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Si--oo2s7s <br />Gander's written agreement ~ apptigbk law. Borrower shall pay the amonnt of all ,nrtgage insuratttx ptemiutna in the <br />mtemrer provided ttr~sr pangraph 2 hereof. <br />Arty arnotrms disbursed by Lt:ader pursuant to this patagnph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />itsdabtedrtees of Bortawer [secured by this Mortgage. Unless Botmwer and Lender agree to other terms of paytttertt, atsclt <br />amotrots tdtall be payable upon tttxice from Lender to Boirowtr requesting paytnmt thereof, and shall bear intends tn~t the <br />date of tBsbursemeWt at thr. rate payable fratn time to time on outstandhrg principal undo [he Note tmkas payment of <br />irtatest at [tech rate would be contary to applicable taw, in which event such atttounta shall bear interest at the highest me <br />permisa~k order:pplleabte taw. Aiothing coriaittsd in this paragraph '7 shat require Lender to itrur any expiitKe of take <br />aetay ttetio[t haettttde>•. <br />!L Tstaliapsn. Lander may make or cattle to be made reasonable entries upon and inspecCOns of the Property, provided <br />that Lettdn shag gve Borrower ra[ice prior to any such inspectitm specifying rsasonsbk cause therefor related to Ltnttkt'a <br />interest m the Property. <br />9. Cesiestrtttraa. The proceeds of any award or chum for damages, direct or consequential, in'cotrnection with any <br />condemtaaYton or other takitrg of ttte Property, nr part thermf, or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc htteby asaigtted <br />and shalt be paid to Lstrder. <br />In the evert! of a total taking of the Property, the proceadx shall be applied to the sort[: muted by this Mortgage, <br />with Efts sxces+t. 'sf any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of tFte Property, unless Borrower attd Lender <br />otherwise agree in writitrg, there shall be applied to the sums mutxxi by this Mortgage such proportion of the ptocsMs <br />n is egtta) to that ptoportiarr which the arttount of the sorts: secured by this Mortgage immediately pt4or to iht date of <br />taking bears to the fair tttarket value of the Property imtnediatety prior to the date of taking, with the batarsce of the proceeds <br />paid fo Bortow+sr. <br />It the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if, aftsr notice by Lender to Burrower that the rnndem[ar otfen to snake <br />an award ~ settle a claim fns damages. Harrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 drys after the date such notice is <br />ntaiked, Lender is authorial to caiiect and apply tM proceeds, at Lernkr`s option. either to reatontion or rt:pair of the <br />Property or to the sums t,ccttred t±y this Mtxtgage. <br />Urttas Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such apphcatien of prncseds to principal shag not extend <br />t# postpone tFee doe data of [he monthly inualttttrnts referred to in paragraphs 1 and Z hereof or change the atWwtnt of <br />such ittslaltmertts. <br />]!. lieasower Pld 1Reiysea. Fxtension of the time for payment or mtxlificatiun of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage gamed by Ltee~r to any successor in interest of Borrower shall nut operate to release, in any manner, <br />the liainlity of the original Borrower and tlorrowtr's xtKCCxaorc in in:ereat. Cooler shall not tx required to commence <br />proceedmga agarttst uech tttttesaor ar rcftax to ezirnd time fnr paynrcnt ur otherwise modify amortizatiett of the sums <br />sacursd l+Y this Mortgage Fry reasem of any demand made by the original Botmwcr and Borrower's sttcceasors in interest. <br />ll. Paeiawasee tgl.esan Plot a Waivter. .Any frerbesra~c by [ender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or <br />otherwise afftrrded by applicable taw, shall not he a waiver of cr dude the txercise of any such right ar remedy. <br />lire procurarteat of ittstrratace or the paymrnt at tazn ur reshot titles er charges by Gender shall na I+e a waiver of Lender's <br />rsgM to acrxleate the trrantrity of the indehft:drees6 secured by sites Mortgage. <br />38 Ratttta~es Csstshties. All txrmeciies pnvitkd in [his Mortgage arc distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />rms¢dy under this Marigape nr afforded by law or eyuiri. and may F+e ezerr:sed cartcurrcntly, independently or sttcct=sivety. <br />!3. 3ncasaaesa std AsaiiRr rasts~ lebrt toad Several I.iabBity: Caytiom. The covenants attd agreements herein <br />contains) shall bind, and ttte rights hneuttder shall snore to, the rrspectn~e s±tcccsssxs and assigns of ).ender and Harrower, <br />subject to tht ptxavisiaru of puagrap#e t? hcrcot AIF covettanta and agrtxrttents of &xrowTr shell be join[ and sevs: ;l. <br />The captiortx and tteadinga cef [lee paragraphs of this Mnrtgagc are fnr ccmvrneem a only and arc rtot to be used +~ <br />,nterprct ar tielitte ttx pro.:aions htrer)f. <br />21, Nataiee. Faccept far any nt[tict rtquirtd under appiicahk law tr+ be givrn in sreuthtr [Wanner, tat any notice to <br />tiprroxrer provided far to this McKtgttgz< :stall he geven hY maittng s,tch rscanct #af certified mail atldrcsaed to Borrower at <br />the Pmpsrty Address ar ai such ether address as Bcxruwer mss dcstgnatc by ra7ties to 1_mder as provided herein, and <br />tb) any nutlet to Itttder shall tre given ty certtfied matt. return rcrc+f+t rcyutstexi, to Lendtt's address stated herein or to <br />such otteer addtsta as Leader may tiesignatt by tx*tiee tr Borrower as providtxi htmn. Anv notice proridtd for in this <br />Mortgage shalt be deaxtaed to Feavs t~etn given to Otrrrrwcr x t.endtr whrn g:vin in tht manner deli;Hated heron. <br />Ig. Uttit~asa tdtoettgsge; C•orrsnia# Lan.: Sevatakiity. .rlv. iortn of etuxtgage comtrines uniform covenants for nauonat <br />ttse and slurs-undixxrt covanan='s with Finsited variatutrc ?+t sus,a:t:etKtn to cottstuuts a unifatm mun[y iWStrumettt ctsvering <br />rtat prctpeny. This Murtgagt shalt 6e govcnstd by the taw ::f the jorixiiectnyft .n svhirh the Property is tceated. in the <br />[:vent that any provision or ciatese of this Mortgage nr tht ~:ofe cotstlicts with applicable taw. aucFs con0ici shall rat affect <br />othv prsvvssittns of this Martgttgt or ttx Nuet which con be gevsn ctfeit without the canfiicting provision, attd to this <br />end! the pmvisioen of the Mortgage and tht 'sine art dsciarcd t.t tze srveratnle. <br />K issssaattlt Cagy. Horrosat shat! tx tarnished a ctmformtd copy of tht Nola anti of this Mortgage at tlx titre <br />of txecssion or after tecwdaeittst hcrtx[f. <br />!7. 74sseree M the PrapAyi Asttasyllaa. tf all or any part of the Property ur an !mends thereints wid or transferred <br />by Borrower wnhortt Larder's prror wrintn consent, excluding ia? the cteatitnt of a lien or encutrtbrattcc subardiWate to <br />this Mortgage. tbi the Creation of a purchax tttoruy seeterity interext for ttotrselwtd appliances, icl a transfer by dsstise, <br />darcmt or bq operation of law upon ttx death of a joint tenant nr tda the grant of any leasehold intercu of three years or less <br />tat totttainatrg a6 uptiwn to purchase. Letukr tray, a[ Lender's uptwn. dtxlare atl the awns secured bq this Mortgage to be <br />imaatediatelp due and payable. Leredtr shat) have waivted such optiua to aacelstate if, prior [o the sale or transfer. Lender <br />and the pertasrt to wham the Property is to be sold or transferred re+~h agrstmsnt in writing Shat the credit of such person <br />h attt~actory tai Letrdsr ated that the its€erxst payable an the szsma :lured by this Mortg~ shall be at such nts as Lender <br />shag troyuat. tt Lttstder has waiva7 the option to acceknts provided in this paragraph 27, anti if Bortower'x successor in <br />inaeraat has errocutad a written assumption agtserttent accepted in writing by L.cndet, I.etrder shall release Borrower from ail <br />obigatiors under this Maxtgage and rite Nt~, <br />Tf Lcadn t,.xercifex such option to accelerate, Lender shall mail Borrower rsatitx of accekrafian in accordance with <br />pusrgtapa tg hemsf. Sueh notice xball ~otnde a pezroti of mat less than 30 days from the date the ttaicefis tteaila) within <br />which Bzurrrirsr may pay the :lasts dtxiared dtx. !f Borrower faits to pay arch sums prior to the expiation of such period. <br />Laaadn trap, without further trotioe ce dmntwd on Bottower, invotcc any remedies permitted by paragraph t8 tier~f. <br />Ntrrt-]trtttntata Cova_raxrs. Brrntwer and IsWder ftuttser covenant and sgrac as folk+gs: <br />li. Aaxaleatdeate Ramerlin. Excgit as peevttfe~ is paragsapb 11 hereof, agars iorrtexsv'a 6reacY at swy cosenaat tit <br />alt #aerawea 4 iii MoalBtBr, hxpt~rq tlsc ravttsYb ~ pey wises d: *as sass: ttttcsrai by Nis Mastltl>Qe, <br />Gloat j/iM- /o seaeltttttaratt >iai star ::tits is rserawer ass pttasird ht patagrstPit !~ Isreat gaeNyia[: t!l Ns htbtls: <br />t~ Ma ssttsr tt~ysYsa w sass areR irsaci: t3l a late, aa1 tabs Nor 3! alga ):vats N. date Ne taartlete Y sasrad a sersawar. <br />ill digs attttR 4wsi rows is esae~ seed i41t Nei ttsWue m sate :sell blase! a « bersese tie date tad lr that wW6ee <br />^wy esnM tw ta€+~anllaer alt list atusa rtectstad sY Nis Mattrt iareela.awa iy jttaNcis[ ~eaeeaNeK [std !tole as-rib Psoprtrb. <br />711e tastes ~ ttraAar iaitte.t rartarar ar tftse ~ a tsita arras ~ atsd tie riigtt to aunt i. tie taeecloasre <br />psassadiag sib taattrwdattwer as . tltdttt~t at ,w,g tsNn dsteRas ar •artosrn d ar:cainsNast trsd.laaeeisttrrs. ~ eta- brasei <br />(r sM ts[tt!att sr alt isNas ilia stele ttltagifed li sib .sloe. I.asaer rt i,ewderk ayliss err deeirre slit rt Ne sans aecstaa -y <br />t1Y AMatlg~pt ie is Mntaat asst and ~ srturast tartin tkmstta stsd tray tarstbeae b ytlleW pseae~sg. I-aa+er <br />ttit# ie .drat[ r earpatt tr aaci partatadatri d aaitsan of Iwalsasra . tt.t [tat thtaiteat ta, ears at astrtre.uty <br />a:fdataahriatttttrawi slit). <br />tiq ~rtnssrsl5i ~ M LKatrNMa+ Natwitltsfarditrg I ~ntier's at.~kratiott of tits s»tm aai:urad 6y thn M'•rtLarz. <br />BarlaMwatr dear hew the rf~gAt to has~a any prez'aadiaga bagran by Laatdar to sstiotct the Martgalte dise:oatinsetaif at any leme <br />