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81-t1C-249fl <br />t:atdet•'s written agrcuneat or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />tgaoner ptttvided ender paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Aay amottnb disbursed by Lender pursuant to this .paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shall became additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower sactrred by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of paytnent, such <br />amoantr sitaB be payable upon ntrMce from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and dial( bear interest from the <br />dada of ~sbunancttt u the tale .payable from- tithe to tuna on outstanding principal under the Nate unless psymatr of <br />irtiet+act at aticlt ram would be t;antrsry-ta applicable Saw, in which tvrnt such amaunh stall bear interest at the:highat sate <br />ptrwtisi~ie tmdec appiitxbSe idw. Nothing contained in this. paragraph 7 -shat! require Lender to irtcw' any expense•vr take <br />aw?r `at<tat~'"s::alxt: <br />R ~etloat: #.ettder may°make or cause ea bt made reasonable entries upon and insptxiiara of the Property: pravidtxl <br />thin Lender straB give.$orrower holier prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable carne ttrercfor related fo Lender's <br />irttCfeat in the.#frtrperty. - - - - - - - --..- <br />A Cow. The proceeds of any awaM or claim for damages. direct or rnasequeatial. in txanttectiott with- any - <br />atiifnor asiter-taking of the Property. or part thct~eef, or frir rnnveyanae in lieu of ccndemnation, are heieiiy aa+igned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In rho etvent of a that taking v€-the Property. the proceeds ihall be applied to the wms secured by this Mortgage, <br />wiAr dte tzcMS,. if any. paid-ta Harrower In the event of a_partial taking of the- Property, unless Borrower and Lender _ <br />atiterwisc agree a ih writing, than shalt be applied to the sums s~nred by this Mortgage such proportion of the prot:eedti <br />u is egos! to-that prsiportiao which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage irnmediateiy prior to the date of <br />ta#tit~iieais to the fair market. vaitrc of the-Property immed+atety prior: to the daft. of taking, with the baiaatx of the proceeds <br />paM: to Botrawar~ <br />if the Property is abandoned by Borrower. ar if, after notice t±y Lem~`er to Borrower that the condemnor often to make <br />an award or -setae a claim far damages. Borrower fails to respond to i.rntler within 3i) days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, #ender ii attthariud to collect sad apply :he proceeds. at Lender's optitm. esthtr to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the woes secured by this Mortgagt. <br />iTnless Lender and Borrcurr otherwise agrrt in writing. any such application of pmcxdx to principal shall not extcnd- <br />~ ptntpotre the due d:tt of the monthly itestallmettts referred to in paragraphs I and ~ hereof or change [he amoum of <br />sloth aenallments. <br />H. ftlsrrrwer Nst Reteasei. Extrnsion of the time fas paymrnt ar modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by-thin MoKgage proofed by Lender to arty successor in interest itf Barrowtr shall hat operate to release. in any manner. <br />the liability of the angina! Borrower and Borrower's successors jn interest Lender shall rtat lx requited to Caminertee <br />pracaeditr~ against such ratcce~ttr or sefttse to extend time for pa}'rmnt ar otherwise modify amortization of the sutras <br />sxured by this Mortgage try mason of any tktreand made by the ~sriginai t3orrcnver and Harrowcis sncce~ors in interest. <br />##. Fatbttteiwwte fsp teatder Not a Waiter. Anv forlxarancc by Lender in exercising env right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherw'isc atfot'dcd by applicable taw. shaft hat ix a waiver of nr preclude the exercise of any stuh right ar rcmedY. <br />The ptocurtttntnt of imnrarice or the payment of razes err other liens ur charges by lender shall not tx a waiver of Leader's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indcbttdtteis secured try this Alangage_ <br />#2, RNOetiea Ctatprlstlse. Alt rttmedits provided in this Aiortgage are distitect and cumulative to any other right or <br />resteedy under this Mortgage ar atlorded by Iaw ,u ryuity. and may tee exercised :oneurtrntly. independently nr successively. <br />#3: Stte~eerwars awl AatiBas !stud; 3rint and Several t.Eab[Wy; CsOdoas. The covenants and agrtemrnts herein <br />contained shaft bind, slut the nghts'+trtundecsttall inert m. tl,c resptctivt na;cessars and assigns of tender and Borrower, <br />subject to the pravisitms of paragraph 1? hereof. A!3 revenants anti agrcttnents of Berrawer shat) tee joint and several. <br />The captions and heaal;•ags ~ the paragraphs of this Mortgage arc for cnnvrnittect anh• and are not to >x used to <br />interpRt or tfeSne nc~ ptaviiions htecof. <br />14. Eacept far any ntttict required antler applicable Iaw t+ be given in another manner, fa) any notice t.. <br />t#ixt'ower pnov~ for in the Aitmgagt shall fit given tn• mailing sxtrh nt?titt by cettified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />the Property Address nr at such dher addstss es Bortxrwtr rase dcsrr3:nate by notice to Lender as provided herein, .and <br />(bl any Waite w f_ettder sltati tre green try txrtitied mail rctum rtcetpt rcgtxsted. to L.tnder's address stated herein or to <br />itreh odxr oddness- as i.ereder map t1+Gesignate by nOta:e u, titertt.wet as provider htretn. Any aotlec provided for in this <br />Mortgage shalt lee tltasrted to have been given to Hern«wer or tender when given ir, the manner designated heron. <br />#!. ><Itti[aRSw s orerwiug [.asr; yeverih~ty, ~Psas t._.rm et mongagt combines uniform covenants- Far national <br />trot and ttat~tmu°.ttm cowsttants. ~.vith limitttt tanauonx ht ;urisd,tt,ru? ,~ constitute a uniform security instrument covering <br />teal praperty_ This Mortgage shaEJ t?t ttteverncd by ttx taw ~+i the iansdtcitan in which the Properxy is locatetd. in [fie <br />rural fhai arty provision or elaust of tt:is 4iortgage ar tits *tott etmliicts with appliea6le law: stash contliet shall not afiaet <br />othee prafisians of this Mangage: ?r ittt ' :vhi<Yt ~srs t;t ~a~t ti: without the ~-anflicting provision, and to this <br />end ffac pt±vvisions of the Mangagt atr_- *bc '~cxe art declared ut ht severable. <br />If. Masswat'a Ce}y. Berrawer .hat! bt furnished a cerrtformed cagy of the l~iatt at±d a# this Mortgage at the time <br />of execution or after rccordadwrt hereof, <br />t1: Tttutttr M fisltrgtsetp: Aastatpt3sa. If xff ar any part at the Property or an inttreat therein is sold or transferred <br />by Bixrower without Lender's poor written camera. excluding tar the elution of a hen or tnettmbraetce subordinate to <br />[Iris Moet~e, fbl thr creation of a ptmhase mtmcy strtrrity mtcrese tar honsehald appliances. (..) a transfer sty devise. <br />dot or by operatitat of law upexr ttx death of a joant tenant tx tdt the gram of any }tascteotd interest of three yeah ar teas <br />not caedaitting an option ro putchasc, Lender may. ai Lender's aptiwt, declare all the sutra secured by this Mortgage to be <br />imdtttdiattly dire attd payable. f_tttdtr shalt have waived such ctptton to acctierstc if, prior to tftc sate or transfer. Len~r <br />and fire person to wtutnr [rte Property is to bt sold or transferred reach agreement in wasting that the credit of such person <br />is sati~aettxy to Lrixier and that the ittttttst payabit an the stems secured by this Mortgage shalt tx at such rate as Le»dcr <br />sltsdI re~uitx. If Ltd has tvaivad.ila optirat to aeceltratc provided in this paragraph f7, attd if Borrowers successor in <br />i Ir6 emutal.a tenttea attatnnptfim agreement accepted in writiteg by Ixtttkr. Lender shalt re;fcaa Horrawtr tram ell <br />wader this ~ sad the Nutt. <br />#f'Lra,~ ttxtaeises urcli oplian to acc~eitratt. Ltmkr shaft msi3 Berrawer notiCC of acceleration in aceardattee with <br />ptrtsgta~ iS lrerttit~ notice alts!! provide a period aT rxu Itxs than 30 days frmn the daft the notice u mailed within <br />xrhleh Betirtvierraaypay tht s~4 declared dot. if tls::mwer faits ro pay such settleprior to the txpiratiarr of sloth period. <br />teadat may, witltotrt ftsrthtx notice ar demand on Berttwer. invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 1& hereof. <br />- l«tettr=idiratxe»tst, £':tiYEtY:4taT}, >iaxroMrrr atxl- I..ttedet turthtr covicetant and agree as fo"tktws;- - <br />stetBea. F3cept as pry! ~ pwe~yrapb i T hereof. ~toa Eormwer's Deeae~ of atry eora~ ar <br />4t Tiaswtear Eer Mtla ltieti iii tie cawsrafs rte pap wttsa the saw sates setetet by EtMa Maetpgtt, <br />itrdttt iriiitu 1is~~ ~irtt'ettrB strides ~ ifweswr+er ar p:o+itet is pwnpstgit li tsaeef spstKptsttg; t#) [hit tseeadet <br />t Zp tie tsd~;artMitt~ tJere~6e astAt'leip+dK l3i s ttpe. ws~t /err tires 3Y tftq^s teas ttte ~ tNt sal~itt k tpaBstt hr igenmwar. <br />i) .licM stld'€€>wtwt!^!`tilserssiif aei f1)-Meat faBsue fo a'st vreit 6nesek ar ar 6afare tie drFs s~disd it lilac aatlte <br />tnl~ -#ssrit ~t~ aEiits wrtsi rsstssM 1-d Mris Mest~{a, fs+eetwstre ig' ! i1C awl rwk.ef ttu Pt!t~asty. <br />`eta wr6ssiifiil>iireMres.ilttu~;Rrsswtt,as sE tlis ti~M /a saiwsatt afla~ acteistaMssr and ipe r Itrassrttt 6r tie f$ee+eiosre <br />fie aft s iitrait ar aq ablest tefteattr st lsarntstir tar wtmdaotNnw-tort ltsweflrtwie. a tie bntstda <br />teat tssa4•ir as~sliiwAe~ifr+iMs s#rel#rf fw. Ass rails+o farior as testenv'a-aptltw ~ dtttkrtt-aB o[-lfar amts semtati°~' <br />7tiYrf#lrtet+ti rata itaat+gtie net f+ wYienl tttotier tstewwt awd twsy taexetiese sty jwiieiwi PtastixtHttL. i_eaiet <br />`tiY)Bis aoliASA feaeFtaswi geweaseilifdsit#es~wsttsa d iantisnte. taeiwtBstg, hot rtes "tae teNis erf tsetwoew~y <br />~sidfnststt. rMs4nttafstiMai Yllitaywirs <br />r iR AAl~ltvttui'fy R~ btt;]B4atfMM~ T+(~mtisrg t_tattar'a accotersetaa csf the stRrr secctted try -ibis Mortgage. <br />sink:-tbR#~it-have anti tini'+ lr~tg3 Ay f:€tsttt ii tnta~•€ ;trio Mssrtgate distuntintrtd at-arty ttme <br />