<br />81--f1(~2494
<br />Unrratst Covenanrs. Borrower aai Lander covenant and agree as follows:
<br />i. Pa}.ttsrtrl of Pt6ttl~p1-aM iralaai. Borrower shall promptly pay when due [se principal of and interest on the
<br />evidenced by the Note, prepvymaat and iatt charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of acrd inttteett
<br />an tttry Ftrttire Advanots secured by this Mortgage.
<br />E. Dtei ter 1Srmai aM Iasaeuee. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to latmder ntr the day monthty flts[aNtaems of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />s stmt therein "Futrtis'q agsal to otto-twclfth of the yearly taxes and assessments whrrn may attain priority aver this
<br />Ise, aaxl-gr~td-tom rm tftti Pmpe~ty, if-arty, pats-one-twelfth of yearly. prerttium iastallmatua -for- bazars] ittsyvatict,
<br />~ono-twelfHt oC yearty pnmmtsm +rtstallnzents for mortgage insnrartce, if-arty, alt as reasonably estimattd initially-and frmm
<br />tfnte~ rims by Lettdnr an the basis of atussiitertts and bills and reasonable estimates itttreof.
<br />Tye Fmrds shalt be herd in an +ratiwtion the deposits or accounts of which are insttrcd or guaranteed by a Federal or.
<br />state agency tinchrdin$-Lender if Lender isstreh an itntttettioa). Lender shall apply theFuads to pay sasdtaxes; assessmen4s,
<br />iastteaotx pttZmiums and ground rusts. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds; analyzing said account,
<br />sir vatrifying and compiling said aavesstsettts and bifls, unless [,ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds an¢ applicable law
<br />permits Fender to teaks such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the tune oY'.txecution of this
<br />AttartMge that iotereat on tfie Fonda shall he paid to Borrower. and unless such agreement is :Wade or applicable law
<br />rogtara sach interest to be paid, ].ender shall not ire required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shag give to Borrower, without charge, an annuat accounting of the Fends showing credits and debits to the- Funds and the
<br />ptnpoae for whirls each debit to the Funds was trwde. The Funds are pledged as adduiona) security for the sums secured
<br />by this Mor¢galc•
<br />If the amswm of the Funds beki by [..ender, tvgether with lire future monthly installments o€ Furtds payable prior to
<br />the dsc t$brs of taxes, asser$rneass, ittsttranr prernitmts and ground rents. shall exceed-the atttount requited to pay said taxes,
<br />atsear~enis, itrsunrue premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such eszess shalt Ire, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to lfotrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Ixnder shall eat be su~ent to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they felt due.
<br />Borrower abatl pay to 1_eafu any amount necessary to make up the deRciency within 3o da}~ from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Linder to Borrower requesting payment thereat.
<br />Uprtn payttrem in full of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />bald by feeder. If under paragraph Ig hereof flu Propetty u sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />shad apply, no later than imtnediatety prior to the salt of the Property nr its acquisition by [xnder, any Funds held by
<br />d.aruler at the time of application as a credit against the sums scc•=red by this Mortgage.
<br />3. Ap~deatioa M Payaetls linicss applrcable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the
<br />Kota and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall he appNed by I.znder first m payment of amounts payable to Lentttt by Borrower
<br />ttlsdet paragraph : hettwf, Ihm to interest payab)t on the Note. clan to the principal of the Note. and then m interest and
<br />prinapai on say Futsue Advances.
<br />4. Crarg+•~ Dens Borrower shall pay all t:.aes. a ses_smrnts and other charges, fines and impositions attributable to
<br />the Property which may attain a pnority over thrs `vftartgage, and leasehold payments yr ground rents, if any, is the manner
<br />prwidul under paragraph 2 hereof err. it nvt pard m such manner. h. Borrower making payment, when due, directly to the
<br />payee thereof. Barrowu shalt promptly furnash to Lender ail nauct~s ,=f amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event
<br />Borrower ~hatl make payritmt directly. Bvrrotarr ,hail rrevmpth- lurnuh to 1-ender rcccipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Borrower shad prwispt+y discharge any hen which has prinrnt „vrr rhrs ~4vrtgage: pmyided, that Barrnwec shalt not be
<br />required tr3 discharge any such lien sn +ong as Renewer shall agree in * nt;ng to the pa±-meet nt the obligarinn secured by
<br />such ties ro a manner acceptable to-Lender. er shalt m gvxxl tstrh .omc,r ui.h lien hy, or defend enfonement of such lien in,
<br />legal pluctedittgs which operate to prevent tfac entorc-cmcrtt :+t the .=cn c<,r +oricrturr of the Property or env part thereof
<br />S. BhQard Itewaaee. 13orrowrr shall keep the improvemerrts new evi+ung nr herzaficr erected err the Property insured
<br />agauat loss hp Rea. harartls irscluded wrthtn the term "zatendc.7 c,werage" . and crash other harar~ as ].ender may m_quire
<br />sal in scab arnaunis and to€ such pennds as Lender may require: pas=cttkd. that Lerrder .hall not require that the amount of
<br />such Coverage camel that amount of eaveragz required to pay ter ,wens secured tsy rhea Mortgage.
<br />"the stwsrattce carrier prcwiding the insurance shall #se chn~ert by Bnrrnwer subject to approval by Lender, provided.
<br />that stub apptaval shill not tee unreasonably scuhttr#d. .CIF prerttrnrttc on msnrance pntictes shall be paid in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 herrnt or. d riot pard m such rnattrter, b} Barrvwer making payateat. when due, directly to the
<br />itsutance clutur.
<br />AB insurance pdictes anct.renewals tftera=t ~ha)k bc: us corm acctptat+k to Leniler and shat{ rn.lude a standard mortgage
<br />clatrae in favor of turd in form aectptahie to I.cnder. i..zndzr sluii have :he right to hold the policies acrd renewals ,nerenf.
<br />and 8rmswer she!! prtanptly furtush tv :.rndaer al+ rettrwa+ rwtices and ail rzCtrpts o! paid pt>:mivms. Fn the event of loss.
<br />8otrowet shall give pnsmpt nrntCr t* the :assurance carnzr and Lender- Lenck r ma} make prvai of loss ii not made prvmptly
<br />kv Borrower.
<br />Unless Lander sad Borrower athrrwtsr agree in wrmng. msuraixc prxeeds shalt be applied to restoration nr repair of
<br />the Properly damagett_ prp.;ttkd stub restoratan yr reparr :s r4vru>tnu;.a.ty tzasehtc and the security of this Mortgage is
<br />trot iherabY unpaired. IL such restntauon or reparr is not zcarntmrcally teasrbte nr it the securty of this Mortgage would
<br />be rsrtpaired. the insurance prnetxds shall tae applied to the surt>c ucured by th:s Mortgage. wuh ihz excess, if any, paid
<br />Ht Bc+rrower. ff the Property u atsxndaned h} &srnnver, car rt Bortcmer fat+s to respond to Exnder within 30 days from the
<br />data notice is rttaited by Lander to Borrvwer that the insurance ;:arnrr otfcrs to senle a clarm for insurance benefits, Lendu
<br />is atrlharisitd to collect and-apply the insura~r protxeds at Lette+er s nptron either to retoration or repair of the Proper[}•
<br />err w rise strmw secured by this Mortgage.
<br />4ssins Ltrttler acrd Boria;wer othetwwise agree in ar:hng, any such app+aatitm of proceeds to prirte+pa+ shalt eat extend
<br />err pmtpoex the drx darn of list mvnthty instatimrnis referred Ln to paragraphs !and 2 hereof or change the amount nt
<br />acerb insisitmenr3. It Jtsde7 paragraph tg traces[ the Pnsperty is acquired by Lander. all right, title and interest of Borrower
<br />is and its any insrtcaace ptdicits acrd is sad =,., the prozeetts thereof rrsutung from damage to the Property prier io the sale
<br />or aogwaiticro shalt pass to Linder to the extent of the sums secured by this !t;~rtgap- mmtdiarely poor tv such sale or
<br />S. nai Haiafeafoee ~ Property: LeascMtWs; t'tdem>R Plawaed Cleric thveiepwtents. Borrower
<br />shall keeps she Isrtt}te3ty irs good €epair atxl sb:tl trot ctxrtntt waste sx permrt impairment or deterioration of the Property
<br />recd shall comply with the provisiatts of arty lease et this ~fortgagz is nn a leasehold. if this Mortgage is on a -unit in a
<br />-or a phtntted trait t#ietopmeau. Bornrwcr shall pcrfnrm alt of Borriswcr's vbltgatittns -under the -declaration
<br />~ carveasats-catering or gaverntttg the condom+nitrm err punned unit deyelapment. the by-taws sad regulations of the
<br />u~tan err pianmd [snit davclopment, acrd €vttstituent dnzurrsents, If a condormnium nr plaancd trait Jcvrtvpmmt
<br />Cider ts-eascrtted by Borrower axed res:axrd;rd t:tgttFter wuh this Mortgage, the cnvznants atuf agtttmra[s of such rider
<br />shall be 'arsd ir#o arsd shalt amend and suppkttsrnt the s:c =Cnants and agreements of this Mnrtgaee as s+ thz rider
<br />water ti peal tssr+nri>
<br />?. 1!dafltiMir rsi-_ (faieera It 6a!row~rt tai+s to perform tyre covenants scat agrcemertts aintamed in this
<br />cQ B arty action or ptoceadittg is ce3rtsmrtsecd svhizh materlaliy aRrxts Lraskr's ,nterest in the Prnprny.
<br />i~htiulg„ h4i not tuaaarsi to< rrniuett! domain, irrsohrru:v, rode rn[nrxentrnt. car arrangements .sr pruCCedings rmro(sing a
<br />b~trupt ~ tits€tal, ilten l.,~tar at l„esttier's~ opttcm. upon nvtict to Barrcwcr. mx4 make suih appearances, dnhurse suzh
<br />soars and take such asiian as is aaie•ersssary to, protect txndcr`s <nerrrst, inCiuding, but »tx. limned to, dishursrnum „t
<br />ceasasssbt6 atratASey's fan seal mEry upon the Property to make rcprtirs. i+ txridtr required mortgage insurance as a
<br />candi"tiag e;f ~ fire tofu secs+tert bS• ibrs Mottgagr, Beirtawzr shall pay thz prrntrums n~uirr t to maint;iue a+rc+t
<br />#uc,Y-}r! a4[tPel taatt stub. tufts as tltc. rogtsiremeut for such ritsttrarttr trrgtir?atts ;n as.ordaurt with Bnrtawet's sod
<br />