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I <br />81-+1c~~~~~- <br />!. Cawseaaada. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or cotteequential, in connection with any <br />condernwtiar or ether taking of the Property, or pan ttxreef, or for conveyance in lieu of cortdemtution, are hereby assigned <br />acrd shall be paid to tender. <br />to the evrnt of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be appfied to rtes sums secured by this Deed of Trust, <br />witfi ttte escsxs, if any. paid to Btxrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Propere;~, unless Borrower and T_erxter <br />vase agee is writmg, there rtes}} 6e applied to the sums secured by this Ihed of Tttrst such proporeian of the prosetds <br />as is eqw! t#o that proptartwn whfch the amount cat the sterns secured 6y this Dxd of Trust itnmediately prior to the date of <br />takitag to t'~ Ease marks val>~ of the Prop<ity imnus}iateiy prior to the date of taking, with thta ba}aria of the procssds <br />to Borrower. <br />!f the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or it, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oQas to make <br />an awae+d or salts a chum for damages, Barrrawcr fain to respond to ttvtder within 30 days afar the date such lentils is <br />mailed. Lender it authorized to collect atxi apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restttratioa or repair r>F the <br />lsrapeny or to tlx sums secured by this feed of Tryst. <br />Unless t_endet arvJ Borrower otherxviss agree in writing, arty such application of proceeds to principal ahs}l not extend <br />ar postpo~ rite due date of the month}y installments re[erred w to paragraphs { and Z hereof or change the amount of <br />such iasfs}Ittteatts. <br />11. Barrawer lt}w Ralewees. F.xtenswa ut' the time for payment or madifKatian of amomzation of the sums secured <br />M this Deed of Trust granted try Lender to any strccessar m interest of Barrowsr rtes}} rtttt operate to rc}ease, in am rnsnrter, <br />the tiabi}ity of the original Borttnrer and Borrowsr~ successors in interest tender ..~«aft cwt be repo}red to Commence <br />proceedings agatiist such sttcxxswr ar rsfusc to extend time tar pavmm~t or :xherwtu rtwdify amott[ration of the stems <br />secured by this Decd of Tnnt by reasnn of am' demand made by the origtnai Bomnrer and Borrower s sttcttsson in interest. <br />11. Fptiawawec iiy Lewder Net a Waives Any fartxaranct: by txrt~r m exercssrttg any right t r rcm~y hereunder, or <br />tttheswrse alfardal by app}igbk law, steal{ tw[ t?e a waiver of nt preclude the c:erc:u of any sttrlt right ar remedy. <br />The proctrtsmrvei of itiwnrtce or the payment of taxes.or cutter liens +ir charges be l~rtder shall not ere a waiver of Lender's <br />right to else}era[e the maturity of rtes tndehtedtress secw~ed t*y this [ku1 of Trust <br />ti Aeaedies Catepsetire. Al! rcmtdiex provided +n [hts Recd of Tntst arc drearier and cumulative to any other right <br />tx rrattzdy ttndtr thu Qeed of Trust ar :+ffardod M~ law ur cywty~. and rose t+c excrcrrsd cancurrently, Independently or <br />tttcecssive}y. <br />13. .4aa~eeasont astd Aralgas 9ootld; Jaiat awd 5rveral [_i:6tktr: Csptigs. The covenants :.rid agreements herein <br />wntars+ed shall b[ttd, and the rights Mreunder shalt enure t.=. she rrspestsvc ,ucccssars and assrgtn <+t !.ender and Borrower. <br />xeb}eet to the provil'Sta1H at pafagraph t? hsrsK,t AEi .-.?venants and agreements ~?f borrower shall ire print and several. <br />Tltt captions attd headings of the paragraphs , t thee bees! .~f }'rust :,re Cur , ~rnvemence only .end arc not an fat used w <br />rmerpret tx deftne the: Qttrvisions hereof. <br />tf. Mahe. Except f~ any swtke rcymrcd under apphcabtc taw to hr ~rvcn ,n anather manner, !at any noose to <br />Barrvwer provided for to this tkred of 'Trust shat! t+e green by ntati:ng such notrce i?y cenrfted mail addressed to 9orrower at <br />ilte Property Address or at audt eaten address a. Borrc>wcr !rise designate t+y notice to Lender as provided hcreia, attd <br />tb) any rwtics to Lendsr st~N f>r given by csmt5eri coati, return recsrpt rcyutsteti, to Lertdeix address stated heran or to <br />such tether address as trader roar -desigatats t»' rwuee to [torcuwer ax prnvtded herein. Any rrotitx provided for rn fh}s <br />Decd of Trust shat} }+e deemed ru have hren given to ttarxctwcr c?r f.cndrr w-hen gzven m the manner designated herein. <br />15. l;tefeewt peed el Trtri: GorerwMq taw; SererahBih. The. form Irf decd of trust comb+rtes uniform rovsnaMS for <br />natiotta! use acrd twn~uniiotm cavenants write i:meted vanauom by Eurrsdtettnn to constitute a uniform security instrument <br />severing reef pmpenp. This breed at Trmt shall he golcrnerf hs the taw r=# rtes ;t:rndicuon :n which the Pmpetty is lexated. <br />to the event shat any provision rte clattse of Chu tfsstt} +Sf I nest ur the 'vr>te vnz~rcts wtth appficabic Eaw. sac}[ conflict sha}I <br />not rtanal.iflLL.~•f *..t Trust :rr the '`tote whxh 'an he tt en cftect wuhuut the conflicting provision, <br />a ~ ~ ' _'_ _~ isioas +af tie`Lhed ~:' Trust -rid the ~ic?ic arc .}et.f trcu -r ),I. ssverahle_ <br />1 .9evrewtr shad he rueatstted a zanfumrd e op- - ±..> ti:rtc and of this f)ced of Truv at the time <br />of eRatai'i 1. ~:a(lef rKllY'~a!{Ott hereof <br />lT, Trawstx of rite leeleRy; A~arpMq. Ir,' xli ar anT F:rtt ref ttte Property or an mrcres[ thsreia is stt}d or uansferrcil <br />by 6terta~st+er sritttastt t.sadars pt [u: wrtttsn caascnt, ex.{:id:npy ;::) t!>i czsarri~t ctf lien ;-r encumtirancc suburdina[e !n <br />this tkett tit Truer, th} the creaiton of a pwchax tnottey recur+sy :nteres; for hrnnehold appltartces. ir:) a tranxfrr t?y devise, <br />dosses! ar try ctpsratton:if {aw upon rtes death t*f a ti+,n[ tenant =rr +d # t}te gram s:f ant teassht?id interest of three tsars nr less <br />rtat cantaintng-an ops.wn to pttrchaae, I.etrde: rosy, at 1 ertdsr's uptt++n. dscfare aI! the sums secured by this Eked I?f Trust to k>e <br />emntesiate}y dtte and payable, },seder efts}! have w-steed such opttrin to acceisrarc at, prtor to the sale Izr tranxfsr, Lender <br />attd tie person to whom t!x Prupercy u to br u?}d or trarnierred reach :, gresrncnt sn wrinng that the credit of such {rersnn <br />tx satiatauory to 1_errrkr seed that rtes itttsrClt Erasable I?n the sun:> s+:cuzed nv the Cyeett of feast xha!! he at such rate as <br />},tittltr x}taii rszttiest if Cornier has waevod the <rption ter arcekraec ptnvrded rn thee paragraph i 7, and if Frarrewer`s successor <br />'n Iafarest teas saxwstf a wratrea aewtmpticm agresntrnt acrel.+tcxf rn writing by Lendsr. Lsntfer shalt release Borrower from <br />all obfigatiotss un~r this Deed of Trust and the ':ors. <br />if Isrrdtr eaeercises such option to ac`teterate, f.endet .teat{ ma+J Httrnrwer twt[ce of a zelerasion in accurdancs with <br />parttgraph f; hercaf. ;.loch rWiirar she}} provnie s perraf „€ .>ut loss ;hen 1t) days from the date the notice is mailed within <br />whielt Barrarrd may y rtes stutn des{ecru :fur. }f &urc?wer fads ro psi .uch soma prior to rtes expiration of such perit?d. <br />}„ender may, wti}KNit further- nt~ics or domaa,d ti,t? itarrawer.:~vcic am rsmcdtcs permrtted t+y paragraph I g hereof. <br />Mott-t~t*tttxsera t°tivF,.tratvTa- Bcttrawcr and t rtidsr further ixivrnant aruf agree ss tniktws. <br />ttL A~ R€mr. Earept as pt'eridEd m pRagf~i !7 irrraf- spew 1lereewera tXEari til qy ceregal or <br />agrsemetN d Marretrerra flit t>aed of Ttast, iesJtisirR the eeveaawb to pay wiea tMe say stt>m sneerer by r6is Deed <br />of Trtett, t.,tatesr prior to aecekraliaa std aced cerise to tloreriwer w provided to pararr>splt 14 hereof specUy~$: f!} the <br />irnehi C21 ria artirw ~ to rear swell 8reas6: }J1 a bloc, tact ksrr tltar t® days Erne tie date the .notice let mailed to <br />ganepwer, iJ' witlt6 sari hrHth rates ie rests; tad ii) ria fettles to care erect beach ow its before the date specified <br /># tier aaire wsty eaxsrk fs arr+drraiaa of tic satwes seeerrdl !ry this Oced of Trtsg ad were of the Prepeny. 7Le notice <br />list! firsMSrr }afastw tierre*Atr d the ri~tt to ttvwrtar after accrterattoa awd the ritirt to bitsg a coat action fo awtrl <br />tie ~s -ot a sefaaY yr qy salter tkfcasr of ttrarrowrr to arrcieratiea sea sale. t[ t~ ttreaei is oar cared <br />ai. a btdere tie daet sptt'i$atl la tie eerier, feeder st feeder's aptioa ray deetwt ati d tie salsa secured h7' tits [Teed <br />d Tsast as be iaaaetlitrlety der and payatrk wilbwt ftsrthes dtiwans and ray iavoht the pewK ~ wie awd qy M6er rsatediea <br />pwwtiMed tiY rtpplhabte Wr: !rater sitaN 6s eati~d to €etttet tdl reaseeahlt ceps and ettpewtec iactirred iw panttiag tie <br />tsenitsiea_paerides-iw tits pttsrrgraplt iH:r tartad}trgr Gra.taei fhwihst te, ta+awttallfe IalMaey's fees. <br />R /Ere pawls et gait ie irrekaA, Trtetrc siaY record a aeriee of detattdt it east corrNy iw wild tits Property or sores <br />pstrf fiweof is lxafed tMd tduC trai ~ After tie trtpae} tiasittFaacr ss~ relaited iy apikaiite~LSar siaY <br />actor pasau psewtihai~hy <br />~~p~st prWir t[atlerr at err re Mts. perseeta sad }a tie eraser preseriied by alylieaiir tees. Trmtae. willtaa demawi a <br />Ikes+rwer, sistg tldl Bee ale .gd}aw to #ic itglrst trlartar at Cis rlwar std pFxs qd awdr. the teiwa daafgatea <br />tat qtr teatlte d sage b ewe er swore pwtsd¢ sad it sect order a TraAae ®ay deeenaiae. TratMSe spy plretpawe sell of aY <br />m awgr paver et Ha trpstttr h! trellis awuwstreaaesw a tie tiwe sad pewee d awy prer;ettety sriarlrrfed -sale. lewder er <br />leattlipPs seriDeee+wwf' pwrciaw tie 8r.perty at qy era, <br />aeW seer i4 ~ ~ ~ sf ~ 1 ~Traatae sltaA dNtrer to rtte ptasharer Truler's seed sewra=}a4 tie Property <br />priers facie cvideeee a[ tie tndi e/ tie amtewtewd neade tiwaiw. Trweees <br />tiuM rift !e'er d pre rte M tie foMenviaa erlper: Oat m dl rewsawaife e:arY sad sapgew et the ere, iaclad~, best <br />wet Y~ td, Ts+wYeis face si sot awe tltow _ . L. 0 _ ._ _. _ °'r of tie trees are price, retweaaide atsawey's fee aai reefer of <br />title itt$[Itawel ~ftl ri swws rcwwd hp Nis !foss e/ 7 rest Itad frl rice escrow B q!• a Hte perrow err pasoae /ppsgy eagtird <br />Nwewel: <br />t!1t. iasewwfa-s Right M Rdesfaee. Natrstthsiandittg tendti s secs}eraraxr of rtes sums ssttmd by this t]csd of Trust. <br />>~t slap ftav;.the ~ tit }ova any prxwoeedingx begun by Lender ttt tnist[rt the Deed of Teller dtscurtnmteit at <br />stQ#t r prior to-the eerier us e?tcur of }if the ffith day befvrc rho sale of ttts Propeny pursuant t2 the fwwsr crf safe cvnta;ncd <br />cis €o(Ttnw or fdtmxry of a lttdiattetst enfireint this Dead ai 'Frrwt if: tat Barxtwsr pays l-cosier alt sums which wsxdd <br />hteflttwt 4ttayrader rlax [faad xd Trsaa, tfia !vws scut notes aex[niag Future Adrartst<s, rf any, had no accrMratiott occurred. <br />{Rte Barretsv#r- €tt alt trt trf any tstbtr utver<tutts sir agrsstxtettts ,,tf Borruesar ~cKttair~} m thee teed of Tercet: <br />t~;}'sg.»aw.ct pgys at}-rsrax+rttiir sxprrwsc~ [r[caat'rraa} f+ R.ettdrr aril Tr[xrt~ is estforrrng the cx~vonarNS and agte~trtents of <br />}fttrraisr .,r»iaiwla3 }tt rhrs t3actt <>{ "1'nw asxf [n enfixrriett f_+§rtsier`s sad Trustsi x rcmcstits as provtded is pare;zaps }?# <br />lwtraal. inctxdrag, boi rauf }hatted t€t, ~ atrodYtry's ins: and {d! Batrmwer takes each artnvra ~ t_sndsr mss rtauina$ly <br />~ to salute tiwt tkirxiea of tp#a f of `frost, t_oresier's inurest rn ttte Prxtpsny sad }ktrrtswer's .usiigatixrtt to tray <br />