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81-40'462 <br />,Said psrrmfuory note was given to secure a lawn in which the Small Btuittex Administration, an agency of the <br />United: S#atsa of .4laxricty has partscipated. In compliance with section IOI.I1. d) of the Ruka and Regulatiau of <br />the S~q Baaitteas Aelminiatntitm [13 C.F.R. 101.1{d) J, this instrument is to be construed and enforced in accord- <br />e ttritfs appiieabk Fedrsral L.r. <br />2. 'f he mortar wweamts and +tgreea u fells+ra: <br />s. He w•-B P~PtlY P,Y the ia+khkedness evsdettrtd 1iY erid prturtissory note at -the timer stead in thtr <br />tataaatrx titeee~ proritiad. <br />b~ Ifs yelp-pay all tatcn, aet~eau: water ram and other governmental or mttstieipal-eltargd, fisea, ~ <br />impttaitiom, for whicb prevision has rent bees reeds hereirtheftrre, turd will promptly deliver the o~ciaLtecsipta <br />theeefor to the said tnettgagee. <br />t. file .rs'il gay troth rapaoaea sad fast a aay be incarrcd in the' protection sad raaiateaaaee of said <br />ptrtFpettyc ir~ludiag the fees g! anv attor~y employed by tIffi raortgagae_lor the enlitxtion o[_ my or-all of <br />the inedrtrss hereby seemed, or foreolasure by mortgaRcrs sale, or court proceedings, or in sny atber <br />litigstioa or preeeeditrg adectintt said property. Attorneys' fees reaeuraahly inenrrerl in anv outer way shaq he <br />paid by the mtmRaRor. <br />d For better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, ire <br />aaaceasora or assigns, he shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage nr mnrtgaRM trovrring anv <br />additions, improvements. ar hrttrrmrats made to rice pruprrt} hrreinahove- ~Iescrihed :mtl all praperti <br />acquired by it after the deer hrreoi ~ all in form .atisiartorv to neon,eagee %. H~urthrnuare. ±hould tnortgaRar <br />fail to ante anv default in the payment +sf a prior or inferior enrumbranee on tl:e pmprrty described by <br />this instrument, tnartgaRar hereby aarres to permit mrrtRaKre to t-ure snrh rlrfaulF, beet tnortgaRee is not <br />etbliRated to cio sn: and such adcanres -hall became part of the -rrored by this instnument, <br />strbjext to the same terms and ronditians. <br />r: T'he rights created by this ronvr~-anre shall reenaiA in Cuil force and rtfect duriuR anv pexictpanrutrnl <br />or _-zirnsian of the Simr of the lwy-mvnt of the indFbtednr=r rsixlrncrri hs -aixi prami>~or. Hair or anv part <br />tftetarrf seetrrrd hereby. <br />j, He will coatinttowly taaintain hasard insurance of such type or types and in such amottnu as the <br />martRaRee tnay from time to time require art rite irrtpravrmrnt- natn +.r itrrraftrr +m -aid lrrnprrty, :turf <br />will pay promgdy when titre any pcesiutns therrinr. Ali insurance rhai- he curried in rampartiea acceptabk <br />W marigaRee and the pv.lieies erred rr-newels thereof .hall br held by mortgagee and have attached thereto <br />Eoss pavabLs tissues in favor of sad is form arceptablr to the mortttaRre. (o event of toes, mortgagor will give <br />Immediate natiee iA xritinR to martga6ce, and martRagce mar make peso! ref toes if aoi made promptly by <br />tnortgagrsr, and each iturtaraure sompanr raacened i. hereby authorised and dtmeted to make payment for such <br />lose dirertlr to mortaaRre instead of to martRaRor and mortgagor jointly, aruf the insuraaee proceeds, ar aay <br />part titereaf. tray be applced by mortgagee at its optiaa rtther to the reduction aI the indebtedneu hereby <br />soured oc to the netoration or repair of the property damaged ar desinryed, In event of foteelaserm ai this <br />merrtgage, ter other transfer of title to said pecgrerty in extinguishment of the indebtednds .taeutxd hereby, all <br />right, title,. and iatereat of the rnonRagor in and W sax ittsurattee poiie:id then in farce shall pass to the <br />ltarehases or erartgaRre ar, at Ylte ,rptiatr of the n.vrrtgaRrr. rue, ir.= ectcrrn:ire+-.1 fnr a refund. <br />R. fie will keel, all buildings and ntber impravernrnts oer :aid praprrt+ in quad repair and rnnditiare: <br />wtH permit, commis, or sus7a no waste. impairment.:lrtrrioratiarr of said lrrope^rtv_ or anv part thereof: <br />in the event of failure cd the mortgagor w kseg [he buildiARs on sahi prrnnses and tbo.r erected on said <br />Pretitsixs. rsr igvpsavettsrnta tlieratrn. in good repair. tier moriRarre Hess make sects repairs as in its discretion <br />it tea} drt~ aaceasar} fern the proper presen°ation thereof: and the full anurunt aF each and every sarh <br />pa}rrtenl shah hr ttntnediatrly +lx>t and Iravablr: and Kha^ be ,enered by tier kien of thi+ nrortgagr. <br />fi. He wiq not voluntarily create or permit to ba created against the property subject to this ttaortgage any <br />lies m liras inferior or superior to the rim of this martaaae without the written eonsrnt of the mart6aRee; sad <br />- further, that hr will keep and marutain the ,star fm fraeae tier slain ul all lrrr><ons -applying lobar ar <br />aaateriskr for e+oaptruetieo erf any acrd al! buikliaRr ar iragrovemrnts nor brine erected nr t+s hr erected au <br />serid prataaMes. <br />i. He will cwt rent err assign anv part of ihr rent of said merrtRaRrd pruprrty or drma(lsh. nr-rrrntrvr., <br />esr .ub.exntialiv alter anv building .vitfiout the written consent nl the nwrtRager. <br />j, Atf avr~sof tlaseigar in connasiioa w#tir sac eondaunatiatr far public uar of ur injur} to an} of the <br />praprrty subject to ibis mortttaRe an hereby amtitptcd an=i shall he paid w mortgagee. rrlps may afgrlp the <br />.ante. ter payment c+f for installavrants la+•t slur under said notr_ and earurtgagrr i. hereby aulhoriaed, in the <br />`sptntt of tier ratxrkgaFdat; tit ints.ratr anti drltver valid arymttaacet thereof east err apfrra! fmm snc stu-h award. <br />&.; `f'}m: eeurtRaRer .ha#1 have the right ta ietaprrt the martgalte.i prrnriw~ ar anv twas+mabk tune. <br />'>i ` iilnk ll5'atil}i'td'#itr-etevfiswa# or c®ntgtiatas of this firMtt6rneot or of the sole ar Itran attreemsat sacared <br />~ sftall tar:ntiatste the martltafpar's riRAt to pe~ctmsian, t~ atsd enjaymeni of the property, at the option of the <br />or hie t lit Acing agsced that the rawtgittoor stall bare such right until defaults. Upmt-any twcA <br />~. r6« snnrtpattle ailtall hreewte the aware trf ttll'trf" ravers sad pt'nfits acerttitig after elefau3t u security <br />+ feMe aa~esrred hisre6y. +vtth t{~ri~:tn;+at aq)tast;itMi+f presperey tar the putgoae of atilisctittg stteb <br />t and pr+a6ttw 'iYtlr itwtnimrat sh+sll ol+ adalt twaeirt of ~; rcatah aw said property to that extent. <br />z.a. r.arw ova rx-sac <br />