<br />9. Cseieerp,a, The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, ditto or comegrtrnEial, in contcction with any
<br />carskenaRtian ~ other collie= of the Property, or p•rt tlaerrnf, or for ccnvcyance in lieu of coademtntian, are ltasraby aeigtted
<br />sad ttiaB 6e peid to Iteder.
<br />[b the troll of a Eotal talon6 of the Proptxty, the proceeds shat) be applied to the sums secuttd by this. Deed of Trust,
<br />with the exeeat, if any. paid to ~r~er. (n the evict of a partial taking of the Property. linters Borrower end Lender
<br />aia'wite apex in writing, tltete shalt be applied to the wins secured by this Died of Tact such proportion of the prootxds
<br />as b egwf ~ that proportion which the amcnsnt of the stems secnttd -by this [}txd of Trtut immediatelp poor to tl~ date of
<br />ta4~-buts ro titfair market vahte of thr Property imttrediately prior to the date of taking, with the 6atarsce of the practeds
<br />paid to Barrarrer.
<br />ff ttie PmpeRY is abatniorted by Harrower, or if, after notice try Lender to Borrower that the condemner offers to make
<br />an awteM or settle a claim far damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the Batt sttt~i-testicle is
<br />tripled, [.ender is atattorized to collect std apply the proctxds, at tender's option; afhv to restatatioo or to(r~r of-the
<br />Propt:rey or to tie sutrrs secured by cis Deed of Trtct.
<br />Urtkss Lender and Borrower tstlterwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to prtttcipal ahalf not extend
<br />or ttte dttt date of the rrsouthly ittsratitrtents referred to in paragraphs f and 2 hereof or chaege the amount of
<br />saeh imUlttttems.
<br />itt. lsseewer Not Reked. Extrnsion of the tune for payment er modification of atitortization of the sums secured
<br />tsY this !]led rd Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shalt not operate to ukase, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the ottginal Borrower and Borrower's strcttssors in interest. lender xhatl trot be regained to corntttertoe
<br />protxtdings apirtst such -aectsatrr or reft~e to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />. secured by this Deed of Trtet by reason of any demand maw by the original Borrower and Borrower's stxcessors in iateret_
<br />f 1. Pkriteaesece F7 C.trdtt Nae s r.Raieer. Any Carbear:nct by C.etttlc: in exercising any right ar rtmtedy fte:tutttfer, or
<br />aherwise afforded by appficatslc taw, shaft not be a:waiver of or preclude the exorcist of any such ri t or remM
<br />Tlc prot.~trtetrsent of insurance or the payment of taxes or other Liens or charggea 6y Lender shat! not be a wat~ of Lerdei's
<br />right to teccelerate the tnatttrity of the itdetxednas secured by this Deed of Trttst.
<br />iZ Rtteedtas Crrdaave. All rctttedies provided in this Deed of Trtcet are diHitut and ctmtulativc to any other right
<br />or remedy tinder ihh [lad of `I rust or afforded by law or equity, and may bt exetcited concnrrtndy, itdependendy ar
<br />succt:aaic~
<br />13. earl AtMpe Bread; )sit ctrl SrvmY LifiRity; Gpba. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />coataitsed shalt bird, std the rtgbLS hereumkr shall inure to, the ttspative successors std assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />wbjtct to else provisions at paragraph I7 hereof. Alt covenants and agrccrrtrnts of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />The caption atsd tteattiags of the pa phs of this Died of Trust are for convcnicnce only and arc not to be used to
<br />interpret or devse the ptavisiooa hereof.
<br />i1. Nspet. Except for asy notice required under a icabk law to be
<br />pPt given to attWtxr manner, (a) any notice to
<br />Horroarer provided for is tt~ [k~ of Tnnt shat! be given by mailing such notict by certifitd mail atidreased to Borrower at
<br />the P-oPertY Addrsas ar at sedt other address as Borrower may drsigttate by rrotict to Lender az provided heron, and
<br />(bl any rtotice to l,ttder shaft be given by certified mail. rattm ttctipt requested. to Lender's address stated herein or is
<br />such other addne as tinder may dwgnate by notice to Borrower as provided loran. Any ttotitx provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trtrex shdt be deemed to )rave been given to Borrower or Lender whin given in the manner designated herein.
<br />i3. [lai[strs Ded at Tarts Cwversi~ Few; Sevees6iWy, Tttis form of deed t:f trust cambittts uniform covenants for
<br />ttatttaeal tae and Trott-tmiform soveaants wuh limiecd variatirnrs by jurudictian to eonstiturc a uniform security instrument
<br />aoverins. tell property. Tbia fated of Trust shalt he governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located.
<br />to the errnt that arty ptovisios or clause of this Deed n( Trust or the Note conflicts with appbcablc law, such conflict shalt
<br />rot affeu dhet pt o€ this Deed of Trust or the Nate which can be gtven effect without the conflicting provision.
<br />and ro this ettd the v~gisao4crt the LAS of Trust oral the Nate err declared to ttt ssvtrable_
<br />~ !L ~Leeswa~'s ~„~a~aowar J to Eurnutxd a conformed rn}ty of the Nate and of this Lked of Trust at the time
<br />IT. Tatrefer et lie Asee*prr. If ail or any part of the
<br />!ry 8otrotrsa without l,estkt~t Property or an interest therein is sold or transferred
<br />prtot written consent, excttditsg tat the creattan o[ a lien or encumbrance subordinate to
<br />[hs t7eett of Tent, f bt the crcatian of a phase money security intercu far hotueholt appliances. t c t a transfer by devise.
<br />dteceat or 5Y operation ~ law u the death of a totnt tenane tx t d) the gnnt at any leasehold iakrest of three years ar less
<br />not coma~ntrr~ as option to t_eetder mav, :tt I..ender's optitxt. declare al! the sums secured by this f?ced of Trust ro 6e
<br />ystd due aced pay t_tstkr shall hsvt warvai such aptign to accelerate if, pttiar to tttt sale .sr rrarofer. finder
<br />tied the person to wtsom the Property a to ere sold ar tnmferred reach agreerrtrnt in writing that the credit of such person
<br />is satisfittYary to Lender ind that the imtuat payable on the sums secttrxd by this Deed of Trust shaft be at such rite as
<br />t.endet shtdl request, ff trader has waivexi the crpttan to atcckrate Moulded in this paragtap 17, and if Borrower's successor
<br />in itatetet hu exepaed a wriHen aemtptwn agreartent accepted in wasting by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from
<br />aB abiipAi~s trndm that Deed of Trust and the Note.
<br />If [.ceder exueisea such option to actxltrntt_ Lender shall malt Harrower ntuict of atxekrafian in accordanrx with
<br />pttra;tsph tt heteaf. Serb notice shay) prckde s rod of not less than 3fl days fttxn the date the notice is mailed within
<br />which 8onowet trtay pity the stases declared dtst. -t Borrower tech to pry such surna prior to t1u exprstion of such period.
<br />I.erdrr te.y. withtsnt rrttisr teasice or demand on Borrower. invoke easy remedies pamiaed try paragraph 1$ hereof.
<br />IVot`-t3ruroasa Covetrsxrs. Bsurawer and ltndcr further cove:tatt! std aaru u follows:
<br />li. Andaraliaet Rretsls Bte't!r s Ne*FiM i ptrtrorapit t7 itassf, trpan lsrararer's bread M aq etsvsaeM a
<br />s d tacsarar i pelt Uaai ai 'PrnM. isdsiit[ tit ccvsaaait to !~T woe Qtse aey saes recses2 iY tlds Deed
<br />af'isw1. _~wtirr flyer to seeaMraYaa side ram sdita to irreswer r Mw+iieti it psragrapi f1 twettf siaadfyia~ ft) rie
<br />' Mash tt) Oe aetiae i ears reel bagtrll5 t3) a tlRte. tar cats pros 3i rgts teen tit doh ere react i tanned ro
<br />tlartetssr, b wbldt stl bttese! stsat be resit sei Nl art ttttrre ro tree eater bagel as er betsae see doh
<br />ia% tw~liar id s~Rreshwr d !ie r+rs ~eraJ irT tli ftet$ et Trrart ati sale. ar tie PrsptrtY. 11te aopee
<br />Tie aaemt3tlRets sl a >rafwY er ~ M rdealate after accdeasasa ace/ He rl~it ro tries a teeter atetlse to araeA
<br />sw ar isefsnt Ne role ~ Mier tbttseae s/ tsaeseeer rte acedaraYsa ssi eels. N tie baeaclt L lets creed
<br />sf'tttter/ M 4 i Ne coats. Lseie: M tatter's ~ arap dMset aY at pre near antuei 6y tilt Ueoi
<br />r-awaRl.e by a~i ~t t~ii~ +i.B rtm.wltii rr~ an r~sap.~.Tytr:..e.M f•t:`iy alt
<br />asrarAr htrtri/ai h- ttti ttRettpttplt ta, beAttibe f, bM eat lariatd to reaa.eRlls atterttey's fora.
<br />if the alt aria i bwaieai, irsnsa riW sasrrtf a tarpae al iefsak i coat cNMy d sHiei tit hapaTer or saase
<br />Mal fiatsrd L laawuL sN tier err capes rt arei taKa~ hr Hre aarMe€ prsretiart. ip alliieaYie her to ISesaswa awd to Ere
<br />slice` paaaRate Mrecrliad i9` rerpFSails lies. Ater Lis lyre td ssrb liars : tsrq be rs~sirei lg sllYraOit law. Teeret aiafi
<br />ffMs psilMt d arts tr !Ae pesasrtr'sJ tw art rsaser preac:iiej !y sllYuifa law. TrrrlaG wlarsrt tlessad as
<br />tMratrara; aillR rrMtYs [ at lr~t src~ 4 tYe •ki)slstst iitier aE tie rtes ari plan aai awisr ~s leaaas daf~rhd
<br />let for ~r sR sit i tree sr eras aei iY reel caller a T:Halos tsry lelagaie. Trwk+e trsT tatrEpsrrt tWs et aN
<br />sr rttttp /teaci sl tie ~ i! f~a srwnntAast~ al pat tree sal }its of aq Irsvl+rlJ' stieMied twee.. Li!aie~ or
<br />~riar'4 ~Miasa tttrRp Mtasbaw ors M ~ sale,
<br />~rs~ w~l~t +d l~ M tMsts ttii, 't'rasaae std AWvv ro are its TtseMes4 Asst cosveybas Lis prsMetY
<br />Rrli. ~3te l+edYrt i~a 4s T'nrlss s t4si sietl.lt Miwt tetra srilea€s at ttte trst~ d ate stsiaiwr/a rrais acacia. Trmahs
<br />dqM M st its salt i fie tiaiewbts aaiar tH N i asaRSaalle esrb era/ eaMean d tic sale iacltttiMtg, bat
<br />Rat a ailait ~iyaR trElll #ws ~iaR~ iT5 =4 at lie parr aaiR lsittrs attsarasilrt apMsracy't fear aai eaMS d
<br />a.~ ~ i ai reRr ttaseetl by Mt11 plea trt'Ctrrk aei fc! see trtstee, it af. let ~rs.lsaaoa-sr peestew btpRf eNBtsi
<br />t~-i I~aswaP's FF~ it- (tttlReWAa Nxswittct Letstler'a atxeteratWn of the scans se,curtd by this. Dttd -af Tout,
<br />1MaereRav aiteti hoes acs shit ro boos say ~ ttegun fsY [.cstder to cnfarsx thrar tleetl of Trtest disetrittintttd at
<br />~~t'IrerLl d fitseMM M acres M fit the pN dry before the sale of the Property tsursuant rr the pottwr of sale wntained
<br />t ~ Mks thiat Dead of Tttwt tf; (al 8arrawsr PaYa Lctder alt starts which wau#d
<br />~ ttese dRe ReteMr aria Try Noes and reutra tecurint Fwrra Advascesy it asy~ had rw soptfaraturt ooeurr+sd_
<br />iWeea sit 6tsat9ras of asy other-c~osnaeatsES at-~ nfi lbntraa~r wrrtaiesd in tftis t]ssd of Trust;
<br />~~ Psf+k ~ rRaaRaridr i~~i.raJsr sad Titntax d twfara~as the merrartts and airiatesents of
<br />eretttgeai a lira [#tRd ~ rtsd ie t:andRr'a ctrl l'rustst's te3uedisa as provrdrdrtt f tl
<br />iarraah ~ tste trot fiaeilRd ace, ~ tattrtry`t fan; tnsd $d) Horrutsurs talker rseh acsian u t.sttdtr mays hey
<br />Oa atratre iEtat da fire at tM liesd of '11'ttat. l.estder`s ietierrat ass the Prt>ptrty area Barrowsr's atelglsttun to pay
<br />