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<br />f3I--Ofl3~4~ <br />tt}. Tftat the Mortgagor will tttep the buildings upon ,aid premixs in Band repair, and neither cammit nor permit waste <br />upint said I•artd, nor stslTer the said premixs to be twtd for any ttnlawfuf ptttpast. <br />t }. T7tat ~ the pt~etttises, ur any part thereof. 6ccastdemned uttrler the power of eminent domain. ar acquired for a public <br />tree, the damages awarded, the praceeds far the taking af, or the considtration for such acquisition, to the extent of the full <br />amatutt of ittdebtednes trpmt this ntertgage and tin Wort a,-hick it is givers to secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />Morigtrgt+r to the Mnrtp~e, and shah t!e paid forthwith to said Mtxtgagte to be applied by the tatter on accautrt of ter ntxt <br />mattnirtginsttlhsettts of such ittdabtedruss. <br />12. The Matgttgttr further agrees that should this mortgage anti the non secured hereby oat be eligible for in- <br />,at;racctmderghc Natianal Ho~it~ Act within Si~y Sys fram tits date hereof twriutn statement of any officer <br />d the tkp~cFtASStf of tiwrttir~ and Urban btvekfptntnt .x authorized agent ttf the Secretary of dousing and Urban <br />~tetttdattd sttbsequast to the Sixty days rims from the date of this mortgage, dtcliiting to insure said <br />attic and this mortgage. htirtg detrned catsetusive praof of sucfi ineligibility), the ATortgagee cx harder o€ the rtofe <br />may: at its aption. declare all stems secttrred hereby immediately due and payable. <br />t3. That if the Mortgagm-faits to makt any paymtms of ma.._v when the same txcome due. or fails to conform to and <br />cote-;qty withany td the editions x a¢rtetntnts containedsn this mortgage. ar the note which it ucures. then the entue princi- <br />pal sum and attroed intuest shalt at alter F,ecome due ate payable. at the election of the Nor[gaget. and this mortgage may <br />theret~an fee fn~lostd immtdtsf#y tar the whoa of said motley, interes[, monthly payments, costs_ ground rents. taxes and <br />fix cost ~ extding Zits aMtraet of tick from the dart of this loan to the time of cammencing such fosaclosure suit. and a rea- <br />sottaldt attrtntey's ftc. all of which shaft ht included in the decree of faredasure: and the caniract embodied in this ttrortgage <br />aad the note secured hereby, shalt in alt respects ht ~vcrtuti. canstrttd and adjudRtd try the taws of Nebraska, where tfie <br />satut is tttade <br />The cav¢nauts hettin contained chart hind, and the henrftts and advantages strait insure tt~. flu respective heirs, executors, <br />Mors, fuccexsors and assigns c+f the parties hereto, LV'henever used. the singular number shalt include the phtral, ttu <br />phusf the singtttaz, arui the tree ref any gender shalt ht :applicable to a!1 genders. <br />T7te foregoing condit><ms. alt and stntatlat. Ming performed acuxdinti to their natural and legal impott. this convcyartce <br />:halt i+e void artd said premises reltaud at the expense .af the 34artgagt~r; otherwise to he and remain in full force and tBect. <br />3N WtT'?+tESS WHEftEt3F'. ttte hftxtgagortst era ve htreumta et ~~~ hand{s) the day and year fuel <br />at+ovc writtaut. <br />1n prtuttrE of ,`~ ` ~/` <br />/ t <br />1'~BEA`t t~.u GEIEff <br />,~~~ j SI:AI_ J <br />F.A2f~iiINE P.. GEI~t <br />i SEA3- i <br />---_- ISEALj <br />ccno ,n.ue <br />S'"F,4t[ LtE 4EliftiSK.~. t <br />.a. <br />Chtt~s Utah day cat Jtxit~ A.3). i4 dI helcxr me. <br />~~~. PiilJ11C in:md far fartl t~ a+tnp. personafly came <br />l~h6lCt A, Geit;r earl, fSatherirts lt. cexetr, ltuaba:td aiid `riife <br />ptrsonatty to me known <br />m~ tt#e i;tetti~t persriaa :<;`tssrt mantas are ;:dlxesl tc+flu afwvt attd fnrc- <br />itti~inmrst~irtmt Mortgagor, and ter have acktwx~tedgt:d the ! instrument attd the <br />exeeutwn thtnurf to he fir . vtuntari .:s t atul ;lttd. far the ptu{nxsts therein expressed. <br />le tae#ietesy +trttertof. t have hstrento sti ttW tnttd at+d adixtd by mY .cal at~~ Islaade 13Q~$63ta <br />at the ti7tY and daft left attare w.r»tcn. - <br />~'. ~.~~ - - ~ :S atarY <br />~~ E# tlattM~;rStt~ <br />s'raTa: elf 'qt<ftRASiE,~ <br />1=sted fm rtt:oad toss day' izf A. D. t9 <br /># o-s"ACIt - 1f._ attd entered to Nutrxricai It~ex, and <br />race>tded iRAoeit ctf 'stortgagts, t+a <br />~ ~ <br />ltettistcr of Ehtds <br />r+uuu;ttaatw t5•rf+t <br />