<br />14. That the Mortgagor wip kttp the buiiditras upon said premises in goad repair, and neither commit War ptrmiCwaste
<br />upon said land, tror suNer the said premises to be used [ar any unlawful purpose.
<br />tl. That if the premises, or any part thereof, be corukmned under the power of eminent domain, or acquired for a public
<br />use, the damalaes awarded, the proceeds for the taking of, ar the consideration for such acquisition; to the extent of tbe;fufE
<br />amotmt of imkbtednes upon this mortt~x amt the note which it is given to secure rtmainirrg unpaid, art hertby aasigtted by the
<br />Mortga~r to the Mort~t, std shall be paid forthwith to said Mortgagee to be applied by the latter on accountof the next
<br />maturitrg iusta8aterus a[ such indebtedness.
<br />tom. The ~ #artber agrees ttrat shoo tkrs tit and- ette note secured hereby not be eligr`¢te (or in-
<br />sar_ ante.urtder tttr f+iateona) Housing Act-within Y Y$ - from the date hereof (written stat~t±ettt~ pny _
<br />~ tlic t7sapartatent of Housing and Urban DevNopmtn[ or authorized agent of tltt Secre~ry of Housing,. ord. Urbart
<br />f~awttopmetri datct subsequent to the sixty days time from-the date of this mortgage; dectinit~ to insure seiJ
<br />-:Wean lids-tnertt~e. bring deemed conclusive proof of-such ineligibiiityt: the Mortgagtt ar Itoldor of-the hate
<br />may< at its optbn, dtclarc all sums securrtd hereby immediately due and payable.
<br />13. That if the lffartgagoi fails to make any payments of marrey wttea the same become due, or fats to conform to and
<br />eom~rlg wrtbsaLy of thrcondititars or agreements contained in this mortgage, or the Wort whit:h it secures, then the entire prittci-
<br />paF stem std accrued interest shaft at once became due and payable, at lase election of the Mortgagee: std tbis mortgage may
<br />tbertnponfx fbrecbse6 immediately for the whale of said money, interest, monthly payments, costs, ground reMS, taxes std
<br />the cast of extending tlx at~stract of title from the date of this loan to the time of commencing xuch foreclasarc suit. std a rea-
<br />sortdrle attorney's fee. all of which shat) be included in the decree of torecbsetre: and the contract embodied in this mortgage
<br />. and the nom secured hereby, shall in aH respects-bt goverrrat, comtrtmd :trd adjudged by the-laws of Nebraska, where fete
<br />same rs made.
<br />The cavtrmrtts herein contained shalt bind, and the benefrts and advantages shall insure to, the respectivt heirs, txerntors,
<br />admirrsirators, successors and assigns n# the pattiss hereto. Whenever used. the singular number shat) include the plural. the
<br />phrral the singular. and the use of any geodes shall be appliwbte to all genders.
<br />The Foregoing conditions, alt and singular, bring fxrfarmed acrnrding to }Mir rwtura} and legal import, this conveyance
<br />shat} be void and said premises released at the expense of ttx Mortgagor: otherwise to t+e and remain in full force and eRect.
<br />iN WlTistESS WHEREOF, the Mnrtgagorist have hereunto srt their handler the day and yearfirst
<br />atwve written.
<br />In presence of:
<br />G:~'exi.s-+•[_ f.~.t.L~~7~`~,°'` ~.'- ; SF.AI. t
<br />~ _~ (SEAL;
<br />I~PT.~J~r~`~. " ~L1i.4 `*tGY~~f.~3111.16.i~,L~_ (SEAL )
<br />I SEAL. 1
<br />(SEAL!
<br />LY. 9~t.A 3®
<br />STATE ()FAiEBRASt{A.
<br />COUN'f'YOF EWll ~ .s
<br />t)ntlus 5th day of May . A.U- i4 81, t±efore me.
<br />a rsfftary -guhliC in arrd far sardCuxrntr°, personally cams
<br />C2areatce ~redieit Hildc'arand and Roberta Sane Hildebrand, husband and wife
<br />personally to me known
<br />w tx the idtnticat person whose names are axed to the about and fart-
<br />goitttrinatrumentas Mattgagor; and try have acktww}tdged the-said itrstrumerrt and the
<br />tzecutiorrtttereaf to bt ~ toluntacy act and decd, for the purposes therein expressed.
<br />to tt9tmroay whereof,! have heteumo set mp twat end atlixed by eta a],;tal at Gland Island
<br />cm ttteday std date last ahovt written, ( .
<br />r~
<br />~; V y puh#ic
<br />STATE.Of NEBltA$fiA .,
<br />f"t#ed fur record ties day of
<br />~ a'ckaek
<br />rtctxded in Bortlc
<br />A_U, }9
<br />M _, arul ertttred in t`tamtric~ trtdex. ;met
<br />of Mortgages, an
<br />Regrs[tr of sheds
<br />M1~ 95't4,?M t!ti'tttr
<br />