utrtPOaat otrtres[tw,a. Bartawer and Larder rnverwm and agree as folbws: "' ~ ~ G ~ 5 6
<br />L !sflt~m st hlydgal ad IreraF Borrower shall prosnptlY 1taY when due the principal of gird inrcrest on the
<br />indebbdarua evidds~ by rite Norc, ~p and late charges as providd in the-Nate, and the principal of and interest
<br />an Futwe Advattoes srrurcd by this Dees aloft Trust.
<br />A !r•ttls tae Taaar srM t~smaaee. Sitejcet m applicahtr taw or to a written waivtr by Littsder, Htxtoa+er shall-pay
<br />to Lendtx ao the day momhlY iettaBaseots of principal amt imttrat arc-payable under the Ntxe, until the Notc is paid in foil.
<br />a sure (herein "Fm~tt°) equal to anti-twelfth o[ the yearly taacett and assessments which may again priority over -this
<br />Deed of Triter, and grtwtd toms em the Property, if any, pros o»e-twelfth of yearly premium inatslltttenu for hamrd insttratice,
<br />fr}ur one-tweldtt of yearly prt~ium inuailmenis for morigaEs insunnt~ if any, ail as reaxmably estitrtueri initially and frrotrtt
<br />time to time bar Treader an the bale of soeurrtatu arid 6iBs and rearonabk estimates thetwf.
<br />Tftt F sba8 fro hill in an iattitWiort the deposiu or accounts of which -are insured or guaranteed by a Ftikral tx
<br />tam-ttgtacy (tnelurfirq radix it fender u such an ittsti:.ttion). T.eteder shaft apply the Funds to pay said. taxes. asat:ssntents.
<br />imanrance premimos and grotrnd rmu. [.order may not charge for so holding-and applyin6 the Fitnds, a>falyzhtg said account
<br />or rerifyitt~g and txmpilirtg said assessments and tiiiH, unless Lentkr pays Borrower interest on the Ftintis and tipplicabk law
<br />pamrits fender to make stilt a charg. Borrower and I..enikr may agra in writirsg at the time of eaecutian of this
<br />[)eel of Tent that interest on the Funds shalt be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />'Wdsm sitcii irrierea to fro paid, larder shall not fie required to pay Borrower any interest or rarniogs on the Fundx. Calder
<br />shatE give tit Borrower, without rharse, an annual acciwntittg of the Funds showing credits and dehrta to the Funds and rite
<br />p~po~t fix which tadn debit to tlx Funds was taade. The Fumkt arc pledged as additional stxurity for the tttrma aawcd
<br />Deed of 't!'rrtq.
<br />if the arsnimt of the Funds herd by Letriter, together with the future monthly itatallmmts of Fuels payable Prior to
<br />the doe dares trf taxes, asaes>mmts, itnurantx premiums and ground rents, skull exceed the amount rcquir~ to pay said taxis,
<br />asmxaniertu, iraantaticepratiitrms and ground renu~as.they fa}I due, such excess shall bc, at Borrowers option, either
<br />ptamptiy ~ to Borrower ~ crcdittd to Bortawer an moothty installments aE Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />held by l.endtr shaft ttm lx sutTscient to pay tares, assessments. insurance prcmiutra std ground renu as they fa{I due.
<br />Burrower slsaB pay to fettdtt anY amount rttxeasary to ittake up the deficiency within 3p days from the date-notice is mailod
<br />!q tender to Btxranrer tegtstatirig pagmcnt thereof.
<br />Upon paymeat in-full of all attnrn stxured hY this Deed of Trust. Lender shah promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />till by l:urdet. If under pitragraf,»h IB Ftercof the Propcny is sold nr rite Property rs othenvtse acquired by Lentkr. Lender
<br />shat! apply, rto later titan imnnedtatdy prior to the sale of the Property or its au}uisrcian by Lemler. any Funds held by
<br />Letsda at rile time of as a credit against the sums soured by this Decd of Trust.
<br />3. A~eas4a Unless applicatrk taw provides otherwise. a!1 payments received by Lender under the
<br />Nate and paragraphs 1 a 2 hereof shat! fx applied by Lender fins in payrnctit of atnotims paya6k eo Lender by Borrower
<br />trader pngraptt 2 her~f, then to interest paya~ on the Note, [hen to the principal of the Note, and ihm to interest and
<br />ptcir>ripal an any Fi#urc Advanixs.
<br />[[ E~tega~ TJsas. Barosver shall pay ail taus. assessments and other charges. fines and impositions attributable to
<br />the PrapeRy which may attain a priority over this Deed of Trust, std leasehold payments ar ground renu, if airy, in the
<br />magnet prorided tinder pruagnph Z hereof or, if riot paid in such manrrcr, by Borrower making psytrtetit, when dire, dirixtty
<br />to thepa tlierctr(. Borrower shag promptly furnish to Lender aft notices of amotmu due under this paragraph, and in the
<br />tt~eot B~ v ter ahaB make payrmtt fiireetiy. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipu evidennrig such payments.
<br />Borrower ahatl ptom~ly ttisdtar~e any kien which has priority aver thn Deed of Tntst; provided, that Bnrrnwer shall not t+e
<br />required to discharge any taacli lttsi so fWtg as Bixrower than agrtx in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />snob lien in a meaner acsxptable to finder, or shall in gad faith contest such teen by, of ekfetd enforcement of such lien in.
<br />kgd which apeiatc to prevrnt the enforcement nt the iron or tnrfciutre of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />laeasaace. Borrower shah keep the improverrtcnis ttasv cztstmg or Fxreattcr erected on the Property insured
<br />trgairatt loss b'Y fire, hazards itidttdtd within tiro term "extended cnveragc", anti such other hazards as t.cnder may requin~
<br />and to atnch ntmwoht std fix such periods u tsrrder mry require: provided, chat tender shalt not rtquirc that the amoum of
<br />stab t'ovttage tyctxed that arn^uot of coverage reyuircd to pay the sums snored by this Deed of Tnnt.
<br />The imntarrct carrier pravitfirtg the inwrarice shall lx chosen by t3iarrower subia-t to approval by I_ender: provided.
<br />that e>ae5 appmnai shall otx be trarcasanabty withheld, AIt premiums on ieutuance pni"tries strait be paid in the manner
<br />)trorided uoda praBraph 2 hereof or, if not mid in such manner, by Borrtnver making paY~t, when due, directly to the
<br />iawutmoe indrsr.
<br />A$ itpuranoepolicies and rcrxwah tirexcnf shad be to torm xceptable to I.cmier and shall itrcltdc a standard mcxtgage
<br />cfaiat in favor d gad in form trcceptalde to fender. Lendu snatF have the nght to hold ttu policies and renewals thereof.
<br />gad Borrower shag promptly furnish to Lentkr aH rettewai txxiees std sit recerpts of paid premiums. In the event of loss.
<br />Borrower sh>d give pritetpt tiotitx to ttx inatrancr earner and l order. Lender may make proof of lass rf nest made promptly
<br />by Bortawer.
<br />Unku Leader and Bixtowor tnherwist: agree in wrning, msuranee proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair at
<br />the Property dam>agttt, pro+fitftd cacti restora3~»i or rcltatr n €YOriotnically ica,ittk and the security of ibis 1Je-ed of Trust is
<br />not thttreby impaired, If stick teatoratitm , Y repair rs net aanamicaily feasible a if rile sccurrty of this Detd of Tn+st would
<br />fie irtytairod, die itaarraae prgetxda aha0 fie applied to the sutits s~uri:d by this Dyed of T"rim, with the excess, if any, paid
<br />to 8eerower. tf the Ptvperty b abandoned try Borrower, or if Borrower fails to respusrd so Lender within 3fl days from the
<br />dart titNioe is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the ittertance carrier alters to settle a claim for insurance btnefits. I.emkr
<br />is wthariad to corker sad apply tlse itutuatnix proceeds at L-nder's option sober to restoration of repair of the Property
<br />or to [ht same atxuted by this geed isf Trust.
<br />Usikss Lender gad Borrowtr aineizvise agrx in writing, any such applrcatetm of proceeds to principa! shall not extend
<br />or ftatryosie the dire irate of the monthly itmallrtxtits referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount ut
<br />such ioalsllmpifa. If order parafra 16 hertxa[ the Property is acgwrtd by lxvdrr, all right, title and interest of Borrower
<br />is and to gay insurance policies and to std to the prax:eeds therrnf resulting front tiatnagt to the property prior to the sale
<br />or tsognisition sirclt pros to Lender to rile extent of rise sutits secursd by this Deed of Trust immediarcty prior to such sale or
<br />atioa.
<br />t RflsstRSatlaa ttM l4taksbasacs d : Itasehsl/s: Ceadi-mititras; Plmwd Utz llerela~aseals. Borrower
<br />sib {he PrtaptrtY +n good rrpatr and shall riot comnnr waste .~r plan+t empairrnent .w deterioration of the Property
<br />cornplY with tlst provisitms od any kaae if this [?eel of Trust es t)Xi a leasehold. tf [his Decd of 'Truss is on a unit in a
<br />cowdoaaaium or a Plsrnned coot dievefopmeot, Borrower shall ptxtorm all oC Borrower's obligations under the declaration
<br />ax- tanveatmts crraiitig or governing the condominium ar planned umt devefaprrtent, the by-taws and .regulations of -the
<br />oosrdomiaisrm ar p{attaed unit devetopntent, and conunerrms docurnems. If a astrdcxrrinium w planned unit development
<br />rids k eitecuad by Borrower and taordt:~ together with this t3sed of Tnns, rho covctunts and agreunems of such rider
<br />sha8lie itswrposated itirrioo std sfult atrietid and suppkmeat the cove:;ants grid agreerrxnu of this Deed of Trot as if the rider
<br />ttga7 ~lksM~sr at 1Cerder's 8eo>rrity. i4 Borrower farts to por(ortn rho coverwnts and agteeurcnts nvtaincd in this
<br />f)aad of TtstK, or i( aaY agion or przxxaling is ctrwtiimced which mattrially affects L.eneier's inrctest in [lx Prnpetty,
<br />but got liasifad to, atuaent dntaain, imolveacy, rode enforcement, or artangetitettts or proceedings involving a
<br />6rmtrYgtt ar dteeedtmt, than T at [sadtr's option, opal ogler to &rrrawcr, tray make such appeararrccs, disburse such
<br />egress gad take stack action as is ttotxessary to Lender's interest, rticfuditrg, but nest limited to, disbtrrsentetit c+t
<br />raratartad~s artosnays face aad tmtry upon tbs ~rty to make repair. !f Ltmdcr required morsgagc insurance as a
<br />txasdiben of trultiy, the ~ spatted tgi Ehis [iced of Tnat, Harrower shat! pay the premiums requirtd to maintain torch
<br />itastRilaCt iY_€QpCt t sritA time=aa the rttgfet fix stint insurance termittatp rn accordance with $ornxver's and
<br />Lirttrdsr'a ttrritlan assay or icabEe law. Bturowu ahsll pay rite artrount of sit rt~tgage insurance premiums in the;
<br />ntaaaar i> trrstia ten 2 hereof,
<br />~asaatNtitrr -bY -Lttada pmwant to this paragraph 7. with imerest -thereon, shall ttecomo addttitxtal
<br />ad itxrcwrer t by this t)ead tit Trrwr. titikrs Borrower std t.cndcr agree to outer terms of payment, such
<br />ataNsltatMi bs itotica loom Leta3er to Horxower requesting payrneat theceaf. and dtali tzar intettsu from the
<br />data tM ~ at the rata payatbk fraat to timte rm atustartif#ttg prietripat unlit tht 1~oto unku pzYrtitrtt of interest
<br />at astir Herr srottld bs eotstraay to appticab4r ksw, in wttitfi event sia;h rntrrxints shat! hear tntarest as tfic highest roc
<br />laaaitadMla trailer applk~tb mow, NrMhhiitK caataintd in thn paragraph ?shalt require Lenskr to incur any expt~e or take
<br />atgr actdiett Aarttitadm.
<br />~ tisa. Letsdra mall' rt>Hlta ar taunt to bs nzads raasttriattk entries upon and itsapn#itms dt the Property, pravrded
<br />ti'taE f„eadar skald giro Berratasr iwfice prior Ao guy s inspacliott spttstifying t+easorwttlc cause theretar related t:, i_erdet'.
<br />,efataat to its thostttr;*.
<br />