<br />81= ~Jt-~?~O~J
<br />lltvtratst Covatvarrra. Borrrwer and L.cader covenant and agree as [olkrws:
<br />1. ~ d anti Fsltrau4 Barrowet shall promptly pap when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indabtedtwtst evidenced by the Nate, prepayment and Ia1e charges as provtdad in the Note, aml the principal of sad interest
<br />on a Future Advattees secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />py~y (~ Tunas anti' Irtgr+nea Suhject to applicable law or to awritten-waiver by Lettda~r l~arrosrer shall pay
<br />to Lander rm the day monthly ittswRmean of principal attd interest a,e payable under the Nate, until the Noce is paid in full,
<br />a swa fhereia "Ptmds"1 equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Tutu. and gt+twnd-rents rm the Prt~tertY. if any, plus sine-twelfth of yearly premium installments for harard itnttrance.
<br />ptttacsae-twmlfth ~ }~ar#p pt~tt~urn iasfslltrtcrsts-for atone iitsttrance. if any, all as reaeona6ly estimated initiaNp and. frarrK
<br />timrto time by Lender an the basis of assesuttents and bfiis and r'tasKSrrabfa estimates thetmf.
<br />'Ilse Funds sttali be held in ao ittuitution tltc deposits or accounts of which are ittattrcd ar guaranteed by a Federal m
<br />care agettey {irtetudiKtg Leader if Lender is such an inatitutiort). ixyKder shall apply-the-Funds to pay-said-taxes; aueastneKtts_
<br />iKTaitrarlGe premiums sad growtd rents. Lender may nor chatgt for so hotdiag and applying the Funds, aaalyr~ng caul atxounc
<br />ar vetifyistg attd campiliag said assesstaettts and bitty, uniets Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds aad applicable taw
<br />ppnetrnteits [xnKkr to make such a charge. 1orrower attd Ixader may agree in writing at the tithe 77f execution of this
<br />Deed of ?rust that intcrat on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and tmtest such agreement is malt or applicable-law
<br />txgtrites such interest to Ile paid, Lender shall rtat he required to pay Harrower say interest or rarnin~s on the Ftrads: Lender
<br />shall give to Roriowu, without chat'ge, an.anntis{ accounting of the. Ftmds shmving credits and dr;btts to the Ftmds and Elie
<br />ptttptrtre fKx which each debit to the Funds was matte. The Funds are pledged at addt`tionai security for the tams secured
<br />by [his Deed ctf Trtat.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by t.etidcr, together with the future monthly imtatln~tts of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dares of !axes, assessments, +nwntnce premiums and ground rents, shalt exceed the amount required w pay satd taxes;
<br />astessments, imuraatx premiums and ground rents as they fall due, str.h excess shalt Fx, at Rarrttwer's option, eiflt=r
<br />pt'orttpity repaid to Rortower or cruditrd to Forrower on monthly installments nt Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall trot fte sutTtcimt to pay taxes, assessments. insurance ptemtums aced ground rents as thtw fal! dt~.
<br />Borroaar shall pay to Ixrtdu say aawtant tsa:essazy tr. make up the ticftcimcw within 1f) days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lander us Borrower cs+4uextiag paYmsut tlktta+f.
<br />Upon paytntnt in full of all strain secured by this fXcxt of Tent, tender chaff promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by ixndtr. If tmdar paragraph i N herrot the Prop?cry is .std ar the Prnpens +s ottrcre•,se acquired by [.ender, Lender
<br />shag apply, no iatef than imtmdirttdy prior to the sale of the Property ar its acquts+uon by Finder, any Funds held by
<br />tender at tht uncle of apptiration as a credit against the sums secured by thrs Decd of Trus[.
<br />3. rlppGeatltsts at !"aywtents. L'nfess applicable law provides cxherwrsc, all payments rcre+ved hy tender under the
<br />Nate and paragraphs !and 2 txreaf shah he applied by t.rnaer fast m payment of amounts payable to Lenzier by Barrnwet
<br />ttrtdrr paragraph __ heruif, then to imeres! pa}able vn :he Nate. th4n to ttte princ+pal ai the '~lotc, and then to imerrst and
<br />prittcipa7 on arty Futuna Advantxs.
<br />d. ChtttrtEes: lies. Borrower shaft pay aft taxes. essetsarenes and ether chances. fines and impnsnians attributahk to
<br />the Iknpufy which tray attain a priority aver thrc [?eed of Tout, and teasehald payments or ground ttnis, if any, in the
<br />toaaner ptovrded under paragraph 2 lteroof or. If Writ pard i1r sttc h manrrer, by Borrower making payment, when due, directly
<br />m the payer therertf, Borrower shalt promptly f urmsh to fender alt sauces of amounts due under this paragraph, and in fhe
<br />cvea2 Betrower she!! make payment directly. Borrnwrr shalt pntmptiy tucntslt to fender recetpu rvidcnctng such payrnems.
<br />tlarrcrwer shah promptly discharge say ties whtCh has priority ovor this 1?erd ,+f Tract: prnv+ded, that A«r-ewer shalt hat he
<br />requutd to discharge any sw:h lien so tang as Borrower shalt agree in writing to the payment of rho atxtigauon secured by
<br />such tiro m a manner accrptahle tc lxadct, er shaft tit Band fatih .arnrst sttth lien hy, ar defend 4nforcemeni of snch Ifen to
<br />Faga1 pprctr;oedings wtricit tsperatr to prevent tits cntarument of the '+en ar farfeiittrr z+E the Prouerty or arty part thereof.
<br />S. Wass tsriraatee, florrower +baf8 kelp the rmprnvrm4nts E+aw z~aist+ng z.r hereal to rrertrd an the Property insured
<br />agatnst fins try fitr. harrtfdt itxtudtd w•ithtr, She term "exttndcd zaverage-~..:rid .ue:h nrtrcr hazards as [.ender may require
<br />sad in such aauttutu atKl far such parrtads as I-.en:ter may rcr{utrc; prayldrJ. that I_entkr +hafl not require that tttr amount ,;:
<br />such zoverage exceed that amawnr of coverage r4ytrrr4d rt pa-. Lire +ums ve.rred he !h+s Thed of T cast.
<br />late itssuranrc carrftr providing tftt insurance shs1S he cnexrn by i3arr.,w~er suhtrrt to apps,-:,1 by fendrr: prnvtdeei.
<br />that sudt approval shall Itnr frr unreasonanf5 wlthhefd.. :ill pmmiums an ~nsursn.°4 palates sltai( tx paid in tht matttxr
<br />prordtDd ttnda paragraph 2 hertof ot, it net patd iu such manner. by t3r~r'evrer rnak+ng paynxnt, when dun, directly to tits
<br />intttYallCL ta!'frler_
<br />AH snsuraacr txttictex artd renewals iheteaf shah nr +n term a.cetnablc :c, t-cnclrr and shall ,ncfudr a standard mvttgagr
<br />CfaUfe In faYaf of and m form :fCLYplahfe is fettdof- I.CfIdM hilaft }1x44 [fee rtte.ht E? hat,[ !hC p0!EC.1eS and rrntw.d5 EhrFCOI.
<br />sad Borrower she}) promptly tarnish to I.c~rr sit rrnevat n.xhes anti .:tt tees+pts r:1 patd premiums. to the event t+f lazy.
<br />Baerow~er shalt gnus ptrompt rtoircc tzs the ,nsuranc:e garner and t.crtckr. i_ender ma} make pnxrf at less it nut made promptly
<br />by BKrtratrer,
<br />Unless fendrr artd Rorrcrwer otherwise Agree In :vritvng, insurance prrceetlx ~fta{! t+e applrer; 'n restoratian ar rcpatr of
<br />t~ Prt',pet':y-tiama,Qrd. pratzs#t! :~xts r4st:,catzE>*= :sr sep;,rr <, ea,tv?nu~~aiiy ?e.tnrble end the seiuriry of this f34ed o€ -[rtst is
<br />cwt tltereb}' +mpaued. tt such rettarattun or rrpa.r rv rxx rci+nasmtcatiy ",eassifle or ii the security of lhrs [deed et ~t rust w~auld
<br />br iatpaiteKl, the rc~twrartcr proceeds shait',e appired to lice x,nts secured by this t)ud cif Trust, wuh the 4xcess, if any, paid
<br />to Rortrtwtr. !f ttse Property rs abattdarxzt f>y Barrawrr_ .rr .t f2ortu:«et faits to €espatuS to l.cnd4r within 30 days from tRr
<br />daft ttoticr is mttilaci by Ixrrder to Rosrosvxer that !hr .ttsurance car:+er nffcrs to Bettie r ctatm #or ansurarltS trettefits. i_ender
<br />Is ttttthortzrd to cutt~t sad apply the tatsutnxr przrcctds at Letst~r s vptwn attrer to rtstoratian yr repair of rice Pmpeny
<br />or to the wins sectttvdd by this Deal of TrusK.
<br />Unbss l.erttier wtd Rorrosref enhetwrsr AgrCC sn writing, shy stn;h apptu:ation a[ pracecds Ut principal shall not extend
<br />or puatptutt the due date of the rrxsnthiy ittstaittmnts referred to +n paragraphs 3 and ? ltrrevf err change the amount of
<br />such iatatadlmetns. If under paragraph fit hereztt the Ptapcrtt n Acquired ht f.endtc.:;1t right, tldtatld interest of Iorrower
<br />in. and to any insssratrce policrp and nand ua the prcxeesls ttxrcof rnuiting {ruin damage to the Property prwr to the sale
<br />nr acgtrtsi[ion zhait pass [a t.xnttrx to the extent cif the sums s.4z:urcd h. the flttxd of ~trtast mmtediatrSy prwr to sash sale or
<br />acgtnsttioa.
<br />i tasserstrtaiao ud tllfaisNsasiee d Pre'ertY; [xttaebolds: Coadotairtitutsat Planned Unit [hreloryoettts. Borrower
<br />JraH ket^_fl ttrr Pnapetsy in gvix3 .epAtt atrcl *flati caw ;:e.Nnrttet uastr +•s ;+4rnl+t ~mp~irmra+t w ,trtrti<uunnn cii !tic Property
<br />sad email stxuply with tht pruvistans at ant Irene rf th+s !Teed i~f Ten! ;> on a Fcaseboid- ft this [3eeci of Trust is on a amt in at
<br />ettrxfominium or a plaatted unit devtiapmrnt, Nnrrawrr ,Nail prdartn ail at Fltrrrvwers ahtigasinns under the declaration
<br />of covenants cleating err gavetntng the Frmfarnsntum or piamxd unit devefrapnxsrt, t}u +ry-laws and rr$ulauom et the
<br />s~ottdOntit»um ur plantred tin+t deveiopntent. ;zrtd 4arratuurnt d.+cuntcnts. tt a c<rntfaminium or p.ianrzrd amt development
<br />rider is catcutexf try Borrowtt and rsrardect sztgettscr wine ihts Deed .,t Trust, ttte cev4nanta and agreements ut stts~.h rider
<br />attatl rte ittcorpxtrstetl irua amt shalt amend and supplement the z;vrnants and atzrrrntrnu of this 17erai et Tnur as +1 the rider
<br />wart a part fatraaxtf.
<br />T. Ttsaett~MS of I.eoiar's !7ttultf• If Rorfower €a+Is to , erform ttte avvrttants anJ at5reerrtents ctuttaened m this
<br />WPd of Trsatt, tx if any action ca proetedmg is ctxninenced which matcnatty atfr^ts Ltndcri interes[ in the Property,
<br />ice, but ts1M limited t0, ertnnsast tlomatn, inaafvtttcy. code enforczment, ar arnngernertts ar prstcerdrngs ,nvafvrng a
<br />'l8adkt[tpt or dacxdenc, then txtttkr' at Leader's option, upon hates to Rucrawer, tea} make srtc ; appcara+xts. zftstxtrxr itch
<br />itimf srtd take sKa'~ ac[xrrt as is- rtectsaary to protxt txmkt'v Interest, :nctttdmb. but hat timttod ta, dt:hutsement of
<br />rt:~able attorrfsyi f~ and entry uprut the Property to make rrpa+rs ti L.enticr required martgagr Irtsuratx'r as a
<br />saoodnt rd >~ t#ee ttwu secured fay [het. [acid of 'Trust. Norrovver chaff pay the premiums rcqurred to ntamtaen sash
<br />i!~ in ttfcet ttrttil shell time as the rxayutrtment tar such .nsutartce termrmtcs rn accardanse with Rornw.et's and
<br />isniir's twirsixen or apptitstlile Iasv 13txttwrer shat! pay ihr attwunt of ail nwrtgage snsurartce prenuurns an the
<br />enawttr ptvwdaa" pa fl~ 2 heeeof.
<br />,Sri rrtsoxmt6s ~stbtsPalK# by t..rttdsr puntuartt to that paragraph 7. wrKh in2rxeat thereon. sttaN ireiome adduu>nat
<br />i~'tHe.t~~errwtier_seewed try thist?esd of Trtaxt. tSnfe~ ~rraW'Ff arnt l.crufer agree to ether tefmz of payrKSenK, such
<br />aratttntt s)mit l+a ~ayttble upon notice from t_eruiet to 0frrrttwer ttqutsung payment thetcof. attd Shaft ttrar interest f nxm the
<br />dstts of riisburttt(Mtdpt at t6a rate payablst [taco time to lilac au otnataKxtiag pritrcipai uttrler the NrtKe,un#sas paYtnent z.f inrrrest
<br />ar such taKa woKakl bs cafuasy to applica>ale law, m whrt:h event steclt amounts zhalf hear iatercat rile tlx higl~t rate
<br />ptgrsibia antler ra-ppiicahla lasv. Natlte9j ctmtai[Ked in stirs paragraph ? .haft «yulre t.crrder to incur any ezpetts err take
<br />aaty arr`istln AstrfKtndar.
<br />lib ~ LLwttet easy retake ar estate an be made reststtsa-kl#e xntti~s upon sat! ensp~cr4ioas at 4ttr Prapet'ty, pravidrrt
<br />ihlN k.arnrfstt a+#waFl gise tiottosrat tts#itee prixst Ka any t+telt itts4tsrtten spectfytng rcasattahte catae ttterdzsr related to trrutrr'+
<br />ir~ipi{ 6a dla-131
<br />