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~2-OU2679 <br />(1Nt#txtttt Gaverrairra. Bottower apd Lender rnvenant and ogres as follows: <br />1, ingtssf et f'Aaefpf tti {sileraf. Burrower ahaN promptly pay when due the principal of an8 interest on the <br />evideaeed by the Nttte, peegtyment and late chaeaes as provided in t)te Note, attd the principal of atoll intat'tst <br />t[a atly Future Advances sacvt'ed by this ]Mortgage. <br />2. 1!<writt tar Tana aced >gearrstees. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver 6y Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to tender on the-day tstoaffiIY itistallmenta of principal and interest are payable tinder the Note, until the Note is paid in foil, <br />a ama (htAxht "'Ft~' i esgital to of:e-Cxctfth of flu yearly texts and assessments which tnay attain priority over this <br />MtxtpiBe, and Bnnurtd ttmU on the Property. if arty. plus aoa-twelfth of yearly Premium ittstallt+xttts for haterd it[urrartce, <br />phsoHe-twelfth ~` yearly pretnittm ;tataBtnanu far mortgage insuiattce, if any, all an reasonably estimated iaftialty amf from <br />lima to tuna by Leader axe ~ basis of aasasmenu and bills and rtasonabk eatiritates theratf. <br />'t'6a Ftneda-Mesa be-held in alt- institution- the deposits or acrounu of whith aze ittsurod ~r guaraotstd by a #?sderei or <br />riate sgaatcy {incltt~ng Caroller if Ltmder is such sn itmittition). Lender shall apply the Funak to pay said,taxes; o#ttesamenis. <br />iapr;aeCe pratdems and groatnd rests. L.enakt may not charge for so Holding and applying the Fonda, analyzittgsaid account; <br />or vtt[itytng arM canpiiing said atsesstrtenU atM bilk, unteta Leader pays Borrower in[etsat on the Ftmda and appticabts law <br />ptxndb Calder to make such a chagest. Borrower and Linder may agra in writing at the ritrte of execution of this <br />Mtrtlgags t1Ut ittttxest on the Ftr~ shaft t+e paid [o Borrower, and ttAfea such agrttetttmt is tttade tin ttpplicsbte-law <br />such itttwtat to be paid,[der shall riot be requitsd to pay Borrower any interest or eantings on i}te Funds. Lender <br />shag give m B.irrowa:r, without chsrgs, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Futter and the <br />pttrpvse fof wfiich asaelo debit to the Panels was made. The Funds art pledged as additional security for the coma saxured <br />by this Mortgtya. <br />If the atnoottt of the Ftmt$ iukd b)' Lender, togtather with the future tenth{y installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the tliro data of tazm, assenmtmu, ituurattce premiums acrd grouted renu, shaft exceed the amount requited to pay said taxes, <br />waesmenu, ituuraoct prttniunu and ground renu u they fait due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />iY repaid to Horrowsr or aredittd to Borrower on monthly itutaiftttertu of Funds. If the amount of the Fmtda <br />hold by I.cnder shah Aat tx st~iciene to pay texts, artsstnettu. insurance premtums and ground renu as they fall due. <br />HdrtawCr shag pay io Lsndat any amount tatsxsasry m make up the deficiency within 30 days from tlx date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Harrower ttxptesting paytnen[ thereof. <br />[lpsts payttuat in fttB of elf tt~s secured by [His Mortgage. Leer shall promptly refund to Borrower arry Funds <br />hdd by Linder. If ttttder paragraph 18 htrsot the Propem' zs sold or the Property rs ottterwist acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shag apply, tso fatty than ittamediatdy prior to the sale of t}te Property or tts acquisition by Lender, any Funds Held by <br />Linder ~ the tune of application as a credit agatttst the sums cleared by thts Mongage. <br />~. Ap/YatdaU d Payrsala Unless appticable law pravidea athnwise. all paytnems recxived by Lender under the <br />Nose and paragraphs t and Z hereof shaft be apphtd by Ixnder Felt m payment of amounu payable to Lrnrfer by Borrower <br />trttdtr paragraph 2 hereoL then to interest payable oA the Nate, then to the principal of the Nate, and then to interact and <br />pnntipal oa any Ftnttrc Advarrcu. <br />i, Ciagar, [Jr•a. Borrower shall par all taxes. xsstssntrnu and other charges. fines and impositions attributable to <br />tlet Property which ttsiy attain a pttariry over this ;vlartgagt. acrd leascitold payments ar grewttd renu, if any, in the manner <br />pravidad tinder paragaph 2 hereof tx, if Hat grid zn sttCh manner, by Burrower making paytnrnt, when due, directly to the <br />payee thereof, Baxtower shalt promptly furnish to L.enticr all nauces of amaanG dtx under thta paragraph, a~ in the event <br />Borrower shall realer payttxm tftraxti;, Borrower shat) pramptiy fumtsh to t.endtr receipts evtrkr[cing such payments. <br />)kxrower chart promptly discharge any flora whuh has prtonty aver this Mangage: provided. [hat Borrower shag not be <br />requuted to descharge any such lien sa tong rs f3orrawer shelf agree in wntmg to tlx payment at the t>;rligaiian secured Hv <br />ssteh lixn to s twenty accesaabia to l.crtder, err shalt in goad faisH contest such lien by, err defend rntarccment of each lien tn, <br />legal procemdtrsgs which aptxate to Prevent the enforcaneot of the lien nr farfezture of the Progeny or any part thereof. <br />S. 1lmri iosaraatsce. Bafrowet shaft koep the improventeats now ettsttng err t,ercaftee crtctz+t alt the Property tttsured <br />ajaitYt taxsa by firs, httiards included wttlttn the reran °e..tettdetit cavetage'. atnf such other harards as Letxkr may reyuirt <br />atsd in curb atnnutsu and fo- stt4h pcrtoda as Lenafcr ntay rtquzre: provided, th:t 1_etnier shall not require that the amount of <br />such atmrage ezetXd that smtntni of coverage rtquued tc pay the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />The imarattca curtly prssviding the instuartc~ shall [x chosen by Barnxwer subject to approval by Lender, provided, <br />that such approval shag rsot be atttroasottabfy withf[tM. AB premiums oA zttwratttt polities shat( bt paid in the manner <br />provided usdtr parsdrspH 2 hrucot or, tf »ot paid in strch rttanrttr, b}' Barrarvet making payttseat, when due. directly to ttx <br />insttrsnca crtrisr. <br />AB i>YUlanut pdiciea atsd rtttewaif thcreaf shalt br in force acceptabit to Lcn~r and shall tncttxie a standard nwngage <br />tdsuss in favor rd and in form atxapPta6k to Cornier. Lendsr sttaff have the right to ttvtd the paiicirs attd renewals thereof, <br />call Borrowr chaff prwnptly fttrsuh w Lender all retttwaf rtaucts and alt reccipu of paid premiums. fn the event of loss, <br />Hotrowa stye{f glut prompt. notice to t)te iASUratnx carrier and Lertdtx. t_tndes may make prauf of lass if not made prompt{y <br />by Barraxptr. <br />UnlaK Leader anal Ha=owtr otlurwtsc agrse in writtttg, ittsuraACC pract?edf shalt be applied to restaxation or repair of <br />the °rapaty darttagod, provided stash rmtaratian err repair is ecanctnttcafly ftasibk acrd tht security of this Mortgage is <br />trot thereby iatpurai. If such testarattart or ttparr u cwt sxanamicaUy feasible err zf tttt sa:urity at the Mortgage would <br />6a itnpairtd, the inssttanct {xwxeds sltaif be applitxi to the soma sxur-,tt by [hoc Morigsgc, with the excess, if any, paid <br />to Yorrowu. tf the Property is abandoned by Borrower, err if Borrower faits to rtzipund to Lender within 3tl days Pram ttte <br />daft nWics is tttaikd by Ltmtfsr w Borrower that the itttvrattce carrier afters to attic a claim for insurante lxttefits, Lender <br />is attthmised to v:O1~Ct and apply the i»ssxattcc prarxeda at l..rnder's aptioa either to restoration or repair of tlx Proptsrty <br />~ m the slues ctrl-usbd bt t)gs Mort~c. <br />linter Linder call Baxt'ower otlstrwise ague m writing. any such appiicatian of proceeds w principal shalt not extend <br />err pwfpp¢e the duo date ~ the monthly insnaUments referred to in paragraphs F aAd Z f7tfC9f Or ChaAge [fee amount of <br />steels ias#aBrw'ats. If trade paragraph t 8 lteroof the Property is scquirasd by Lender, all right, title atxf interest of Borrower <br />as and to say imtuance policies and in and to tfx proceeds therawi resulting from damage to the Property prior to the sale <br />err shall. pass to I.eodar to the ezteat a# the sutras strayed try ih:s islorigagt imtrtediately prior }a stash salt err <br />it l±~valMr clad Riaft asf I'ropestyc Least t'eetlemf~ Placed l1tsY DevtdopmenU. farrower <br />shttli ktorp the Property in Hood repair and stsaB trot t]ortunit wasu OT ptraut impairment or deteriaratioa of she Property <br />atsd a1F11} ay wish the ptovjsionit of aAy (coil if this Mortgagt zs un a leaxtw)d. tf the Mortgagt is on a unit in a <br />ivm or a pfatsged trait dtvtlopatent, Bgrrasver shaft perform off of Borrower's ctbligatcans under the afeclaration <br />of caYCaasut rreatitq{ or governing the cotralomittitun ar ptanrted unit tftvekspment, the by-laws atuf repo{atiaos eF the <br />pdae~ed dm+eloPrtstai, and catwi[uen[ daxtmtcnts. ff a cartdaminitrm ar planned unit tkvehrpmcrtt <br />ri¢pr h a'aaCitftd bIt Htxrowar aAd racrordecf togttlttr with this Morgagt, the caveetanta and agtcements of stash rider <br />-~ ~ ~ and t~atl aenead cad suppicmeot the covepatitq acid agrcuaenis of this Mortgagt as if the rider <br />+st~ a Iiarstr~t <br />'f, lftaisaliasi ut 1nt[iar"- yiacselty It Bartawe[ fails to perform tfte covepaqu and agrotments contained in this <br />. tlaXtgsse, t>t ~ say actitta or practeclirtg i3 t:txnmtnctxl which materially affects Lender't ittscrtst in the Prapctty, <br />iacludittB, Eton Ialtittd t4, etaitrtfaa dtxaain, imalvancy, cede enfoaeatent, err arrangeattttts err practcdfngs invatvittg a <br />1*ttikt~ to tteaedlatt, t~tsn (.ender ti I.,enCkt's apuon, ctPan rsotiet to Borrower, tttaY make such appearatttxs, disburss such <br />sums atat[_fakij aa'tiost as is ntsutsary a[ prottca Lender's mtereu, izuitalittg,_ fiat Hat limited [o, disbutsetstcnt of <br />rir~taer~l+Is tt3t's fees sac( dory ttptm the Pruperiy w make repairs. ff Ltrtdtt roquired tttarigage ittsursiite as a <br />ccoditian of tt~~ [hs ks» sectsrsd by this Mortgagt. Hor¢tNVCr shall pay tltt gretnitima rcgait'er3 to maintain aztvlt <br />iaattrsearar is asset ttmt u the tsgttirtttsem for sttcls inanrattCt [trttunatts in atxotdr[txt with Bwtatwti s and <br />