81~- ~}C-2493
<br />Unnroass Covat+arsts. Borrower and Leader covenant and agree ax follows:
<br />1. 1liala•etrt. ~ and Ltasest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due ~ x principal of and interest on the
<br />~ evidt(nctul by the;Not;, prepaydtcgt a~ late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of aqd interest
<br />an amq~ FSttme Advances st~t>Ga sy this Mortgage.
<br />1 ]Rol irr'lSlttsa toad Tart•taei. Suhjat to applicabk !aw or to a written waiver by Ltgtkr, Borrower shall pay
<br />sq L-C~tda' on the dtry ewetttty io~aC~»ts of principal nerd interest are payable tutder the Nye, troll! ttte Noss is pail! in Eiili,
<br />a tt~ (httr~t "Fitndfd7 tttpeal" to cxae-t~tvelfth of the ywrty taxes and asssssttuma wFtich tray attain priority oust this
<br />> ~d S!ropad rettta nsr else Property, if any, plus Otte-twelfth of yearly p~rtium iga[atlments for hazed ittsucat>Qe;
<br />pa`~i-~-~yarriy pretnitmt it>ztal#netnts fur ttlrrrtgsge-rttstrrata-e, if stay. all-as rzasxtstabty estlrriatcd itriliaNy stall fr+snt- -
<br />leea fo ttttae by Leader at Lire basis Of=aesasmetits and M"t#s atftl reawitable •~.limatta thereof.
<br />11te Ftstsda alts!! rte bdd in an itsstftttfion the deposits or accounts of vrnich are insured or guaranteed by-a Federal or
<br />stale agency fitteiadittg L!mder if Leader is such an itatisution). [rnda• sr..sll apply the Funds to pay said taxes, asseastisettts;
<br />iflw~mtte ptrttuuen a~ gtt>twti teats. l:ertder may rtatcharge for so #xet~ng and applying the Fonds, anaiyttingattid-at:counf~
<br />~ and t~urartpiiittg anal astmstcetienta am! lolls, uttk~ss !.ender pays Borxosver interest on the Funds and applicable taw
<br />pea Lttsder to make sueft a charge. Borrower attd [,ertdtr may agree in writing at the rime oE' execut+on of this
<br />ltfettBye that interest oa the- Ftutdct shall he .paid tc Borrower. and unless smch agreement g made or applicable -law
<br />t~ras sods intat!n! to bas paid,, Lender shat! not be required m pay Borrower anp^ intcr~tt or eatrtittgs on the Funds. Lender
<br />sisa$ ~+tre to Borrower, withatt dtarge, an annual accounting of the Fund showing credia acrd debia to the Ftsrt~ and the
<br />prapsne for which eedr debit to the Funds was made, Tice Futtdx are. pt~ged as additions! security for the sums secured
<br />try this Mwtgtye.
<br />K die amatmt of the Fttt~ bEld by Lender, togeher with the Future mottthty itesta(ltrtena o€ Funds payable prior io
<br />the due dNSS of tales, attsa>rm¢ots„ ietattrance premiums and grouted Lena, shall exceed the atnotrnt required to pay said Calla,
<br />aittnawegta, insurance petnttitrtna and grouted rents as they fall due, such eccccs shalt tx, at Borttswtr'i option, either
<br />pttottt~y repaid to Borrower ar cnedittd to Borrower on monthly instatltnents of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />b>W by Lender shall trot tw sttfficieat to pay taxes, aasessments, insurarx-e premiums and gttruttd tens as they fall due,
<br />Borrowe[ ttbtll pay to Leader any arrwunt rxcetaary to make up the defieiencv within 30 days from the date notice is te~viled
<br />h9r Lander to Borrower requesting paymem thereof-
<br />Uptm pxytt3ent iq full of all sums secured b} [his Morgage, t-ender shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />Ifeld by Lender. (f under paragraph L6 hereof the Property is xtkd nr the Property rs otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, eta rarer Chap itntriediatel}' prior to the sa}e r,f the Propene ar its acquisinon by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Leader at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured !s} this Mongage.
<br />3. Ap/i6talias et 1!ayttresKa Unless appttcabte law provides otherwise. alt payments received by Lender under the
<br />Nutt aqd paragraphs k attd Z hereof shall ere applied try Lender first rn payment of amottna payable to Lender by Borcower
<br />tender paragraph Z lfe[eof, that to interest payable on tfte Mate, rhtn to the principal of the Note, and then io interest and
<br />prittcipsi ~ arty Futttrt Advances.
<br />t. C'hsltges; Lies. Honrower ehall pap all taxes. assessmentz and ether charges. firsts and tmpositwns atfnbutabk to
<br />the Ptapmiy which may attain a priority over this Mortgage. and kcaxhold paymems nr ground rents, if arty, in the manner
<br />provided ttttdtr paragraph 2 hereof rat, if not pard rn such manner, by Borrower making payment, whet. dttt, directly to the
<br />payta thereof, Borrower shat! ptrmpdy furmsh to Lender ak! natt:°es n# amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event
<br />Borntwer shalt make payment duectky. Btvrnwer shat! promptly furnish ur lender receipts cvtdertcing such payments.
<br />Aorroxvtr sftatt promptly discharge anv keen whtclt has priority note this Mortgage: prov:ded, that Borrower chat( not be
<br />rtquitral to discharge any such lien us krttg`as Borrower shall agree in xrazng to the paptnent of the obligation secured by
<br />such lien in a tttaat~r atcrpt!sbk to Leader. ar sha#1 to gtxxt fauh a+ntesz such lien hy, nr rkfend enfnrcrrnrnt of such tier, in,
<br />legal prvtetdtags which operate to prevent the enforcemtrte nti the kzen or tnrferture of the Property er any part thereof.
<br />S. iLard istaatitaet. 8trtrower shall kip the rmprov-ement, stew tsisUng ur hereafter erected on the Property ins.trea
<br />as°~' 3L Lo€s by fete, hazards irtcltuled wittsin the trrtr "txtendtd :overage ~. and such ether hazards as- Lettdtr may require
<br />atni in such atitatttets aqd for such periods as Lender may tequi[x:: pnryided. that Lender shat[ not rerluire that the amount of
<br />sut~ itaverage exceed that amotmt of cavrrsgt reported to pay the sums sec:trrd by this Mortgage.
<br />'~ itttttrarxa ratxitr providing the ittsurattcr shalt be chosen fry &irxnwcr xubjtct to approval by Lender: provided,
<br />that stsc6 approval shat( not be ttnrtasgnat!ty withheld. All ptrmtums on inswance pnlictes shall 6e paid to the mameer
<br />provided under paragraph Z hereof or, if not pard in such manner, by Borroxer making payment. when due, directly to the
<br />imtvaOCt tom,
<br />All insurance pttlieits seal renewals thereof shalt tae in form a:ctptabkt in Lender and shat! include a standard mortgage
<br />dattse in favor of ate-ia form acceptable to Leteder. Lcttder chalk have iht right err hold the policies and renewak~ tlxreef.
<br />anal Borrower attar! prt!agttiy fttrttish ..: f.en~r nil rt>xwst teotic-es and art receipts al paid premiums. In the event of loss.
<br />Botr+owtr shall give prmnp[ txHice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lander ma} make. proof of toss if not made promptly
<br />by Boaxowtd.
<br />UnEass Lender at>rf Borrower otherwise agree in tinting. insurance prts°-eeds shalt l>z applied to restoration or reoair of
<br />the Ptoparty dattsaged, provided stab restorattote ar repair is ecunnmxakty teastble and the- security of this Mongagt is
<br />ttsat tbeac~ty itnQsited, If such ttstoratton of repau is trot ecntxvnacatt}' fcasitr~ nr :f the security of this Mortgage woeld
<br />6!s impaired, ibe itattraace proceeds shall bs applied to the sums secured by this Mntxgage, with the extras, if any, paid
<br />M Borrowar. If sba Property- is a$atttkzuted br Borri+wrr, <u t! Borrower faits rn rrsponti to I.,eadtr within 30 days from the
<br />date stories is mailai by Legdar to Borrower that the ittattrat>Lr :artier offers to settke a claim far insurance benefits, Linder
<br />is atrt6urizad to totieet ate apply ills insurance prnererfs at Leatder-s option either to restoration of repair of the Property
<br />of t0 tlss sows seetitreat by this Mortgage.
<br />X3Lt(ds Lender and Borrower otisrrwtse agree iu writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or poatpttae the dttt date !st the mcxtth#y ittstattetxents rtfertrd to in paragraphs k and 'hereof or change rite amount of
<br />such im~utmts. It ntktet paragraph tt( hereof the Fropetly is acquired b} [ruder. all right, tide and interest of Borrower
<br />in attd fa asy itasurattee pa#icaas sad in ate to tt±r proceeds thereof resulting from damage to the Propemr prior to the sate
<br />tx atalttiartieia shall pans b Leader to the extent of the sums secured by this tinrtgagr iinniediateLY prior to such safe or
<br />i; lkattsevadsst snit! l-1slNetttaoct ttf hapestp: tetrxtsdds; foadamirlams; k'Isused Unit Devteiapatetgs. $orrower
<br />sitatB keep t7x I*xwperty is goad repair stet sEsaH cwt commit waste or permit impairment or detetioratidn of the. Property
<br />ttad l:cawr~y with !ice provisions of aay tease it this htortgagr is an a 3rase#xi}d. If this Mortgage is on a unit in- a
<br />ar a ptannad emit dtvtltspmrnt, Borrai.er shalt perform all at Botxower's oWrgatiotu under the declaration
<br />ar c1s crtatittg or gevtnning.the.condumroitrm or pkanrird unit development, the by-laws and rcgtikatiottc ia€ the
<br />agnd~(aita',a or pmaaed trait dtsvdcqutAttti, attd.cunstiutetet rlocuments. tf a condrxninitun sir plsntted unit rirvelnptttent
<br />elates b exaeuted icy Bttrrusrer sled recorded together vtth the, Mortgage, the. covenants nerd agreements of srtih rider
<br />strait be iacarpud itsto attd shalt amend and supptettittx the covenants acrd agteemerta of thin Mortgage ass if the rider
<br />wigs a past L~tee,L
<br />'!. l!aata4lisra ad i.sstlasrts StesasiFy. 3f Borrower fails !a pcrftum the tovestants amt agrrctnrnes contained in this
<br />lam; sir # ash tar prtarxitding is ccxttmesxed srhieh matttiatiy afitra Lenster's rmerrst in t#te Prapetty.
<br />larM tint lmpitad to: atrtu domain, msa(vcttcy, aide enforcement, or arrangeatents to proceedings invnl+~ing a
<br />~l. ~ dentinal,. fbaat Lendar to Candor's s~p<iott, upon ttcxict tv Borrower, may matt stn:h appeatancts, disfnitx such
<br />leans amts Enka atxiwt as is ttstessary to protect t,tteder`s mtrtrst, arr.°tuc(tttg. bur trot tirnitrst to. disbursement rat
<br />raiaagtOaAie atsals<ialt`s teas- aqd entry upmt the. Properv m make repays. tt trruirr rcyuired mortgage imuratece a-i a
<br />ctstngisioa sMl the bap secured hY this MoiYgsgc. BatTaw~r shakk pay the premiums requitaYi to tttaintain such
<br />ltsaaatiaaa tiro ttl~t such title as t#x regt+eett fttr sttls ittsyrat[tr ttrrrtinatrs in acctxdatict with Bnrn*wu`s acrd
<br />