-, 81--U C12 4.93
<br />t.eaditr's written agttxetmt or apptirabk law. Borrower shall pay the amount of alt mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />master ptvvidtxl under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Aoy atnotftNa disboraed by Leader puranant to this paragraph 7, with !meteor thcrwn, shall become additional
<br />ittdebtedttess of Borrower soused by this Mortgtge. ilnitss Borrower need Lender agree to other terms of payment, sorb
<br />amout»s shay. ~ payabkt upon ntatice from i-ender to Borrower requesting. payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />[fake of disbtBUrtyatt at tha -rate payable from-time to time on otnatartdiag principal under the Note tmless pttyttt~t of
<br />itttetesf at sLch rate would ba contrary m applicable-Iaw, in which event such attrounta shag bear iotciest at the highest rate
<br />-y~uri.e~..,le ras.'.Y. applicable law, iafeihinm contained in -this paragraph 7 shall require Lert~r to incur any expt:tue or-take
<br />_ a+t7` fiction ttert:undat.
<br />!ti tas~eeMaa. Lender may make Ar cause to be maw reasonable rnttties upon and inspections of tits Property, pruviekd
<br />that Lertder shag give Borrower twtice prior to any such insptctian specifying reasonable cease therefor mated to Leader's
<br />irttefcst in the ~•
<br />9. Coerla~ttsdsa. Tht proceeds of any award or claim for damaltes. direct or consequential, in ,conrac~ts with any
<br />eatdemttation or other taking of the Property. or part !hereof, or far conveyarsce in tiro of condemnatidn. arehereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to tender.
<br />In tfteeamrof a total taking at the Prapcrty. the proceeds shat! be applied to the suttts aerated by this Mortgage.
<br />with Ute txeess. if any. paid Eo Borrower. in the event of a partial taking of the Prnpcrty, unless Borrower need Lender
<br />otherwire agree in writing, then shat! be apptitd to the stems secured by ihi+i Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />at is equal to that proportion which the amount o[ the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior 'to thr date of
<br />s hearts tothe fair tnuket value of thr Property immtaliatelY print to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />pair! to Borra•arer.
<br />If the Property is abattdoRed by Bnrrowrr. m if. afro nafic't fic° I~Rder to Ikarmsver that the condetnttor offers to [take
<br />an award or settle a claim far damages. Borrtwer faih to respond to i-ender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />retailed, tender is smhorized to rnDect seed apply the proceeds. a2 i,etader's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property ar to the sums secured by this Mongage
<br />13tthss Leaskr aril Borrower Mhtrwise agree in writing. anv such application of proceeds to principa! sfialF not extend
<br />of partpone the due date of the manthh; imtallmrnts referred to in paragraphs }and ? hereof ar change the amount of
<br />such issstalitrants.
<br />tR isrriasrer Nat Relaed. Fatemion of the time far pavrneR: or moddication of amortization of the sums secured
<br />6ythia Mortgage granted by l-.etxler to any srt~c-cessar sn mterect of 8otmw~r shaft not operate to release, in any manner.
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Barrov:tf a su:etsa:?ra in interest. I.tnder shall not tae required to commence
<br />ptaecedings against such sttctessor car rcfttse to e~irnd time f:,r pav:netat or otherwise modify amortization of the sotto
<br />seed by this Mortgage tw rusoR of any demand made hs° tree arigmal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />It. Forhdtasee h7 t.eaitr fVot a ilaitiar. Anr_ teartataranrt tv 1 coder in exercising anv right at rcmsdy hereunder, ar
<br />otherwise afforded by applirabtt iaai, aha!} tsar h< a waiver c*f .,r pr«Ftsde the eurcise of any sash right or remedy.
<br />'Rte prorartttrt:tu of itauraace a the parntttei of tarts ar ether Liens x .charges M' Lrnder shall not be a waiver of Ltndtr's
<br />right to accelerate the tnatttrity of the indehtedtitax .tctrrcd M' this Mortgagc-
<br />tZ Ratre~S C,nsairrfte. Aii remedmes praaaded in Chia Starrgage are distinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />rcmady under [Ris Mortgage or alfarded by Iaw t+r equity, and mac !x exarciaal concur; entlw. indeptndentlV ar successiveh•.
<br />- t3 5eeetasars aa~ Aaal(tes fises~ lehrt aai Several LiabYNs: ('apkioaa. 'Il*c ~avcnanu and agramtnts herein
<br />comssned shall bmd, atw! ttx rights txrcuttdet shall +RUre to, ahc reapectist succtaa.+n and assigns of !.ender and Borrower.
<br />- strtrjr:ct to the provisiam of paragraph }? jaertot- 111 covenants and agrcYrnenta of &arrawzr shaA be joint and several.
<br />- "19fe captions need httadirtgs ttf the p,.,ragrapha c+f skis Martgagr arc f.+r :canvenittuc only and arc not to tat used to
<br />interpret or deSete the provisimnur tetrad.
<br />_ tt. Alai6ee. Eotetpt for any :taui~ regcrircd under •app}icxhlt Iax ?c tae given ;n artatlur rttanar. tat any ttatitt '^
<br />BOCfawtr pravidt:d for iR 'his Mortgage shall t+e given tn~ mailing ouch sooner hs' cernfled mail addrtsrd to B.-trraszr aF
<br />tha Property Andress or at such outer address as Bcxmwer rnav dewgnate by rtatiCe to !.ender as provided herein, need
<br />fbl any ttotioe to Fetxler shat! bt given by certafxd mail. rrtiim rrctipt rualsxxteb, to Lender's address crated herein or to
<br />- such attar addreaa as Lerner map designate hs nature tF, Bomawer ax provided hereto. -day rwiirt provided far iR this
<br />Mortgage shat! be dentted to hour httra gtven to Barrawtr .x t-ender when glum in the manner designated herein.
<br />tS. llai[ata Mitr~C;d;overslsg Law[ Seset7[sYl[y. 71an term of mortgage rombitxa uniform covenams tar national
<br />t~ need tenet-utsifntm tewnants ,sith limited vanataons t,y }urixiis-tian to catxstitutt a uniform security irearutttent covering
<br />teal propertp. "Ittis Mortgage shall be gavrrned by tlx la+v of the jurisdictitan in which the Property is located. Tn the
<br />wantthat-any-provision ar eiat.-se rat this ~tattga$e ~u :f~ tiott eaRNicu with appli~blt kaw, such ~n..Aict shall treat aBect
<br />other provisiaRS of this Mortgage er the ?matt whteh can tae ttivtn effect without cht conflicting provision. ar. ] to thin
<br />oral the provisions of the Mortgage aRd [tae erne are declared sa he stverabk.
<br />- tti. i3nsywer`s Cam. Harrower ,hail ht furnishtd a costfzzrsn=d ropy of i:tt Nntt and of this Mortgage at the time
<br />of eaenttion or after ttcordatioR hereof.
<br />_ tt. ';yatrltar of He Ptttgarsy; As>r~srt. tf a!1 or any part of the Property ar an intertatt therein is Bald or tt~ansftrred
<br />by Borrower without ltnda`a prior wrirtrn conxnt. txcttating tat the creation of a litre or encumbrarxe subcardinate to
<br />this Mortgsigt. {b) the creation rat a purchase rnaRtrt security interest far hotsschold appliattca, (c) a trarssfrr by devise.
<br />daso¢ettar by operation of law upam the death of a joint tenant ar idle the grant of any lcasehnld intt:rat of rhm years or leas
<br />not containing an option to purcltax. Lender may. at Lender's option, deefare a:l the sums secured by [Iris Mortgage to be
<br />imraafiateiy due need paya6de. Lender shall bane aaaived such tairtian tea secelcrate if. prior to the salt ar transfer, I ender
<br />and tfte persdt to-whom the Property is to be said or trartsterred reach agmtttem in writing that. the crtd'et of such pe:aon
<br />nt aatOry m t..endtr atsd that the itnttrst payable an the sums ses:urcd ray this Mortgage shalt tae at suds rate as Lender
<br />abaB-rrstlnpt. if L.endtr has waived the option to acceterate pstavided in this paragraph 17, and if Borrowers succmor in
<br />ittK has ezerWed a written ataadmptintt agrttxrtent accepted in writing by I.etader. tender shall release tfatrowcr fran all
<br />` reader thia Mottg~+t need-the Now.
<br />If teadat ettasrises stet option to a~et~att, Lender shall mail Borrower noticx of accektratian in acentdattce with
<br />paglt i$ hexcok Sttrh natfco shall provit~ a period of not has than 30 der}s from the data the notice i; rmileti within
<br />widrtt Ifatrower may pay the stems declared dtx: if Borrower fails ra pay such wms prior to the expiration of such period,
<br />Lamdtr teay< without furt>trr notice or tlematd on Bctrm+vtr, invoke sop re,nedits permitted by paragraph 1 g hereof.
<br />[slots=tltats+cntxt t:atustrwtsra. Bornywcr a~ I,.mdtr further covenant and agrat as foihaws:
<br />tR ~ tSsegt r p irr t t7 bensf, trttaa Rsrrasrer'a brtaeb of nay coTeaast or
<br />a(ptltta.rslf alF t tit 1Y1r ~. thr covrsants to par wbEa doe nay seas secwad br rids yrorlptlt.
<br />faMfAtls' !~' ~ rtaGdMrsfYilr s9talt aafl arrdet N liar~+rvr zg rrarvfded is paraRs~b Id haeaf spet:Nyingt Ill rtes brgtbt
<br />f+~itlta aiiNin 4agriid N:tet~e ~ brsatia t3l a dskr: oot ks tha J9 drra crow the dot. tba rtatke ins tasfkd to tlorraw:r.
<br />~wt~b loth htgrktF=7~1MR=9f 1shi that fi8ar#e is aaet sorii i~tlt a~ err bettor the ate ~ ~ titE aa~r+t
<br />erect ra'alt ba aka st ats natant torte.! far tldt Maw. faa~ttatts kry jaiief.t pie -std sale ed Btta Psapatrtt.
<br />sane +ttR fita~ttaa iitrlwsa ijasaatrat et ehe right ~ > otter ~ awd ~ r(~s m •raart hr tbt t otadasrse
<br />ptttaeeNtrs Ask ~ rtE • l4iaaM at +s7 oAemr da[anm of Sarrawer' ~ ~ toed taraiehsarre. tf teen breach
<br />- friaatrneuAttttiarlafar!tr<fftletiillt!-it~e~adla%tttuNSt,.lHrtastplettiar*aoit[ia~srtxaydtsl~t.aB-~-~ftsaart~ttnrdiq'
<br />wr *fttrwt p-irt-is~ d.t a.t }.gaertt w3tao.s fssrftat attrv.d tr+ sur tatszlasr by ~il~i arettttN+tE 1.eaier
<br />:~IYfftgat+ItftMMtt'sa cffNae la ttrtit gie.e«trteR off ea>pe..aa err reaedasart, h+cla+it~. bat .at m. rata at ttats.teatsrr
<br />a~eska~~trlltssls ate BIM rtfralr.
<br />~ ~ b Rr•4ebrt. *9oestlli~rtlE I.ettdcr's scctltratfiun of tree sums sctttred by this Mortgage,
<br />B6eQae~r + lute tiro hr terror »~ pttrrsttdittlls br#tat I•y Ixntkr eta tntorsar this Mortgage discorttinxtesf at arty time
<br />