<br />'Ib AAVE AND To 1iotD the same Unto the ltartgagee, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents to,
<br />and ~venatrts with, the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has Bond right t,o sell and convoy said premises;
<br />that they are free from encumbrance; except as hereinathertvise recited ;that the Mortgagor will warraat
<br />and defend the same against thelawful claims of ail persons whnmsnevet•. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />art rights of homestead, sit marital rights, either in law ar in equity; and ail other contingent interests of
<br />the 3€d~r in grid Lit} the abav~-deaeribatd Premises.
<br />~ittiYAY&, and t1tCiFe Presents tsre executed and delivered upon-the following Conditions, to
<br />wit:
<br />Mortgagor agrees lei pay to the :ttortgagee, ar order, the afaresatid principal sum with interest tram date
<br />at the rate of fifteen arxi one ha1F Per centum 115.3'x} Per annum on the unpaid 1?alAnrt+titetil paid.
<br />lyre said prinCripai and interesf shalt be Payslfle at the office of Mortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />in Ersgietr+ood , Colorado , ar at sut~h other place as the holder of the note may designate in
<br />~i~g delivered or myiled to the 43ortga{;or, to monthly installment.R of Three Hundred Eighty Four and 98/
<br />Dollars i$ 384.98 ). commencing on the first day of July , 19 81 ,and continuing on 100ths.~
<br />the fit`s! day of each month ittereafter until said note i3 fuUY !raid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final
<br />paYrtsrret of prirtcipttl :tnd interest shall t,e slue and Ieayaiaty nn the tirstday of June 2z?Il ;ail
<br />aexording to tht term3 of :[ certain Prnmisaor} note of ec.^n date: herewith executod by the said Mortgagor.
<br />Tice iltortgagar further atgrt~es:
<br />1. lle will par then inz#cihtednesa, as hee•<=inbeftzre provuied. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any
<br />time, zvithaut pmmium szr ;ee. the ,~tstirr indeiat,°cineas z~t• an) {}art thereof not less than the amount of one
<br />tnstallaxnt or arse hstndml dollars t$11MI.QU1, whichever zs its. Prepayment in full shall be credited on
<br />the date reteinred. PsstiaL R+rPaymenL. other than ors :zn installment due date. need nut be credited until
<br />the nest fatiowusR stsstallmen: due date <>r thirty clays afu+r such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />:~„ Together with, and in addition to, the monthly Iaayments z~f prncipal and interest payable under
<br />the terms of th4 rsote secured hcreby.:kforiytairor wt#i Uay ter lliartgag[~'. as trusts-r. 1 under the terms of this
<br />try as ksereinafter stated) an the €irat day of a=acit month unti3 saizl note is fully paid:
<br />{sl ~ sum jai tc~ the grttund rrnta, t € auty, text slur=. itlus the ;~remiszms that «-it1 next become due
<br />psyalalr =x. txtltei+,e ..f tiro .sncl <<tta«r ttatttrel ttts,traure zncering the mortgaged property,
<br />pltya taxes :land ;za.>~xmcnta next ,ism •=tz iFr tntrrtitauc~i pru~x°Irty I at# a_+zstitnated by khe :ilort-
<br />gatgxc•, an,l trf t+ht~ta the tiinrtgau!~r :, t;trtalie`z#) i,~>r5 xii sums tzlready patd therefor divided by
<br />the ttumt»=r.ri =_ncm[h:+ in ,~iap,~~ lr~t,=t.• .=trt~ ca„att~- t+rt=~r ' ;the tlfltct zt-hon such ground rents.
<br />premtutn.=s, raze=. find :k~=~mzvtts ~+ri, f~•r~~tns- ~#rdttzstut~nt. ~ttc-h .=.tms to he held by A4arigagee
<br />in trn~t to pay ~icl ~t•t'.at.•i rt-nL--, ,srrnat:,tat-4, tarrr:~st+i nPrt:tzii ays4•-~~ma+ntte.
<br />#63 The cestfErz'aa~' „('h" aat±.tunt~ Isz[,.t4#e• teurvu:ztt[ r<, =. ;;lrt,strasirap#z ;ttl xnci those Payable ext tee
<br />€azmLe ~~-!arc-tl ttE r 1=~..~na#1 #x~ t~ t .• S,tsgi=• I:a3;r t, fl;:#t ruatuti;, to 1 n aPPlieci Ls~ t_he fallr+~+•-
<br />trtg ztetrret trz the +.rFier *t at~•ti
<br />et) gt`zzut±cl rz~nt-i, :axt^,z. ~~zsc.~.<a;,•nt~. '._ = att..i s~:tt:-r i+xzar~# !naurance promiuma;
<br />tti) ~'1ts•i~ei+[~~n£tt~`-r.+~i~==°~~ui+,-.F t:e~r<#r ct>t4
<br />t [f!) •=.tr..etiT,att.,r ~ : irr• t~rtu+~f lr.+i + . ,xta' [¢. ~t~.
<br />Atli let- +rr. ~ .-~ ,Zt,- h+ zet r-- .at sr~~ti rz[attintt' t-a}ulrn[aha#1, tiniz~ mode ga0(i
<br />br- Tda ~Iocii[xg ,r I:rtF r == tt..-~•S - .it= • t . t~ r,a=xt urh I,atmrx,t, c~,=nsUtutc~ an evs_~nt of default
<br />utter th+ at~r[r~~gi, At itertgitgz~r. x s~itttaut, ~t,~rtK:zgur xi#l Iray tz "late charge" not exteed-
<br />tng fatty lx°r eentura t l;: } .:I unt :ttsu[i: ntrt+t +~, hc•u Irani more [ban ftftaen (! ~) daY3 after the
<br />due 4iatzr th+±rrezf to t=aper c#ze ,-xtra .--.IMy~`+!-..=t.uitx# to t{ari+ihtzgtleittiyue°ntpayments, but such
<br />„late clze" lz~l`t nut try lxitui.t,° .rni .•i the• }-rvx c-~•cls of flits Hair made to satisfy the intiebic*d-
<br />nesx secure+l hstrt~tay, urik~,s3 such #tz'zw:et~<iY era=.+ilhctr•rtt to titacharge the entire indebtedness and
<br />>'11 piaPer c-~:s arssl t~x~ mar-ul :szere~l,r,
<br />9. tf the !aril of the payments made by tht kforttfagor under ae:l of paragraph 2 preceding sltail
<br />exc~eerd the atrmstst at psyatents actually trta<ie by th€a 'kiarig~sgee.:[s Lrust~, far ground rents, taxes-and
<br />aaa4 or inastranee prermitims, art tlse + rosy be, stss•3t exc~esa Shalt be credits by the Mortgagoe
<br />not stthreritsent paynxnta to tsa mstle br the Mortgagor for ouch items nr, :[t Mottgagee'a option, as trustee.
<br />~ htr rafundad to Mort~agut•• lf, however, ;tech tnaratdsly [raytrnnts shall nut Ire ;tutfietent to pay such
<br />it+aea xis ttte same sl[alt bay due and payable, then the ~iortgagar shall pay to the ktartgagt~, as
<br />Lr[tstre, any amt»ttst r~ry ttz make up the deiicie[[~;y within thirty (301 days after w-ritien notice fraen
<br />the Mtee a#stting the amoatnt of Ilse daiiciency, which ttatice szlay be given by mail. I f at any time
<br />tl~ ~ tshatll tender Liz the kiartgagee, in :tcc-ordance with the pruvixrarss of the natty sexurrei
<br />may. fall ant of the entire ittdebtxdnet~ rePt•osatnted thereby, the Mortgagee, as trustee, Shall,
<br />is ~ the ate=ni of such ia~iebLtdrteas. credit to the uecount 4f the Mariga~gnr any credit balance
<br />atecum[tlatted +snrlsr the provisions of tQl of paragraph '_'. hererrf. tf thaee shall be a default under any
<br />~ th+e proviaiosa of this rnwa resulting in a public Sale of the premitsas covered hereby. or if the
<br />atagtsi.rt+s Y~ property otherwitta after defaut~ the 3fortgagere, ~tst truat~, vital! apply, tit the
<br />t Ctf tit t of such pr•ac~diage, ur at lire time the proporty is =stlt:=rvt`ise aesquit•ed, Che
<br />t~s rL is crediit the Mortgagor udder 4a) of ParaSr+-Dh ~ Fra~tling, as a credltan rho
<br />t _swxrt~d seal ua~ld and the balance to tits Principal than retnainirtg unpaid tsn said Hate.
<br />4. 'f'#sa !lets of this instrument !;hail rEmain in foil forts and elt'~t during any paatpun+cnaent or extan-
<br />pian of tike- tlma of P+tli metst of the indebtedrtratt ctr arty part thereof setu[•ed hereby.
<br />~, Iis wFll ppty all Ift'punsl rents. laxtat; at~ttensa, water rates. and-other goverasmetstal ur munici-
<br />prtt ctsar~ti.l~a+c,~r irnpstttitirssstt, ktVird upon.said Ptitnst aril Hutt he evil! pity ail !taxes !Doled upon this
<br />nwrtypa~ -,~€ t.A+e il~bt sata~ad !beer lap. ttsgetlser w ith atsy other Cartes t=r as~ntt-vista uhlch may ba levied
<br />uat#Gr t#trlat+r i s3~ t'tat~.isa I-~tinat that MCartteec ar t 11?gai border <,f x~id ftrirtripeti note. czn aetewnt of
<br />tls-+M ztadcttLedisass, t!R4aDlat -when puytsf: fas all arts!! itetrta hart tlsereUxfatsa been made under (a) of para-
<br />ti~t ~ ~aroai, acrd tar t+!-ill. irr[rrt-Hcly clteliver tttta tlisl riptst !for to Lira ~lortgsitrr. to dssfault
<br />tlsttas~ttf tl~ 7isFattt~tttt' tstt4f' pay tlsa sairse,
<br />