affect the ablioations of narrower under this e+ortnane.
<br />9. So loran as Lender shall be o!>linated to make any payments upon
<br />the first mortgepe, Eorrosrer agrees, upon Lender's written request, to pro-
<br />vide at Borrower's exliense a continuation title search showing the Status
<br />~ of title to the premises mortgaged herain, provided that Lenc+er ~•rill not
<br />~ request Wore th"an one such title search at Borrower's expense in any one
<br />I2-month period.
<br />~ 14, If the Borrower desires to prepay any amounts due hereunder, the
<br />Lender may, in addition to anything else in the note or rortgaoe, •'
<br />~ at its option,.apoiy all or-any part of such prepayment as a-prepayrxrnt--
<br />on the first morteane. If such aoplicatian results in the imposition
<br />by i,he balder of the first msrteane of anv prepayr^ent f?es or
<br />penalties in excess of any prepaymrent fees or ^enalties othenrise due
<br />under this morteage or the note it secures, then 3orm:-rer shall also
<br />pay such excess fees or ?enalties. If no prepayment is oemitted
<br />under t.",e first ^iortcace, then E.ender !nay, at its entirr+., refuse Y,b
<br />• accept any prepayments i,t excess of the arrount by :•:hich t!le principal
<br />balance on this mortgaee exceeds the then unpaid prineinal balance
<br />on the first mortoac*e. In the event Eorrower desires. to make any
<br />prepayments, it shall give lender a tirritten notice statinc_. the amount
<br />of such prepay!~ent and the date upon +.•,hich i*_ is prcposedto be made,
<br />such date to he not less than ten days after receir.t of suc!1 notice
<br />by Lender, and Lender shah , within seven ~:ays of rnceipt pf such
<br />notice, infor^t 5orro:•rer of fio:~r such preTayr~ent shall be made and applied
<br />under *his paragraph and p° any necessary excess ,:reoayrrent fees or
<br />nenaities. LorrQ'.9er ""a `! Sher°u^On Cr:'!~ee!~ t!~ r*.~{E sUCh nr~nr,av!renL
<br />aS proposed nr may nptifV ,2^der in 4.'ritinn of its is^.tent rot to proceed.
<br />;ray prer?ayrents applied tp the fi rst ~rtcace under this paracraph
<br />shall be apnlied as in the case of proceeds under ^aranraph 7.
<br />:I. Fn11oVtInC any acceleration ^f the ~t_=jt SeCUred ~.ereby, Lender mdy,
<br />at its OatiOn, cGntimte t„ r~akn ^?yr^e.^. `_5 of ~r;,~C;,.al ntCreSt Or Other
<br />sums or any prepayment cn t;le first mrtnace, but s:}all ra*_ to required to
<br />d0 SQ, dnd n0 SUC!1 ^ay?'~ntS Sh,a, i 'Je ~eE?R'Ed tp rCirnState a reQ:tirement for
<br />any further payments.
<br />i2. Lender may, at any tire, at its anti on, ~^ake any additional ad-
<br />vances or pay!~nts of any kind necessary to cure er avoid any default under
<br />the first "U rtC3t'e, i~Ui shall rapt L'e r!'Q'31 red tQ d0 So.
<br />13. Lender s!Tall ba subrp^ated to the rights and lien of the first
<br />rbrtcace for any "nnP'f nail to pr for the tene`it of the first nortcaee here-
<br />under, :vhether such nayr~~nts are repaired pr at -ender°s option, and any such
<br />Was.^ents, except those ode under oararrzoh , shall ~p added to *he indebt-
<br />edness secured he,~by, ;,itn interest as arnvi~ed herein, and shay, be payable
<br />on de,ran;i.
<br />=~1. ~~Ry breaC!1 pf any Cot'Eikant or dgreer"ent in this rider, 7nclUdlRQ
<br />any failure to r~ ke anv° payments due hereunder or in the agreemant reoardina
<br />cor,~nliance with the first ^n rtC3ne, shall be a default under the r~rtnace and
<br />the entire unpairi nrincirai balance may, at Lender's ppticn, be declared imme-
<br />diately due and payable as ^rnsrided ir+, the cr~r*.eaee. n such event Lender`s
<br />obTi~ation under ?aranrap~, 5 ~=arepf ;hall tar*~inate and ±his mnrteace ,:ay then
<br />be foreclosed tp satisfy al' arrunts "ue. Such a^cunts due shall include, in
<br />addition to aTi ar+cunts specifies'. in the .*.urioace, any amounts paid by Lender
<br />under raranraphs '_' cr ?^ hereo:, a.^.v areoavs^en± fees or penalties r,hich v:ouid,
<br />at the date of acceleration, ±:e renuired to ~reoay *_he first r+prtcage and all
<br />costs and expenses ~f `p,-eclpsure, prith interest on all such araunts from the
<br />date naii# or advanced as ^rpvi~Jed it t^e ^+ort^ace. ?here shall be deducted
<br />fm,* SLiC!1• amQtiC;tS due ~h? ~rri,`f i!+a i :.`al~'nCe pf the fi rSL !ror`_cane aE the ddte
<br />o€ such acceleratinn.
<br />,` ~.
<br />n~ ted : _ .140E 1, '_'. R t . _t
<br />rtlrs.+~n~taL F£~£flJiL Sa^.Vi.`3~S nf!rJ LOAti r?SSr?CIATIOtd
<br />r3 Y r.
<br />1::~-`P~crv S is 'zu~er t t..arr+o4~ter
<br />