<br />R ~ 'fhe mert~Rer eovettants aed sprees tlrst if Mrr shall rsif to pay said indebtedness or any part t~tt+~t
<br />~' shill fsil tQ pu#etta attq eavCnatR +~irTt cf~ i.•:atnt;.isent « the- promissory note set:ared
<br />' ~ iedsbtadaess ~ s~eil~ shall is»ittedietei~ betxrlae due, payable, and rolteetibk wit~eut ti'~i~, wE t~tr
<br />of the mortftat¢e r' ass6tpaa, reFardlas ~ mstitrity, agit the mortgagee or hie aesiRris may before r~altcf't~ft~
<br />slid property withbat #ppgti3serreat {'tie ttt?drtgador ~arirtA wrived and aasiptted to the mnrt~a6ee~alnrt~a-qj
<br />~, i t k at jadkid sale prrsiseat to the proviaionsw#,`j,$ U.S.C 20Qt (a i : or
<br />(n) s t-e ~ of fife ntost~ee, either by gtictioa or by soliettatioa of t~led.bitb~ £~the b'Ifilree~ii.2
<br />~, bwe W esawpig~ with the teear of sale ~d maeser of pryatmt specified is the pttblielted.arti~e e{ aalst'~ssb
<br />dddad Four weeki roNee oT the'tiwee, terms, sad- place of-such sale, by advertixtt~ettt a~ot-teasF~ltaa stale
<br />dsu~ each of uid roar-weeks is a rterrspaper puliilishrd or distributed in the coimty is wbueh a.ui!°property°
<br />•is~ai~. afi at4ar settee beta fi hereby waWed b1 the mortar toad said mset~ee, or aaytt dr,,
<br />' haiielt cf said sN bid with-the ttspuid ~ evideaeed.~r ssud aotrr}, Said'~ttt shall her
<br />hdd u err m the property to be geld or u the Federal, county, err city oonrtboose -for the eoraq is wirie6--the-
<br />PsP~7 is ~~ '~ mortaapee ~ hereby authorised to e:eeute t« sad oa behaU of the moor utd to
<br />deliver M tltt prreleaser u sneh sale a rrl6eimt conveyance of said property, whie6 eorveyaree steel! eeataiw
<br />talitals a• to the hsppenias of the de#anlt upon which ttre ezecution of the power of Bale herein ti>
<br />depsstM; sad the said rwrt6e6er hereby conNituW and appbiats the mortgasec or say spent or attorney of the
<br />se:tp~as, the agent and ntto+aey in face of said mort~or to make-such reettals sad to e:eeate said
<br />~+~9+~h~ ~ ' soveaaets sad agtsea rtes: the rer~n4 se made shaft bt eUeetral to bar all egrity or
<br />ngbt ~ ~• mead. dower; sad atl other e=emg2ions of the mortgagor, elf of which sae hereby
<br />expresdy iraivgf sad ennveyed to the moritga6ee; or
<br />(ttt; .raft ~ ere action purmaat to..state or Federal statute eithtt is state or Federal
<br />ewer or ~ ttn of the property: -
<br />la the event of a~wje ~M!)nehi3Ye piovid=d, the mortgagor or any perswt in porersien under the mortgagor ehsll
<br />than 6eease and`tic tenwb herding over-arid-shall forthwith definer poeeerion to the. purchaser at ouch oak or be
<br />sams~sarHr dispaMiessed; is seeordarare with the prorisianr o[ law applicable to tensors holdirgt orer. The power
<br />and 7 Eby ttt'+nted nee eonpkd with as interest and are irrev«aWe br death or otherarioe, and are granted
<br />p ertia`tli~t#re W- tb`r--reraedtay- fen=to?tectiea of" eaid~ inrkbtediters prorided by taw. -
<br />#. 'fie gs> ~ arty Bala of raid property in aocorda«e +rith the preceding para~rapks shall 6e agplied first
<br />M pay dts ceiG asd esipesas of said sate, the expettiw itrcrrrsd by the etortgagee #« the parpose of protecting or rnaia•
<br />raining raid property, anti reasonable atiorrrw tees; recondty, to pay the indebtcdntrr secured hereby; and thirdly,
<br />to pay imy rurpla- or a=seas to Cite perwn or perrano kKaliy entitled thereto.
<br />S. la tM event acid property a add at • jodirial toroclooure role or pursuant to the power of sale hereiaabovs
<br />graawd, sad too preoee~ are lent sr$e~t to pay ebe rota} indetitedoeas reerred by t66r iwtrumeai sad evidealad by
<br />rand psesstsaey sots, the mortgagee will ba eatided m • deficiency judgswenl for the awount of the deFci~rey eaiti'.ort
<br />rs~sl to yyoetsiseewaat.
<br />tr. In tbs tree! the mortgagor fait to pay any Federal, .tatty or local tax asrerrerent, inwme ter: or other tax ties,
<br />charge, fee, or other expeaas charged againrt ebe property, thr mortxagee it hereby authorised at his option to psy
<br />tits cams, Mg otters se paid bf' the ~ereetgagee rhdl ba added to sud bewrra a part of the priaeipat arsrouat of the
<br />iudaJftedeew erideeoed by raid note rtibject to the satyrs terms and rvnditiorr. [f the mortgagor rhall pry a,ad
<br />dfssbrtrpe the iadehtedttasr evidenced by said pruetisrory »ote, and rhatl pay such suaa- and shall diseharRe stl to=es
<br />+~1~5~?t~t~,~siw.~.+w{„ewpesyae a.c._~.~ m14, un6 'nsrtE~. t}tee this m
<br />~ sad ~ -~~,,....,+atorc" aed cxecu ' this
<br />7• ~ ea!vae~swta herttitt twataistad daall bind sad tb>D bsaefita sad advaatspos shell lotus to tbs w era
<br />eet~s ad aatipa,F ed_dta p~tisr,:,~~ ~ ~1.-tl~ta siaprlar ara~:4ar aWl ;aefrie tits pirral, the pJaral lta
<br />sit~itbtt, awd ~s.ree of s~ pad+er slsdt iashtde a~ gstedats,,
<br />i•., ~s rte:ad aalt+eisnaratat hanht w of dot sbi#gatis~a setated.hanbg shell u era; rise thsrwtt~ bs hold
<br />tat 1is-a,,af.~4e tsear ltanasi of of tie sere selsrsd lsar,rhtr.
<br />~ L_t ~ >Rit- es~sa 3fi~.1(d10# ttse Rake sad R~t6ea. of tlta 511 Brriwtrs AdsiriNr~tioa (13
<br />:.~;~aA~~ar~abs~ sad ea#otled is acaardaasa witA ap~Iisah;e-Fadetal few.
<br />!~ A jttiiaiat see. des. el jrdpeat sty ptsvisisst er pordsa et this iastrttereet ittralid or sis.
<br />~ shall ttw w ayy. rsa~ isspwtir ea pos~4a•das tea»~rt s~ t1M; +msltMwirifi,lysy or postieas ad
<br />t~k~y_
<br />wMt Ftl~r +sn ra.»s - <•~ a.: ,,,e
<br />