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r <br />81---~)(-w4~U <br />(f) month prior to its dot date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pry-such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />Natfatal Housing Act, as amended. and appiitahle Regulations thereunder. or <br />(t!) Ef and sr fagrg as satd rate of even date and this inatrutttent are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development. a monthly charge (let lieu njo rstortgalte insurance premium/ which shall rte in an <br />amount equal to one-twelfth (1112) of ntte-half (1(2) per centum of the aveeage autstandhtg balance <br />dot on the note eontputed without taking men aecaunt delinquencies ar prepayments; <br />(b} A sum equal to t[te ground rents, if any, next doe, pfns the prsmiunts that will next bett+mt: dtte and payable oft <br />pt>Uoiea of fire and other hazard insurance crnersng the mortgaged property, pins taxes and assessments next due <br />nn the mortgaptti property /¢If as esti!natrd by the Mc,rlpa.Ttei less aU sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />nurrtiter of months to elapse before acre month pnarr trt rhr da[e when such eround rents, premiums, tastes and <br />asststanents will become delinquent, sursh sums txt fee held by Mortgagee in trust to pay seal groatd rents, pre- <br />miums. fasces and sper~ial asstsacrtsnts; and <br />(c) Ala payments mentioned in the twit preceding subsections car this para{~ph and elf payn~nts to be made undez <br />tht nose secured hereby shall he added tvicether, and the aggrzgate amount thcrenf >hall he paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single pay:.,tnt to he appfitd M the Mortgagee to thz fulfuwmtZ hems in [he order 5ei forth: <br />(f) premium charges under the crmtract of sn:trsan.e w,th thz :+erretan• ut Nuuxng and U;ban Dkvelopment. <br />ar metnkhly charge ftlr t;trr n('lnr,rtgege innrru!zrur tvgrtuum.• as the case may be; <br />fit) ground rents, taxes, assessroen!s, fire and «thtx bacard insurance premtums; <br />Qtf) Interest on the note secured ltrreby. oral <br />{IY) amattizat;an itf the prtn.apal of said note. <br />Any deftctency set the sma~nt ui' any sacs/; aggregate ntun[hiv payment shall. unless made gaxi by rhr Mort- <br />gagur •dte due date of the next such r'a}nx,rt ,sttttstc an €-vent t default under thrs mnrtdage. 7}te <br />~t3y gt>{ilet a "late charge" not t,t exceed f + r amts fait!) Gtr cash dollar t51 S cif each payment more <br />than 5}iiatrg ut-areas to rover =.he extra rxpetty tvulvrd in handling dehnqurnt pavntenis. <br />.~..+~ . <br />iltai if the total uF the payment-~ made by the. \fan¢:tgnr unde=r •' + of paragraph " prrredine ~hafl exceed <br />the amount of pa}trenG' arturfly made hr the tkrrtKagrr for >:tnund rertt~, tazo+~ and a:=..=e<.-men t,• or insurance pte- <br />miurt!s, a-~ ihr rrc.t= mad few, :-acts excess. ;f the !r>wtn is crtrtrnt, ~tt the nptiat of the tlartgagor. shelf f,e cmdited ttv <br />the tiore#at(ee on ~ubs;equr[!t pal'mertt.~ [a tn+ made by the= \ktrt{;a~or, r,r rcfundetl to the itongagor. If. however. the <br />mtrrtthly payttmttty tuudt by the 5karr{tascx under r s•; of para¢raph ° preredin{t shall not tee sufficient rn ixry ground <br />ttrrtt. torte and assgPe~imevtt- tar itrstur'ance premiums. bs thw r a Q m:tt tee whe=n the --amc• -hall tWromr due and pav- <br />ttWe. tlttn rite 4Mxs¢agex ~hril pay to the ~irtrt{ragee= any arnuunr nece.~.~an to make up the deliciencv, on or before <br />Use bate often paytnettt of each grtwmd rent.-, tare:. as-r:~rment. ur in-uranre prfrmium~ =halt fee. due It at env <br />bate the ttottgagttr ~italf iettdtr to the iMrt{[ak=ee, in ucrardanr•r+ tvith the preni~itm} of ihn Hate secured hereby. <br />full paymrmt cif the €rrttiresndebiethtes- rwpre~rttu,d thFtt~by, the Ylor[gapwr= -hall, in computing the :tmnunt of such <br />indzlne+dtuss, credit to the account of -the Mortgagor .tit paymetu made under the provtstorrs of r ~!i of paragraph r <br />hereof which the ~iortga$ee hu. cwt btrt:nmr obiixated to pay to the `txretan u[ lluuging and I'rbttn Development <br />and an}' balancer remaining in the fund:. arrumufxted antler khe {trcni~iun~ o(' ~ e•f paragraph '? herxutf. If there <br />:~rii br a default under env +tf 4ite {travi<tion- ref ;ht~ morkkage= r.•~ulting in a pabli€• ,,-31n of she pmmi-e>` e•nver: d <br />herehy, nr if ktt~u liorf~attea~ negttinrs khe pra{mttc orherwi~e aftwr default, the xiurtgapee- Thai] apply. at the time of <br />the rammenrtmenG of Leh prnr~ings±. ur :u she time the= {mt~rtt := rttherw i~r acquired, the balance then remuin- <br />ing it the funds ae•cumuiated under r ^,i of paruar:tph- :' txeredink, .t-- :c credit af~ain.~t then umnunr of principal then <br />remainins; anpaid under >;;ud ante, end.half {!rrrperly adju.><t solo pasmr^nt.. which -hall fi:tve hero made under ~,:! <br />of paragraph _'. <br />k Thtct the ~iortgaa}ror usi3 ['3} ~rc,und rent+. t.a;sr=...s,v_+tstrtst., . ;,ter • :te+, .end atttkt .:a++ernmrnta! or niunis:,pal <br />churgt:, lirxr. ax i;npas,rants, *er which pr+~ss+tt+n h:ty not Tern moor ksrcndtcture. ud nt deIauit thereof the $lnrkgaSer may <br />pay lire came: and that the 3t<utgagur wiP prun,ptiy dch.~cr the €+tlt~ratl rc2erpt. therefor r<. rtn ~iort~grc. <br />s -f't~ =.bior[gagcar ,atti pa} ~l€ trtxzs 46!t i+ mxt ht iavtt~d upon the ~iortgagce-. +nrere>t at :aid rzn) eautr and impruvt- <br />mems, mxi which naac f+e Irsecd upon this metrtga~ +v the debr secured herehi= that only ku the cellar that such i, not prohibit. <br />td by law xntl arriy to the corral that -uch will oar m.d:r this ?;,an a+vrt^a+r. but erciudn{t an:~ tru€rme tax. Cute ur Federal. <br />tmpused un !,icxtg~te. and w=rit lire the ++tlicr:ti recerpt +hcr..=utg >neh pay ntent w tth the Murcgagre- F pc n :iuf:,tion of thin under- <br />taking, ur i'ttit i#c,rtgagter ,+ pruhihi[e,i by stn taw now nr fttreafur c zivttng tram pa} tag the whole or any p ttrtiun r:f the afore- <br />said tazss.+tr upon the.rendering ut any ocean 4fearec pr.,ttihiting the payment by the 4furigagvr rr unv +uch taxes, or if Bach law <br /><a dtcrtr ptovrdt, tftat :env ;tmounr s.s pa,d by tttt forte:tgs!r ,haft Itr i redited vn the martPagt dept. the 'tturtgagez shall fie; z <br />the raghi to give mMip days wrilttn Holier rr. the ,twnet of the r!t±,rtgaged premtsr>. reyuirting the payment ref the ntortgat:e <br />rteht. ff each ewiice rte grvr.r., the ,std dtht sh!t{I t+ecumr dear. ,-=ay°able and calleeuftfr at the expiration of ,aid ninety day,. <br />h. 'lAat ,Mudd he fari to nxy any sum ar keep .coy ~_avenanr pn+vrded fret in thi+'4iortguge, t:`itn the ~furlgagrr. aF iu op- <br />tiwt, may pay tx pericxm the .ems, :end ail exprttdttures ,., made +ha=: rte :added ra, the principal earn owing un the atwaae note, <br />sitaa tae soured hrrcitY-acrd tlt-ol! t+cet intercai a! iftt fair .set forth in the Kasai note. until paid. <br />':. That hs htrsby a_vigras. trarvftr> and leis over to the Atortgager. to br :,pphrd [ward the paymem of the note and all <br />sums reared herehv in cast of a dztaul[ to rhr psrfurntanu a+f any +,f thz terms :end conditions of this ~lortgags or the +.tid <br />txtit. all the-rents< reseuuts .end rrtcoms ut he.ftrtved from t{tr ±nurtttagrrl prratisrs +lurtnK .u::ft rime a+ [hr mortgage itxk hted- <br />ttet~ sl~+tt retrain unpaid: and the \irntgags shalt base power tr, appuirti any agent or agents it enay desire for the purpose of <br />rtpairir+(t said txemisss arxi cif rsnttttg tfx same and colkctint rhr rents, revenues and maims, and it atop pay out of said In- <br />comes elf expenses of repairing-said prtmisr+ and nceexury eaatrnt3Sietn> oral cxpe!ssts incurred in renting and mantrgtng rhr <br />same a~i of colkcstttg renrafs therefrom:. the Itulance remaining, if any. t,a tee apptied toward the dischartgr of said mortgage <br />tiz `llratIr6 wtU keep the improvtmtnts Hero sxiwisrg or hersafttr erec[ed cn the mor[tragrd proptrtY• insured :ts may ter <br />rsf}utttd from [freer to lime by tl~ 34etrtgager :tg..inst lass by fat recd ;ether hazards. casuxlttes and 4otaingsreft5 in such <br />ata®ugia acrid lot k periods sts tray bG rtcitrntd by !hr liarrt~agre i+nsl will pay promptly, when due. ;,rv prrnriunts un .uch <br />ittstsFa+ae:r prtsvisimrt fir payment ref vEhi.:h hex coat ftttn made hertinbtf4';e, Ali insurant:r ,hall !tt ferried in cuntpanis+ ap- <br />pcoved fry tier 4iort;,~{ss and Coe policies and renewals ahertof shaft t+s held by ihr iiortgager and boos <, tt;tc hrd thereto frys< <br />pates clauses. in faau€ of :end in f-arm :t°~teptaft#=_* t+! tttt >fctrtgegte. [s event of fuss Alungagot wtl{ give immediate nilttsc by <br />tttrtuY W tfao Dt4ftktse, wha srmy make proof of fiats if nix made prnm~;y by :iaxtgague, and racft insur;utct company eon- <br />nstncr##s haeity vut#x+rixed and darrztsd to rnakt payrntnt fur wrc:h ltzss drrrr-sty u, rhr ?lottga$ee to+tca.i of to the ~lcutgrgtrr <br />arndthelgotttTttl~t joitstly-and sits insurxtir:e prax;ssds, tit env par! thcrrof. may be :tppitsd try rhr ti#ortg,:tyirc at its uptwn either <br />w this ttitU~t'#1tUt d tfar irdttttsdrrosfi #aa+rrhy t+ectrccd tx to teat-restorution or repro of tits prnprrty damaged. In ev rm of fttrtclrt• <br />surcuf_ihac ftsrrxtg~eot trihrr iratlslutaf tide its the rrtatgapred property w rzatsguishmtnt cif ihs trrdrhtedrtsss +caured ftsrrhy. <br />riff r~ Chi xirti i,aitrest ofi tfie Mortgagor rn attd nt xtty trtwtanc:e pc,in:its then m facer ,half pa>x w rhr purchaser ur grants. <br />y. Tian as at7ditirxrrl end rrl~ttral srctuity fur ties payneem of tier naue JtR:.r,t+ttt. ,end aft sums to htcc?mc due under tM> <br />ttftat, file twat hereiar zxsigrr, to rhr witxigagrr art profits, revenues, ;:xtaftrea. rights :end t+rttrfit> a:cruite{t to the <br />falrrsl~gvtt under any and aft oil xnd a$* tsxsty un seed prrmtssv. a r[h the r=irftt t<= rr. etvr un€t receipt feu ttte wore ,acrd apt'fY <br />?+tt~tr eft will us~ri+tedt+r,t> ,ys «+aH Mf,xt as aittr drtauit m the ea'mtfitra.Ht> r,f tfus matrtgafte, and rhr Atttrepagte may dsmxad. +ur <br />for .red rsa'wv-tf any vitih Ft'apmsnis•• when dttt and payable, txti sal matt frr rrpuuril +~, to d„ fhtic a*xigtxneut i+- t.> tc+mitvake <br />,and fntrrtt tcuf3 ~.f w..a.t spear rtk,ext of this mtrttgttXt. <br />atUt?'Ia244Stht t+}-'t9) <br />