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1 <br />~,;~ <br />s~-ao~a2.~ <br />IiRAIf-AROL~tiD id6i3TG-G8 ii.YDEA <br />la coaaaction with ttta oats and sortgaga executed by the uadersignad <br />Sorzaws anti of avm data harenith, Loader and Borrowr agzaa ae fol3.ovss , <br />1. This sortgage is the amount of $2A,Q50.o~ is subject ta;a <br />first raztgage or deed of trust slated `?nvenber 10. 1977 betveea <br />F,n~S±n!+ L. Poc+en anA Pe+±c•Y I,. TSas~aen, husban.l and wife a! mOrtgi$Or <br />and Coru~rcial ?eder~ Savings and Loan Association as first mort~ _ <br />gages, recorded 1q pall County. "tebraska on Nover+D r 1(1_ 1977 aihiCh <br />first mortgage is fa the enrreat principal amo~t of ;~ and <br />~3ch !a avid~ced by a Dote and/or similar documents an agreasenta, all <br />of which era co3lectivalq referred Ca hareia as the first mortgage. <br />2. The principal. Sadebtedaeas secured by this mortgage includes <br />$ 23L301.84 retained by Lender pursuant to wan is coasiaasaczon oc cos <br />agrnemaats of Leader sad Borrower wt forth is this rider with respect to <br />such first-sartgaga. <br />3. Borrawar agrees to timaiy complp with all terms sad coaditiona of <br />the first mortgage except with respect co any payments of principal and <br />.iatarest which Loader L hareia tusks, and Dot to esuaa, suffer <br />or a7.lArw say breach or default tharaaa or say amendssnt, alteration as modi- <br />Eieatioa of the farms thereof. <br />4. Bar'rowsr'~vi11 i~sdLtely fasrard to Leader say aotlcas or other <br />do~~*+u iG receives Ergs or is requires to deliver to the boldas of the <br />flret mrtgaga: <br />S. Leader agrees eo maim ail paym~ts of grincipai and interest from <br />t}~ae to tame dun wader such first mortgage sad map. st its option, prepay <br />such aortgsge La vhoie or Jn part. In the event of any sueh.vnluatary gre- <br />paymaae by Lander, and 1f at the time of such prepayment oo default exists <br />under this mortgage or the first mortgage, chew Leader shall be respensibia <br />for sap applicahia prepayment fees or paaalties wader such first mortgage. <br />Leader L net required to psrfors or Sa say way responaitale for any atber <br />tares or provisions of the first mortgage except as specifically set forth <br />is this paragraph. <br />6. Any funds required to be paid 6y iTarrower under the fizsc mortgage <br />is anticipation or dlscltarge of any taxes, assessments, insuzanea, liens, or <br />otherwise shall be psid by Borrower to Lender who shall chereupoa iamediataly <br />remit said s~au to the holder of the first mortgage on behalf of Borrower. <br />To the extaae say such payment is is discharge ar anticipation of any caz, <br />asaesssent. ilea, or other obligation which aorrower is obligated co discharge <br />or aaticipaca uodar this mortgage, thna such amounts resifted to cha first <br />sortgagee shall ba considered as suffieieat compliaara with the razes of this <br />aoribaga to the a:e~t they era used or era and conciaua to be aTSilabla far <br />use is discharge of such obligations. ' <br />T. :Jich respect to any inauraaca ar co~emaacion proceeds which may be <br />raquirtd by this mortgage to be expended is restoration ar repair of the prop- <br />erty o'1C applied against r!~e sums secured by Chia mortgage. any similar applies <br />catiati pursuant us the texas of the :first mortgage shad, to that extent, be <br />daaaad.sufficiaat cospliaace with the terms of this aorcgsge. To the extent <br />sap sucAt suss era properly paid is reductiaa of the first mortgage, chaa cha <br />astouac of the foul indabtadnesa ua~ier this mortgage shall ba considered <br />teduced is as aqusl amount sad. in additioa, to cha exceac say gariodic pay- <br />saata Leader has agreed to gap upon the first mortgage are reduced on <br />account of smch payments, than the amount of any payaaats required to be made <br />fcos time to tint by t!~ 8orrawar wader this mortgage shall ba reduced in as <br />aq~a3. as~c+sutt foe aggi~alaat periods of ties until the Sads6tedaess under this <br />>woxtgage is paid Stu full. <br />8. Tha 3aarorrsar shs21 aoc gregay ar in nay way cause or allow grapay- <br />maat of the .first aartgaga except with r~pecc to aggiisatioa of groceada <br />ugdar-paragraph 7 batrawf, and astapt is the case of final adjudication a# say <br />>31+sgoli~ qr lawalidlty at th+e iadabtsdnasa wader tabs first moregaga aD pra- <br />pa}~+aerxt# olr ocher rad+nctioos is the iadabcedaasa of awch !first oortga;• shall <br />. nnn c{w. rf.' `f /j wq VA rt t'F <br />