<br />9. Casiertsraes. The proceeds of any award yr claim for damages, dirrxt yr cotfatyttential, in conrtectfon with any
<br />crndannatioa or other taking of the Property, or pan thereof, or for :onveyartoe in lieu of condemnatitfn, are hert~y asierted
<br />and atsai{ 6e paid to L.noder.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums stcured by this Deeti of Tnfa.
<br />with the asctas, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Ltifdr
<br />otherwise settee in writing, ¢here shall he apptitd to the cams secured by this Deed of Ttnt such proportion of the protaxds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which tht amount of the sutra secured by this Deed of Trent immediately prior to Lht daft of
<br />takiwe bean to the fair market vatrse of the Property immrdiattty prior to the date of taking, with the balance of tht ptaceeds
<br />}mid let Borrower,
<br />If the-Property is abaraloned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemmor oNers to make
<br />an sward or seetk a eisim for dassages, Pmrower tails to ttapond to Lender within 3Q days afar the date Stich notict is
<br />mailtd, Lender if authorized to cotfect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums securtxl by this Deed of TrnL
<br />Unleu Lerder and Borrower oihmvise agree in catering, any sued application of proceeds to prirtr<epal shat! trot extend
<br />or ptfstpont the due date of the morathiy installmenn referred ro in paragraphs i and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such isfWtllmerru..
<br />I!. Barterfer 1Vet Retired. F,cteraion of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this eked of Tnnt granted by Lendu tv any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and &srrowtr's successors in interest. I.ertdtr shall trot ht requirtd to comtneace
<br />proceedings against such srtxctsor or rtfuse to extend time for payment or otherwiu modify amortization of tht sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trost by reason of any demand made by tttt original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />tt. ForYtsvasce br !.ceder tVot a Waiver. Any ferbeararsce by LxnJtr in exercising any right yr rcmetfy hercurder, yr
<br />athersaise a$orded by appligbtt law, shat) not he a waiver of ar preclude tht exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />-be procteretrteai of insurance or the paymrnt of texts or other terns or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of [.cradle's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the +trdehtedness secured fiy this Dced of Trust.
<br />l2. Ratsfedias C.ttrtahtfve. All rcmedits pn.v+ded in ehts Eked of Tout art distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />ar rtuaedv under this [)fed of Tent or aSordtd h} taw or eywty, and may he exercisai cvncurrcntly, independently or
<br />s~~~S~ccesswrs sad AaaiRsn liotwrd: Jartt sad Several I,iarYity; Captbst. The covenants and agrcements herein
<br />contained chalk hand, and the rights hereunder ,halt more to. the respecuve successors and assigns of [_ender and Borrower.
<br />su6}cct tv the provisiotn of paragraph f 7 hereof .A)I covenanu and agrarteen[s of Borrower shall tx joint and several.
<br />The captions and headings a[ the paragraphs rat the; t?sut of "f nut are for convenience only and arc rant to k+c used tv
<br />inlerpnet or debut rife prov)aion leereof.
<br />14. Netieu Fxcxpt ttu any rmtrtt rsqutred under appbcabte few to he green m another manner, (a) any nvtece tv
<br />Borrowtr provided for in this Decd of Trtst shat[ t+c green by madiag such notice by cemfied mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />fire Property Adtfress or at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to [.ender as provided herein, and
<br />tb} any nrstke to t_erader shall be green by certified mail, return receipt rcytrested, to Lender's addrrxs stated herein or ro
<br />such other address as Leader may designate by notice +a Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided fee in this
<br />1]eed of Trust stsafl be deemed to have ban green to forrower yr Lender when giver. in the manner designated herein.
<br />13. Uaitarr eked d Trss~ GosereMe itw; Severarillly. Thrs form of deed of crust combines uniform covenants for
<br />national rose and nomunifarm Covenants with hmrted vanativrts by )urisdicuon to constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />c;ovtritte rmi-property. The Deed of Trust shall he governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is Iacatrd.
<br />In ttfe event [hat any provision rn ctatrse n€ this [tier! of Trust ar ttu Nute conflicts wuh applicable kaw. such cant3ict shall
<br />trot aAtct tttffsr provtsiitar of this Deed taf Truu ar the Note which .an kx given ctfect without the cvnflictrng pmvuion.
<br />std ro ttah cad the provision of tttt Dc~d of 7'iv5t artd ihs Nests arc dcciare,,f to he severah{e.
<br />!i. ~aressver's C.atlr. Borrower scull be furnrshcd a contartnsd ct*py of the Note and of this Dad of "frost at the time
<br />ut txecution ar after :ecordatiort hereof.
<br />1T. Ttaahr of Cis Fsa*atty; Aw/aaw. 1f a)I .>r any part of the Prapern ur an interest [hcrcrn re sold or transferred
<br />by Borrower witFaut Lr:ader's poor wnUen ~°vnstm. cxcttwirng +a) the ereaticm of a lien ..r tncumbrance sutprdtnate to
<br />this Doed o(Trnt, ih) iht creation of a purchase moixy securely interest for household appliances, (ct a transfer by devist,
<br />daeest m fN` operation of law upon tlse death of a Ic>int tempt ar t d) the grant at any Icnsehakd interest of these ysars or less
<br />tore cantatsring an op(wn to prsrcffaat, i.sitder matt, at f xnder's aptraa, deefate aY Fhe sums secured by this fated of Trust is Lse
<br />rmmediatefy drx std payable. l.ufckr zhalt have waived such ~ipiivn ro accelerate rf, pner to tiw sake t.r transkr, Ixnder
<br />sad the ptsrson to whom fife Property +s to be sold or transferred reach agrar:ttm rn writing that the credit of lush person
<br />rs suisfactrxy tv f_ander and that the interest payablt vn the sums secured by this tked ul ~f"nut shall be at such rate as
<br />tsrfder shaft rtquas, If lxndrt has wooed the a~ran to actxteratc pmviJed m thn paragraph F T, and if Borrower i stteceswr
<br />rn aamresi htr txecatsed a wrftteti aawmpnort agreerreem accepted an wrrurag by L.srukr, Lender shat! release Borrower from
<br />aft tune order tfais Dent of Tnnt and the Note.
<br />ff exarsises such option ev aceterate. Ixrtder shake road Harrower naticx of asceteration in accordance with
<br />pataeraph 14 hereol. Stteh torten shall ~ -•rvrde a )fetnad of not Icsx than JU days From the daft the natict is mailed within
<br />wtsids fktnower may pay the sums declared due. tf Bnmrwutr tarts to pay stu$ sutra Pnor to the exptratiou of such period.
<br />Lradar may. without furt(Yr notitx or dmisrtd on Bortnwer, invvlec any remedtcs permitted by paragraph t 8 hereof.
<br />hfox-LltiltxnaM (_`aareNAhtr3 Borrowtr artd Istadtr iur::rtr covenant and agree as failowa:
<br />te. Atedasaaac Rssdiaa. I:.sccll r prwfded k para~raPtt l7 ears(, elan 1latswwels breath of aay coveeaa or
<br />aesaswasl of flserswv ~ tier pact of Tra1, iseMdiae tie coresaala is pay vrYca dot say swa scerred bJ' Erb Decd
<br />of Tans, [.attar !rise to atedeeaKaw slay aril rfatias to iertrwar ae lrevidd i• 14 baeoF slccitrkaes (1} dse
<br />braulu eta eye scares iratpirad ea care wdt twtarY: t3} a rifer, out faarc tyre 38 Jaya Eras tlae desk tlrt aalies is mailed to
<br />9omMOr. 4f srldei stuff besaei tarot d cme~ sad f4) air taBre to eas lance 6rsacr ae n 6dste the tLSe speciRd
<br />k lit efslkt t+rp' rsaa+lt it accdeepiafs ail t4 esuai seearrd Icy fib ~ of Teat sore ode d ld Prralaey. Td notice
<br />sOtai lwrtlur isf.sfa isa:aster vt tie yield to reiaetase after arcelaeraaw sad tYe r~it to brio{ a corm seasa to sweet
<br />des trra.sdYSSee d s deEasil n any die dieJaane of lswrower to rccdersaae ant sale. tf td baearY b not cored
<br />ow a fsa[are dse desk ytediei iw tlfe eef#ca: !.cadre a I.eaier's attest say deelsrr s/ e< Cis swa sece+ed Yr rib Deal
<br />e! Trr!+ a 4 4ardfaMlr +Me aM paraMa witrra flatlet dasward out rear innate tie power d ale sad ay other reeaeikt
<br />parikttl tar aypBt9tYr lase iwteiaT skaY ire eaUdad r eoYeeY .Y rrasa.,tle coat sad esltsas mesurati tar alt Hse
<br />lasfar Trratee ~ ra~ar! a rwl~ie~af ddit taeh ~ it Yti Mt rrelaq a. sawte
<br />paR sireff is laa^+aled are rhaN atttl angers of nose aosiee h tYe tsaaaer ptrescePxd Yr glMtaMs Yew ro Nsatswer set to tYe
<br />alit ftas..a grsaesiitsi b appYcrilt Irw. Afeer tie ~ of oral flee r mar be taytia+ iy agrgfticarle lav, Traaee rdrett
<br />~~ve+~~e !rider attdics at oak a tYs lawtsa ant Ge Bee r fwesrrBud Yr itplYealie few. Tease, vrftYet! derteittad oa
<br />>Zaas~, aYiadF(Yee Ihslaalr as lr1YRr attrtfsa eo err (tiniest tridter a ttte lire ud glare ant rsder tYe feels dtwipltated
<br />iw ate walks of sale ` scar or ante gtttneeb sad fe stay order r Tsaernts rear deaera4a. Trerwta cleft prsllwae oak of aY
<br />~ ~ !~'~ ~ ' b ~ arsrnsrssrettl al ter tier art pkce d say grevirrair scredsiled ask. I.tnfdar or
<br />Lsaad~w~t'ls~#aaia.ritsr~pasisaiYrr t*swlafT a1~ xie-
<br />saM: "1~Jsa f~ rtrirr'b arei~iifaY~eT f~ita tac~8r at tMot dtr~spinwa~rtk ~ tlt~. Traue
<br />swell UFIt!* tYr (tncw~ta at (ra aria iw eke foNswfgt stdart ta} to aR reaaattaYir toM awl eslsaras of Ht oak, ftfrlatYttR, bin
<br />aM latYsi M,- sstYrrss lad aB cant taaas Ntas () ~ of Ms E+aa++ oak gske. reaaasriie rMieaeer~s tires trod costs of
<br />aaridwts~fi+iw.li..t.a.arwmtd~tr ads treat of a.t (t} trt escceaa, ~ ar, !a err less.. ar laraaw ma}{Wy ewtfNrd
<br />~RiniawwkM'a tRtBil M fkdwaMfe. Motwithstandiwe l.,cntkr's acedcration of the sums sscrxrsd by this Deed of Tnrsl.
<br />to four any procsadiags 6tgtin M [.trader tv cnfom this t]ec' of Trust dixontmucd at
<br />any tyre grior to the eariar ro omax of fi) tttF fifty day Galore the sale of the frapeny ptmfwnt to the power of salt C#bftaincd
<br />to thk [)ttadof Ttut(ss {ill t~tr~ d a aJssreinY this Iked rr# TrtnsY if: ta) L}orrnwer pays (-.ember a!l stems svhiGh wvrdd
<br />f+r tiara-doe caster tfro [?1~add d Tr2mft, l~tfrtata card rtatts aecttrrng Ptntm Aelvatsets, rf arty, had tw ai:stlararion oecvrrtd;
<br />fftf fllrrrowwr cwttx se bnuicfs+pt of seer dhea cavsraasris or agreerrtenn of Bacrvwcr coatairtsd iv that tJetd of Trust.:
<br />let fl4tatarrsr parrs st1 rrarrrra(fie exlerr:as iefrartrsd by trr+da and 'I`tte~ in ttfforcetsg fiat e.-ovenams attd sgreemcnta of
<br />fbrrower ewntsiart its thin fltad d Trtsu and i+a mdatsufe I.arsdsr'x and Trustn's errttedies as pravidetf in paragraph ;,~
<br />! beat oat fasiud ttie, ress+saaift anortfry 3 tars; and (dl trawtr ta)tts strcft aetron rot L..trrder may reawnafatY
<br />rs+t}gtws to terwsrr tla rftr tsar of rFea freed of Tent, t ena)tt's interest in the Property arpf Barmwrr's vfrliastitm to pay
<br />