<br />IJntt+oas+ C.atrFla,stris. BonisWer and Lender covenant and agree as f when 'due the principal of amt interest an the
<br />i hyttrM of ~ and IMeseat. Borrower shall promptly P'Y
<br />,edaess evitknctd by tfit Note, prepayment and tare charges as provided in the Note, and the pritcipal of and interest
<br />on an Future Advanets secured by this Deed of Trust. ahail pay
<br />ilk ~ Tt~M.ilad ~ Stlhject t0 applffahle taW Or IO 8 wflttCli Wa1Ve[ by Lertdd'. Bor[awar f
<br />to Leteder on the day monthly !moo mte twetf[h~of ithsl early taxes and rassessrtre~nts twhicht maytattainNpriorityaover this
<br />a sum fhtrein "Funds"? eQua Ins one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />Drxd of Trust. and ground rents on the Property if any, p
<br />pt~ ant-iwtffth of Yearly premium installments fur mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and rrnti
<br />tittle to time h'!r f-adder an the basis of asxsstntn~ attd Mils and rcasonahle estimates thereof.
<br />The FutMs shall be held in an im;titutian the deposits or accounts of which are~insFtiredsoragtaarsaid taxhtya, asussmtnta.
<br />start agency tineluding Lender if tender is such nn institution). t.tnder shalt apply P Y
<br />insurance pre~md om n'tgrsaid rysscsamentsand trills~unlessrgtender3paysdiBorrowerPnltetresttonFthe Funds a dnappltcabfeafaw
<br />or verifying Pt B Borrower and tender may agree in wnfmg at the time of execution of this
<br />ptmnts Lender to makt such a charge.
<br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Fonds shall tx paid so Borrower. and unless such agreement is made or applira aw
<br />rcyuires such interest to be paid, Letidsrasih'Innual ac Quoit ng afpthc Funds ihow ng ~rtdits and debi~tsto the Fund anfJd t~hc
<br />;hail give to Borrower, without charge.
<br />purpose far which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the strtas
<br />by tMs Deed of Trod.
<br />If the amount of the Fundst~elRS b~sancetnp rmiums and grountJ rentsresha`1 echlcetd the amountarequfred taapay sa d taxes,
<br />the doe dates of taxes. ass=ssmtn '
<br />°ssessm~ rttrc i a o BoROwtr ~r credited iSOdBarrnwtt mr monilh v~nstallrntnt ~caf sFu»ds. lfttht amount ofttlte Funds
<br />prompt Y P~
<br />fitld trv Linder shato Itttder an~iatnnunt necessary to make up ahendenc ncy withi~?0 day'cromm the date notrtt amailed
<br />Borrower shall pay Y a •ment thereof.
<br />try I.entier to BarrnWe[ regtsptrng p y
<br />E1pan payteteret in full of elf sums ;ecured by this Deed of Trust, tender shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Fttn s
<br />held try Lender. Cf under paragraph f 8 hr atria ttfie'sale rot theapropsrty or i~ acqu iuonwhy Lender.dany IFnnds held by
<br />shall apply. do later than immediately p _
<br />Lender at the nets of application as tcreds ,gatlncablic taw prnvuur~ hiherwrse~sA pacyments reeaved by tinder under the
<br />3. ,4pplicafba of Payeterrts. PP
<br />Nott and aaragraph~~fdthenttocinterestir~avpablreen ihri~~te.fihennt~ralre Pn^cf paltotinttk Note! a dtthen tahnterestoand
<br />uexkr pat grap
<br />pnticfpat on any Futarc .4dvan-es.
<br />d. C-hsigese liens, Bormwrr iha){ poi af} ?sac,. assrssmrnis and +,tfrer chants. noes and ~mptxaiexrs an:ibuta a 1n
<br />the Praptny which may attain a pnoniY +*ver ?his Deed +~f Trust. and )raseha)d paymenU ar grouted reMS• if anY• !n the
<br />mapper provi~d uunder Paragraph 2 herraf ar, if oat paid in saich manncs, by Borrower making payment. when due. directly.
<br />caa'em Harrower shall make paymemlcitrec¢ptt Borrawertcha)!n~ tmp:)y Eurmsh tmt cnderdrecerp~urrv drnc~ngrY+prch PaYrrrt~
<br />regwrstirtahdiss:harge alrtr ss haligen so tang aruBcrrrewerr ahaltrttret~~rtiwr~iting~teTthc pdyimed~~r[ the ,ztrl ¢ation~ucured by
<br />uich tiro m a manner acceptaste io t rcvr~tnt err cnltcareemr ifatfti:henl,en .?ra Fo}rfermre of+then)'ropertyrrn+riranyfparththercuf.
<br />legal raceedmgs which aFxr P
<br />iii lassratvee. Barrowtr sha)i >rtp the rmpravcmrnts now eatumg nr hereafter erected on the Pmpeny insured
<br />against lass by fires hazards itrcfuded w+thin the term 'eatcnded :awer~JCd. hat f enetcrt shaft nrnrregmrc that the amount n~
<br />and +n such amounts and for such peruxls as t.cndrr may :equrrc: , ,>a'+
<br />such coverage rxeeed chat amo+~-tt c,f -,outrage rcyt:ired in pa, the sum. secused hy. ih,s f)red of Tnist-
<br />T'Trt insuresvat shalrt~notrtx.ui teasonatrfyr x~itfthcldfl Pe13`premtuhms ton r!rtsurancet }xaiitcies~ hail ~bchPaid iFnc ttterm +artrxr
<br />that sorb appro n hrrcot ar. if oat paid ,n such manner. by fk~rrower :Waking paYrntn[, avhen due. dimity to the
<br />provtdtd undo ptire~taph
<br />iosuratrce earrita.
<br />Ala ?nauraafe pofeeies and anewals thereat attatf t,t ,.n ti+rnt a..cptab)r ?++ 1 ender and chaff include a ;tondo. mungage
<br />clause in favor of and in fartnurn>4httu 1 endrir~+l~l rrnrwnaitra=.xnr, and aflrrrce pis~•t pai~dhprrmriums.y)a ttte evelnt of toss.
<br />attd Borrtrwtr shalt promptly
<br />Botrttwer sfwtl glue prompt Wolter ie the <nsurance caerrct ;+n.t F.ender ). ender nrav make prcaof of ins i! nut made prompt Y
<br />by Boriower ?o rrswraiton or re air of
<br />l3nkss t Birder acrd Borrower ~+therw+se agree m Nrrt+ng. ~naurance }>ra:eeds shaft be applied P
<br />#ht Property damaged. prarrded stub res;or.it t.,r+ or trpau :~: cauncrmes:rfij traaiblr .,nd the sesunty +~t trus DreJ of Tnist ra
<br />tilt thereby impaired. It suc:'h rcstorar+atr v rrpair :s rot ernnornt<alty teas+=ale err rt the srcurny of thin flexed of 'lTnst would
<br />nt mipasrtd. ;ht ties+zraaeie ptt ~sr)~ ryy ~r~ rvrr~+ssidmi3arr+uw<e~ tarf+trtt rh}ruad rcrrLender u~hhm s30sdaYs from thr
<br />tv Borrewcr. If the Property
<br />dart tutttee is tootled by f.rrrdcr to (;arrawer '.hat ttrs insurance carrvrt offers to seals a claim for insurance hrnefits. tinder
<br />es authotr~d !a cofttet and apply the insurance prixeeds at t rndri a ~,ptsan ctthe[ to rtstocauan or reparc of the Property
<br />ar to the sums secured 6y this Dud of Trusi-
<br />L.nkss Ltrtder sttd Rorrowtr otherwise agra in wrnmg, env ;inh appltfatron i~t proceeds to prirsc+pat shall nut extend
<br />or tprsrie 6he due daft of the trsanthtx ~~~ ~t~ rttr{recta+ quiirsdatgieat rtdu? adll r+ghtr~iitle and augeerestritH Barmwer
<br />st~!'t iristallrittats. If ttndtr patagra~h °lx
<br />in acid to any inwrarset palic+ts a :n and to tits prcrc.eeds ehtreo{ rnulung from damage ur ttx Property Prior to the salt
<br />ar afqutsttitns shall pass to Lttsder to tt~ rstent ,+f :hr sums secured by th:s Decd of 1~rust imrtscdiately psrar to such sale ar
<br />aegtiisttiast. Pl~tried unit thveleperents. f3orrawer
<br />i. Praetvslian ~ ~> n! property: 4tasthalds: t:uadamiaio~.
<br />aha)i kelp the Psopett: ~n gars? tcpa+r :,nd shah ri;+t .,=nisi:t A s+c +.r }+trm,; ~mpa;rntem .;t :lcierr:+ratinn '.t the Property
<br />and shalE comply with the pnrvuians of am 9rase if ihrs 1Seed i+f 1 rust +s an a )easeha)d. If this llced erl Trust is vn s unu rn a
<br />cattdoimntum ar a plarnrttt unit efcvrlapnttnt, Surrewer sha,i pe$orm ;+if :ri Borrowers ,!bligatrans under the decfarauon
<br />ix candcutitnftw nr~plaaned tart rdeveWpmeeu r~..nd•itvnsii iturn il mrnts. alt cnaccpr+n~rdom~ imm~ sot p)anncdrt~~tade eWpmrin
<br />ritft[ is utcusnt bT~d' Borr`iwtr3 shall amernd andgupp}eu+rnt the t~enanti .trrref t.~);reemcnts of th snDetd r~it'lewt ,u a( the rrdrr
<br />shaft 6t titrorpon
<br />Wert a try ~- It' Borrower farts ur perform the -ovenants and agtrements contamrd in this
<br />?. d Lcaiitsls gttinrty. _
<br />fyding, lrm ttrat limited tot emiiaent dr~onata~iinsotv=ncy~:'trdt a farcramtnt.lor ~ angementaresripro.:eedmgs en olvPtngY;
<br />h~krupt ar dsttdtrtt. tlxa under ai i,ersder's a>pticn, uperr Warier tst Barrc+wer. may makr such apptarantrs. diatanrse ouch
<br />stutu and reset suctc at'tten as r` txftssaty to prottct L,ersder's interest. snctudiog. bur not limned ta, drstaursrtacnt r+t
<br />rtaawtaFda att~rasy's ft~a and Betty agar 21st Property to make repairs. ff teadet rrquired mortgage insurance .+s a
<br />tt-~ irsak}the itran senurtd fry this Lksd c`!f f'nnt, fiornawer shal3 pay the premiums rtquirrd to mainta+n ouch
<br />itgµtatua tt! r.Hefi utstit sttclt ~rraic~ret~ tai~ul~ri~ra+ni+trisiraff par~ithe amount isiaxti~rnarigagc~nsura ciehprtmmn>wrm~tihe
<br />kt`s tartMtn agrea~tt ~
<br />rnagnar ptirviddd nndasthdpata z<ph ? h~f' 7, wath rntertst ttttreon. 5ita11 bteomr 2dditi+inal
<br />Am antatints d` b+ f ender put?wam m this paragraph
<br />tadabtedsteas er! iRt[[tr+a`or sacuttnda~ttucetfn±m t.arttftr ! Born Wet r~tquptin6 PaYr~!t~leercot. acrd sh~ffcbtar etntetesit f rro,nuhe
<br />aris#rirnas shat t+e ps'~alyde upon
<br />>fa~t di sBstettet at the tart gaY>~ from tittle to tiirkr ore rnitstandtng_pnnctpat ctndcr the N=it unless itarmctet ,=t interest
<br />at a%Fr tart wools! he crarY to applittibk law. m vehicle (vsni tub Naamt'rur+tuire 1#endcr innim.ur~ artrtrxPtr:se~r take
<br />ntrfra trader appM.'attlO fens- `Ftsthitrp, eotitatrud m this pa agraph ' s q
<br />X alfirAtl ~. leans of the prapcrt.~, ptavidrrl
<br />fk l.tn+faz crust ntaka cu court to bt mask mssc:teatik sntrres upset atuf terspeft
<br />itmu 1.cr>t~s idsafl Brut ~ niftiKB p3rat to ateY such tnspaeisr>rx speetfyiaa rtasansfetr catrst thrrcfor trlattd to 1, rnder's
<br />,xtta=eau to cha I?'rnaarta.
<br />