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<br />MQRTGA~,~'rE 81i oo2~s~
<br />~ mortgage made and entered into this ..Litri daq of ~Y
<br />t9_82__, by and betw~rr t~iC Invaatatants
<br />(hereinafter refcrrad to as mortgagor) and Gomtmcrcial-fJatiottat Bnnk and Trt~t Compgay
<br />after nefsrred to as
<br />mortga~c), who maintaft~ an office and place of business at 42d w~, Third stttxt ia-EtYand Islat3d,
<br />fia8 County, Nebraska.
<br />Wrtt~ssETw, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, t'eceipt of whidt is hereby led~4d the-mortgagor
<br />Mes hereby ttaortgsge, se8, grant. assiga. and convey uttto the taortgagce, its sttocaaors and. u~t, a)l, of the fol-
<br />Iowietg described property situated and being in the County of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lot Three {33 in J. S. C. Subdivision, in the City of Graced
<br />Island, Nebraska
<br />together with all-the tettetttcnts and appurtrnattces themes txiontting, alt the rents, issues and profits thereof, and ail
<br />easements, rights, royatcits, mineral, od and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />all heating, plumbing, refrigeration, lighting, cqu+pment and aii iixtures s~f every description belonging to the
<br />mortgagor now err hereafter attached thereto or used in connection with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />therno the following describxd proprnies which are and shall t+r deemed [o be futures and a part of the realty. amt
<br />are a portion of the security for the ittdeu.edness herein stated. tlf none, state "Wane" 3 "lone
<br />To !rave ate to hold the same unto the Mortgagee, as heron provided;
<br />The mortgagor is lawfully seiztd and possessed of and has the right to sell and Canvey said property: that the
<br />same is fret from afl ettcvmbrances ezeept as hereinabovc recited; artd that "dortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />tkf'end the title aforesaid thereto arrd every part thereof against the claims of at! persons whomsoever.
<br />7'tri. instrument is given to secure the paytnrnt of a promissory Were dated tsav 13, 1481
<br />tR the prmsipal Sum _oi S 40, QOO.(}tt ~ ~, signed by will last i~ C~~rbell,,,~ Bob:. Ilheele:r,
<br />in bthatf of ~ CtiC Invesi~ents and Jags L. Caruron
<br />also, as sttcit note or Worts tnaq from time to time be ttterdi£rod, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />fn the event tht title to said rat! e~ace is transferred, err contracted to be transferred, from the underaignerl for. any
<br />resnexn err by arty method whatsae+:tr, tht entire principal sum sad accrued. interest shalt at once betrome ciue_attet
<br />ptitrabk at the ehCliew of the holder hetxcrf. 1Pailurs to exercise this option becaust of trarufer of titre as above stated
<br />in-one iastattce shsd tcotcottstitute awaiver of the right to exercise the satin in the evem of any subugadst irsnafsr_
<br />1. Tht aaortpgrtr covtnanu scut agrees as follows:
<br />a. To ptnptfq ptty the iadcbtedntsa evidectced try- said prontiraary voce at the tinter sad in the trteStaer
<br />ttttsa'cb pt?txxiAa~
<br />b. To taay aii taut, saetssmcrtts, water rates, and-other gavernmetttal or municspal charges, ft`t~, cx
<br />ftfe which i~ hats ntrt bttn crude hereiabefore, and will prompttr_- deliver the. oftcial rec~cipcs
<br />thor td the ~sa#d mwta.
<br />w;: 't'is pVty fi ~ ant! fres as may kM iacurrti! in the prtatcction acrd mainrenaace of said properly.
<br />t#e #tta of say attertrcy employed by tits ~ or the crsliec~tian of any or aii rsf the indcbtedaess
<br />3rereby xxurcd, cw ittrecirxt,urr h} nrort~tc's +wk. tsr ;:rurrt procreeciiztns. ter its anti t+ther 4igiltatia~n ter prrx.~iing
<br />tiffee'rirxgt *aw.i prc'S~tt
<br />