<br />~~..r~ i ~ G~ ~Q
<br />1VI~RTGA-GE
<br />This farm ix used in connec-
<br />tion with mortgages ittatued
<br />under the ulte~ to four-family
<br />provisions of the Natfonaf
<br />Housing-Act.
<br />`I'#[IS~y#lylut€'i~iAtCi8,r»adea~ltxzcltte~ihis 5th- day of May. .AD:
<br />lns~3.viY~dhettrean LARRY- WAYNS SLA4Ht7RN AND MICHSZ.E R. 13LAUHflRft, huabatti3
<br />dE the Cttt-aty a( N a 11: ,and State of 1'a)obraska. party of the first part. tieroittafter daNEd'.
<br />theNerc~or.and Sugeriar Mortgage. I:ne.
<br />acetporationaadettistiaguaduthetswxbf the United States. of Ameraea
<br />party et(the secaad port. hereinafter called the Mortgagee.
<br />1ftfTAfESS£TH: That the saw 4lartgagar. for atnf in cawsir~rattan of the sa.nof Thirty Six ThoiiseAd-
<br />>;ight Sunt3red Fifty and Noj100------------ t`ksllars[S 36,850.00 t. paidhytheMtirb
<br />gagse. t!e receipt srf whidt n tutehy ;rlinawiedgcd. has Granted and Sold attd fay these presents does Grant, 8ar-
<br />gttut, SeH. Cotteey and Confirm auto the Morrgagtit. its successors and assigns, forever. the folbwing-desctibeA
<br />real extate. sib in the CauartY d H a S i ,and State
<br />of NetxrsJta. to wit:
<br />Lat Thirteen t13), Piper's Glen Subdivision, being a Subdivision of Lots
<br />Sight (8) and Nina (9), Warren Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />rd the4t><thPrincipalMeridiart.cantxrrtirsginat! -City Property .4rtsauordargintitrvern-
<br />meat stover' -
<br />T'C3HAVE 4ND ~[) Ht)LD t!~ prcrnises :rsx,tc 1e+ctttrr i- xrth ad the pwten,uitee therrumu cxtongtn~ .ant( incftuting
<br />~ heatisea, phtmbingtmd lighter fixtures and cVuetrmeat nc ~ .,r tocrcxttcr att~i>~ trt,~ usrd :ra , onrtcc tictn wtil, satd real ests.e
<br />wnndte Mtxtgagee. acid to i!s successors :amt assytn.. f.+rtstr i hs ~1,xl~tate aeFrr.+ent= t:•. +nc+, c„venants with. the'Nurtga-
<br />. ! tAe lS€rrt~rr leas tilt to -s., :nd :~savet ~:tmt~,_ the tt~t ~e trtr lr,int ertcumhsance; :and that the
<br />weft wturan# sett dtEetM the same a,gatnst the iaR iv! ~ lams..! :,li t,ersr,nr ~ hr+msae<er; a+x3 the satd !vtortgtgur ftere-
<br />frw ruts elf tyhts sit hctniestead. aunt all marttat ritdtts, tnlxr :a tar .*r #n eyany. ;rod al! other eurttittgent interests of the
<br />maa@ ~ !ht idxar€-etemttuJ.~si t.:rm:xa_ t~ rtnentte~n ixt tt~ ~_reev zuret+s en aava:aie title. itt fee simple. includ~
<br />ittgsif rya of :.ttt~. aad other rigftts anti [mercers as afcxesaxi.
<br />~t?V lY}£D ~l_#V~t"S, attd €.,ese l,resen€; ;rte ese°_a',exi ~sw dtarcered ujti.a::lee fs:;ln~ ing ~€+nd;ttatta, to :vit:
<br />S~1#~olt~ragr«s€u paw to theMtntyst<cc,tn.Mdet.theprtrntpal~urnni Thirty Six Thousand
<br />Sight flnndred Fifty and Noi100---------€w"€€a`s`w 36,850.00
<br />wttbmteteakotostE~attheratesst Fourteen and one halT~t xnrnm( 14.5¢ } rsnauntnn
<br />lhausgtidE+4ilppft~yadiipailLTEpesaafq,il=+ttstmtere.t.hal'hcParai+katthr4+tflcer,t Superior Mortgage. Inc.
<br />~ Grand island, Nebraska uratstn:hatherptaceaxthehalderot
<br />thencttetmty~inwritit~.tatttwethfycat+ttaiimerusal Four !3undred Fifty One and 25/I00
<br />----....,,,,,_-_,-,. -,.-----_.._-_ (a€dlats tri a 5 i . ~ 5 !..r,tnnrendtnR un the tits[ day .tt
<br />Jnly . t4 $1 . ;+nd ran the tits[ day Est rnits month tlxrcnltet until ttrc pttricrpai acrd ;n-
<br />lt~yt etc fa135p feud. eaccpt that he ficw; Paymrnt <N Prtrrcipni .uxl sn:et r,t, ti rot xtotter Pntd. -shall ,lx bur .,nd
<br />an tfti hrstdaY of June , 2 11 l3:nxaxdta} to the tams c(ts cctt;rrn ptr.mn-
<br />Wrw [rate uE•cven daft: }ietewithexet: uted hw the said Mctrtgagcx.
<br />l`l!c AAaKteegat in-rider maze-fully tt+ protect the setrenus.>E thin ittrnz~e. agrees
<br />L That he pay iha ittdebt€detaaa. as heresnneftare pravidtd_ lRzvilege is rexrvcd tat par the doh! en rvi+ci e. ,:r in atr
<br />ern rgasf [camas at-nterc ~! paSeReMs .err the Prtr;cipai that are next due .:n the nrxc, „ty the~;r+t day „f .any snunth
<br />print wtaaWrity: F4sst+idaf. ltawcGYr,"ffntt rvntsnt tiattce of an tnlcatwn tocxarctsc Such priazlcgc is given;rt 9east thine e~llt
<br />_ _ ~!y' ati.?t is<p)r.~ayataeal. _
<br />*_ Tlitti. tcrgefhsr sstth_ and ,tt iatin ice, the manthfg lajrnettts :tf prinGittai attd interne[ pa5at+k under the :cams lei the
<br />tit secutnd htr€clly, ttttt:Na~tgagta +atilt Rx} za flu Mottg~ce, an the first day of each muttzl+unzlf the ~sih mxe is Tuft f Pain, the
<br />ttt-"-;i
<br />- (3} ~f s~EDt.le~ ; tht haidCt htresr!' rr#~ tnasftt trt Pap 3ta ttexY nn-rrt titt~txance g?rctniutit #t tats
<br />t~ttruftt~tt.atitf the ntabt ttt6urod ~ ttte i~nati., tx s tttttttttttiy eht-{in tirv+ caJ z ,nurt~ppC rrrsttrar {m•
<br />ttyha~.ftf that httfiflt}~ Nta 5srratsry at^ Htatthrq~ and tfrb;rsat fittsattt+plttvnt. xs ltilfawa.
<br />+,l 1t [sad trio f as rtaht taE ttwtri t#s(t- acid t##s tnxttulneret are iaawrrtf ,~r art remttutzxl utwler she t,,,.
<br />crf [list ~ ~ e1;ut, Ott ~fz t+r aCwtrrnttixtt' to tfrc hands rrt Eh! frrtklrr rtnr
<br />t-t#,c,~Ti~.s±,~ptc mar @in uYed ,z+.fx r+N~~s .o.+dnawa»sl
<br />