81p- 0056'7
<br />d: P~o>' betta security of the indebtedness hereby secured; upon the requr.+t of the mottgaga, its successors
<br />or assigns, mortgagor shalt execute and deriver a sunplcmentai mortgage or mortgages corering any°addifions,
<br />improvemtnts, or baierments made to the property herdnabove described and all property acquired bq it after:.
<br />the date hereof (aU in form satisfactory to mortgagee; Futhermore, should mortgagor-fail to curesmy defauk:
<br />is the payment of a prior or infertor encumbrance on the property described by this instrument mortgagor tmco-_
<br />by agrees to permit mortgagee to cure sucb defauk; but raortgsgee is-not obligated to des so; and suck adyatiees
<br />shall becotae part of the indebtedness sta:nred by this.ittstrurttent, subject toahe same terms and cottditiops,
<br />c. Tito rights cr~tert by this eanveyanee strati trmsin in-full force and effect during any ptutpeaetxt ctr,
<br />ext~on of the time of the paytttent of the indebteditas evidenced by said. pram~sory Hate or noRe~ ~ say:
<br />.....part thereof sectored hereby:
<br />f. To eomiauously maintain hazard insurance; of such type or typef and. in.such amatnts as the. mortga~De;
<br />may from time to time require on the improvemrnts now or hereafter on said property,. ate wilt pay pt'otnpt[g
<br />-when due any. Premiums thercfm. AU insurance shall rte carried in companies acceptable to mortgt}gte and the-.
<br />potiaes and retuwals thereof-shag be heW by mottgabx arm have attached thereto-toss payable ciausee n.frtvor.
<br />of a~ in form acceptable to the mortgagee. to event of loss, mottgagor wilt give itmrtodiate n9tice in writing
<br />to tno>18sgee, and mortgagee may make proof of toss if not madt Promptly by mortgagor,-and epctt insurance
<br />company concerned is txreby authorized arm directed to make paymrnt for such Ions directly to mortgagee
<br />instc~i of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly,. and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, may be applied
<br />by mortgage at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby sectored or to the restoration or
<br />repair of the property damaged or destroyed. !n event of foredosure of this mortgage, or outer transfer of title
<br />to said property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all right, titre, and interest of the
<br />mortgagor in and ro any insurarxx poticics thrn in force shall pass to the purchaser or mortgagee or, at fhe
<br />option of the mortgages, may be sturendered for a refund.
<br />g. Ta keep aN buildings and other improvements on said property in good repair and cattditioa; to
<br />permit, commit, or suffer no waste, impairment, deterioration of said property or any part thereof; in the event
<br />of fai}urc of tttt rnottgagor to keep the buildings an said premises arm those erected oa said premises; or
<br />improveonents thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make such repairs as in its discretion it may -deem
<br />necessary for the proper preservation thereof; and the full amaum of each and every such payment shaft be
<br />inttttcdiately due and payablr, and shall be se.:ured by the kin of this mortgage.
<br />h. To not voluntarily create or permit to be created against the property subject t.; this mortgage any lien
<br />or teens inferior to the lien oC this mortgage without written consent of the mortgagee; and father, that mort-
<br />gagor will kelp and maintain the same free from the claim of alt persons supptying labor or materials for co~,•
<br />struction of any and ail buildings or improvemrnts rtow being erected or to taz erected on said Premises.
<br />t. 7o Hat rent ar assign any part of the rent of laid mortgaged Property or demolish, or remove, or
<br />substantially otter any building without the written consent of tfte mortgagee.
<br />j. Alt awards of damages in connection with any condemnation for public use of or .injury to any of the
<br />property subjen to this mortgagr are hereby assigned and shall be paid to mortgagee, who may apPty the saotu to
<br />payment of the instalitetettu last dote under said Hate, and mortgagx is hereby authorized, in the name of the
<br />mortgagor, to exxuts and deliver vatiri acquittances thereof and to appeal from any erred award.
<br />k. The mortgagee shall have t>g .fight to inspect the tnortga~l premises at arty rcasonabk time.
<br />1. To comply with the Provision of any lease if this Mortgage is on a leasehold. [f this Mortgagees on a
<br />rnnit in a condominium or a ptsntted utrit devdopmrnt, Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obligations
<br />utmer the dxlaration or covtntatsts creating or governing the condominium cu ttta++ced unit development,the
<br />by-laws a~ regn~tians of the ~ominium cx Planned unit development, and conatiruent documents.
<br />2. t7tfwt! in say o€ the covmaau or coudirim[s of this irtstrttrmnt or of the nee or loan ageettmtt sccaored hereby
<br />eraser terminate the moor's right to pose use, arm enjoyment of the property. at the omioa of the
<br />twee txr assigns ik being agreat ttiat tree mortgagor shaft have stint tight tmtil default). Ctptat any such
<br />tktauk, the slmtl become the owtar of aft of the rents and. profits atxuritrg after defauk as security for
<br />the itedtuss secured tuttbY, with the right to enter upon said property far the purpose of collecting such
<br />rents atoll fuofits. T#is it~trnutent shalt ap~ate as as assigtuttatt of arty rentals on said property to thatextent-
<br />3. tf the otwrtpgOr dsfauits, a~ fails to ttgtt any paymrnts when due or to conform to and comply with any of
<br />flit ~ tnrr agneats wiped in this mortgage or [he antes which it secures, then the entirr principal.
<br />~m artd > intern s13gd1 at ottee beoomc due arm payable, and draw "' per cent (~~t>~t interest
<br />tl~ utBif paid at the sletdhut of tftc ~ and Phis mortgage nosy tltercapott be forcetosed immediately
<br />for tke trlwk ttf the i~ hereby secured, inctadirtg the cost of extending the. abstract of title from the
<br />d~ ~ tltls t to the tlrne of sued snit. 'Eighteen Percent
<br />a. [El tllc err~et of a fottaa3o>+~e cr def~tk as provide! !main, the toortgttgee abate at ottor be cptitled to the Pa-
<br />sR~ 'use tpttf of the rrsf aerate afot?e~id and to the rem, issues. roYattks. arm- Pcafibt tl~teaf,
<br />~.afi stt€h >-arm duripg the p]r of fgretlasrrre pctxxeding~s and such possessions, etc.,
<br />.. ? ~ otter Eft_~ to the tnortl[ upon- rc~gtaesi. ttpop failure. such delivery. oP sur:h Posscaaian may 6e
<br />a~ Sty: ~q hY alga, ~ ; itutudiag a recesver for the Y•
<br />~. 'k"E~=peaau~s of a stm€ o€ !acid qty let tdaaCe aritfe tl~ Preaedimg paragraphs shall. ere ap~tied first to
<br />tfalrscaib; rand ~ ~' t ; the ~ ittcttr by tree rrmrtg+e fat the tm+t ~ protecting ar
<br />slid prapantlrF srett~trltY; .m-pry tlar antatttcd hereby; and thirdly, co pay arty surpetrs ar
<br />terra tar the pcraon ar pt 9~w11y entitled tlo:
<br />