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r <br />l'~j Q ~ ~ ~} ;' f I } rnoath prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with ittnds to pay sash premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urtran Development pursuant to the <br />Nntkmat Housfng Act, es amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder; or <br />#f} [f acrd so lung as -said note of even date and this instrument ate held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Devetopn-.ent. a month#y charltt fin lieu ref a manggge insurance premiurrr) which shall be in an <br />amot:nraqua# to ono-twelfttr (f/1=-} oC rrae•Etaif i!/?l per centum of the averagt outstanding balance <br />due on rite note computed without taking rnto ac.sttni delinquencies or prepayments: <br />(b} A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />palicios of #ire and other hazard ittsutanc:e covert dte rrtectgaged property, plus texas and assessments next due <br />on the mort~:d property (a#! as estimatet# try rfie :4#orrgagec! less all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />rwtnhet of ntt:nihs to eEapse before utte month pnar t,t the -.late v,•hen such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />asaeasmenu ttiil become Aelingitent, such sums to rte held by Mortgagee in trust is pay card grrwnd rents, pre- <br />miums. taxes and special assessments: and <br />~.y All payrrrcnts ments`oned in the two preceding subsections crf this paragraph and all peyntents to be made under <br />the note secured Stereby shall he added ruyether, and the aggregate armtunt thereof shall he paid by the Mortgagor <br />each mtrr2Et in a stngie payment to be applied by The Mortgagee Tn the ?oliuwing items in the order set forth: <br />fI} pretrxitust charges undo the cuniract ,>' insurance unh the Secretary ut Huusmg and Utiran Development, <br />a: rnrtnthly ct~rge; tti lieu <,t rmrngagr irrsumm € premium;. as the :ace may i+e: <br />f#fi gzcwnd rents. raves. asscsstnetti5, t"{re zed u[itef StatartS tttsuruue ptenuums; <br />{1#i} tntrtest un the note secutedhueby. ind <br />flvi amuttiwauon ui the princtpai of card crate. <br />Any deficiency ire The amr~tmt ut any stub ref;ate rzsonttdt taynrrnt ;hall. unless [Wade good i,y the Mort- <br />gygor pricx to the due dale +aC the next Such ,>amrui.:.:nxuutre an rennt .,i .Srf'auh under thts mortgage. The <br />Mrxtgagee may ::dicer a "late iharge" not tea erred t.::tt ,etits fare) ti,r rack dollar t5i 1 ai ea.h payment more <br />•HO-, ;';;',~m;r;? e4 ;-~,,.. n, :. -- -°--. rn.. t~rtr3 rxrnns. invalved i:r ttandhne ucSinquent pa.-r ,znts. <br />,. That if the torsi of ttte pavmrnt.< made tn. thr• 4tnri~akor trnd~r : ; : of paragraph :'. pre•crdine -hail exceed <br />the amount n# pay~etttn actually made by tfte khrct$agta• for ;:nwnd ren~ , luxe- and a--r,-~m~rrt~ or insurance pm- <br />®irnrtr~. ta- the ca:--:.+ may ire. -nett exccxs. tt the Ec>itrr tc the npriarr of the Hortftagor. ';hall Eie credited by <br />the kturl.Rttftre nn -uhwrqurnt pa4mrnt~ to ln• made by the kktrtr:akur. r,r refundet! to the kbrL}ta~nr. If, hntvrvrr. the <br />tnrrnthty paytttrnt.r rttade irv the NnrtS{agor urtdcr `.; ,>f Etaraitr.tph .'. pzeredint; .h,f 1 nor ix .nfiicieat to Sxav grrxrttd <br />rent, tsxe~ aAO ;usMr~'mrat: ru m~traat•e prrrrrtum-~. 3_ the : ;~ v maF nr :,hear the game -hall hernme due and pa~- <br />aWe. thtttt lira kixerea{itx tThail pay to the kMrtgauw~ ant aaneaunt neN:~--an ro mai.e up the deficiency. on ar hefare <br />the date whet[ pavttPettrt ut =errh ~tnund ernt~. tare-. a-~r'~-[neat- ur ~n~urance prennum= :hail ter Ave. Ef at any <br />time the-littttgateor ~iaaEl trrttfrr in the kt€utyagee, in arcnrd'anr~r ,xrtfi the pr,?.,~ienK ni the note ~eeureKl hereby. <br />fort pttynsettt n# the r~rttke indcbt€>*kte-~ nrpre-erttctf thrreht, the ktnrt~agr=r• ~haSS, rn i rrmputinQ the- ;[mount ref -uch <br />frttirkttetitscas. credit trs r!re ructxtnt csf xis[ Mtertcrr .eSi ptymrot nr;.dr :uscitr the :r:i>a;t~r<xtw e,f i .tf Paragraphs -. <br />hereof +rhirh the ktortre ha. not tira~ume ahli$ated to pat :a the ~•cn~tary ++f Hna-cng :utd l titan DrseSoprttent <br />sad :rny balance rematnine in ittt• land'' acru~ruSated render the putt-ran- ,,, ui parapraph '_' E:r°rwrf, lE the•rt~ <br />=~itaH ire a defanit under .utY +.f the pmsr-ista~ ..f thi- rm>rt~at"r ;.•-aStreel< rn a puttht -:tlt~ of the. pmmr-e-- ,~osrretl <br />hrtrrbv, tsr if the lfuRytxgrt• actprirr~, the pra{rr•rt. „thr•rt,t~+. alrc-r uet;cutt, the khtrte:uc•e• -dt+lE tpttly. Ott the time of <br />the errmtaetrremc4tt ut -uch pmrrrdink~. •,t :~i the• trmr- tht• Irrop€•rtx ;- <.iher;t r-e- ae-grrrred, the haSarx`e thin mmain- <br />ing in the ftrtutc :tcrumuiett•d eandr•r - `; of pnraRr:tpit ' pr.•r,-,ixns. ~ ._ +rr•uit ~ea,tk-t th...rmuunk of prine•rpal 5lten <br />erua~tnnor unpaid eurdr~ -aid reutr, and -hai; Im,pertt seta-t ant patmeat~ ..hith =half 6xt«- been made underlri <br />ttf paragraph :'. <br />S That the 39t~[gt(ca`r a-iti t,;r} rt, •;c m3 ~rnt-. :._ - „-,c -.rsar,te,- a-ntrt ^.ates ar.i .ether av; er rt n+r ntai ,~r rntrmcrptr! <br />>rbafgd. hie. c>i rmivee,ia ~,. [,,t wttta. t+p7r,x nre,c h~•. ~.;tr !.ecn :~e..-roc hre r~nt+ck~re ,and irs dri,:ult ihere,;f ihr ~tsaiguirar neat <br />pox- the tame. and tttai the St.,.rt>;ug:tr t<•,I; pr::mCtrs dr?rsrr the .•tFscr.:i rr~rtptt ttirrrtr.r t„ tE±r ya+rtgagre. <br />e. Tttr k#,ttirattcK +crii pat .ti! tear, -.;ta>r.h ~.aai nr ;c, red ~tp++;+ the 1}.,etg.r}:cr-, ;nieretE rn ,:+td rr~t e,tate and rmprot-r- <br />n~nts. tamed w~hx:htxral t+r h:4-reel up+=n she, era;>rtgxgr ,~r t}~ chi We,urrd hrrebs ,%u1t ,gilt t~: [Ere rxrerct iha[ ,uch„ not prohthrb <br />~ t+y Sea atxl cnty !s rtx carne rh1,: *cra'h .•riE r=c,t a'.aye the. t:,,,n tisurrrzr,s- h-ut rx,`iuutng aas mceamr tea, STnte c+r k~rderal. <br />tmpr=>c+~ ~r:. kt~;rtc~..~rd sttL rile chr ,•rit: r;r! try€~rpt ~h:~w,r r+kh p,+F -ent ~rrh the .tr,rtcaxer 1 p„n ; nrlnu+m ;,t thtt undrr- <br />rs~v~, cu rf tEr€ 'wtserr~.zttUr rs t'tahrt~tes? kF ._trt !.,+. r;+=+.,, t:rrrahrr c;utra{r ir.>m raying tiro whole.+r :rnt ~'+rn„n.,E ihr afurr~ <br />,ard taxtx. ;-*r u{xui ihr rrrtderrng ut :r nt ,..-a•urt ,ir. rec• t•r,.hrMfrng t tar tt3; mere k; t?u ktr>rtgagor +rr :rnt ,auh [axr,.:rr ri [uch ?~~n <br />cx r~sree pro. tde± that ;:a::snur+nr ,.: peed Nt rite LicxrgaKe'r ,h,a3! ~ :resisted an the .munaage rteht. the kitartK:rgrr thud h:rte <br />tote rtght ao gtsr riroet> ,Sa+, :c rttirn ia,t ter t. tiye ,•u err :.' '. hr nturtgagrd crtcnuses, revuurng tttc ta::: nrrut ui the murtftitge <br />deM Et such rp#ice iu gtstn. the lard drtsr ,bait i`eee~mc due. a} shlc :,ai a~lecuttk at the rxp:rath+n of srcru mnrry drrF t- <br />i=. That ahtwkt hr fait tr. pay any rum +.s i.t:rp _n; ~..r~.rn acct Dr::t,ded ter rn this kSorxetay:r. then the ',t a+rtirty;re, at its up- <br />tr<n. may f'aY tx petfcxm the -ame. u:u! aiS , hpercdtturn ,u m3~ ;h:c?i tK sued t. the prvs~tpat ems ra€mg un the ahc7t~r vole. <br />•-half t+e seetxrd hetrbs .and sha?i bear mterrst at tree r:rtr art irxth to the satJ note, untii , atd- <br />fikat rte hereby as,igts, tramiers anti ,eft : ~trt to the kturtga~e. ter t?e .,ppktrd toward rite pay rstrnt r,f the note :end :ail <br />,ttms ueurtwi t~rrh} to c3a..+f <; drtssuft +.*~ iR.r uric*r marzee ,•f out ,,i the tertah attd ;irndiu~rt. ei This klnrtgagr err the [;rid <br />rx;re, ail the cents. rexrnuet .rr,d emuntr t+, he drrrieti frt,m the murig:tgrd prenuae3 dutmg tu.h liner as the tnartvage rndri+ted~ <br />Hess zitatl remain tsnRaW; ;,tt.i the S#axtitagcr .ha;: ha:e rc~ e; }+.xn[ say a#teat t:r agents rt Wray r#e5ise E{+r the psrrpoc of <br />~ Brad pgrttai+rs ;ud erf renurgg the ,erne ,,Wei :ufSecurtg the rrnis, retrnw:s and income. =utsl :t snag p.tS c+ut of said in- <br />catates ati e><psnres of repartit~t card ptemrses and txx:e>sat+r .ummtssiims acrd rxprrrses rnctured in rennrttt and managing rite <br />sarrtr a#i0 r+t t~riteezYing rrnratc there#rxxn: tier t:v~e;gocz rtmarnittg. A an4. to he ;ipp#ted ttsward the c.r,a.ftarert rf lard mr.ngagr <br />trrdat+#~rtes,. <br />a. Surat Art tvfh i;eep the tmptuYements rasa rxt>ting,x hrrrafter errcird un the rtutrt;~d psapecty. rnwred at may ire <br />retptitrd #rom time to tfmt by the 1{cxtgs{~r .cgatnxt ioi, z`: tiro :end other hacod,. •.asualttes :end .unrrngrniirs in ,uch <br />asurtr~tit an$ 7<N sua#t petiadi< as m.y t+e requfrrd ter the ktcxtttager anti u ai? ~ :,: prompiiy, when due, .en} premium, c,n .u4h <br />pt-tt~ltWn #r:s pa}mens c+# which tans ta.H t•ren mares herrtnitrturc ~ktl tnsurance ,hall he carrrrd in ::ompame, :+p- <br />gztaved t*) the !etottga{tee slat the pnfxtes :end rctxwats thetec+f ,ttaSE t+e heW by the xftutgagee and ha.r :rtt;tched thereto ius, <br />payaitk ~iauscs t5 fas€x cd t::tiif m #orm ac+:tptaftie to rhr j{ortgrsgrr 1n rsen[ .rf ;r,s. Nartgttgtu wrE1 cr:r immedratr n,rttre h. <br />ntaii t,irtYco?dart{p~ee, xrtto trrY make prtatri s# iexxs tt nett ntastc promptiF ray ktitstttagur, and e.cch rnsurner comp:+ny sexcr- <br />_•_^. rte3 -i h2trt+F atted and s4rccxed ra make patrornt fnr +rrfh tees chrceily to ihr y3rtrtgtPgce tnritead =tf ttt thx ktttri~g±?r <br />a+st the Mgt i~utPt7y', eclat 4ke in>vurancr prt+Ceeds, cx ;eny past tirere*;+t, may he epptrrd t+y ihr ktcxtgafter at tcs.,pnnn either <br />ttsthh~thetarttehtcs4t4esrtherehvEtc'acre!rtet<,[terrtstnratumxarepair,tftheprupcrt5dimat;rA Enr:tentuiturrxE,;. <br />*~te~rte ottKa'trat~r+ftrc># tNic to rhr m^mtWytedpr~perty ,next~ttushment of the rnekbtednrs, ,r.urrd hrrrbt. <br />ati tai, titre sett lsrt,rrsya sr# the 3tortcrr rn acrd to zny inxutancr i+.>itsses clan m f,srst ,hail pate i.+ the purrf:xur ru grantee <br />~, !'R~ as tsrl~itir°stri sru4 trrtiatcra3 f.3t ttce pa rtsan€ rxf tiFe ruxr :les.rx:,~t, arni H!? sums t.* Etr.r?mr cfue nstdct the. <br />rteri#. fire tr tfereby xxy tat the 4ttet~a&rc at? profits, rosrnues... =,aEiic,. ;.g#tr~ at+c9 tte~rteiits a4:rtrtng t.t the <br />r{t~tFr urattt say aad all oxi ant[ ~s ?r;tsre ,rn cacti peetrrisr+. ~itir the rfglrr tE. receive .ttFd rcrerpt fc~ the >•3atee and rcppt4 <br />itia~t-t+r wiial RfctratEtte~ra a!r v.sft Ns.'rrt +ta a#itt dtta#eEt in the it-tntE4twns;tf thi+ rnttr'titegr..+nrS itte k#ttrt{ta~c€. rnux c?rnr;+nti. ,ur <br />fsk€ r+s,~ ~~-tvth~tmcret. who due--.uu! pxy_ but malt nsyt Mr ,.. ic, .kcr Title asyiitixrgertt ~. to rernarnair <br />+t6t aad v+atit upr.+n tritn>e c*f this msut: <br />ttt;U•ikr;s~ 1~-'9t <br />