<br />81-- 002978
<br />Lender's written agrcemeni s^ applicable taw. Aarrowtr shall pey the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />martncr pntvidcd•undcr paragraph 2 hctcof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by i_endtr pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest Utercon, shall becotnt additiOnal-
<br />Inrtrhtednra5 of Bprmwer secured h}• this Mortgage. ~niesx Aorrnwcr and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />srutumts shall !x payabk upon notice from Lender to AorM~:er rcyttesting payment thereof, and shall hear inttrtst from tht
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable ftrortt flint to tittv_~ nn outstanding principal under tht Note unless payttsaet of
<br />interest at such rats would trt contran• to applicable taw, in which event sack amounts shall hear interest at the higheYt silt
<br />Ixrmissi}t}t under appticatlt law, Nothing eantaitstd i:t this paragraph ? sltatl rcquirt 1-etttftr to incur any cs:ptttata of ttitkt
<br />anti action hercander.
<br />g. Inspection. 1-ender may make ar cause to I,c matte rcasttnahie rntrirs ttpttn and inspections of the Pmperty, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borow•tr notice prior to env such inspection specrfy+ng rcaxonable cause therefor relascd to [.ettder's
<br />,rtirrest :n the Property. - - - -
<br />9. Condtmnatina. The prcireeds iif any award ar claim for demotes. direct or consequential, in conttts~3etn with any
<br />inndcmnaripn ter rnhcr taking of the Property, ur part thercnf. nr for c?,nveyanre in hcu of cnndemnat}nn: art-hereby assigned
<br />ant! shall t+c paid In Lender.
<br />}n the r+~ent of a u>tai taking of the Property. the prc+crcds shall he applied to the sums secured- by this Mortgage
<br />tt;:fi .he rzcess, if any, paid to Anrrnwer Cn the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Aorrowcr ated Leader
<br />:,t terns ise agree in writing. tttcre shall etc applied =.n the soma srn:rc:l }tv this MnrtgaRt arch proportion of the proceeds
<br />,s .~ equal to that propttrti»n ,s~hich the amount nt the sums ,tti:ircrct hs~ this •vtnngaer immediately prior to 1ht daft Of
<br />tak:ng `,tears io the fair market ,~attte „t the Prnpcriv :mine<tiatcty prtnr to the itatc of taking, wni, the hatancr pf iltt praxeds
<br />paid to Bnrrowtr.
<br />Jf flit Property is ai?a adonr,..l by finrrawrr, ter d. after nrnicc by t crdcr to Aprmwcr that flit condemnor olfera 1o taaCLE
<br />an award or strife :, ~_la:m for ;#amagu, C}orrowr. lairs t ~ respond to tender within l0 days after the date such ttotiu-i4
<br />m:u#cd. lxntkr it zuthorized to collect artd ap;+ly the prnc:ecds, at Lender'. option, tither to restorotinn or repair of the
<br />f'r ~,;a-rty nr ~n the sums ;ecured i,s, this 4fprt gage.
<br />t'r*".ess l.cndrr and Hurro:scr ~tihe;wise agree :n •-.+-siting, env etch opals, atinn ..~f proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />,.t{*tt,e '#te due <fatt of flit monthly installments rcfrrrcd +:, in ,+araCr.tithc 1 anti 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />.,..., :nst alimrnt t.
<br />'• iQ. Burrogrer Vot Retraced. Ectetuton of flit qnx ±ur patnur,; rr nv-+t}iftr:uotn of amnrtizatinn of the sums sxured.
<br />,~ th:s *,t,Tregagc goofed by T c:tdcr tts any succrEStu =:t :ntcres:.+( ttn,r,.+w-rr ~#iatl not operate !n reltase, in aoV manner,
<br />t7=c '.ah,lilt of flit ,,sigma! F3crr.-wet and Anrrowrr~ r.rrccsutr. •;; inirrc,t i crater shad oat be rrquired to commence
<br />.~:crc}mgs agatrsr ;r:,h ,t:c:cv^r nr ttfuu ut csirnd umc tar y~artnrat ,•, ,,theta-isc n+ndifv amortization of the autos
<br /><r.~~,;+cd ti,. this Atnngagc ity rr•.;s,tn ctf ,:nv dctnand msck itv ±,... ,,rrttnat i#rtrr=>•.vcr anti itnrrnwer's succttsnrs in }nterst.
<br />I t. Fesrbrannce br header tint a Waiter. .4 r:v f:,rhraranrr tr; 1 rndcr •n ezcrrtstng an=.- right ar remedy hereunder, tN
<br />.'; he ro~:;e .+iforded he apph.:al.ic L+w, shall not etc .+ w; rocs of ~+r ^re; hate the csertisr of any such riGhi or remedy.
<br />C'rc• •+ r',,:urerner-t ctf insurarut of *.hc navmcni r*f !as.T .--=r :~thcr r:n ,tr :-,- . •<- t*v T rndcr shalt cot etc a waiver of LCnder's
<br />~{hr ~ , actrkrate the maturit}~ .:f 'he +nde}ttrdnr~z =ccurrd #,v :h:, 11+trrEacc
<br />12. Rrnerdies Cumulative. X11 :smcdtcs prna!dctl ,.. flit, y1,,rt_: ;;.• :+,_ ~huintt a;,d sum,ttative to any :ether right or
<br />.c,ne•~; +.ndrr flits !+tnrrgagr or a.'T,.rde:.t hs law or eyun,..rac! ^tas ',. _,.r,~,cd samurrertty. indeprndentty or sucersaivtly.
<br />t~. 5sscctsson and Assigns Soured: lrtiat aad Se, Brat }iahiiit}; f'aptions. Inc cc+veaants and agreements herein
<br />.. ;wasted .hail hm3. and the tights hcrcundrr -. ai# ;Wore c: 'the [r~}-r~tr.c ._c~rvtrs :m:# ctv,_ieas n( Lender and borrower,
<br />.,eb,ect !c: the ;:n<vis,ctns of paragraph :' ttercef Ali ,vrnsnt, a.!„ -: terncnt: ,:f Ilt;t;ttwer shalt }tt ;Dint an$ several.
<br />f'i~c ,r,.~n3 .,nt} hcadangs -- 'he :taragrapFs -.t ,his~'4Y~rt -- .. ~..;t-. •rx,. ..rnty .,tits arc not to he used to
<br />,r,t~.t^rrt :.' ~tsi<c±,hc p-p rtsiR:t°. `.etcr,f.
<br />3. .tsrtiiir. x,~€ t `,_. nq ;tcrce rcgrnrr:# ~-,:,... . . . . ...:.... . ... ., - - . n . , ~. ,trher manner, fa) ; :==-y natie~e Io
<br />., r„act pre=. teird Sor n 'hi: ~ti nrtgage she-sl ht S,o,.n ,~+- :i,nF --,-- - -.t.:c is -.; ~uhcd maul addressed tv AMro4._ ai
<br />slit Pr>^ren~ Address :tr at such <rther address ss 9nrr;t+scr nt:.y ,lea:cr,.:t+• t}~ nntirc to t.rnder as pravidcd herein, and
<br />sh+ .. - .;c 'et t-ender shalt ?.e yr+cn },p ~crtr;tcv r,.,.,,, :etusn ;,._ , . .;,{uc<trd. to ;meter's address stared herein or ro
<br />-~r:' .4-:. a~d!ess as i_cnder ms'. 'csccnatc its net,+.• ~+-_' An. r+'-+.~i ~.t ,•;•c#...i *:rt-e:vt- ,lny r.+,tit~e pravidcd for in this
<br />`s'. ~. rt ::gc zit.,,! ^...':temed to .: ,^ itten v!~,en ::t Itnrr._•.,er -•r t ,;odes ., h. t. t•:vrn in flit mnnneF tfesignated herein.
<br />t5- Uniform SloftgaGr: Coserniat Lat.: Srr trabitity. '..r~. i.,•ni ,•t :nn:€s_agc :attthsnrs un.fornt covenants for national
<br />s,sr ar.,i ,~+n-;:ntfurm c:zvcnants •+:th `trmitr,t +~ar.~tu,n-, I-r :::,, , : n •: .anal mare a ttuxform iretaily instntmmt LpveBag
<br />mat p't`[+tftt-- T~ttn \tongat~c snail bt r<t,;csncd ^.-_ :hc 'a.+ .`. . ;~ - .i+,-tit~i;nn in wh'ss#t tFC PrcTn.rty' +; iocaicd. to [ht
<br />:~.+rnt that ar.y i r:v+:ran ~~r „a. x ,:.' !hn 4t c•.;ga~. •, . =tic \.,;. .`• tt c, !, ,. ,:h ;ppiu:title tiw, ;trc}t ,:nnflic{ sh ;Il nett affect
<br />~. ~: #tc: lit r', :c+,tna .'f th+s \t rrtgage t#tc `:[+t_ ,:t„h ,.-, t^c~ _ ,.. .,. ++: tr [.t thti< ~_nnitt, trot pray isian. and io tills
<br />t. .i flit pr; r+sinns nt thG ~It'rrgagr and t!r_ V,,tr .:c ae~!atcd '.. -. ...-.,.-.,..
<br />Ib, Brtrruwrr`x Copy. Barnts.~r: +ha#E #+e furrt,.heti -; s, nt+•:rnr,.' --.•t,t•~,•f the tints .,od of this Atnrrgagr at the time
<br />.>t esecnti.m ~r a7tcr rreordatinn lieu Y,f.
<br />f7: Transfer of the property: Asru+nptioa. T( ail .tr a:e_y l~a.t .,i ,} i'r,-lteri:~ :,• an interrst thtriin i. sold or transferred
<br />:,~ Nt-rt.twcr w~!thn€tt Leader's ytrr,tr wrutcu consent. c,,'+rdini ,.r, ~I+. ~-s. .,t+,+n .~( ;:en nr encumhran:;e suttardinatt to
<br />'h„ `•lt,rtg;egt.:i+# the ctcat!on .•f :, punhase rrv+ne7 +a+,r:rt: -..terc~,r l:. ..--,•,rtx.id apphancrs. tcl a transfer by devise,
<br />,._ .:ertt ;x by nftrraupn of law i:piat flit death of a In:r+t rrnun: ,•:
<br />Lrnder :flay, at i cndrr-, ,,ps:,,a. ,tr.!.:rc ail file ;lima se~.ured ttt thss Mortgc},'e to (x
<br />rnnteJ+atri•, dur and pay abet Leader >hail ha+c na:+cd <;,,h np+.:. n :. ..t;c#cr,,tt :f. prior t» the .ale or transfer, Lende[
<br />an+: flit ~..r,ctn :<. ,s h.tnt flit I'r:.gcrt. is to t>t ,c,i.# :,r tr;.n.i er: c:i tea, is ~.e~st*--r*tcnf ::t ~+~r+t++:>; that t}ie :re.1+t cf ctn-.h per3on
<br />., satni ac!nrs t, i en.irt ,end :hot tnr rnierpt }•raysbk .+u th!• area, u-c.:av i~: ;fait '.4i ortN.r}=r shall i,e at such rate as Lender
<br />.,.ill rryurst. it' t ender has w•aaed the apuan to ~+. ria ate ~ rov,ttcxl , -hn pa rags pet i7 and +f Atrttcxwer'v socetssor in
<br />mfr rest has rsccatcd a wnizen as^.umPt inn agrernte^t aacpted i•t Mnt,:rg fie I ender- Lcndcr ,hall ;rica,c Elcrro•aex from aft
<br />.•nl~¢<trtxx „n:its itus h{errgagr and rite `.dote
<br />if Lr:=d€r tutctses such opti»n tr- ai.eitrate. i-e,+cirr shall :Hari Horros+cr notice of ;tccetctat:nrt in accnrdanee with
<br />=s. agraph :-'terrerf SucA n4t:cc shad pra;v+de ~t t+e rr€ui td no; its. than 'a .lava frcns the dart flit nuinr !" matted withrn
<br />:n+;h Bt+r s,•acr nze, ::a} the aunts :Se.=a1 e+3 due if Anrr.i..cr fail<,o ;.cT =u,.a <:im. pr:.-:z to the esp,rai,t,e: •.d <uch peripd.
<br />} eriiftr init. „-ri?tttu4 f:rrttgCf Mat;tr .rr dCfrt<ad .'+r ttt>r:a"aer, n,c=Ar ,tot ic'iitrdtes p2ftnitteai ix! i`:tFaKrap}t i4 hereof.
<br />!V{Sri-L~r.trc:ar•s t„(tV-KaNr1 floss€}wef in,i t.Ctllk= t.+!'itCt '.. r?+'f 1!?fli .[lid ,+}'4CL' :i4 tnI{[Twt
<br />!a. Ar,tterasian: Remedies. Ett[cpt as pre+idrd is paraataph IT tterr,.l rrpua Aaeroweis breath al a»y a-arenW tx
<br />:actermtat ut ttarrua+tr en ttsis s!fartgtgtt, iartudiera sbr t•.r,enatrls in peg ni,ee dur ilea soaas cerwred by this htart}tage.
<br />!trader aria=. ro acnttratitta shsp resit mN}ct to Beerruwte as presided in puseraph iJ tenru( xprrif}ing: III tttr berach:
<br />•..s rice actiua rsysiNt'd to care such brracle: f3} a flail. tine lest than .w days irrtm the date the awkt K resaihd to Bsrreucr,
<br />b} wfrirh wch McKie mrst 6t cared; std f~} that failure trt Tarr loth hrerch en nr helots lies dais xpecihed fa flit twtke
<br />nsay rrsull is art•etttatias at the sofas ecured b} [bit ~tertRaigr, fwtvits~rur by judiri:d pr,w~rrttiea aad sa{t of flit ptopeNy.
<br />t tar nuttct abaft tuAbr-r tafsrtm Barrst,rrr of the rgthl let rritsstalt after as<ctrr~itm stud itst rr};M to assrfl in ihr fie
<br />f+rea trdtwg the +!ien.cshtam~t c,f a drtsrdi w awY other tkfrxsr ut ltnrtn„rr to arratcraiion artd forrctttsure, f( the tirracb
<br />is rwt t; r}ted ea nr befsts flit dale spet-ifeed is the tssttirr, t tntirr ae Lrnder'x rtptfna may do tan aU of the sofas seeeetsd by
<br />tbLs tiv<wgarr to 6e imnstdiatrly aad pxsabk wdhuut lurihrr drmattd a+,d taay fotrttw• try itsrliriiti pr,.cetdiegl, I.eadsr
<br />v#all tier -ntitkd !p taxtt+rCt is smrh arm:trrdie~ aN rz¢tasCs etd tirrrrtasure, iaaltratlesa. t,xt sgrtt timitrtt 41, casts et ttotamrwluy
<br />t+adsta-t, ,rAsa-rscts and title tapet4.s.
<br />}i, rawrr's Rs}}Itt to Rtirattnt. -s+ioewrrh.t,,:•d.„s, #,:!tdct-s .,,.,,,-+:;...:: •.`n- ~.,,,.n T +,rci itt- ,tu-. Martgagt.
<br />to=a r,_.+er i.+a=° t<aaE t}sr; rf~ht tr, h.a.e ,£+sy it.*ux-etlrrtx. t~~v ut h; I ,~„<,}c.. t.- _:t .. ,.+., 4}„<4~:tLat `',*a n.i,t~,.c,# ,; att~ ume
<br />