty this Mortgage granter{ t+g E.enkr t;, anq successrrr to rntcrrs[ .r€ ~ nn4rr shai3 n:x operate to release. in any manner. <br />the iialntity _zt tttt tuigsna! Brsrrnsrr acrd Borrnwer`t staectssarc :n mttrts[ ! ender ,hair ncu !+e rrquircd to commettce <br />pratxrdingr afarr[st xuch sixrcesor :,r rouse to exsend time !.~• „+ayment .>r ,athtnvrsr rnxtifv amortization of the sums <br />~ssrald try this Mortgage yv rrxs ,,f ens remand mark t+v ttrc ~.,ri;;rna3 $rrrrra~er and $onrtwer`s successats in interest. <br />tf, Peyiaarece iy i.eeAer !Vat a wai.:er. •iny fcvrheararrcx by ! tnrkr +:: exrrc:smg env right or remedv herctmder, or <br />rttherwsse afiordcd hs~ appfieat+lr :'era chat! rrr:?t t•?[ a wa;xrr "! : , 7rCC;Ude :ht rxcrcisr : f ;an•: :w:h right yr remedy. <br />The procurement ref insurame i<r ttre pav[mnr of taxes s•r c,ther teem „r ; ha.*qr. t~. 3 rndcr shall not !r a waiver of I.endar's <br />right tit accelerate ±he ma[tarity .;f :3tr :::1c!ttedn€^;x key,;rtd hs : h:. yt<..,tage. <br />t3. ReserMa C'te. 4!i rcrtatder nt+*cr~a5 :n eRn Rf=,rtQagr ore :l:crn,; a~i , umuiat n~e to any ntf[ct right M <br />:erxudS e:ttdet then .Lleutgagt it sBt~rdrd l v ts,r :=r =-uuttr :,r+c=: rnati ?x crr•~,•+ec! ,.•nc:rrstn*.33 •nckpcr+dtn!!v e,r scrccevivsly. <br />t]. 9sereaaortr sad :0a~ 8aor#: lrtlwt sad ae[rerat liaAs~dts; t-apeteas. r^`.x ;:,VS:zants acrd agrscrnmts herein <br />corttarmad stta3l tdnd. and tttt rtght> kttrvrorler cha33 ,n x.c =_- °.nr tcsherir,t r.sse,,:-ry and a,srp~te,- of i.enrier sod Borrower. <br />snbi'a;'t [`-' ztr rrc=sisr3trt ri ;x.; ~,r.t~#; " 4erc.,=j .~,:; cmrtr=a!€tr and agrertncnh r~~f iktrrcrw~er sha33 4+e y<,int and several. <br />The capicxxc sari! heax#ang.r :z! tfie ;raragtaottx ,~:r :s,?x it<srfpagr see ?n: -.onrrn,cn_r .trsla~ .,nd :err n.~t ;o ht rtard !o <br />:nteltsret cx tL4$arr tttr ptr'v:xxrrax itereexK. <br />t4- S`eflCt. FRCCptf+sr st[s ~ttis_x rc<;+>ar:d rend¢r sr~rtissbEr tans :,> t,r gtvrn ,n manrxr, tai any trotrce r>; <br />llotreswct pnnurki fnr •n thie tSerigage =hail !~ ~.: a~tn =*e- :~?srizt~ =,q# r.:z, ~r hY- :.carried mar! ddt`exxed to ttirrrewtr of <br />tAC ~ ~4ddtesx =>r ar ,axch :?t[::r -c;idt:~±t .ss $,nrn-.~:c~r , .*ry,~natr't,y oat k'r >_, ! endtt as provided herein. and <br />ih3 any rsotecr to t.ensirr Shall !rrt gr're+*.:M :rrt, 4e$ nrre!_ .re=.~tr ,?-a~r,pt rtgrRStrd •._ : rnz£crc ,address xtatcd herein or to <br />shalt ~l~r address ss E em3tt ;use 3rsignstr §• '::~u't e<= F3c; ax prwatled ::c:rtr _Aay tritiCe provnieef tar m this <br />1tortgaRe shat? lee =k~ntcai tri have tart gtvre c fkarrr.Kte ~r : rt>de:.,h.n xesrsv zts tltt tnanau.sies*anatatd !trrcin. <br />i3. t`-aMeeait !Nartaase: C:werdsgt I sew; Seserta6Rkr. !h;. t;=+,n ,.r rnorxgage sr;txtL*ures unrform ctttrenanis fnr naucanal <br />cart and nom-unitrzrrte ~irvcarants with iitnuts9 •, errs=.,+xrx !'>4 :;.r;,:±:,t:c:a= ,. .s.nstet,:[e a r:ntf:?rm set-urrty ittstrumerr coverinK <br />[cal prd>pt€t) This }slcWtgagc -ha:i 'AC ~;z.trrrri -=s r~~ sa tx .~:ttx~t - ,.~ ... u=hK,h >:,r Prnpertr .: 3t,cated }n the <br />exvsst chat ant- pta3vasran ?r zias.ear c.t tttt. '~lt+; trta :,r st;t ~,'<:a:.. *nixi,: t, math s;`4'trcat!k iaw. serrh antliu cfeali oat affect <br />eether !*n*s rsxxes .rf they 44e~rregattr .,r ttrr `i r,,<<-e ..~h,:: `: ,a:; r~ r:.svcr: r'~--€ ~.. tsh-:,a:t ~. *re :s=*t ritc:tng pmytsion. and to +his <br />etd ttttr txoatsrdx~rs :+f ?tyc t#rxt and #:.c 's,.ae ;,: =~'lsry~: c~ :~ -errra!kt <br />tG. Brrrarras`s Calry. Btgrt~tr >hai! i+r ':,em,.hey: ;.,~ +zmrd . . s rhr 'ti ate .n±t ,-r than sirmgatir a[ the nrzte <br />.xf maeKUtraa v af!cr :e,.udatu.n tx+e+=t <br />!t. Tsarrtet al tlsa Prsrpam~t A,aarargpat., it a! a sx ; .cat ~ .+.,r }'r ~ r ar :ntcres: #hrtetn :, u+ld <,r transferred <br />ter Ilarrxarttr xdhdwt l.crrrkr s .a•rntr=; :s4ascn: x.,reg nr _. „R*n .:! : .rn ,~r cndumhnrr;.e ,unardrnatr to <br />[}rs flare;agt.:ht tree =teat:rm „r~+,, !wtr:ttace ,rzt -st,, .e<ear zts -,-rtects ': ; -e:xreefatiu xpplramrs, =.~r a trans(cr by deviate. <br />dt~trnt csr tw ..t,eranare of !ar txprn t?tt :;ca'_3, .,t a ;..>:nr ten.r.r ,..r ____.._, _~_ :__--,. _:..._.._--. _. .__._ _. _ ,_ _ <br />[maser •„a„ st C ear-, ,pr u-. ,3e.! e ti :hc +um, *tcs;red !•y thrs Mongage to be <br />rrartaesharetf' disc .red payahk : rnik:.htt. i+stc , ,-.let u. c: ; p t,-n -: a.~crr-sec :, f~txx :+, [hr =ale :'t transfer, 3.ender <br />sad the perserr to .vhota the Psd:pex-€>: i= [.. t,r =-: i.t ,_~ r:'arzafrercat sea;.it .agrrcnx^rtt :s. urn,ng that the .re,ite n( each c,erson <br />rr uNtsfaa=txm tie Eerrr.irs a;xi :hat t!te :r?tc=ee+ pa,.,o?c ,~~n :he ,=,t:r, •.rs c,rrd ter :t+:e :Etc>rtgage ,t;ai, ??e at xtxh rats wa {.ender <br />star{ request. II terrier Aais sva+va+l :tor <=p:,c==.+ a: .,,;rirrfitr 1•rr~.xkct :^ chi, ;*ata,~rapte ;'- m} ,f $arruwrr's 4ttccessor to <br />treat tRS csecttt~i a wtrt!cn assturptr<m alrs~rne:.t u,:cpsril :n .,:rr,.rg i,Y 4 tt,ekr. I enSrr shais :cicaae B:irrr,wer from aR <br />ol~atxms urrfcr this Mortgage atxi she'Rtcse <br />If t_erder exerats€s wit r=fltii~n tc+ 3vx4¢sasr ! cs'~3rr ,hat .e.i itrrr:,,,.et ra,.,t,cc „t x4ccieta[tcn r7 3~~vrdarxc watlt <br />ittiF :3 hcrcia#. ~~h ts>ntrc~ s.'rail f~s-o-vu#e a peTh'xi c;t arr. Ens-. than i[r ,fay=s Prs'se thx date tEu• aai.:e s raai3ed withid <br />rrbrdr iio,rmrrax may pay the same dac}areci d=rr- {! Ban rt to s ,a. s_:s :.:;ms { r '.r t„ the exp,rai,irn :,t each period. <br />lmdar rust;. wrtlxaq furtExr nr~rice .+s casm:ml :=:< HaY r .s ~:ve ~ ;eettextt~a {aunt etc' h=.• !ratagraple i>F hereof. <br />hE.r~t.i.,~a~sarssr C'trvti*sa~>! ~4rrrtrN`et and E.pna:~r Ftrrthet .+'::ars,et .yeti agree ~ fi*,. <br />IfA. A[talusalaan ticrrta~iea„ P,acsPl as p+nsidtd k paratiragrb l7 tterxv#. repoa t4arrewer`s ftreacn of say ttarareant m <br />a/ 8arrvrras d t1tY lnrtfpr[e, irMttdlttt; the .r.reaaata to pay c+bea dtse ang snwrs secured b!r fhb 41er~e„ <br />Lassiar peMr lea ~ ttlta8 Tsai{ nnNes sa Norrawer as prnarlest :n para(erapats 3>! hueaf npaeifyiwt!s zt; ttre breaek: <br />ri# Ara aryitra ratwlreti to ttrae tbttera keaaals: rJl a date, cwt toss rigs 3Ct days irdrtn tba diMe the twtke is ntaBe$ to Batrawar, <br />i? a zaat• assets isQ teaei; :yid !4l fleet faiirare to crue aas3r breach wa tar before tba date syecNiad in ttte notice <br />+M4r +~(a to ~ a[ tt~ saaw ;.ttustrd #7 ~ ~• laraciawre fay }rrfpkol pxuctedi~ and reaie of 1ha Property. <br />-1~tt aaNta sktai IYrR\rer trtloam tMatnt+wtr wf else right tea rriaratasr after. acxzkraiiar atti the right w aaaest rA the tnrarlostrrr <br />tits rtua.taissaatce of a dttlardt ar aer nttwrr ekthrsrr of ttlorrow+tr to accdttra6lna : fareclaaurc. tf the breach <br />it real tsaa~i w as kefera CAt Rase ~ is tba ratlsa.- t fader N i,radar'.. option ttwng t#erlar+t o8 of ttte x;atstt :secured br <br />s>ttta to M trwnadiaably dlsa ford ptya6la wtliteat fwtlser tbseaaari and tasay ftrrmcirt.c bs !~ ~ fa=asdtr <br />~ b. nM1YaiA it tsMn~r in wrth ~ ~ axpnawcs of tatectpwre, iextt»di~. -wt ant fratftred tot ra» of dacuaMesuy <br />+ra4Alettt, aialaaaar aw# tlyda zfa. <br />l1. ?tttrss+da (Rlgia to 1t{n~Yblla. '+ir+twrih+ri+raritng t.crttiera s. c'Ek`r<ise.:rt .>f a?re o„ens W`sur td t*1` this Mnt'tgaKt. <br />11Qa rwrx+trt s#r>tf: !atssr `tae t~l icy tease eery pry~d~sxfrnftai !brae: !`Y ;;. n'r~rs. ter. ;I<•rtg-age ,tis.~-a,ntrrtyrci7 ,x# an7 ttnx <br />