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I <br />gj_.OCi2J7E <br />!!Ntr+easr ('ovP7+tsn'TS. Borrower ease! Lender covenant and agree as foNihen due tht grincipa! of and interest an the <br />i, -aytarat of Prhtc•6pa1 stall ?Marcos. Bnrrowcr shall pmmgny gay <br />makf,trdr,tss tvsdcncttl by the Note. prepaytttent and late charges as grovided rn the Note, and the principal of ash intsttaat <br />ctrl any Fwnre Advances secured by thu Mortgage. <br />1. FtsaWa far ?arras aai ittrtttartuce. Subject to applicable law or to a urnttn waiver by Lender, Borrower shaii pay <br />to C.cndcr nn tht day monihiy tttstallitxstts of gctnciga! and imerest arc gayahlc under the Note, until the Note is paid in (aq, <br />a aunt fhcrrin "Funds"1 rqual ro a,tte-twe!(th of the yearly taxes and ascrssmtr.:x which may attain prinrify over-this <br />Mangage, anal ground rents on the Property. if any. plus care-twelfth of yearly. premutm installments for htzard tnaurnite; <br />plus one-twrtfth nt yearly prcmitun installments for mortgagt tnslirancc, if any, ail as reasstnably estimated iniliaily and f!tOAt <br />time to time ht• t-errdsr on tht bass of asaess+nems artd Mlls and rcasonahlt estimates thereof. _ <br />The Funds shaii t,e hell in an mstitutitm the depanits x accnunts art which arc insureat ar gtttrant~ by a -Federal-fx - <br />s;ate apw:ory [ including l..ender if t rndn n stash an rrtstitution i. Lender .hall agpty the Funds to pay said-razes;-ldspfrttt7Nf: <br />mswsnee premiums and ground rents. lender may not charge last s+, holding anal applying the Funds, agaiyYtngatifid~a~tXitnw <br />or ventying and tempting said usescmenis and twits, unless Lender pays Borrower interest an the Funds and-appt• <br />pcrmuc t.trtdcr to make such a ahxrgc Harrower and (.cnaler may agree to writing at the time o[ execution of this <br />MnrtgagC that interest nn the Funds shall tx pa+d la Bcirmwer, and unless such agreement is mtidt of appticabk IatN <br />r:y!+res such interest us h paid, I ender shai! eat he required to pay Borrnwcr any +mercst or earnings t>'n the Funds. Ltntder <br />,hall gs+'c to Bnrrawu, wuhout charge. an annual accatunnng of the Fun.fs showing credits and dr;bits to ?fie Funds and the <br />purpa,se i+u which each debit to the Feinds was made. The Funds arc p:~dgtd as additional security for ^`e sums seeurai <br />by thrs MartgaEe <br />fl ttre amount of rhr Funds held by Lender. taEether with tht future mnmhly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the dot slates n! taxes, assessmems, anaurance prem+urns and ground rents. shalt exceed the amount required to pay acid taaes, <br />assessments. msurance gremiums and ground rents as they tali due, snch esau shall he, at Borrowers option, either <br />promptly regard to Borrower or c:rtdcted k, Harrower nn manthty mstatlmtnts of Funds. if the amount of the Fttatis <br />he}d by Lender shag not be sui4`icient to aav razes, asxscments, msurance premiums and ground terns u they fall arts, <br />Bonaltirr shai! pay m I.trider any amount rtec'essuy to make up the drtic+enry within 30 da}•s from the date notice is tnetiad <br />by l.etuter to Borrower reyixsbng pas ^'r,rt thereat <br />t'pc+n p.+ytricnt rn full of sit sums sca;urrd ttY this Mortgage. 1 rndtr shai! pr~mptiy refund to Bormwtt any Futt~t <br />hc;d by t rn+icr. If under paragraph iH hereof the Prupeny ,s sold or the Pnynrt,' us otherwise atgwttd by t~ t~r,~Len+der <br />,h+i4 apply. no later than imrrtrdtastly gear to the sale +,t the Proprrty or ass acyunetmn by Lender, aoy by <br />tender at the Csme vi appisraiton as a a€tdrt against the sums s~ureai by thra hlr.:tgage. <br />J, Appi:eatirta +.( PtytiarMs. links applucabk law gr+svrales ++tfxrwnr. all payments received by Leit~t under [he <br />Yott a»d paragraphs attd 2 hereui shah bt agpiied by I.cndcr first :n payment of amounts payable to Lender by Bwrowar <br />unskr paragraph ?hereof. then to untcrext payab{c un the tiant, then t+: the gnnxtp-rl of the Noft, and then to intcrtat and <br />p«txtpai on any FuUttc Advances. <br />i. ['hat eta: Lkws. Baxrnwer ,hai{ pay elf !asrc. a+,r+++nrnrs ar++1 .+thtr =.harges. fines and impositions attrtbuuhk to <br />tM• Pmpcrt}- whtsh may attain a pnority ever ?hr+ !xiortgagc, aad ica,e h.,hi paymrnts or gmurtd reins, if anY. in the rtttaneT <br />pro+r+tr+l tm+kr paragraph ~ hetrot or.:d rsut pard :n stash manner. hs Borrower rn,u:mg gayment, whin due, directly to the <br />pater thcm,f. Bnrnswer strait prrxnptfy furnish ta, i.rnakr all rrtyrs:r+ w+t •+aua+uns _hrc unaicr this paragraph, attd in [ht rues?? <br />tinrrowcr ,Fall rook? payment duectty. Bwa,wrr shai{ psnmp+iy t+rrnt,h to rccetpts evrdertcmt snch payments. <br />Borr+wtr sha#! gramptfy +.rx.harge any istn whrrh has pr.orsty +•,er thi+ \iortcagc• pruvidrd, that Harrower shaii rra 6e <br />rryurn•d to dssxhargc any such iten .+r ioirg as Borrower chaff eater +n +r,+:,:;; ,., the palrttent o1 tht abhgation stcuted by <br />.u+h'srcn rn a manucr a+:ctptatsk ter l.tndtr. e,r +hail rss t'+aki tank a<=nts-r s+r,.n iicr+ t,y, or drfemi erfuretmenl of such Nett In, <br />legal pnxca~d:ogs whrah arptiate to prrvem the entot+,rmrnr ..t ttx !:;n nr toric+turr of the Property or any part tirereof- <br />a_ Huar6 9tswraacc. Barrcrwrr ,trait keep shr ~n:pr+~+ntxnt, ;:+++, :,+,rn,g .,r t,rreatter errcted cm the Property tristtred <br />agarnxt to,s hs. firr, hazards irriiucMd wrthrn the terns "~,[er•air+t .+~,+::.+ge anJ wash other harurts as Limier may requirt <br />an+f :n ,u.h .sm+nu+h and tw saixh prrntds a, f.tnakr :oak +ayuitr. tit„`+aic,i. ~ha[ ! cooler shall eat requtrc that the amount of <br />swat? ..,arragc rx<trd ?trot amount +,f ia+tr.'ragt rryuurd to pav rhr ~•+m, vc+rnd by tMs Mortgagt. rovided. <br />T tee +nu.rarxc aarrrer grnvidmg tht rrisurance ,hall (+c aM,xn hY Be,srowrr +uhiect to approval by Lender: p <br />that +uc t; apprr+v ai chaU naf Fc unrrasaurahly wtthhtld- .1ii prcmrum, .wr nt+uranae pnitctes shaii t,e paid in the manna' <br />pr:+x:sksi urxdrr paragraph 2 htrcai ur, :t nut Bard to +aititt rnamtti, h} &aruwtr making paymrnt, when due. dttecliy to the <br />In+n6ugC Cartel'r. <br />Ali rautranr:c t*+ta!r+arnl renrwats thrrrnt shaii t+e rn form a..+~ptat*k~ to f coder and shall urci+uak a ,!andard mortgage <br />:tan+c rn to+++r .+t and :rt f+,rm ax+'eptattit so I:rrrde+. Lrrnicr ,halt ha,a: the ueght [o hold rhr gulicrcs and renewals thereof. <br />and Br+rr+,wer -i+ait promlxiy turnuh to Lenakr ail rcnrwai rtatr+ses .roil .ell :cccigts of paid premiums. in the event of loss. <br />q++rr,rwrr ,hats pve prompt +tottcr to tfx +tuurartcc .arrrer attJ i.craakr t enilrt stay make prcxrt of loss if nut made gromptty <br />try tk+r«twtf <br />Unless 1 rnakr a»d Borrowrr athtrw+,t agree m -+rning, msu+ait+e pr.><rr+t+ shalt ht applied to restoration or repair of <br />tM? Proprn} Janttgrd. pruv+dcd stub rrsturauun or report rs norx++,u..all} tcaubic and the scxuniy of tMs Montage is <br />n.N iheseh} tmparrtd. it c;txh rc+wrauon ar rcpau n eat ra.orsa,ntrc oily !r:,al*ir or ri the ucurstY of this Montage watuid <br />he rnsyaurd. tM msurance ptasxceds short (>t appixst ta, ttre saints sts nrtd Ma shrs Muztgagt, wash the txctss, if any, paid <br />so Havr.•wrr ft rhr Nrargtet} ux ,tt,a+td+,rhvi h,< Baunnsrr. or :t Bn+n'wcr ta;is to rr,ga,+rJ to I.cndtr w+ihin 3o days from the <br />ware na,uir +, nsa.icd Y+y Lrrnkr to Barn*wtr that tttr :nwrana:e correct „tttr. t++ ,.'nit a atasm far tnsurartce lxnefils, 1_atskr <br />r, authonred w iolit~t acrd apply tht utrouratt.c proceeds at Lerxler + +sptrun tstha:r to restoraton ar rtpasr of the PropeitY <br />:,r to the xum.,r.urast ht thu Morttatc. <br />l~nkss i.+~nd+:r and Hurrosver nthtrw tc agree an wrung, any sa+ah apl,hc..+ua+n ++f p«nreds w pnrtctptl shaii na eztettd <br />or p.+ssp+>,u :he Sue dart of the ntaxuhiy mvtattsmnts !cfrrred u, rrr ; aragraim, t amt ~ hereof or r:fiange the amount of <br />+tuis ,ustaiin+cnt,. It u+rdcr paragraph ig rte€cof the Propezh 's axyuucd ht i.cndrr, aN right, tstk artd interest of Borrower <br />in asid to ant snsucao.c pairctes amt in amt to the pra,s:ceds trsulung ieorn damagt to the Property pr:or to the sale <br />yr aCyutsstraxi .hart pass to LCtxkt to the extent art the sums eta=urea by th+s 3fortgrge +mmesltateiy prsar to such sale oc <br />acqussitra+n <br />tt. Prsftrsatloo aai 34aMNrnatsce d rnr~srtY: LestseAaids: (~+.wdwmirsiure.: Ptntsttei littrt tkreiap~etala. Borrower <br />shai; i.rtp ttss• Pratperty in ttwud rrgatr aswf shat! true smm~tn waste ui Ixrmit unpr:rrrk:nt or deteriorauaut of the Property <br />acrd ,taafi cc,ntpiy w€th iht ptavtstons of any kax !i this Martgagr ., on a ita,eM,ki. If ?hss Mongate is on a unit en a <br />+.xtssdominutm +x a gtanrted unit akveiopmcnt, Btxrawer ,hai! ptnasrm ail of Bcxruwet s atbhtatscxu under the akclarat+on <br />yr bovcnanta crtauttg nr govern+ng tits ~+mskimmsum ar piarsstd ,r+tst dtvrkyrnicm. the ity-laws atni rtgtsiatrorts of the <br />+c,rrhuoususm c}r pianrsni uau +iss~cfaptrscnt. and camuun:nt +ht~t:unnm+. t! a aoetcf+unenium ar ptanesrd ?trot cltrtiaptnetsi <br />realer as ttsecutsd by Bsat[ower and i•ecorrkd tattethee with this Mongatr, the auvrnanis aria agretrncnts of st+ch titter <br />shalt 6e iac,ztrpursted atria stall shai# amend and srtppitrntrn ttra-esrvtnants and agrexmcrtts of this MorYtste as tt she ride[ <br />w>Era a. part ttcrttrf. <br />#. la+aHC~att sf l,ay0aay'3tctttitY. if Harrower farts to perform the covenants arul a;rtetnanb cattastrad m this <br />istsrriprte, ter d any atirtatt ur pttxetding rs camatcttcrd wMctt mattrtalty alters Lenakr"s interest in the Property. <br />?taxhtdi»~, t~ inn itmttad to. ctnuseat dwttain, ssssctvertcy, ~e+da erricw+.rrrnnr. or anangtments tx pmcets#ints invxJvint a <br />trat;dtru;.+t ttr a3exedent, ?bras L!rrtt#er at i_asnkr's aptuost, upauu rttdtte t., B€xrowrr. m'a} make sue.h appearances, d+shuiu such <br />stt#rtz attd fake such acttm as +s ttuexsary to ptottst l.crxskr's .mz;est, irxian3st:g, teat not ;unwed iu, aliaburscrttesat of <br />re;ttt+-ra~trit at.tuf!aay''+ rcaz tad entry upu+t tba Pr~sptrty to make rtpau+ it f ~rtaitr rtquirc+! nwngate. tRStu'anrx as a <br />.ctzedrtr€*a ai srtakrnt 4ha lftan scs.ured by rhea Mtutta~. Narzrtwsr shaii ga}• the t*rrns+aarns rtgasrcd to maintain sorb <br />uauxtanss us rti+ret unto such turtrc at ?t+e zequiressteeu fm assch ,asurasue €rrmina:ez +re arrordarx:c wrth Ba+rti+wets and <br />