<br />9. CeodeattaNias. 'The proceeds of any award ar claim far damages, direct or c~nuQuential, in connection with anv
<br />condemnation or ocher taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in rieu of condemnation, ate hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to I.soder.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shat) he applied to the sums secured by this Decd of Ttvst,
<br />wish the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />othetxvise agm in writing, there shall tx applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the atnount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immedcately prior to tht date of
<br />taking hears to the feu market value of the Property immediaidy prior to the dart of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Propeay is abattdotsed by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor t>tfers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damag+Ps, Borrower tails to respond to bender within 30 days after the date sucfi notice is
<br />ntsile~, bender is authorized to collect and apply the prtxeeds, at I.erider's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property nr to the aortas stxured by this 13ctd of 'Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agme to wr+ung, anti such applicahan of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to to paragraphs t and Z herrnf or change the amount of
<br />such installnteois.
<br />t®_ Barruwrr Not Reks~d. Exrcrtsion of the tirtm tu; payment nr modifization of amortization of tfic sums setuttd
<br />by this Decd of Trust brsarted by I ender to any sturzssor in interest of Anrrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the nngtnat Borrower and Borrrnver'a wccessnrs .n interest. Lender shalt not be required to commence
<br />procexdings against such sttcc_ssor nr refuse to extend ume for payment ar otherwise modify amonszation of the sums
<br />secured H}' this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made hy- the original Borrower and Aarrower's successors in interest.
<br />1 t. Foritsrauce br [.esiet Not a Warver. Any Farbcaranrs by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise arTorded hY applicable law, shall not he a waiver of ar preclude the ezerctse of any such nght ar remedy.
<br />The procursinent nt insurance nr the payment of taxis or <other liens er cl.arges by Linder she!! not fie a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accrlerats stir maturity of the mdehtedness snored hr this Deed of Trust
<br />11. Remedies Ctrmalstirr. Al! remedies provnkd'm rhea Died of Tnsst are distinct :roil cumulative to any otfier right
<br />or remedy under ibis Decd of Trust or atfordsd by law or rytuty. and may I?r exercised concurrently. independenHy or
<br />srtttesaively. -
<br />i3. Jaco:csers and Asrigus Hound; 3einf and Several Liability: tttptious. The covenants and agreements hereen
<br />contained slrafl',+ind, attd ihr rghts hereurtdzr shalt inure !:, the respecuv^ successors and assigns of I.mder and Borrower.
<br />subject to the provistotu of paragraph I'r hcreot All .tr+enants .tad agreements of Aorrower shalt he joint and sevtral.
<br />The t-apiixtas and headings of the paragraphs it( this I?ced tai 1"rust are for canvemence only and art: not to !ee used to
<br />interpre! nr deSnc the provisions hero>f.
<br />IQ. Notke. Hxcept for any natter rrymred un~lcr anpheahtz !aw ro ne gtven to another manner, tal any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall he grvrn t*y marling such noticr by certified retail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Pmpsny Address t?r at such ntlur address as Barrawer may ilesttnate he notice to t.rnder as provided herein, and
<br />fTt} any niRiCe to [zrtdtt shal3 he given t,y certtticd mail. return receipt rcyussted. to Leatter's address stated herein ar to
<br />stilt other adds~s as Lertder may designate Icy rsotiee to Bnmtw'er as provided herein. Any noticr provided for in this
<br />Deed of 'Trost shalt he deemed to have been given to Born?we: ar Lender wltcn given in the manner designated herein.
<br />!6. Linlior+n Deed ~ TrttN: fiternnieg f"axr: Severab6#v. "fht+ fcrm of drrd of trust combines uniform rovenants [ur
<br />tnunnal use nail eon-vatfatm covena.as wnh Itmrtcd ~-areatiems b} ~unsdu:u<zn to constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />coveting real proptrty. ~T7tis Deed of Trtat shall hr govrrr.rd by the law of the ;urtsdieteon in which the Prnpenp is Isxated.
<br />(n the even that any provtstiau or clause of th:s t?rid of T€ust or tAe tiote conflicts wuh :tpphcable law, such ennftict shall
<br />;tut a#eR other p~a~itirtetsstt-this €krted of Trust or the ;Date wtiti•h can he ,teen effect ws€hout the cnnflictine provision..
<br />and ftf this etul t}~ provisions of the Decd c,t T;rnt .,red t'te \ntc are tl~n-.iarc,i :tr rte srvrraitle.
<br />1~. HefterrrN°s Copy. Boitotaror shah I?r tarts:shed n ,c,ntnrmed ~,spr ,~t ;ire 'ycete and of this Derd of 'T'rust ar the time
<br />of exectftitm oi' after rt~otdatton hmeol
<br />17. l'tauaixxof tie Prs~e+tYt A~4~u= li all ,~r an. part ,, ttte Yrop-rts or an interest therein is sold or transferred
<br />try Borrower without Lrndsrs poor wnriea cansenr, eufudtng ~.ar the ~:rat+on =.,f ;: l:en or rncumbranee .subordinate to
<br />this D¢ed of Trost, (bi the crc~tta?rt of a purchase n:ottr4 xti-only ,ntzrest t~a.= hnusehefd appbances. ~ U a transter by devise,
<br />Jrsrrnt or-t?y operaritxt of taw upon the death c.f „ ;e~int truant .~r ~ ,t i stir grant ,:f anv ieasehuld interest of ihrer years or less
<br />nett txrntammg an nputtrt to purchase, k.ender rztas-, et izrsdrr, nkx,,at_ dzclare art the sums secured by this f]rcd of Trust to ire
<br />rtunt,`rlutely dt~ and payable. Leader shall ftsvr watvrd such z.patm to ~ecrirrate ,f, Yricr rer thz gale or transfer, tender
<br />aril [Ile person u, whom the Property :> to ire ;a.ld yr trsnsferrrd rzach agrecttxrt :: wrtuuE ;fiat. the credit of such parson
<br />.s satisfactory to l.rttder and shat ttx interest payable ~>n the svn.s secured h•, :fits Dced ~ ` 'frost stall tr at such rats as
<br />l.srtder shall regtteac If tender has waived lilt ,tptsnn to accelerate provtdzd +n this paragraph t'., and if Borrower's successor
<br />en rnlertlt has cxscutcd a wrtaten aatsutnptton agrrentznt :t.ceptrd :n. wt:ang by Lrndrr, i.endrr sttali release Borrower from
<br />all obligations uteder shin Deaf :?f Trwt ant! the 'yore.
<br />!f Lctts~r cxstrisrs ,uch nptinrt to :ia=elera€e I en•,ttr shah ,tree? t3nrrm.er nct€tce of acctteration in a~YOrdance wish
<br />paragraph 14 herd. Sm:h entice shall provide a piteod e+f trot fits than 3is days f tern the Gate the notice rs maifu! within
<br />which Borrower tnay pay the runts €irclazed Jut. 11 Aarrowcr tabs ;.~ pas such autos prtar to the esptration of stub period.
<br />t.,ender that. wtrboui tunttn rttxire ur d. ^+and on Acrrtnsrr, :t.oke anv rernrd+es pernti[ecd by paragraph t K hereof.
<br />tint.-trtraatss f-ovrst,.ryrs. tiorn*wrr anti under :anther covenant area agree as to:laws:
<br />ii. Aries Reroedfes. Escrpe as provided iu partegtsph !7 hcrrof. open Borrovree's ttreach ai any coveeutW or
<br />agrizetwewt ~ ifioreovrer is ihk Dated of 'Ttmt, irtctndheY the ro+enaats to pay ,vhen due any amts secured by fhFt I)ted
<br />d Teat. I.,erder pour to amtetatiou shah ttotax to Hp(rpMH as pntvtded fs psrtepraph to hereof spceByiep: ff} the
<br />Minch: t2t rtre active tegeir'ed to rive surly breach: t31 a date, trW tat ihss 30 days from ffu deli the rtatke is mated to
<br />Oarrvxwo; by vriich .urh Meech sat M cured; aril t4} t1W (tdlst to rare tech ferearA ou tx before the ttarte specified
<br />is lie usitts mry• ttrssk is acreteratiew cti the sass srrurrd by t~ ~/errt :d 'fry trot tile. of the Property. The nWlee
<br />afar taNrer Iwieuts Heme»er of ttx ti;drt to rrsiesstMe titer arse#ntiou asr4 fir riRW fo briaH a court aetios to asrM
<br />fir esurtaiaeuce tr[ a rir(tetdl w say ~-tbtr defense tai Hortrotver In acceleratba aril sak, [f the Itreaeh ix not cured
<br />is ar ielare Nte tWt apirtiffrd is flee ttetice. Lrtdtr a! [ssdrr's saptNU may tkcisre aN td ttu sums secured by this Iked
<br />ui TrtaN to !x istaed3ately der asd psyab~ vtithnW farther-etrssad ~ tresy isvtrtu tM power at! sale ttwd .^y attMr rtemtdies
<br />pentMt!a! 1!y taut. [,eudtrr sit6 be crdiHed to raNrrt dl remosaifr cafe and expetrsaeeeurred is pnrsuiuR the
<br />resuestis ptreriAel M Yii prusRrapi tE, isdudh4t. bit net ibuitsd te. rtasewslk at7oruey's fees.
<br />t! lie ps.s:r r# sale i iuvaitd. TrttsEre shtrY nxord a noticr atf deisdt is each entity is tvldeh tie Property or some
<br />paeE tAereef- is taested tail at;reY mr>l spies tri sash teoaee iu the rmseuer prescribed try teppiiealie Ise. to Herrower asd fo the
<br />rHfse protest psaarsNad iY appi6rabie taw. After fir iyst+ of suet rise s may M rquired DY appdirabit law. Titter shall
<br />F~puMMc tttsHre of s Myr p sad Iw the rwswwer perscrihrd by txppiiraMr hw. Trtnlra svitiatot dtusad ou
<br />sisll seY fir tit aacttow kr tkt hiKbrsr bidder of tM tier acrd purr aed nailer the terms tfesigsded
<br />ks tie ustiee of sade i. atie w eu~rr ~n~rh swd iw vteh order ae Trussre rosy daer.sire. Trmsec may poatpsie sak of aH
<br />~!'' p-~-~ Y b! patit#C s+utnuacemeM at floe rise ad pfacr at say peviatult srbeiukd silt. l.euder ur
<br />t,,eupr`t dn46uee etst pureisese tie Prrepertp m soy sale.
<br />-rree+stpt4f parysusrMtd floe price Wd. Tra4r s1eeY rldivrr to tllee pu*rhseer Trrstee's deed rwrveyfwg the Property
<br />ruRl.~reeitaieht tie Trsii+e's rtsai slay be pries fsrie evidace of tie trttalr ~ the stsgartreat euade tMrrite. Trtstee
<br />slwt tlett ptraced. s[ tic Cdr iu the feiNawiuE order: flit he aY reaestrei~ trees and rapeaes of fir aa1e. IududitR. fur
<br />rtettdtislidt Ea, Trtu;aee=n fees d scat sere lint _ . `"= art the glut sde prier. rrtbuwsik Mtaruey's fees atsd cosh of
<br />Nile witieResi {IB to aH striae seeseerl by rile Deer(eFTrrestt aril Irj tie ttcess, R aey, to t~ perau yr prrsaus ~Y eutYfed
<br />tYleellbi,
<br />t1. ~e Rtlii M RalrYthtts. ^rotsvrttatandmg l.rn+itr's acrdrrabttn of the surrtx aec:uerd by this [?eed of Tn:xt.
<br />tgtrr,rneer shrill haze the ri;bt k'r have anv pretceedintts heftun by t..ender to rnfctn:e thix Decd of Treaat dtacunanucd a€
<br />anY~ titrre }rrtpr fat the sardtrr to aacutr tat ti) ihr fifth day l,efore ±hr sate tsf the Property pu€suant to the ler?tver nt sak cantatttrd
<br />in Rllair(,?ettiiasi Trtttd rn {isi entry of a jttditttxnt cnfxtrrmg this tkai trf Tnest if< €al Baxrowa•r payx Lender a}I xums whtrh would
<br />!nt tttl&f diie_attxMer trot fated rt# Trtre€t. the Nrtte aril tsotex seCttrattR t`tnnm Advances, if any. had na atxefetanim nsxurrcd~
<br />(f+l.-idper.aw4f cures atf hreardacs ai any .xher ctwrnaats .tr agreertwrrts of Torrower stmtained va this I>erd ,st Truer:
<br />la) f#tai•rtwse patx alt rtitest»taMe c.penssrs trtmurrsd l,y (trader and Tnrstre m rnfcrcrttg the cuvraants arnf acrecmrntx c?f
<br />Hutrrr~vr etxtzaesect en tins Ikrd at Trxx~ and to rtrfurcrng lcnder't aril Trustee's rsttsedirs as pnrridrd to paragrapis I x
<br />tszta+te[c-#tiritsxf,as, latttnar€ iierlkkd t;a_ ratas4tr€atfte attrt[nep's ices: artd fill Btareswer Sakes xuch gcttan as Lrttder nxay rran'rnahly
<br />rvt~sttr rte atsurxt That trot lien itr tteit land of 7"nil, t"rrt€tcr`s tntrrest to rhr Prrrpsrty anti ttnrrawrr`s ,4t+irgattttn to pay
<br />