<br />8i-S)[)3061
<br />UxsFOaM CovBxxtvt's. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1, ltysatt ~ L!ritelpN atM IaMerat. llerrower share prtaaptly psy whrn dtze the principal of and interest on the
<br />inde6tedrtes evidenct[I !sy the Note, prepayment and tart charges as provided in the Nate, and the principal of and interest
<br />an nay Ft>lure Advatacea secured by this Mortgage.
<br />$. lru6 tit Ts®s Hard Istntaastae. Subject to applicable !aw or to a written waiver tsy Lender, tiorrowar shall pay
<br />m f_tnt~a et[ ttm day mthly it~altments ~ principal and interest are payable under the Note, anti[ Ehe Note is paid in full,
<br />a wm (herein "Ftmsd~"} esgtra! [a one-fw~effih of the yearly taxes arxi asstssn[ents which may aUain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and grand ruts on the Property, if any, pins atte-twelfth of yearly prttnitun installments for hazard ittaurersex,
<br />plus ontattMfth of yearly pranitun iastalttamts for mortgage insurance, if any, ap as reasonably estimated initially sad framz
<br />[lens to time try I.eadtr on the tsasg of assessments and Rifts and reasonaby eatitnates thereof.
<br />"i'he Rands shalt be held is an itnritutiem the deposits or aurwnts of which are insured or guaranttxd Fly a Federal or
<br />slam agency fitrcltrdirtg Latsder if Lends is such an itutitutionl. Lender shall apply [he Funds to pay said taxes, assessttmnis,
<br />itt:tnan~ prcutiums and gratad reau. l.rndtr may tto€ charge for sa holding acrd applying the Futtda, analyzing said account,
<br />a'vati;>^iog acd canpiting said assessments sad hills, ttokss Leader pays Borrower interest on the Funds atad apptitabk law
<br />permits Lender to mate stack a charge. Borrower and L.rztder may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that itittrest on the Funds shay tx paid to Barrtwer, sad unless such agreement is made or applicable taw
<br />raqulres sneh interest to be paid, Looser shall nw toe regttirtd zo pay Barrawer any interest ar w[-nings un the Funds. Leger
<br />shall girt to Bena-er, without charge, an snrttaa! ncrounitng of tree Fumfs shoavtng credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />paeptrre for which each debit to the Funds was made. 71te Funds are pledgee[ as additional security for erne sums seactzted
<br />by this fslongagrt.
<br />If the aatrurret a~f elm Ftmd: held 6y Ltett~r, tagexlter week the to#aart ttaanthty rnstalinunu of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due darn of taxes, ax»rrteats, ins:tzanc,e premiums and ground rents, strati tzr:etd the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />tmamp6atau, inautarx~e premiums and graostad rmtx as they tali due, such excess shall he, at Borrower's ap[ion, either
<br />prot~aly repai@ w tkarrower ar utdrtod to Burrower on trton[hly tnstsftrmnts of Funds. If the arraoem[ of rite Funds
<br />hold by l.eudrer shsli tea be stmt w pap taxes, assessments. snsurance pmntums and ground rents at they fall due,
<br />Bonvwtr stall pay to Leader nor aaratant ntressas•y to rrzatr up [etc sirtic::aecu wuhin ?0 days from flu date notice is ensiled
<br />by Letukr to Borrcrwtr rtcltmting payment thertot
<br />L3pna payttse[u in full of sli aattns serurtd by tMs elortgagt. l.tndtf siaalk ptzsmexfp refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held try t.endar. tf under paragraph t8 htreo# the Propertk :y •.,.id ar the Pei+prnv rs ottatra~izt acqurrtd by Lender. Lender
<br />shall at~Ply txi isrttr Chas trarrrediattfy prmr to the sacs of the Property ar its a:gss¢s:uon by Lender. any Funds held 6y
<br />[.taller at [Ire time of appiiration as a cstdat ngasnsz der sums yt~urtd br this ?sfongagt.
<br />3. A/r6satlaa tg l?r4nsaee finlc~s apptieatrfe !aw pravtdes .*t?rerwssr. ail payments ratzvrd by Lender under the
<br />Now read paragragltn : and Z hereof shat! lee appfrsd by l_tndtr tfrst +n pay'rtttnt ~# amatsnts payatde is t.rtttkr by Borrower
<br />undo[ paragraph 2 htmof, theta to ;ostrtst payable an the !vixe- thtn to the prmcepai of the tiate. and then so intents[ and
<br />prtactpat oa any Futtne Advatxxs
<br />1. C'Asalpat [terns, Barrrlwrt efraii par ;ell t,.xts, a.stsamenu and .~tf:tr charges, Henry and unpitsnrans attnbutable to
<br />the ~P'w'tY which relay nttsm n prttartty aver tress '•tart,;,atle, znd icasthaid paymtnra ,~r pra[sruf ants. it any. m the mantxr
<br />ptgvsdad ttsader paragraph ? htrttaf s*r, :Y nt# -aril :n euc.h manner. i+} B.xrv+•wtr malrng payment. '.y~hen due, dtrecdy to the
<br />py.a cheesed Bnrrotrtr shalt prurntatly turfuaJt to letukr afi rustrces of arenxisnu .fur under teats paragraph. and in the tvettt
<br />Borrower shall matt payment durciF4, Barrovrts ~nni! rrvnptis fuma5ts ;c: under :tctapt- :-yrdtracans sw:h payments..
<br />Bnrt+Brrw6f shat[ promptly dtsctaargr any tars aita:h hxs {ttx5rr;y- =,vcr the ?41.,rtgagr-. nn-t.#rsi- ¢irat Barrnwer shill Hat he
<br />rr~s!are9 tc dt~~rypd soy mss: lKn ~ k-rg as Ikxrr-ac; s... :gta~ ;:, a.r:ttng *. :#:t E-sy:rent :., trice oht:gatsan s:;:atrttd by
<br />sta:9 ~ [n s atataaet >rxsptablr to Ltnclcr. cx skate ;n aa,rxt `as:h : unrest arch iar_n h;. , r aitfrnd en#arcrsnrnt at sigh lien rn,
<br />legal ptaettdaags which apttate to prt+•cat the tn[cr-tatserrt ..t tAt s:e;t ; r i.erte=tort nt the f'fapeny <+r any pan thereof.
<br />S. tf~ BarT~y~tY slwtl iatp t.Rr .mpre>F-rtnrr:ts ncs+ e~iyitng ,•• ttrrratttr [:toed cat era Prt,peny ensured
<br />agautw &x€ f'-j Pre, llaza.^sts encEUatrd ,suhsn tlx elms -esteruL?ct ..n-zragc- ani# s;~#; .ira€t hazards x3 [_ztader may requtrt
<br />send m tarots aatoaaata sad fear state ptrtads ss [.ender that rey.s:rc; ; r:., sde4 that 1_ttu*sr +!taU rnn rtywet shat the amount at
<br />aueb eovtrsge Gactarl that ataeaurt e~ c.,yrtngr rtyuertd fa ~ ay p:e st.ms u.cerrd by +. h,s Marngase
<br />7~e rasuraaee canine prutradtag the uasurazxe shall f±e :ra>scr. fry BtasraMer axabq:ct E.+ approve! Fy l.tnzkr. provided,
<br />that s[ucft approval slsall ntu be unrtna*nataiy wathhtid 1ss prom=arms .,^ stssursv.r p.,fusts sl[ali t+t peal rri #tte mantxr
<br />ptovadnd under paragraaph 2 lxresat au. ;! sat pee: sn ,fah manrarr- nt Barttswtr maisrs pay[tsdat, whrn doz. dsrrctty tg the
<br />ensasaect rasrtar.
<br />Atl insslntxt palrases ars# r~scwal; ttitrry senate M set fc?tm a4ct#,t:Ale ;c% { as*~ter arnf sha3S aniivde :. s#arciard mortgage
<br />c4ttrie sa fluor cst and so farm aszxfaat±k ta• f est6er Ext~s~r ,n3i? hasr the r:{tfit t;~ hold ,:yr f-~faczrs and renewals [htrec,f.
<br />send Batsttwer shall promptly furnish us Lender aif rcrx +a7 rtarrzts ,lad aft :rse:pts at yard p; minim In the evern of last.
<br />~trrnar-s slaal3 ~ tr prutspt t:~t t.::tte t~rr,:n..e c:€r,tr 3rszi t. crdtr k ea.~.r* ma; :m.z prrr,t i=# !~>f€ +i not made promptly
<br />by 8orra+estr.
<br />Unlae Ltndta sad tkurswrr aihtrxryc eater m areurag, :ns=araria's prc,crrds sianti bt appfaed to etas+ratian rr repair of
<br />the property daaattged, prctvrdCx} such rnax~ratsa,n u: rcpa+t is rznrxsms:aiiv ttavbk and t3rr security o£ thn !Nartgage t,
<br />bat thgroby tmpaared. If such trsiatazcon at rtpau :s r,.N t.euu,m+.atir :casrt+k ar ,; the sca:urst} a# this Mangagt wauid
<br />Ire - elm snsvrmct prorte~ sha:S [it a}apioed t.~ the sums secures[ kv tMs afongagz. -+rth the tsaess. rf am. paid
<br />ep gorcoterr. Pt tree Property a ataattdat?xd Fs &xrc+wtr. ,~r tt lkatrayxrer fails a~ :espctnd to l.crxfrr iv:tttes 34} days t:om the
<br />data atatect a msrkd lly Lender t.= Eiarrc»~sr that the rawt.ars-e :.arras a#ttn t~~ settle 3 ciarm tcrr tnsurans't henefi[s. Lender
<br />is tNalifxitad m r.oilasa sad apply the sresuzaz~t prc,ceeds at L.eoser s cspteem esker to ers[aratmn er sepaar ai the Property
<br />a fo the srrom sacwtti cy this Iclnrtgage.
<br />Unlaas Ltlr3dcr' sod Batoustrs' c>thtr+rate agree :n wrxtcng- :soy a:ssh a[?pitceuan i+f prrz:ttds za prtexrpai shall teat extend
<br />of petseposte teat dots daft c+t flat ansathly tnstnifnatnts referred t=, en raragraphs '! acid . hrrcot or .hangs the amount at
<br />saC# uasitl#tauass, Ft under paragraph ! x [sector the Propem se n;:yu+.rrd h {.eater, nit tight, u[k and anterest of flotrowet
<br />Ht aed tCa ally ik~tN'anGr: pu1[ctasa seal zn and tC3 ifK piiaCetL~i threes[ 'eaitittng #fam damage itt rtfE Pfaperty prt(If t0 4iiE }ale
<br />rx shake p~ [o t.eadee to tM extent :~# t.'x sestets sacurezi r} ekes tfcngage rsstnudsattlr' prior ta, such sale or
<br />K l9rastiesaalaa sad 3lsiateasact o1 Prate:tr: l.eetasltelds: C'oaawaau[ Plaootd l;ah ISereWpaaeats. Harrower
<br />shall taep the ~ is good repair and s#lalt rxx e'taatsntit waste ;tr ptsmat :mpaorment a tietsrirrtaetoa of She Property
<br />arsd-shalt Y with tlss provisions of sz~y trust of this Mcftgagz » oft a le~+rti.tld. let this ~1,angsyr as gists a unit to a
<br />nr n pLeoiadt afar drvrtef'•zttunt, Burrtswtr shall ptrt:srm elf of &urowtrs abLga[sans under [ht dtciaratron
<br />a creating to gnvernt[tg errs- coadominsutn at planned u:v[ drvr€c+pment. t!x try-lows and rtgttfa[eons of #ht
<br />ar plamnad tsoit detttlnpmttat. assn canstitsatnt :~scumrms. Il a can+kimmwm ar planned unit dtvtfsypmmt
<br />ridttr is ~ !g Btuexrwea and rt¢arxmd together wsth elan: Mt+ngsgt, the s:arenaatx ami :tgfr-erntnu of arch rickr
<br />:kcal[ to meatpmasSA lean rand tthad attnaad ate supptettsatst the Covenant's sad agttaattms 4µ this fvtangagt as tt the ri[itr
<br />stmpa a Pm't llsrsto[•
<br />7. /Malaersa~ set tirsadsrys t• It Borroyyat faits ftt ptrfclrm the coveaantx ati<l agreements coniaintd in [hks
<br />~WM-. of ff arm sr prc'saaeditag as etmsmtisceti wtucla materiafty a$tgs t.nntfzra imtrtst in the Property.
<br />Ilea scat 9nasitad to,- a i[asoivetaey~ :.ode enftar[:+tnttnG nr artangttnents of prt,~sngs tnvotvityt a
<br />sx dtRrzstl,Rrtt, rhea Landes at I.toder`a c?pstcsa. opus tro!><et tit Borrower, tstar mste stxh appcarans~cs, dast±urst :nests
<br />taslsta aa¢ tats rasctt asalua as is waavraep fn prtxtrt l,tt[Aar s to[tres[..tulsdtng, bsn ant 3tmtttd €ra, distsursettatnt at
<br />tsie asstl~ay's sad crfstry opera ttw Lurrperty 1[a taaaftc ;eps[rs tt Lottdtt r+>ytrrr=l m.xitgage nsurarrct s i,
<br />cogdltillt ~ ~ it9a Bann ~ by this Mortgage, Borrower atsall pay tine prtmsurns ntstuues# to maintaih such
<br />itswraslas #at el(att utatg aslrh Hasa is the for studs aasusatrrce ttransrrates m accardancr serer Bextuwtr~ and
<br />