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__~.. <br />• $1° U(i263~ <br />L tbatl~!a"t"w'~te~aP~asf~ww: <br />a_ t?b l_pg [5a idebtedwew eridtwteed by mid ptaaiaaatry note o< tLe rice. asd i. t-w <br /> titttaits.ptew.idai _ -~ <br />-. <br />~. ~ht ttll,~aisie~t awttstt~etst erwte, raver. amd otiae ~r.alitgreatd as ppl.eltot 6igry. ts4' <br />ispeAiaea, fall >Ir6ir ptot+iaisa Lan teat rn made he~abafora and will pavsptiy deliver rli~ra! areeipM <br />tLateiar N die acid rtaetlpt0aa. <br />~ He with pay-such erpeoaa and fees as may be inrttrred is the protection and maiatenaaa o! cold <br />p,aRy. ioclttdips the teoa e[ :any attoanny employed Ly the mortgagee for the wiketion of nay or all of <br />~~ hert~y aecueed..or for forecloenre by martgadee'i ante, or t:onrt proeeedippt, or to wy otltier <br />li}i6ation~arr proceediwg affecting said pt+emtaea. Attorneys txs reaaonaWy incurred in aqy other wsp alia7l.he <br />paael.bY flea mm~or. <br />d. Far6atler aecarity at the iwdebtedsesa hereby seettrcd, aeon the request of'ttte tnoet6agee;-ibaata <br />«atars ar auif0aa. lee shall eucute and tielfrer a wpplemeaml mort6s~e or mort6a6ea eoyeriaa attn. addidows, <br />i®prsveettalr, or betterments made to the property hrreihabo.e ddcribed : nd all Property ae+laired, by <br />it after-the doe hereof !aU in lotto satisfsetory to morttagee). Fnrthermaro, ahotsid atortftagar fall ta:tattre <br />iiwy dAan1t in the partriettt of a prior er inferior eneumbnaee oa the property described bythiaittatroatQU3i' <br />meetgftor hereby aRms to permit mortgagee to cure ouch default, but mortgagee is not obligated to da ao; <br />sad etteh advances shall beeotne part of the indebtedness secured by thin instrument, subject to the same <br />tetras and eeaditiotr. <br />r. Tht rights created by thin conveyance shall remain in full force and eHeet during any postponement <br />or eatettsion of the time of payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or any part thereof <br />assayed berebv. <br />J. He will eoalinuoasly maintasa hasard irtwnttee, of such typr or types and in such amounts a. the <br />mortgagee may from time to time require on the improvements now or hereafter on said property, and <br />will pal prampdy when dot nay premiums therefor. AU itatiranet sbaU be carried is wmpawies aooeptabk <br />m mertp~e sad the P°lKi°" and reaewa4 thereof shall be held by mort6a6te and bare attached theirato <br />loo payable elaenos is favor of sad is form amptable to the tttortg~. In event ~ ions, mortp6or wUI pro <br />iaaaediate wetiee u writi~ to mortggta. and mortaa6ere luny make proof o[ lay it na made promptly a7 <br />morl~a®oe, sad eeRth istwranee eaaapawy eoaeeeaed is hereby antbariaed sad di.~eeted to make payment for rash <br />kr dieeatty to ssrtpioe instead of m moreg~or and mortgagor jointly, a~ the inwranee proceeds, or my <br />part thereof, way be applied by mortHapea at its option either to tlx redwetion of the indebtedmo baeby <br />aaemwd ae to the trottocatice or repair ad the properq damaged or destrnyed. To event of [oreelewre of thin <br />asart6aaa. er other transfer of title tar said preperty is a:tiagvtisit~t of the iudeittndneas attttrtd hereby aU <br />tri6lt4 title, and interest of the mortgagor is and to any iwwrance policier then in tome alull pans to the <br />parrhaaer or mortgagee ot. at she optiae of the mortltaRce, may be wrreodered tar a refund. <br />g. Ele will keep sU building sad other improvemeata on said Property in 6rod repair and condition; <br />wilt permit, commit. w softer fro waste, impairment, deterioration of said property or nay part thereof; <br />iw rite event of tsiiare of the m..ryptgor to keep the building oe said premiem and those erected an said <br />premises, or impravewtmts ehere6s, is good repair, the mortgagee may make wch repairs as in its diseretioa it <br />may deco necoaary tar tin proper praenatiwt thereof; and the fait amount of each and every wch payment <br />ehrll be ir,msadiasely don ,wrd payahk sad shall be secured by the lien of this mortgage. <br />k. He wiif net vofuntarity create or permit to be errated against the property subject to thu mortgage <br />mty Ka er tiWtr aJaeisr ae wperaor to the lien of-this mortgage without the written consent of the morn <br />gager; atad twrsher, hr vriN kerp nerd maintain the same free from the claim of all peraem supplying labor or <br />materials for cdsatruction of ens sad atl buildings or improvements now being eteMed or to be erected on <br />said premises. <br />i< Ee will not rent ar asstrn an:• part of the rent of said mortgaged property or demolish, or remove, <br />ar substantially after nay hnild'eng vrithaat the written consent of the mortgages. <br />j. Alf awards at dawuges is caarteetioa with nay earrdemnation far public use of or injury to any of the <br />"p~ti~rty ~ to tits are hereby sigtted sad shalt be paid to mort~ee, video map'ttp~ty dye <br />.:` attnte°~Oer t>~ et the ~ last-due ceder-said carte, and morff{sp;ee is herby-aitthatved: is rite <br />ttawse of tba met{gapo+. Hr taes'ute and daltver valtd acquittances thertaf atld to appeal from any Bath award. <br />- .. k:-'t'he ~ atta3l lmaa t#ae si~ to sanpeet tint mortgaged prettsires at any rtaaaoaLle;ittao. <br />2 lk~u#t"~ aatY'ed the eevaarawb or conditions of thin instrurttent or of the note or loan agreement neared <br />lteer~rafai~,~eittttitr~to~a'st~[6t~ possewion. asl. atui`Miovtnant Of the property. st the onion of the <br />twirt~et arc his swipss tit king agreed fhat the taatrtsagor shall hart such right until default}. Lpoa nay such <br />Watdf.-rise taoripagce aheU became the owner of ail of the rents and profits aeenaing after default as security <br />~ f)te indebtedness sretued hereiy, with fhe right totaiptr capon said property [or the' purpose o! coileelinE wch <br />a~- sad profitt_ 31ris ioetavsxmt ehaU apatlfMa as nit of ar~jr 3attab «t acid prapetty to that tatewt. <br />