<br />~~_ooz~rs~
<br />'f'hia rrtortgags rtmdi` one! emered litre this 13th ~), of ytal+
<br />~ 19.x._, by and betiretn CtiC investments
<br />(hereittafter"referred to as martgagotl and Commereia( iwtatfonal Bsnk and-Trust Company
<br />~~
<br />424 W. Third-8t, {hetetaafter referred to as
<br />tt~frtgagee);-who tttaintsins an offtce and place of business at street in Grand Lttaad,
<br />Hatt County, Nebraska.
<br />WtTt~9ETR; that ftx the cottsi'cR:ation herrttafter"stated, receipt of whitdt is hereby ackn+ttwtedged, Ehe tttortgagar
<br />does hereby mtx'tgage; self, grant, assign, arm convey ttato the wortgag~, its ~s sea_ I tt~igtts, all of the fo1-
<br />lttwittg described property Sintered attd being in the County of Ftali
<br />State of Nebras)ta.
<br />- --
<br />E - - - - -
<br />~' -
<br />Let Two {2) in S. S. C. Subdivision in the City of Grand
<br />Island, Afebrasska
<br />together with alt the terterrtents oral appurtcasnces thereto belonging, af) the rents, issuts and profits thereof, and alt
<br />casements, rights; royattits, mimral, oil and gas rights and profits. water, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />ati hmtirtg, phtmbing, refripteratittn, fighting, equiprnent and a!i fixtures cf every description belonging to the
<br />tttartpsagor now or herrafter attanc~d thereto or used in connation with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />thereto the following dt~scribed properties which arc and shalt rte deemed to be €ixtures and a part of the rex.ity, and
<br />are a portion of tht security for rite itr~tebtedttess herein stated. ftf none, stets "Wane") Nane
<br />To have atttl to hold fire same unto the Mortgagee, as hcrrin provided:
<br />y'lte ttttxtga$ar is tawfuliy seized atssl pgsxssed of and has rite right w sell and convey said property: that the
<br />saute 34 fro- fratt aU ttteumbrattcfs except as hereinabove recited; and that Mortgagor covenants to wa-*ant -and
<br />defend tttr title aforesaid thereto attd every part thereof against the ciaitns of alt persons whomsoever.
<br />'[ltis iostruemnt is given to secure the payment of a promissory nee dated *tay 13. t,g$y,
<br />in the ptirxipai-Burn of S 4t3 Qt?t?.00 signed by William Caa~tbell, Hob Wheeler
<br />fa beMsif of CtiC IaveataentL am
<br />aka. as vote or rs~ tmty frasttt tithe to time be enadifkd, renewed ar eattendai in writing
<br />ttt the e+~ the title to said txxt esutc is trar>rsferred, or contrattai ttt be traasfemd, from the undersigned far xny
<br />etaesoss ar by aay tatahod whtttaoever, the tntire principal Sum and tccrued interest shall at once become due and
<br />Gry'abie at et>t of rite balder hereof, Failutt to exercise this option because of transfer of tick as abo+•e Stated
<br />m erne io~tutie shit! not eonsiitnte a waiver of the tight to exerast the same in the evetst of any subsequent transfer.
<br />i, 111e tnottptfgt ce~taats attd agrcrs as foilawS:
<br />a: 1'a ~ PaY the ibis ~ by sscid promissory note at the titrttbs and in the tttatttter
<br />tht~raisr ptauiAgd.
<br />b: T9 tmy toffee, ass~mettts, watt<r rittet, and other governtnentst or munitipa) charges, Ernes. «r
<br />. for srltish prxrvislan has net bem tnmte hensinbefart, and wilt ptYtmttt#y deliver the ofCciat receipts
<br />tiwtxfor to thr aatid tttottgst~,
<br />r, To t ssseh stt and fps as tturty be imvrred in the protection and main[enattcc itf said prppcrtr,
<br />trot fese of tt ~ttnrttejt ~ by rite inart~tgec lot the caifcxtisat of any or alt of the indebtadrteSs
<br />~. hrartt:Y !ttst~d, s'!r ft'~x+etowre !sy t+rortgmgee's sale, or rotrM t~Eteea~tfitttGS, ~x in ear r#hNr litiga[tctn ter rr~xt~eedintt
<br />sitra°tiitp ssrti prtspMty.
<br />e
<br />