Q~~ kJ~)rG~~t~
<br />(}j month prior to its duo dace the annual mortgage insurance prem:~. m in order to provide such holds
<br />with funds to pay steed premntm vo the Secretary of Housing and Urban Developrnmt purstiant#o the
<br />Natiantd Horttdng .Act, as untended. mrd appfkabk Regulations thereunder; or
<br />((ij if a~ no tong u-~ ttota of even dare and thh ittattutnent arc held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />Urban- Detelopmettt, a rttonthly t~fargt (fn tfru nj a trrnrt~r inttrrirncepremGrse) which sftali be in an
<br />amount eelnal tmonc•twelfth (It1Y),of vate~aff (IJ2)"per cantum of the average.twtstandingbala~e
<br />due vn the note ctxnguted without taking into account deline}uencies or prepayments;
<br />(b) A mm egtid to tlx ground rents. if arty, neat due, plus the prcmiurns that will next becmtte due and payable an
<br />poi3etcs of fire and ttiltet hazard insurance covering the mvrtgafted property, plus taxes snd ants rttt3cl tote
<br />tin the mortgaged property fetJ as esrfmareJ frc the Marrguigeet toss all sums already paid therefor divided by t}te
<br />ttnmtter of tnvnths to elapse before one month peeve to zhe dare when such ground rents, prendums, taxes ~td-
<br />astrtentS-will become delispuerfs, web taints tv be held. by Mortgagee in trust- tv -pay said gtairfd rents.. pre-
<br />mir>ers, taxes and spocial aaients; sell
<br />(cl Alll payments tn¢ntiotied in the two precedmis sttttsections of the paragraph and all paynunu to tee made u»det
<br />the note secured hereby shall be added toptther.:tnd the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />each monttr.in a sirtfde payment to tr applied Dy the Mortgagee to the fallowing items in the order sot forth:
<br />-([j premium charges under the Cr71[traC[ of insurance wnh the Secretary ttf Housing seed-Urban Development,
<br />yr rnvntltly' charge (fn Cleo t>j rttor7~re tnstuar€re frremfwrr/, as the case may bo;
<br />41Ij ground rents. [axes, asussments, fore and othxr (eased insurance premiums;
<br />flllj interrit on the Hate secured hereby,: and
<br />(iV } amorttzativn of the princtpai of-said mote.
<br />4ny defuieticy in fhr antotmt of any stub aggregate monthly payment shall, urde~ made good-by-the Mort.
<br />gagor prim to the dne date of the next such par n[rut..,.u3snute an .vent of default urttier this mortgage- 17te
<br />Mortgagee may txilkct a `Rate cttarpr" not to exceed fr,ttr =-ents (air} For rnch dollar (5 i } of cacti paymrnt more
<br />thao.tifteen { 15} days m areas to cover the extra expense tnvr,2vrd in handling de2inttuen[ payments.
<br />:s. That if the areal of the payatenta made.F» the ltvrttavor under tt.t of paragraphL preceding rihatl exceed.
<br />the ataaetr of paNeenttr actually made he the ~turt@a¢t~F far t[rvund txsnt?. taxes and a.GarSSment~ or insurance pre-
<br />at. ttrr the rasp mac tee. -uch exreks. if the itzut is current, at fhr oprittn vt the Mort}ragCtr, shalt be credited by
<br />the= i»gee on -uh_«egteenf paymet+r za art made ky fhr \iortgakrtr, or refunded to the 1lortga[;ur. If, however, tkte
<br />rsaathfy payr€xRnt trtade tn• the Nortgay,Zor under <f ; of faaraftrapfi ' ixecrdinft shall ncx tae sufficient tv tray ground
<br />rest, tatteK sad au.+eubmcnt.+• or inwranck prraiuat:-. a: the ca`.r. mat hr xh[vt the ~att[e -hall krecome due and pay-
<br />aWe, ihee rfte ;iortgavpr :,halt pay ro the linrtftaaer env amount neec==_4ary ua make up she deficiency, err or before
<br />Um date w1f~ pavsemt of surd gmunef renr~, taxrK.:tM=~amentn or in-ursnce prrvnium>; ,.halt ere due [f at.-~
<br />else the 4tertfa{¢or .ftaf! tender to the thartpa.terw, m ac•entda+tre with fhr prati.~inn:- of the note >;ecurc+d hereby.
<br />fnlt t::iiaeat of the tyttire indrt4nedree:~~ ~rrpre~ented thereby- t-he lfiartga~«~r> -hail. in cvttaputing the amount of sucks
<br />ittdebraclnrxs. credit ter fhr accarnt eaf the atartgagvr .ell paytrtettts ntade ttttde-t the prc.,cixivna of l.:) of paragraph :'.
<br />hertaf whir4t the 1#prtgagek tta-s rtut become nhtigated w pa} tv [he' ~eretan of Hou=tng :utd t`rban fhvciopsrten[
<br />sad aaY ttafatrre trmaini[ttr in fhr fundK uec•umulated under the pro.i<ian.~- of ;`i.; of paragraph '? herrrtf. If ihrue
<br />~ttatl >x a defauk under an7 ~[ the provi~ir}n=< of the, martgagr* re-along eta #t pubiir male of fhr• prnmiw~= truvrred
<br />htrrebv, err if r'hv 'srrrttrafrre ~rtuirr~ the proprrir olki.ra,-r• afusr dt=fauif, th[~'Rartgager -ita;i upper. ai th+~ time of
<br />the catwatenctsarrtt of ytr$ prorr~rdinr:v, t.r at the time she prapertr i= rathsrwi-.• acyuirnd, this balance then rrmain-
<br />in>; in fhr fated;" areutrw3atYd tinder r' _' of paragraph ~ pn•r~edinr, r- a t nsdit at;atm-t tho ;tmvunt of principal [hen
<br />rewtafning unpaid undsr Haiti note. and -hail prcrpr•rlc .tdju ~t ant patmt~ntj is Rich -hat{ hate beret made under t,ti
<br />ref paratRt~th _'.
<br />7. "Chat the ~ttrrtCirgcar well t"-ay y[navnst rents, taxe.. ,,ssrs,ntent,.. mater rates, snJ ,+thcr zo.ranmenta{ ~u municipal
<br />chargr~, tirtr~.:v it:sp,?sitrcerts- ;t•r whic'h pet*tt~tan has terse err,^, ntarie het:tnhef<+rr.. nd to atttaul! therrc+f fhr ~1ortCaRre maY
<br />pay [he utmr: and Ghat the 4iortgaycor wd' promptiY ttcl[srr rhr ntticta2 rrcrtnts thrrefr~r t._a the >tart@.agee
<br />~. Ttx- .'vfttrtgtytcx will pay a2i Gttd~~ -»..:ch s-rr as fie ie teed ut~[tr tFrc ~#artku~re-4 tntere=t m vna-i real zii:ir seed tm#tri,rr-
<br />mrnts. seed u'ka:h may it trvird uprin this sttattgngr ur ±hc =ieht •.rturrd hereby that ,~nir to the rttent that ~vih t+ not prnhihrt-
<br />rd by ;sac and oniv to she resent that ~irck uttt nos mstkr thn d,,;tn usurrt+u" but rx,ivdmy: any tncume tan. titatr o: Frilrra2.
<br />imptts¢d on Mvstgakrrc.::nd xrit fiie.thr ut#ic.t receipt skowtnk tuth pay mrnt u tth fhr >tttrt¢attee f `prm vto{atron r,f this-utuier-
<br />takirffi, ix t# ttx ?ti#ottpagtx ix Prohit,ited by nnx }aw ruaw ut hrre~ftrr earstrnt: ar,m psi inr[ the w hair or arrv p,xtwn of feet afare-
<br />,aui Laces. or vptut t!rc rrridenng ref any soave decree prohihtrm@t the Payment r+s [ne s:trutg.igar of ant such taxr,. w ti such law
<br />ctr decree Wrr,vwfei that :tn> amount -o paid by fhr !stvrtx`.trg[er shalt tae : rrdited ,-•n rice mwtg:agr deia[. rnr ~f,xttsager shall hate
<br />the r+aht to give tunny dal+~ wrt[trn notice to the t,wtter .:ti fhr Rturtgaged premtsr+. rrquinng the paYrnem of fhr ;nonguitr
<br />JCitt.. if such rttNiet ter aivcn. the stud deter shalt taecvme Joe. p;tgah2r and r:nikcnkiic at the rtptratwn of vid nrrretr day.
<br />t',. Tltaa shtwW he fail to ttxg ens +um err itrrp any c=srenant plot+ded fur to this Msaniragz. tkrn the !Nongrgec, at its op-
<br />trtre, avty MY err prr#orm rtes same. seed-aft cxperxfittrtrs sa matte shad hr added era fhr principal win awing tin fhr nbvvr ante.
<br />gulf tae secured hurbv":end sh21i bear interest fd the rsttr.rt fortk in the -std note. ttnui p:rtd.
<br />'. ITtut Ire krtrtaY a+t.. trap-sftr. xttd arts over ar3 rtu 'F4atig.:rt~r. _~ tx uppltcd roused [hr pasmrnt of fhr nxe and a!!
<br />sttrt€s (retard hrrrbr in sir «# a dc#auit in [kr prrfearmattrr of ear of the terms and tionilitivns of [his 1lortgnfte ur the Said
<br />rxur. ail fhr rents, revenues and uuamr to he derived frt,m fhr maartgattrd prrmtsc, during such Dine a> the tnnrtRage indebted-
<br />r~a staff trmms unpaid: ;end tltr iftartgagre-shaft have pewee to apixunt any agent tx agents it mac Jestre for the purpose of
<br />repauias said prrau4as sad p# rtatitsg the same ;:red caiiectaug fhr renT+, rrtrnstrs and tmomr. and it maY Pay out of saai in-
<br />caMnrs ~ rxp+~*~s sf repairing laid premises seed trcceasary ct*mmissiuns and expret'!rs tnrunni in rrmirtg and managing the
<br />same fad of rofiacatig rentals there#rvnt< ttx baiatrt,^a rrmarntttc, if any. tv lac apptita6 t.awacd [he daichar>€r eaf said mortg~te
<br />indettradntsc.
<br />`Chat-fir-w~-kCrp the imataaameet3 tutor-exisuntt cu-. hrrrafur rrecrcd an fhr mong+sgrd prapctty.-ixisurrd as.may br
<br />rrsptfred frva€ titer to tires tsy the ?Avriftaaee against tail ttY fire and n[her hazards. iasumities and tantingenctes [n suck
<br />aetatea sad#~ crta'tf perseds ax stray t+r rrAititsd try fhr Atortgagrr and wwtll say Pramptiy.. when due. env prrmi:utu on such
<br />ietatetaeee ~arvisien,for PaYetear ~ whie$ ban rust been rrtade tarrirtbeftsre. Olt insurance ,huff tae .arrieil in campunies ap•
<br />proved by eke Mtarree acrd #ho ptdic~s and rrnrvsais tipsrrttf shalt F+r hrfd by the Rtortgagre <tnd have attached thereto kai+
<br />pal+a~fC €i~titea in #uvt:~ of -ia #orni ~erprah€r tv the Alvrtga$rr. !n event of Ness ~Strxt gagsx u-iii gtvr imntcdiatr Heeler by
<br />rtttgl fr t~~. , ,vha rtiaY ttutke prvrtt of -i{tsc if Hat made Prti_tnptty by 3#ttrtor. and each insurarur cs+tnpany tun-
<br />egatat~ isttarel3#r anthtrnizrd stall dittcterf to nuke passnrnt fur stxtt k+ss dinxtly to the Mortgagor enstaad:of ro the ~toriltagrir
<br />self itymf~ripfgNy_astd Hie f}Ili}tallrr pr(~;Qi'd$. tTl a@y ~M~rF thrrGr4f, ma}` hP.' lipptttX{ b4 tflr ~'tEbrt([XnCr $t ktti ,ffliiWt Ctttirf
<br />ttse rt~e€f,liha ltd' ~ rte tit ttie testdriuitan it sepatt cif ttx property damatred. to event of forrckt•
<br />+gut.Nita:mxa'rs€Revue.rrftitleurihemurt+ett'luuperiy in cactttytuishmrnr of tho irtilrhtodnesa srcurrdhrrefac.
<br />af#-r:~nt, t ~erftntesoat ref the?+gtrrttptgvr in rtnti ni stiy itra»srancr pttticirs then to ftyzcc -tsaii Fars so thtpurr: ttasor-tar gran€rr-
<br />1'4ast a!n ~ anti saii#atetul ierurir} frn the rtaymtsnt of fhr trxno dmscrit,fvt, and sit sums to taecvmr rise ttrtrirr thx
<br />~- 4tra ~~' freer-bk atttia'Ct4 tn.fter A#ckrryggiac aft-tao#its, revrnt~s. rr~.yail~*" rights and hrttetits a~cttrittg to fear
<br />fttaijtl~tM' tnet!}a3- aai' sued utf ~uif aat~€ le8±tha-a?p xaid trrrrrtixrs. +t,srfi flee rim [n rrcrevr aml rrc~ttx-fvr~rtao saute ttrtd appio
<br />that. ma #~ sat r~lt fta4ore trY a#trt drfauiEin fewer t-rraditsnntr s,f feels mor~>gr, and rift !;tortter maY drrttand, siu
<br />fur tia# rrri+ves~ aRv-sash teayterHF7F-+rtttta~due sad patratttr.. taut r,bsrli nett krt s-Ferrsrred a~ E,+ +itit. elver aasiptnrnrnt i, tc, trrmmrrwtr
<br />sttq tttrr~eae ~t9 sand vraid rip+asr-.tsw t## tfika~ rtuat: _
<br />trrstt•astaara to-tai
<br />