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<br />Unemtx Covexttvra. Barnrwer and Lewkr covenant and agr~ as follovva: ~ 1 - ~ ('! ~ 6 5 y <br />Y. ! ~ ~ trai hMrattt. Bttrrawer' ahafl ptontptly pry when due the principal of attd interest on the <br />isvides~d by the- Note, prepaymtmt and late charge as provided in the Mott, and the principal of attd interest <br />art >~ Ft Advances :ectaed by this Mortgage. <br />2. 111ItaU frr Tao M drnieaarte. to sppl+cable law or to a written waiver by Letrder, Borrawver shall pay <br />~ iendR ost the day tttoMhiy itautdlmettts aE principal and interest are payttbk under the Note, until the Note is paid in fWi, <br />a - "Frmda") egwl to ono3wetBh of the yesrty tastes and asseasmertts which tray attain priority over this <br />said grotmd ~ the Ptrtaperty, if atty. phrs one-twelfth of yearly prcmitnn itffitallmeots €or hazard- insurantx, <br />phta'dtartste#tiro[ pearly premiuat inualhnatea far rrwrrgrge imurarrce, if any. al# a, reasonablq tx[imsted initialiy:and traftt <br />tune t+o by Leader on the hair of ass~msna and bills artd rcasonabk estimaus therttof. <br />The Ftreds sba8 be 6drf in an inatitutian the dtaptxits or acewtots of which ate insured or guaraaaxd by a'Ft~deral or <br />atat¢ ageircy fincttr~og Letxkr if Lettdix is such an ittstittrian). Lender shad apply the Fttnds to paq said taxes,. ssswmenis, <br />iitsercaaioe P attd gxotmd rents. I~r rosy not charge- for so balding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />or,ter~iagawl toatpAing said asrasmranta oral bi0s, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable Ittvr <br />permits' Latdw to rate sacFt a charge. Borrower artd Lender may agree in writing at the time of executitm of this <br />Mdttgage drat interat oq rtes Fttttds shall be paid to Bwnxrver, arm unless stx6 agreement is made or applicable law <br />t~h intaamrt to be paid, Lender shall not tse required to pay Borrower any intsrcat or earnings oa the Eustis. Lender <br />rirt{! give m Bttrretwer, tvtihout charge, an armual accoutring of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Fttttds and the <br />pterpttaa #ortvhidt ~ dot to ~ Funds was made. 7tee Funds are pledged as additional security for the sttrm secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />Tf the anaunt ~ the Fttttds hem by Lender, together' with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due darts of tatter, asstsrsettenta, ittwnnce premiums artd around rents, shall excrxd tfie atrtount required to pay said taxes, <br />ata~ats, iawraatx ptemfutm and ground rents as tbep fall due, stilt excess steal! be, at Borrowers option, either <br />peompdy reptdd trf Bormwtt sit credited to Borrower on monthly iristallrrunu of Funds. If the amount of the Futtds <br />httid b9 Lender shalt trot be sttBFcistitt to pay taxes, apessrrttmn, imurattce premiums and groutsd rents es they fall due. <br />$ormwez shall pap to Letader any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 3b days tram the date notice is mailed <br />by Lamdar to Hotsower repainting payment thereof. <br />€Tprtts paytamr is fail of all atom resoled by this Mortgage, Letuier shall promptly refund to Borrower arty Furtds <br />paid by Letder. Lf ands pttngrttph 18 hereof the Prapernr is sold tx the Property is otherwise aegmred 6y Lender, Lender <br />shill apply, tin Inter than imgradiauly prier to-the sale of the Property or its acgtnituuon by Ltoder, any Foods held by <br />tawlet at tbs time of appiicatiaa as a credit agumt the att~ sectund by this Mortgage. <br />3. AgpYraYan sit Uttkss ttpplicabk law provides otherwise, all payments receisxd by Leader under the <br />Noe sad parttgrapln 1 and 2 hereof shah be applied by [xn~r first m pa}'trtcm of amouau payable to Lender by Borrower <br />tinder paitsgrap6 2 hirneof. then to mutest payable on the Note_ then to tht principal of the Note. and then to imerest and <br />principal ar saq Ftrtrte Advsnna. <br />4. ~ Ii1i. Borrower shelf pay all taxes. assessments and other .barges. fines and impusitionx attributable to <br />the P!'opaRy which may atLgt a pnority aver this Mortgage. and leasshaid payttuats or ground rents, if any, in the tttamur <br />provided tinder paragraph 2 hereof or. if ncr paid to stash tttanncr. hp Horrower making payment, when due, directly to the <br />payee d.:reaf. Bmrarra shall ptomptfy furnish to Lewder all routes of arwsunts slue under thrs paragraph, anti in the event <br />Bormsrer shall matt psyeaeat tluectty, borrower shall gramptty furnah tt, lender receipts cvidettetng such payments. <br />8arzatsser shall pr~ty duchm'!K arty Tian which ?tar grtarny ovCr this Mortgage: grovsdsd, that Borrower shall nar be <br />regttisM to diat~argt say such lien so Iona as Harrovvcv shaft ague to vrtttsng at the paytncttt of the abligaiion securei by <br />such line in n trtt~ acccptab;~ to !.cadet. +sr steal! in goad faith tartest such ixn by. ar defend en#oretment of such lien in, <br />lags! patxeedirtgs which operate to pmcm the enforcement of the iten ar fotfaturr of the Property ar any part thereof. <br />S. Haaartl hsarraoee. Borrower shall keep the improventeon raw ex isuttg w hereafter crated an the Property insured <br />> loo hY fire. ba:ards ineltetied wtthm cite term "cxtcndcd coverage". attd such atfier haW;ds as Lender may require <br />-Bd in ssisxt amtsuatt attd far such periods as Lendu may requtrc~ prm:Kled. that Lxzukr shall na rsquirc that the amount of <br />such-tasverage esaxei iGat amount of caxverags regtstred to gay the sutra scs:urcd fiy eftts ltiortgage. <br />'IBe imuraaoe carrier providing the ittaterancr shall be chosen by Horrower subject to approval by Lender, provided, <br />~ such approval shall tint be unreasonably withhcW. All pmniutrta :m inaurarscr polices shall be paid in the manner <br />pmvidisd trader parsgnph 2 hereof ot. if titx peat in crib tnaaner. by Borrower mating paytneat, when due, directly to the <br />itutnaaste carrier <br />A@ >.poiiciera sad ttutesssis there-,t chap be in form acceptable to Lsrtakx and shall snctude a standard mortgage <br />eLuaa in favor of sad m tnrm xcsptsbk to tender. Leader shall have the rtgbt tc hold the paluies and renewals thereof, <br />and Bttsasnvm shall promptly ftutuah to i.ettxfer ati rcncsval rtottcss attd sit retxipis of paid premiums. In the event of loss, <br />8wsowar shall givt prompt notice to the tmnram:s urrror atsd :.exttler. Lender may Woks proof of lass if not made promptly <br />~ ~- <br />tJnlwa Leader and Harrower otherwise egret in writing, irtsurarrrc pratxeds shall be applied to tesioratwn ar repair of <br />ilia ~+P"aY daawged, provided such restoration ar repair is ceonomically feasible atul the rectally of this Mortgage ss <br />oat thisetelty iratl. If such restaratiots or repair u test ecs>nntuiaally feasible ar tf the security of this Mortgage would <br />ba its~airrA, the ittawanae ptos>eeds shall be applia<l to the soma secut~csl by this Mortgage,.with the excess, i6 any, paid <br />t4 Harrower. If rtes Ptttptttty is abaadaaed by Harrower, or if Borrower #atls t`v reapsmd to Lender within 3U days from the <br />data notitu is mailed by Larder to Hortuwtr that tfu inauratw:c carrier atlera ro settle a claim fox ittsurattre benefits, Lender <br />es.uiavtd to std apply the tasuranee praetxds at Lender's cellar either to teataratiim or repair of the Property <br />or m the slrtml secured by ihN A9ortgttge. <br />iJok[s latwYd' atsd Bartawu otherwise agroe in writing, say such applicaaian of prow to principal shah not extend <br />ur prt4poaia rtes due Witte of the mmtfily imtailrtxnta refmxed to in paragraphs I and Z hereof or change the attwutu of <br />suds i~A U tinder paragraph i S hcrt:of the Property is acgttued by Lender, all right, title a~ interest of Horrowsr <br />in sad u+ say iWtitan¢t poli~t sad is3 and to the procteds therttaf resttitirtg from damage w the Froperty prior to the sale <br />or atatpdaitiaa shall ergs m Leader to eha extent of flu slum s~ ured by this \7tmgage imiuediately prior to such sale or <br />lllwlrststlsrt tttsi liihialaaastae d 1P'sapatq; Leasdtaltir C~ Pltt~eti Unit l3ev~dapaara. Borrower <br />aiW ~ ma Property is good repaie and shall sot swatmit warts- or permit impairtttent or dcurioratian of the Property <br />ad alMN si0a4_piy weir zhe prottiaioati of-any lawn if ibis Mtxtgtrge ix an a kaashaid. 1f tfiis Mortgage is oa a unit in a <br />~ ea s plt~ad trout deveWirgent, Btxrowv shall perform al! et Hormwers ~ urtdsr the deciataaott <br />ar s2v~rMq tsatmg or jpsvetnieg the caadaminium or planned attic dcvelopmsnt. flu hl'-laws and- regulations of the <br />or pl>raad taitis deaselalaneat, and coruatttcnt doetrrnents. if a randonriaitmt or planned unit dsvclaptttett <br />rids Nt eaaartad by Btartowar aisd recorded togatur with thra Mortgage, the cavcrwnts and agteemerits v# such rater <br />tftrilliserCt~apdad itsW tmai sir{I amend,and auppkossrr the cevcuants and agreements of this Mottgagt as if the rider <br />ruts! a ptd€#1RASOr~ <br />t. irrt el f+r~s If Bsxcower fails to perfisrm the cosnataaes sad agraemeats ceaaiairied in this <br />stl[ H ttp;t achaG-.tat praueadia~g is cc>asraencsd which- ttiatsriaily allecis Laaderk ittter'est an th+c Prapctty. <br />agtrtf,-hat out Bitiitad ta, eaaaraat . itwalvmst>y, cork eniarcemer:r, ar arraugeuaenta ar pruceed#rtgs involving a <br /> dtioaint4 tltia tmtdat 8 L'r opiicsa. open notice to ahsrrowtt, may. tnalte sttclt a}igearartctes. disburse soh <br />-sad rata resell adfaa as is ~ to prot*.>:t Lender`s inisresl, ttscit~, but tzar limitei to, tlisbnraament of <br />ratprarsaitia attatfsy!'a Ens atad eht»sy tspssn the Ptatlatty let rnat¢ repairs. if l..crtakr res$tt#ted ~ insuisttee as a <br /> rile kawe secuued by tl~ lrlottgagtt. Btix€awat sltail pay tlu prenairirm tequirrot# to truttttain sttclt <br />.rlattis m a#. ttatd wcht timi- a tAe ter tsntrriaraa rerra7aaitC# to atxo~ax~ with- Barsn+ver`s and <br />