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$1--Q025.66 <br />d. For:betta~ security of the ir~btedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee; its suaxsaors <br />or assign's; inott$agm shall execute and ddiver a supplemental mortgage or mortgages covering any attdidams, <br />improventertts, or betterments made to tht property hereinabpve described and all Property acquired by it after <br />ifx date hereof (aA in form satistactorq to martgagee}. Futltsrmctte; sbwtld martlptgar fait Eo ettre arty `detattit <br />in #Ite peytrient of a prior' or inttrtiar cmarmf>ramoe art the property described by this instrument; -~ ' <br />by agrees to permit ttrortgagee to cure such default„but mortgagtx is not obligated to do so; attd suetr advencxs <br />becomt part of the ndebtedtress seetrred by this instrumemt, thcsame terms arttleotrtiitittns,- <br />a The-sights. crcattd by this conveyance shat! resmttin in fuQ foroe and effect dating attp'ttir <br />eatttession of-the titrzs of the paymnm of the indebttdness evtdeneed by said promissory.a~ or mold, or:aAlr <br />ttheretsf secured-hereby. <br />f. To eotrtinuousfY maintain hazard it[wrancr, of such..type or types attd in sloth amcntnts as:tlte mortgtige~ <br />ttm7t'fiom timeto time require on the- improvements now or hereafter on said property, and will-pay:promptly <br />when due any prerrtitmts therefor. All insurance sfwll br carried in comp~itmies abk to mortgagee, ae~ the <br />potiaes and renewals thereof shall be hdd by mortgagee and. have attached tftveto loss payatik clauses in favor - <br />af stud in form acceptable to the mortgagee. (n event of lass, mortgagor will give irmmediate writing <br />to margagee, and mortgagee may make proof of loss if not madt promptly by mortgagor; and tech insurance <br />tvnrpamy conttrned is herelry authorised acrd dirated eo make paytsKrtt far such foss- directly to mortgagee <br />insitad of to mortgagor and morgagee jointly, and tht insurance proceeds, or any par thereof, may brapplied <br />by mortgages at its option eitl~r to the reduction of the ittdebt~tiess hereby secured or to the restoration oc. <br />repair of tilt property damaged or deuroyed. In cvetu of foreclosure of this mortgage, or-other transfer of title <br />to sad ptapcrty in extinguishment of the ir[debeedness secured hereby, a!1 right,. tide, and interest of the <br />mortgagor in and to any insurance policies thtn in force shelf pass to the purchaser or mortgagee or, at the <br />option of the morgagtt, troy be surrendered for a refund. <br />g. Ta kelp art buildings and other improvements on said property in goad repair and condition; to <br />permit, commit, or suffer no waste, impairment, deterioration of said propertp or any part thereof; in the event <br />of fsifttre of the [mortgagor to keep the buildings on said premises and those erected on said pretmises, or <br />improvements tt~reon, in good repair, the nwrtgagte may make such repairs as in its discretion it tttay deem <br />necessary for the proper itrtscn~ation thereof; and the full amoum of tech attd every such payment shalt ix <br />immtdiatdY-dot and payabtr, and shall be secured by the Lein of this mortgage. <br />h. To not voluntarily' create ar permit to tx created against the property subieet to this mortgagt any lien <br />ar Siem inferior to the iirn of this ~nortgagt without written consent of the mortgagee: and futher, that mort- <br />gagor will keep attd maintain the same fret from the claim of all persons supplying tabor or materials for car. <br />strtttion of any and at# buildings or improvements now tieing erected or to tx erected on said premises. <br />i. i o not rent ar assign any part of the rant z~f ~aicf trartgaged property or demolish, or remove, or <br />substamiaily after any bui[d[ng withtwt ftte written coastal of tht mortgagee. <br />j. All awards of damages in connntion with any condemnation far public us:, of or injury to any of the <br />ProptrtY subject to this mortgage art hereby assigned and shalt bt paid to mortgagee, who maY apPlY the same to <br />paymptt of t!x itrstallmmu last due under said note, arxl nuxtgaget is hereby at:iharizerf, in the-naru[e-of the <br />mortgagor,. [o execute and definer valid acquittaaccs itureof and to appeal from any such award. <br />k. Tlu mongage+c sfudl have rite ,:ght to iaspes:i rite tnatgaged ptesnises at any reasatable sine. <br />L To crompiY with thr provisions of any kart if this Motigagt is on a leasehold. !f this Mortgage is on-a <br />unit id a cotid<tmiaium or a plaNrtd uttit developmem, Bm'rower shelf perform aD of Borrower's obligations <br />uttda the. dadu+uirart or cavenaats of goverrritt; t!x coneforninium or plaiutod unit developtttent,the <br />by-fasrs ntd regnfatiotts of thccandominitim or pistoled unit deveiopmrnt, and cortstitucat documents. <br />Default in anY of the covertttrus or rttndittorts of ttw trnYrutneitt or of the volt re roan agtement secured hereby <br />sAsg term~atc the ttwrtgagsu~'s tight to pot[saaion, use, and tnjaytmait of the ptapertY. at the option of the <br />~ e (it b~ agter~ tlmt tl~ .mortgagor shelf havr such riglu unlit def'srtfU. Upon arty such <br />detatdt. tfua tmattp~ec shelf beeoa~ the awntr of aft of the reins sad profrts accurirgt suer default as secntity for <br />tilt ittdefstcttrtas secrired hereby, with the right to enter upon said prapatY for the purpose of collecting such <br />r~s anti profits. This insutment shall. opetats u an ash of any rentals on rsaid property to that etcteaE <br />3. if qtc de#auhs, stxl fuels to rn:ke anY payments when due or to conform to and coampfy with anY of <br />ttic etied or •greemmts cater in this ruarigagr or the notes which it setartes, ttortt the entire principal <br />ttMd aarrmed ime~t slwtn a omee betxtme due acid.payable. sad draw ` pa «at( g.__~_o ifo)-ititcrc~st <br />tAaes~a[ t Atud at the efraaion of tdc tart sad tt~ mvngag+e maY P~ 1x faKClased immediattty <br />lee tlle~rboie ot~tr isndss heresy , its the Dart of extesdieg the afrstract of rifle from rite <br />damrit tf~> to tilt titter of wtaatraicitig Stich sort. *Sighteen Pereeitt <br />#,: fin tflb event-tif.i,t~s itr da;ault as provided (rer~. the mortp~ec shall at Dace be tnntlcd to tlx l~^ <br />seaao~a. stye, snd•~ of ttre red estate aforesaid and to the rtau, issues, royaltka, and:pro#us the~raof, <br />grn~ tM of -tam tea attic the ptvx~cft at fosaclosure ptocceitin#s srtd such Dei. rte., <br />ctrAB at 4avz be ddi+wtmd. tc t!e upotartiquroest, npote;faikare detrvery o[ intcft passee~stt maY be <br />by ma[tg~e, larlr }+ ~ ~ ~ i;~ a r for rite twra~pe<~ty. <br />3: .Clx t+ror.~eds of ant+ saMr of trail pntpextty in -with- rite pretxdittg paragtapht shall be applied firzt to <br />pv[y lira t;+arts agd:,trs~tsol[ aE sr~kd nit, rite ~ by=th$ ~ far rite t~D of prota~ing or <br />rrtg said ~~ ta~aeaedlyf to atBt rite "_ . ~ tttrebY; attd-titirdfY, to paY antr surplus or <br />w ttiv pcxssia of i f a~ ttt#etpr: . <br />