<br />3• The mortgagor covenant and agroor that if he sha11 [ail to pay said indebtedness or any part:thareof when
<br />dew or shall fait to perform any covenant or agreement of t6ia instrument or the pramiesory note scented hereby, tote
<br />eatite ist~btedaer Iserieby secured shall immediately betoate dtte, payable, and coileMible without notice, at -the
<br />ogkeoo ad tlm mortgagee or arigtts. regardless of maturity; steed the mortgagee or hie aasigne may before or after eatry•
<br />eaiEa~ property without-sppraiaement tthe mertgagor having waived and assigned to tiro mnngagee all rildtts of
<br />i 11 at judicial uk putrwant to the previsions ~?.R U.S.G. 2001 t a) ; ur
<br />(tr} at the option of the mortgagee, either by auction or by talicitation of aeakd bitb, four the higLea and
<br />-beat Lid eamplyiag with the terms of sale sad maoaer of payment specified in the ptt6lnhed notice of ask, fiat
<br />grsing four weeks' notice of the time, terms, add, plac« of ouch sale, h. a+Isrrtirrntent not leas than once
<br />daring each of acid taut weeks in a newnpapcr pnbliabed or direrit.utrsf is the county is wbich acid property
<br />is trdoaeed, all otter notice being hereby waived br the mortgagor (need said mortgagee, or any peraen m
<br />behalf of said mortgagee, may bid with the ttapsid indebtedneaa evidenced by said note 1. Said ask shall be
<br />bdd at or oa the property to 6e sold or st the Federal, county, or city eourthottse for the county in wbicb the
<br />Property is kested. The mortgagee is hereby aotborixd to eseeute for end oa behalf of the mortgagor atsd to
<br />tkliser to the pureLrer at stacL ,tak a •o~teimt caaveyaace of said property. wfiich conveyaaax shall contain
<br />reeitria r ~ iLe MPPm+n6 of the default upon whieb the a:ecation of the power of oak herein granted
<br />depends: acrd 6hta acid mortgagor hereby constitutor and appoints the mortgagee or aey agrnt or ettoretcy of the
<br />ntertgagee,~tly~ agaeilt sad attorney iti fact of said rnartgagor to make sash reciGL atsd to a:ecnm acid
<br />~TdYaaor txxcgeaty a&4l sateen that the reeitaL so made aha{1 he e8eetual w bar aE1 equity or
<br />right of rz'aleraption, hoe~eatearf. dower, and a!f other rzemptioru of the marttcaXur, all of which art he:ehs
<br />y waived aitd conveyed to the mortttattee: or .
<br />tole 4t+-e any welter rppropriatr action pursuant to serer ur t'rdetal statute tither in craft ur F'tvlrral
<br />court ar otilrrrirt fwr the dirpoaition of thr proprrts.
<br />Is the ovate of a esk r hereiabafore p~avided, the ~ or any perroas is posreaaioa under the rrtort-
<br />gagor shall than become and be tenaou holdergt a.«r sad shall farthwrt9r ~#elis«r Anuses«inn to the purchaser at
<br />welt wk or be sttmmarilr diapowarwed, in areordatter wrth thr proseairuu e( Iew at:plicable to trnane. haldin~ oc«r.
<br />The Pms'or need agruey hese6y panted are rnrupled with an iat«rrat an,# ore trresocahlr hs .lrsth r•r .,therr.ier, anti
<br />arr. gxaated r e W thr remrdrr+ fw rollertt~r of +aid indcbtrdnr~ prasidrd br int..
<br />i TLe proeaeds~atda'#f salty ; in accordance with the preceding paragraphs shall be applied Ent
<br />W Pal ~ ernes sad orP~'s of acid sale, the eapetsses iauurred by the aaarfttagee For the purpoar of protecting ormain-
<br />tainioj acid property, and reaaoeable attorneys` fees: aerondfy, to pat th*• urdrbtrdnrsa s«rured hrrehr : an+l thirdls,
<br />to Pay •ay snrpiw r-aattors W the prraon or parwura kt:all~ entitled. therrto. ~ .
<br />5, h: ~ eaeat a~ Property ~ aaFtl at s p„dieirl foreehtanre auk or arauutt to the
<br />P power of ark hereir-sbore
<br />granmd, and thr proceeds are not atdicieat to pay the fatal iad«bt~ata raestred by this itutrument sad evidenced by
<br />aai+d prvwtiarory cote, the ateetRaRee will be entitled w a deficiency judgment fur the a:-assort of the de~rieACy witkoos
<br />re/n'd so etPrstiaatwewr,
<br />6. !a eLe event floc mortgagw isib to pas ass federal, atatr ur local !ax aaseaameut. inranrr tax or other tai
<br />lien, charge, tae, or otter espettse ehargetl against tLe Property the amr[gagee ie hereby° authorized at hie option to
<br />Pal the saase. r~er stsaa- r paid by the mortgagee siial) be added ta and become a part ~ the principal atrtount of fire
<br />iadeks~eaa eridread by arid' torte, auL,feet to eLe name toter sAd coaditiotts, Ii the mo~agor ahatl pay and
<br />d~ariN ~ ertdenoad by sti$ praatioattry note, sad shall pay such soma and shall diaehrrge alt
<br />testa anti liwa atttti the earalr„ ken, sad e:Paaaea et aaalciwtg, eaafo>neing, zed e:eeutiAg thL mortgage, thin thin tttortgage
<br />~ be attaoas. - d aarrmaiirad.
<br />7• T1Im oarr'tuaNs 6arein ermaitaed a~tr<li Lind aced the benefits nerd adrnntages shall inure to thr rvryrrvtise srx•-
<br />eareeaa std aaigta of die psrKes Ledo. WLeeeser toad, the aingttlar number shaft irtclnde the plttra4 the phusl ehe
<br />aiap4r_ anti the sae srf any geadar sLa~ ioebde :~ geadea,
<br />g' `~ weivar ~ ~! eosanaet hattoin r ~ drt ehiilpttioa sa+cured hettby +haU at any time therraitrr 4r lr-1r1
<br />to be a *es of tLr ~iad haroof or ~ the Hate aeeurad hsreLs.
<br />+~ ~ tlaare~ erdrets oa' jotl~rmt Loldieg nay provLioa or portion vt this ittsuumemt iASalid ur uACn-
<br />kxeattltttt+Ltdl;pst k atsy way r or Proehadr rite eafewcernetrtt of the rcmrritning ptas•isioata or lrottiammi n/ thin
<br />itutroattattet.
<br />~! M-artlYeirtn.la~a~a~rsaeLe attar porrsraK is for peorf.iara of tLia irtras.wt sLatl bo .d•
<br />tMM~l~r~ttret
<br />hs riw#rerrtad q dss ~ at and soy wrttsart taoeiee re ba iasoed to the artwtgattea shall
<br />!t, 47. 13Ciz 132408, Lixscoln, Yebreaka h8501
<br />zra t+,tasw •se rs,.~-ar
<br />