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81--()12649 <br />3. 1'he mortgagor cotrrtiaeN-and sgroa that if he shall fail to pay sold iudebtedrtes• or any p•rt thereat whes <br />ties. er shall fail to perform anp eoVdffet or agrcemtnt of this ia~rument or the promeasary note seettred hereby, the <br />eattire indebtedncae hereby secnried eltall iwaaediately beeonre dna payable, and eolleMibie withant Halloo, at the <br />of the mortgylee of sadgta. ~Rar~ of maturity. aced the treortgagee or hia a•sigse may before or after eatery <br />said property withers appraixntrstt lobe marttaagar having waived and assiapted to the mortgagee-all rights of <br />a~t7 <br />{ r 1 at judfeial sale petrasant to the previsions of 28 U.S.C. 201)1 i a} : or <br />(n} K tis epties of the tortgagee, tither by gustier or 1-y aoticibtion of sled 6fde,~fer tlttarTat) <br />best bid ee~plyiag whb the urea of wk asd per of payment .pacified is the pabliahed nstieti~f axle, <br />giving Eons rretia' Holies of the time, terttw, snd place of each Bale, by adrertiaetnent not few-than ones <br />during sash of said four weeks ip a newspaper pnhfirhed or distributed in the eeaMysa which rid Property <br />io oitwted, all other sof3ee being hereby waived by the wort6agor (ate said mortgagee, err asy peters as <br />at said erottgadee. way bid with the mpai$ iadebtedaer evidea«d by said soee}. Said sale abail be <br />held a. err a the property r be sold or a! ehc Fedew4 county. or r9ry ooartiaoeae for the cotraq is which tha <br />prepeety is toeated. 71te woetgagee is hereby authorised to eseente for and ors behalf of the merlgagar and to <br />dstirer to the pareltaser at aeb rk a aa!itiest conveyasae of rid properly, wblett eosveyaaee shdD contata <br />saeitais as N the bappasiag of the defrair epos t-6ish the eserntiea of the power of rk beraia gaaad <br />dapwdo: asd the aafd wortgagor hereby roe•Elturr and appbiau the tartrtgs~ or gay agest err attotwsy ~ the <br />waeyadee, rho ascot and attarsey is fast of acid mortgagor to make rush reeitak a>~ to ezewta soli <br />aasveywae sd hereby eoveeasts asd agrees lhsi the recital r wsds .hall bt eBsctad to bar aR etpaty or <br />right of radpeptien, lsaerrtead, dower. asd all other esemptiorn of the martRat[or. all of whie6 ere hereby <br />e:prewly waisad atsl aesweyed to the ncc err <br />(tn) take aeY adxr appropriate artiest punaaat to wtatr or Ftxleral stators either in .fate er Federal <br />easut or atherxise far tba diapa•Qtka at the prnperty. <br />Is tba evear of a gal r bereiaabovs provided. the atartttaaear ~ ar+y persea is poaweesiort .order the mortgagor shall <br />lbes boners gad k t+ma+rta boldiaR over sad shall forthwith deliver poa•eariios to ebe ptrrehaaer at sash sale or be <br />w~ratib}* is aavsirdtwce with the provKiaas of law appiiesbk to tenaata 6okiiset over. '! he power <br />asd ageewey kera5t essared ors plod +rith as interest and arr irrevocable by dash or otber+ri,a and are Brasted <br />w eawaktive r the rvarradite+ for colieeYiaa ad niid indehtodsseae prorided br law. <br />L Tbs praeeaia of gay oak d ~ prapertp is aaenadasce trit6 the preaedia+e paraerapho ahatl ba appiisd first <br />6s pay dw asaas gad spisew aE said rig, tiro s:peewr i by tb+e morigagst far the parpar ~ pratecdeg r :auriw <br />said pteperty, red reusable •etorrtey: fttix; ew+a~eadh, to par the iaakbisdrte•w meatti.d borsht: and th=-aty, <br />r pap ~ err a~ to ehr or lrytalk ~titisd thereto. <br />S. 4 tba ascst said ptapsety is rhi at a ~ fesnttlreee wales err panwsa to the power o! rk hmoa <br />g:asaod, asd the prwari ate vest attideat ra pay rba tarsi sarieias+iwar aes+abd by ebia iaetrsrat! asd evidasaed by <br />soli psnasisaaep solo, tba warysgas wiH ba astftki a : dabeiassy iaiysrset ter tits aaaaaW a! tbtr de~arey tsifltast <br />~~ M O~Iaatsat•a. <br />k h• tits ewwt tits msrlgaator tar,. to paw era! Federal, .rata err Eacal tag as•ewamea4 incaste tag w otter u:lion. <br />sharp. fee, err other aapawa e~iarated ebs property, the awrt6agex is here atttboriard at hia aptiart to pay <br />tba goers. Any attars r pad h firs ators~aa..ball b: added to ward baoaara a part at rho priaeipai awaurtt of the <br />by grid tsota, 'shied r the sores teraa and caadiiiwts. if fire tsgar shall pay artd <br />disohargr, the ~ ewi+ieaced by ward frrootiasarr nWc. gad skail pip rash wuma gad shall diachagae all sage. <br />sad iiaas asd the saW feeti gad ezper•sp of eaaktn~. epfotviaK, and a.rutirtR tbtw moeigaga, rhea this mots;ago <br />abaH ba orstaa~ied sold aasrawdtwad. <br />T. T#a eavenanta beavers, oostttiwad ~ brad gad ibe beaefua sad advasis«as shall loose to the rawpeettre aw0 <br />saasee+t rd wrigws of tbo parties 6erero. ~hatevar toed, tba aiqular aawber absll irtslade rite phtrsl. the plots! tbs <br />~+anal eia trma of ~y lmdei shall irrebrio s~ t <br />Aln wai+wx of gay aawemaat herein or of the ob~atias aesarto'l 6esebp •lral[ at gap tip t~terwftr ba bald <br />i~a M a er:lvor of dw tarwo 6eraef or of the note .soured brrrsby. <br />4 )a piatpbatoe w~ aeotiow itkl.i (d} ed rho ftsla gad Rt~oLniow ~ the 9aetll Bisiress AdetLiatratios (I3 <br />G.i.R. i01.1 id} }. tlds ittatrertset s r be eaatrtrttrd and srdero~ is assordaaae with appiieabk Fsdanl taw. <br />ills A ~ dr~ee;, ortiar, ad t bolding asy prariaion or portion. of this: fsrtrnmeat iavakd or ttm <br />rt~a st-~ not utt a~Y vrap impair er preciOde site safereewsttt of the cesa+tisiss pt+avisiana or portiam of <br />tf~ti itrtieateuta~it, <br />' asp . e. s.t <br />rrut t'r+o •~rr ts-tal <br />