<br />8: Yf he falls to pay any sum or keep any covenant pmvided for in Chip mortgage, the Mortgagee; at
<br />its ~. may pap' or perfarnt the same, and till expenditures so made shall be added to the principal anm
<br />owing on thg above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for In the principal indebtedness.
<br />7 l3pon request of the Mortgagee, IISo_rtgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes-
<br />far the sum or soma advanced by Bortgagee for the alteration, moderni2atian, ar improvement made at
<br />the I$ortgag~r`s request; ar for tnsint€nance-of said pretztisea, ar for taxes ar assessments againat-the
<br />earns. and for any other purpose elsewhere authorixetl hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured
<br />hereby art aparity-with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included- in the note- first
<br />t;tesm'tbed at€ove. Said supplemental note ar Hates shall bear interest at the rate prnvided forltt the prim-
<br />cipal indebtedtess and- shall be payable in approtnrnateiy aqua{ monthly payments for such period 9s may
<br />be agreed upon by the Mortgagee and Atartgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum
<br />or sums so advatzred sha}I t,e due and payable thirty t3t-7 days after demand by the Mortgagee. In no
<br />a`_eM she!! the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first descr{bed above.
<br />fl. Fie hereby assigns. transfers and nets over to the Mortgages, to be sppli,~ti tau and the payment of
<br />the ru€te and s!1 soma secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms and condi-
<br />tions ctf this mortgage or the said note, all the rents. revenues and income to }re derived from the mort-
<br />gaged premises, during such s.ime as the mortgage indebtz~dness shall remain unpaic};and the Mortgagee
<br />shad have pager to appoint any agent or agents it may desire far the purptzse of renting the same and col-
<br />Sectirtg the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said incomes aU necessary cammissiona and
<br />r..rper~ses incurreti in reeling and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance
<br />remaintng, if any, to be applied tas:~ard tree discharge t,f said mortgage indebtedness.
<br />~. lie will t-antintrously° maintain haaard insueancc, of such ty-~ or types and ataouttts as Mortgagee
<br />tray from time to time. rctirtrire, on the improvements nocv ar hercatter on said premises and except when
<br />tra';€nttnt for alt sur~z premiums has ttzetetafore been made under (2) rf paragraphL hereof, zsill pap
<br />prnmptly molten d't~3f.i~~ip tlterefor. Upon default thereat. lortgagee nzay pay the same. All
<br />insurance shall lte ctrrirtl. is cnrttgantes approvtsd by tltc ~fortt;agee and the p[nc~ieg and renewa}s thereof
<br />shall be held isy fire biorigsftre and-have attached thereto rasa payable ci:€uses in favor of and in form
<br />as~r:cptal€la to tbs. 33artttattee- In event of l;~s i4I=jrtgagot' :+iil hive intmc~#iatti notice be ntait tc, the Mort-
<br />g~ve. t+:}ta crtay make prc~if „f !eras if t.at tttatle pn>mpt}y by ~lt~rtgaitor, and each in3urancas company cen-
<br />,errreci is i=~•t'etty autlzorrrz~ri .znri <}trectcvl }o make paEment far such loss dtroctlG' to the ~ltzrcgagee instead
<br />:,t to the ?1ortAagtir anri the ~l,srtgattee inintly, :;nd #.he inxurancr ;rr+x°e+~fs, „r an>' Bart thereof.
<br />ma_v ire ap},#ie+l by the iirrrt€tag€~ at.rts optrc,n either ur rite reductiatr =,f the ,.rr+~btrrdne~^ts here4y acv:urztd
<br />xr to the reatarattrxs ,~tta:r ~:f +!re 4rrrfpc'rty +{amtzsYrsi. In :stmt + t r.uY~e}ea car ==+~t His mtrtgage, ar other
<br />trarzafer ct titlx to tFt .c~rrtttattc~i prapcrty rz «ztt<ttguinltment :t .he ru}ztt~•z}rs, e ~er:nred }rereb}•, alt
<br />rift, t3~ and int•~r.~at ,<s thet Startgagrsr in and fu any €rzaurxttre paiicnky t}=r=n , r i~rrt-e nhall pass to the
<br />purchr rrr trrantre.
<br />1t4. ,1a rtdditir>na.} atr*: c.,}}ateraS xecvrrty ;or t#:r },ttyzr,~rrt c,t fire trust sic^u,-rri:r.}. ;iu.} :rt} atrmx t!, beevme
<br />duerzndrrthis€nrtrtg3g«-, tzcc~'<lcrtgagart;eret+yruucigres try ilre ziaz'igagr+- iii },^aw- ironu~°,r, },rcifit:z. tre~ve-
<br />nue€t, rayslties, rrghtt, ~ n,i =.t}zer k~e:;«titzt acx°rtring to LAe> ~irrrtgraa~zr r,zxrirr unv a4nd ail r,i} and gas }easres
<br />tz+,w. ,sr durinx tnc~ ,<r`e .,t thss zetr,rtga~. ,..r.^°rrxtz°d on ~ici ;}rrmis~~. t~•sth thr- r.ght Gi r:~rxivr an<i rctieipt
<br />far Lh.e ~n~ and app}a ttnnr to bur+1 rndrbtd~nhrcae :rs- ti3'ei} ixfuz~= as after s;.~fau}t ire the ~,nditians of this
<br />ntost .teed tree ste,r-.gzz~e-, ^=as •ievmattd. sr ter :z d rs~vv.~r ssny Luc#t =~:ty meats ,s }zee ,}ue and pay-
<br />~`+
<br />ab}e, but s}cal} clot }xt : ~~,sr„i s.r to ittz Thts tgnment ss E_~ t~rmtnatc amY tncf=r:ze r:zrli unc} c,rid o-wn
<br />rrSr;xza+: f,f this €teort4castt-
<br />11. tle shall nt,t r„ntnt+t <,r }yerntik 1exste; anti s4ealt trtaintain thte praize,rty- rn a4 tlcx,ri cuntlitiert as at
<br />pres,rat> rrt~wtable E;zrrr ;ltsti zrar <~xaYptetl. l`pon any` failure to sa rnsirztairs, ~lartgagt~c., ut its option,
<br />n€ay cause tttzut}sic ttwint.;tutuca ++'urk to lre perforr,zc~i :at t}3iJ i•ost o[ 3tartgagor. .•~ny atttaunta paid
<br />tiiereEor b} Mtsrtgt.ta~ siutil #xar intrtrrnt at thr rat~.prv+'tdescl f:€r rn tttc }rrindipa! imtebtitiness, she}I
<br />thrrrzipott t,t'{•ottte a },art nt fhe indel€ttdnet~ :urrd by this intrtruztzrni, rat:tb[y ecru <,rz a panty Leith all
<br />other in+lebtedner~ secured herr'b_r', and shall be paYab}a thirty t:3t}} clays after uemanti.
<br />lL- if thr t,remia~a, ur any part thereof, !se raztd~nnrd under the pcrwcr of 3sminent zlomain, or
<br />acquired far » pultlrx teas, the riamagcs awarded. the ltrveve^t3a for the ta:Ktng of, rtr the cunyideratiz,n far
<br />such aix}ui<+zition, ttz t}ze ~xtezzt of t.l1e full amount n€ ilte rrsnaining unpaid inuebtet}ttesa ;secured by this
<br />ttxzrtg r,r hereby a..aigttzvi to thw Mortgagee, and 3haii be !raid farth.vith ice ;;;rid :tlartgag€~, to be
<br />agplied on :,cteouut rrt th>z istat maturing inaialdnsents of such it~ebt~}nexs.
<br />1~. If the 3tortgaga,r t`sila to trtake an payrrzents whin due, ar to conform to autl cgmp}y with any
<br />of tlee t~o€idttt+?ittt ar agr~nsents cazttained in this ntartgage, yr .ht nuns .chick it sc-t:urrs, then the
<br />eatiro pri~ipal earn and acrruetl interest. shall at r,ncd ~a due and paya}31e; ut the rleei}an u' the
<br />M€artgs~g+eg; and tltis nzurtRage may thet~ultou be fvreckczsezi immediately for the cvltale of the indebtetl-
<br />n+gas herd z~eurrd, ,rac}uditzg th+€ csuzt of e><terding the abstract of title frssm t}te date t,f thzs tnort-
<br />g ~ tit tip of r.rntmett++c4ng such rrt€it, a reaso€table attorney'rr fee, anf} :tut =urns paid by the 1'etera€te
<br />ah*,ti."€t.~tatiou art actwunt of the iCUaeanty er insuratzcx of the indebtedness rr~r~ureYl heretry, a}1 of tFhich
<br />sktslt:be-irulixled is ttte decree of fort~ItNSnt~e,
<br />°ti, tf th+a.ia~tseea se>rtu~+i het be g•srutc€sl t,r inaUrFd unites' Title 343, United States f nt3r.,
<br />~c3s Tide l l?tlt~ iseu~l ther~r sere! in-elTt!rt z?zt the+late hereof shall govern the rights, dutic~
<br />~d~ties of ps#tZ hatreto; asd rasp prtrvia#ona oft."his or other itzatrzrmattta executed in connrctiftn
<br />wli~ saaid itt~~MU sri,lticlt inxaunsistent wit#t said Tit4e r~r ltegulatiexrs are+ hereby amended to
<br />t,lisRl+st
<br />'17as heral~€ cxmtt;tinted Mall lsitt$. attd the tzeateftts itred a.Ivsnt~ges shat innt~ ta, the
<br />