~J -- ~1C-2659
<br />t.aadets a7litea aseaemeat ar applicable law. Btrrower shall pay tfie amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />meaner ptbridat under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Aay turiwtata diabuned by Lender pursuant to the paragraph -, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indibtedtfees of Httrttrrvtr aectaed by thle Atisttgage. Unless Hottawer and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />arrenuMS a~ be prpttbis upon nMlct from Lertdar to Borrower ttgttesting payment thermf. and shall bear interest from the
<br />data of dfsenrent at the talc pryrb~ from- tuna to time on oatstantiittg principal under the Note unless pepment of
<br />it~erert at sue7i rata weals t>s caertrary to appticablt law,rn which went such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />-larder appilcable ]aw. Nothatg contained in this paragraph 7 shalt require Laurier to incur any expense or take.
<br />asp aetio~l hersttat~.
<br />t Ais~eetina, Leader may make or catut to be mach ruaonaMe entrks upci and inspadiorts of the Property, provided
<br />that i.ertder shall give Botroaror notice prior to any strctt inspection specifying reasonahk cause therefor related to Lenders
<br />inae19E6t in the Properip. -
<br />if Cam: Thy proceeds of any award or claim for damages. dirtct ar consegtxntial, in connea~rirfrr with any
<br />~r ar otitis taking of the Property, os part thcrrof. or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are htteby assigned
<br />araf shag be paid to Lender.
<br />in tba event of a toes! taking of the Property. the practx~ shaft be applied to the -sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the tacees, if any, pad to Bortower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />ttr)ttrwise agrst !n writing, there shalt be applied rn the cams stcttrcd by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is egwi to the; proportiot which the amotta[ of the sums srs:ured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />takiag burs to tht fair marks value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the halance of the procxds
<br />paid to Htxrowrr.
<br />If the Property is altandorted by Borrower. aF if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor o$ers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower faits to respond to l_endsr within ?0 days after the date such notice. is
<br />moiled: fastder is atNkori~d to cofkct and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by rhs Mortgagt.
<br />Urt3eas Lcttder sad Borrarter otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or partpoete the due date of the ntonthiy imtaRmenn referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amotmt of
<br />such isstaflmetMS_
<br />11. Brsrasres 11ht Rdgai. Fxrenawn of the time for payment ar madiflcatian of amortization of the sums secured
<br />bq thle Mortgage gtan~ try Ltetder to any sttixxssor in interest of Botzowcr shall nest optrate to release. in any manner.
<br />the. tia#diity of the origins! Bottot«tr sail liorrawer's successors in interest. ixnder shall not be required to commence
<br />pteceedrdgs agaime atrcb sttcce»or or rcfttse to cstertd tuna far payment ar otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured try this Mortgage hq rauort of any demand merle by the anginal Borrower and liarrawers successors in interest.
<br />li. Fre4rrsaate $S ierin Net s Wdaec Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />sMbtreaiae a$arded by appiicafdt law. shall not be a waiver of ar precludt the extrcise of any such right or remedy.
<br />'Fhe proeerremem of in~aeroe ar tht paymem of taxes ar other Betts or charges fro Lender 4haii net he a waiver of Lenders
<br />r~ to actxferrte the taaturily of the intiabtcdtttsa xecared by this Mortgage.
<br />iY. lihoo~ Llaiaaialfve. All remedies provided in this Mortgage rare distinct and cumulative m any other right or
<br />tcmtdy alder this Mastttage ar a$orded by taw er equity, and may be exercised rnncurrently, independently or successively.
<br />i3: 9aeeesra ad Araltiw lietsa~ Deist anti Se«eesi L{r6itfy; Capdrra. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />shat! hind, and the rights hereum:er shall inure to, the respective sitccessars and assigtn of Lender and Borrower,
<br />subjesf to the previsions of paragraph 17 ttereo£ AH coveants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />'tile capti~otts aril hudinlR of the paragraphs of this Narsgage are far umvenFence curly :mil are not to t+e used to
<br />intrpict ar defxte flrz provaio:.- harto(.
<br />!~. 1t}~ar. BAS far any rcqutred tinder applitable law to tx girea in artather manner. (a) any notice to
<br />Borrtssrer prarided. for in titer Mortgaaa shag he given by mailing such natiee by ccrtifled mail addressed to Bbttawer at
<br />fba Property Address or a! stab ether address as Borrower may designate try notice to i_etrder as provided hercia, and
<br />say notice to Lestder shat! be given by csrtiflnl fuel!. rettttR tererpt tegtrestcd, to 1_cndtt's address stated herein or to
<br />such- other arMe~ as Laurier may designate try rxstice to 8orrawer as provided txrein. Airy notice provided far in Ehis
<br />tics!! 6e dasniteti to have beat given to Borrower or l~ncKr ~R~ given in the manner designated herein.
<br />13. Uaitaest t Gs«trtslaq i.awt 5ertra6Bltx. 'this farm of marlgage combines uniform covenants for national
<br />use trail ultra-traiform covenaau with limited vaaiatians by jnrisdictian :a coratitutc a uniform security instrttmeni covering
<br />rut property. This lSdartgagt shsU be governed by tl~ law of the iunsdiction in whkh the P,zgsarty is !seated. In th.:
<br />evani that any praviaitkt ar cl:rue of the Mortgage or the Nate aua6icu with applicable law, such conflict shag not affect
<br />other prevision ~ this Mortgage or tits ?Nate which can 6e given effttt wr;hout the conflicting pravision, std to this
<br />rxtd tit provisiers of tlta ?4tartgegt atxt the Hare are ekslared to be sevttable.
<br />if. lrssawrs'r Cgyr Borrower shat! ba furnished a co:stomsed copy of the Hare and of this Mortgage at the lima
<br />of txtxution or after rarcordatioe hereof.
<br />iT. 'Ilteas[~ rk t9r Ysagrayt if alt ar any parr of the Property or an iarerest titan+o is sots ar transferred
<br />by Btxrorrar witlgat Leod~'s ptisx written content, excluding ial ttte creatiztn at a lien ar wwmlKaace subordinate to
<br />this irlosctgaye, tb) the crraeiact of a purchase manly security mtecest for hotrmeholti appiianed, fcl a trargfer by devise,
<br />dase+at as by oparatiau of law aeon the duth of n jaiai tenaat cu id? the grant of any kasdtoid imert~ of three years or lax
<br />fret contsiRtug. as oglion ur ptrrcMae. Leader may, u Leadtx's aptias, Aare all the stints secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />imgaacfiatt{y ilea tied pay~k. Lender shag have waited ouch option to accxteratc if, prig to the sale nr tratwfer. Lender
<br />sail t[tta pasawt its wham the Property is w be sold ar transfetted reach agreansnt in writipg tlut the crcdii of such person
<br />is ~ to Ltatisr rail that the intrust payable oa the sums secartxl by the Mortgsye shill be at such rata a3 Lender
<br />stlaiq tst~tsrt, tf Leader ha waived the option to accelerate provi<led in this paragraph t7, sad if Borrower's sutxeator in
<br />i h~ e a wrimsri aatmrpaioet sgreetnwt acx~[ed in writing by Letsder. Lcadu shalt release Borrower from ail
<br />o6iiBlrat+caat order [ilia Mortyi~ sad tits Nom.
<br />if Calder txasiaes rttt.3t option to aecekrnee, Leaflet shall mail Barrorrer notitx of at:ctttration in acsordenct with
<br />pwrtlt~it t4 iterotrf. Such ttotix shalt praride a palled of net less than 3D days from the dam the itotitt is mrilett within
<br />lkasm++aar may pay-tam slam. dec)ara: disc, If Barrawer tails to pay such sums prior to the expiration of such period,
<br />iF_tasyF+srdsoat-fsatitear-ntttisa or defraud on BortYrsru. invoice any rcrrtcdies peratiaed by paragraph ig hertwf,
<br />@isar-~tttlex mss. 8orrrwer sad Laaaiar fnrtfrta wrtttam acrd agr~ aS faibws:
<br />ilf ~ 4ttMlMar. 1$tttat~l es /rssirMti fa-paegaMM 17 IaarrG ts}re Basi+as«as'a 6rasdt et My cereaaW sr
<br />a~ u[ IMRrV7glr la Rdr! ~. - tta cr«raaru m pp wiea tkse ui' aamf retaued bT thle A~s~e,
<br />uat~.ilEiltr lM e4# twat aNMs M Ilant~rrg s pelt«idM ht !ate 11 Ynrrt atac~laiq ti) tits
<br />tp! tMF r!aligp m tttst taQcPr >i i~ a dMe: slur less ~ 36 ds{ya scar Rsa aria Ur wr~sr is ataiMd ~ Eerrawet,
<br />b tsiyi- naslt learr~ are M c4aatt; strf t#i Wi Lallgrr to says siseit least! as a batasr Rte drla +yaciiai is tYr aadde
<br />tarq rasiM k vd tilt tarsss trrCnr~It -y ~ Mxt fttrrarf~ae k9 tti ~ aril a! tYa Psztpass(y.
<br />arMd +iid tlatltrr Maws trsrrnsreK at tlttt rlgM:~ rsilagle silly atxtist~atiats arts tie rlRkt to rsttnt ~ Nsr lasrciteerr
<br />yttaorstittg fir rra•ritlrasa of • tislr~R,at sqy otMs tfebatas.ai lasrowas Es aeixSenRpe tie! faraaMrras. !E t[p hswrh
<br />Il ayt ssiea~t a er itrhn tLs ills it Rte. aaRae, ! ~ !.assets ~ arT .drsi~e aB rt lira attars seaxrri by
<br />!yi i M lea MarrairMti) fet• ad lalMLat sfewani rrd ray tt>s~rs b jrtYeirl ~ tate/ar
<br />eBr~; tw wrMlili Its ariiatl is ttrsi~ ~ a~,rs~iaK a(lttrsdeaauer, ~ frt etrt ikaller! yes coals M ~'
<br />~ ahriatcss fwd slit! ~~
<br />1ff~_ ~sst+asgtPa ~ m BrisrsealMt= Aretar i.redar's of tilt stuns se+curtd icy thx Mortgage,
<br />siusii !lays tilt ri~Ittt ~ titre a~liy pr~ by l~ettdrr ttz ufores this Martgatgt: diacantiraxd at say time
<br />