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L 'i7ri ~Igee earataarb awti ttprs r Ie1letns 8 ~. - {~ Q ~ ~ ~ y <br />a He trr38 pt~ paT die iadeaeis aridmeed bt aid ~oaissay ratite at the titsa ataai ~ rite <br />!k Ae trt~ M all ttwe, assesaeent, writs rates. atad other btsaaewteatat ar atant~pal ~a6at Saert ~ <br />ittt~Kttaer tnr wiiefE ~.iftia. b rite h.ea a.d. baeE.en, sad will ptoasptl~ deliar the aidat taedpea <br />tiarair to tfr. and sat~aFee. <br />c He trill pay twelt e:peaaes and fen r test' 6e iacnrrrd in the protection and e9aaintenanee of said <br />propatrry, inclarlinp the k+ett of any attorwy empkered by the atott~a~te for the cofleetioa of my r all of <br />the ~ hereby aeeneed. or for foreriowse by taoct6apee'a sak, ar court proeetdiap, or in arty other <br />liti~attoa r proceeding affectmK raid premises. Attarneye fees rrsaouabty incurred is say atker wrp efull be <br />>~b7~~`• <br />1. Far better security of tba iaatehte~deuttr berrbr secure!, open tke tegttot sf the mortgagee, iu ae- <br />otsrrssa r aaaigw, (te shatf etteetrte sad a anppkmental etortitage or ~gatta corering and additiaas, <br />brtpeo»rta, a betlrnsssersts tawde to the prsrpcren hereimlwrr deaeribe+l :tad ail property ttegnired by <br />b after the date brasof {sR is farm gtisfae¢ory to tsort~taRerr. #'vrth~rra+sre. rlsassekt mort{tagor tail to cure <br />aey tidsasft u she paytaetst of a prior ar inferi+u cnruasbraace oa the propartr described by ikia iastrurneat, <br />berebr attreea to pensit eaert(taxrx to tux Huh :lefault. but ntartFaker es not okfyeated to do ao: <br />aaraf saefit ariraaeea skull keco+ar pare of ekr indebtodrw~r ~rattrd by skis eaWevttuat. wbjcct to tke ssmt <br />test send costditioaa <br />e. t7at rigs eratrtcd by this pssrcyaaua shah rrraatn is to!! four and r(ect duritsR am poatponetaeat <br />ar etttsnsirts arf tlar [firer sf pavaarst of the imlrtstedrtr~e rvideatrd br .aid proteiaaon Hate ur retr pan thereof <br />secaeed 0serebr. <br />(. tfa riN esotiea+sosls maia#ain kauard iawraor,,. d +ercb tape ar trper sad in •uch atnoaab as the <br />easrttbader tnay frost tttswr !o ttaae regttttw as ttsr imprarmeata teow~ or hrreaftrr oo raid propeny. and <br />tttiA M7 l~l~y "~ "~ 'tq Meaaa'rr thsrafar. All isssaraaeo riot! ba carried in aseepanies aaeeptabis <br />r atrt~e sari thtt !'~aa aaa ratut+rstls tbaroad call be bard by aertgttps end ka*e atsaahad tbsstate <br />fetr left derv is tsar at atati at tars rdotrptabia to the aertgayatr. la swat sf lass. aaoetgyor wilt few <br />ittrwailru saris ie wrbtiy m taart~atsa, asad awtptgtra oar male pnrf of ltsa ii trot oasis ptnsPV7 by <br />weelpyee, ad Meit ilaatretweaaerttptry er~t~ is keadn atttbo~rined ad d#aetr# io stake pa~twt far rcnt6 <br />{~ r ntataati ai a sad martga~ra putty. shad the inaraaes praasdw ar '-y <br />!a't dsnaoi. ~ be ~ ~ m ~ eptiaa a'3 tan t!a r~aiam erf the ~ bersby <br />aaassv~i K fa t-e wsaa+uintt ar r+aprir of t4s prspee+y ar load. to attract of forectsasrte d tbL <br />aatlQ~Ia, ar sstbar traaaiar 1 title w raid peepatty is satirgprata~ara of the ~ armed b+r*6y. aft <br />~ titir, atsd isaaras+t of site asrrtpptr ~ ,red is asy iasarresa potirias than ~ !ores siutt pas m the <br />pnrebaset or rntsrpgttttsa oar, u the + of tits • auz' key sarsavrsfered for r r>=tund. <br />~. tie rift ka`P a!t koitdidda tart arltear ispraiRtwrrsta err raid ptapert7 its t:'~ repair clad madition: <br />.rid paawsis caearrie. ar trier awe rttsas, isepaitwt.~st, datti<teeratien of raid ptKSpersv or asy part ebereof; <br />Ira the s~~aast ad Caitore ~ for mrnrylat~asr to steep sbf iatil+fia~ rte said prraaisea sad there ereemd va said <br />ftee~stiwsa. ter }ptprovapeaa tberase. nr t~ rvp:ir, tba as~gagea oast' sacks web r:ptira r in its dineeetioa it <br />Hurt rtaaat ecewsary for tier proper prateiratiee thereat: aed the Toff sttartslat o(eaeh sad a+ery wcb pryaseat <br />rkatl be isstwraliaeiy date sad payable sad ttkai ie rerarad b! tke titres of this enertf{ayt. <br />ft. 34t trill tact .atfuntarily er,tate or prrrait to be crc+ttd agaiaet tba property rrb;~ct to tistia tttortd:~ <br />sat tits m lieaa saCarier a ~ to the tiara atf tftit[ tawtaade witlsaut thr written rattaeat a! the rarrn- <br />iM'~: and Crtbar, he wit! krep tad aariataia the assts fry from tke dais. of all perwratt supptyiteg tabor ar <br />aaaattiaia Cur catastrtattioa+ of any sad all tauitdiapa ar improreraeata rust. trcur¢ eretaerl rnr trs br ertcted oa <br />i. fiat wilf net rest or awigis a$y part of rite rent ~ .aid tn+artR~ prppertr w denadiab, of retwase. <br />air aa~stastially abet say laailslsaR ritbaut ilea trritim caeaent tf tlae raarytagee. <br />j. Art awards of dataa;t!s an carmrttien ratb may rrnatioe for pukt~ tae of sr enjoy to say of tke <br />pra~reaty aebjeet ~ tits ataal~xypc are hnaby armed a~ shall be paid to ~ rho may appit the <br />aria to paytteat, aC She ~ 6nt doe under said nets .ad ttwrtgattee is borday aatiiasiaed. is tJ,e <br />tasae of the ~• m cacerstte atad .slid acquittances theteot and to appeal frost asy attcb rratd. <br />fs. Tire ttttaatiagpa rwutjt haws ele right to the mortgaged premises u say raasonrtble t3se, <br />L l~fatpt is asX ar the. easaxt+tata or swaulitieas of this imtrttmmt or of the was or loan agreFmcat rocttred <br />~'~ lM7iWlgtla tlaa ss~t"a r~t W pttsaeaeion, u~ a±ad eetjoyt of tkr praperts. at rise uprisen of tba <br />su lass aaaiys ik 6eiiad that rise taortgrger sisal! ha•e aach right nnti) defralti, l.rpnri'tat) trick <br />~dabM. tie wastes tJta~ fry the oraer of sl! of tba carts and profits accevltslt after de{atth rs s+4~srity <br />fist t~ ~ a ttsra6'f'• ritb tlae twit ea.eagtnr ttgan acid ptttpertr for tke put•pose of tvxttactiag suit <br />ea~tM attd pmaita. 11dta ~ titei r as ar~aMtad of any r>•ataM on raid ptYyrrny to that ettaat. <br />