Utvnottat C.overaattrs. librrower std lender covenant and ages as follows: "' ~ ~~ ~~ ti 3 t3 0
<br />1. ~ ad d 1Gtaeswt. Borrower shalt promptly pay when dtro the principal of std interest on the
<br />iedebtadrress evidwced~Naae, prcpayerart and late charges u provttfed m the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />an Future Adnnoa secured by [his I3ced of Trust.
<br />y, il~i {tsr'li.ttar and Irratmre. t to applicable taw or to a wrstr~t waiver by fentkr, eorrowar shalt pay
<br />to Ixndcr tzt the day «ttrtrldy iestrtllttrertts of principal sad interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a start (herein °Futda'7 egttai to one-twelfth of ihr Yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority aver this
<br />famed of Trost. and groutd tents on rtes Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium instalitnents for hazard rrrsurarrce,
<br />piw one-twriftM ~ yaufy premium iastallmenta for mortgage insurance, if soy, alt as reeaonably estimated initially end from
<br />tithe to tie by lender oa rtes basis of araessntertts and bills and reasonable rstimatts ttmrtof.
<br />The Ftmda shat! be itdd in an irulitution the deposits err accotmts of which are insured or guatantad by a Feral or
<br />slats ageency {itrcttdteg [.seeder if Lender is such an iratitutionf. lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments.
<br />irprrratttx premexna and gtnwsd rata. Ltnder may trot charge for so holding and applying the Fords, analyzing said acrnuest
<br />~ verifying sad cornPilittg said assassetents and !tills, tints:: Lender pays 8orrawer interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />perm~~s Leger !o main such a char-~_ °axrawa and [.enter may agree in writing at the ume df execuaon ttf this
<br />barsd of Tivst that intetast at the Frndx shat{ tx paid to Bortowt:r„ and unt~s such agreement is maw of applicabde law
<br />regtiirCS atteb iaterat to be paid, !.ender stroll rroE rte t'egwred to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. I.crrder
<br />shat! give to Bwrotrer, withom charge, an annual accamring <sf the Funds showing credits and alehits to the Funds and ttu
<br />ptar@rwe for whieh~^~ ~it to tlse Fuadc was made. "[lu Funds ate pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />try rtris Deed of Trtat.
<br />ff tfre :mount of the Foods held by Lender, together with the future monthly iratallmtnts of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes. assessments, ittsunrrce premiums and ground rem^. shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />astts, itaunnee ptcmium< and ground rrnta as tFuy taU dsx, siren excess shall bc. at Borrower's apron, either
<br />prtaaptfy repaid to 8arrowet or ctMited to Borrower un rtronthly m:tallments of Funds. if the atttotmt of the Funds
<br />tx{d by Lender shalt not tx sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, inwrance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shat! pay to Lender soy anwunt necessary to make up the deficiency wnhm 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Leader to Borrower re4uattiag payment thereof.
<br />Upon paytnsent in full of all sums secured by rhrs Decd of (rust, (.ender shah promptly refund to Borrower any Farads
<br />held by Lender. 1f :mdse paragraph 113 Fxrcot the Property n sold err erne Property rs nthcrwtse acquired by Ixndtr. Lender
<br />shall apgdy, rro later than immedsatdy prior to the sale of the Property or its acyuisnimi by Lender. any Funds heW by
<br />tender at ttte time of apptieatfots as a credit against the sums secured nY rhrs Decd of Truss.
<br />3. A;~eaYae d Wsjoetab. Unless applicable law pmvtdes otherwrsr, all payments received by Lender under the
<br />No[e std paragraphs 1 attd 2 ham( sha8 tit appleed Fly I coder first !n payment .rf' amounts payable to (.ender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 turmf, tlttn to interest payabbllee un the Mute. (tun to the principa! of the Note. and then to interest and
<br />prim un any Future Advatrtu.
<br />~ llssra, Borrower shall pay a8 taxes. assessments and other charges. fines and ,mpc+suions atlrihutable to
<br />fire property which may sitanr a prionty miser rhrs Decd of Tout, serf Ieasthold paytents nr ground rents, if any, in the
<br />ritanncr provided under pua~aph 2 txreof err, if not paid m such rnanrrer, by Burrower making payment, when due. directly
<br />to the yes the-rmf. Borrower sisall prttmptty furnish to (..ender all nonce: of amwrnts due under this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Bortuwt:r shaft mate payment directly. Borrower Shall prompt#y turnnt+ to (.ender receipts evidencing such paytents.
<br />BOrrrtwet shaft ptowptty +fatelurgt erne lien which has prtonty over this ikrd at Tnsst; provrded. that ttaxrawrr .halt not Fir
<br />required to discharge any steels lies sa sang as Brnratwrr shall street rn wn;ins; to the ,^-aymem of the obhgritun secured by
<br />saadt lien in a tistnaer acesptsble to trader, tsr aliall an Rood faun contest such tern bv..rr ;icfend enkrrcerneM of stash hen m.
<br />1r~at pta~gs whreh Desists to pr'es'ent the znh+rctment ,+f ihr !ern „r tr+rtettnre ~,t ttu Property or am~ part thereof.
<br />5. RagM hraraae. i3arrowes shall ktep it:e rmprorcmmts n<rw rsvs:=.ng or herratter erected an rt-c Prnpertv insured
<br />against lass by flit, hazards srret»ded within the term "estended covrragr~ . seat .lute tether ?iar~rds as Lrndnar may req:;tre
<br />std in stsdt amounts and fttr weft periods a, I ender may rryurre; provided, !hat lender shaft nM require that ihr amount of
<br />such coverage exceed that amount a$ coverage required in pay ?hr sums ,scored M rho Ihcd of lent.
<br />The itmtttntxe catrxr pYrivedrng ihr insurarscr steal! lye st+s?tn t.v liorn?wrr ssrbrc.t t.* appravai by Lender. provrded.
<br />t~ atat~ rtpprttsral shr8 riot fie nnreasaaably withheld All prenarurrrs nut ,assurance txslirres shall he pard in rho manner
<br />provrded trader paragraph 2 ham! fir, rC trot paid +a such manner, by ttorrawcr =,:aksng payment, when due, direeily to the
<br />iatif8a6tBE ~r-iw,
<br />Atf traarramae policties sad renewals thtrrnt steer!! t+e rn farm a:a'.eptaMe a,r t ender and shall uutude a standard rnangage
<br />clause in favor of sad is form acerplable to I.endcr. t-ender .tsaii have ihr rtghe to !>:tt.i the puireses and renewals thereat.
<br />sad Bo„~ ~ .:tall pmntptiy furnish to (.ender art rrtnowal <triteces and ,it rci~npiv ,.f pard premomts In the even of loan.
<br />Borrower shall glue ptor~t esarn-e ro the irrurrarur' carrier and t order t znder mss make proof u( k~s .t ran made pmmpfiy
<br />isy flotrosra. .
<br />Unless Lender sad Borrower ottrawese egret rn wntrng- mwrasts-r pras;ea~ shalt tic apphrd to rrstnralion nr rrpatr nt
<br />the Property damtged. provided such restorat xin ur rcparr is rcanomtc oily trasshle grid ihr seauuy nl rhrs I~rd ai Trust is
<br />not tffetet9y imparted. If suds resists,. ~a or tsTsasr ra txu eaxmumrcafty irasrblr or .i ihr security ut this f3eed of True would
<br />tie tmpartai. the istasrtanzc procesds shall tic apptxxl tar (tie sums secured by rtes: {Aced a+f Trust, with the cxcrxs, rf any. Paid
<br />ro Borttisrer. ff rhrs Property is ahssdsneaf tsX flrat'rowcr, t4 i( Fkirrowcr fails ui rrspand to ta:nder within 38 Says from ihr
<br />dart halters is riuifed by Linder to Borrower that tht trtstrrancr tauter Driers to seek a ctatm far rnsurans:e ficrtefits, Lender
<br />is suif+ttrized to cNier:t and q the istwnraoct ptoeeeds at Lersder i Deleon cursor to restorauan or repast of the Properly
<br />or to ttst sues: secured try th ~f3eed of Trua.
<br />Unless {.ender and Btitsnwa ralrerwise agreo sn wetting, any wash appl_.,a[ain of prtx;reds to prrncipai shah not cuetxt
<br />or pnatptme tlrc dire dam of tree nwnthfy irntalittunts referred [n to Iraragraplts f stir! ? herout or change the arrwum of
<br />s trniaffttrents. tt ostler paragraph ih htren! the Proper{) rv acquired by i.en~r, ail right, rule and interest of Borrower
<br />to sad to say' isrwranrx ptthcies and in and to tree prtscteds !hu 4+t rnulung from +famage to tht Prapetty error to €hr sa4r
<br />ctr ~tsisitiort shall pars to I.ewter to the rzteut ei ihr sotto secured by this [Seort of Trust irnrnediately prier to wch sale nr
<br />neuron.
<br />d peesvaaYe std ANitkrdaee of prafwst; Lrasehsids: t;asdearasiwas: Pfaeaed Uah DeveloprerKS. Borrower
<br />shat{ keep tfx Property in ga+at rrpatr erred .Bali m+[ s:arcnmst wxstr .u pernut unpatrrneni err rlcterx.ratu,n r,t ihr Property
<br />atsd tdu-i rnmpty write the provisiarrs of any lease if this t)eaf of T?ust :s on a leasehold. (f this Deed of Trust is on a unu in a
<br />err a pianna3 unn dawctoprrrtnt, Borrower shalt petfnrm all o[ Sorravver`s oktligatiorrs sander the declaratuin
<br />w tmemats stealing err grrvetntng the cordaminwm sx pianrted unit drvztoprnera, the My-taws :sod rrguiations of the
<br />coadomatprnt sr piaaared oral devekspntont, arsd caaatitsxnt dacumenta, it a candotrrinium ur planned oral development
<br />rider. is ex b7 Narrower sad nx-ordsd tcsgetha wash the I?eed of "trust, the covenants and agreements of siren rider
<br />shah lee intaafptliated imo std shaft amend attd supplement the covenants and agreetsxats of this C?eed of Tmat us ~f tlsr rider
<br />gate a part Faeroof.
<br />?, peagtittlMra et l.aeiar*a Saeerlly. #f Botrowor tests to perform the covenants aria! agreements crmtamed in this
<br />Dead tsf Trsea. ere if erne actimr err prttcetdrng is comrttenccd which tnatertaliy altars t.estder's interest in the Properly.
<br />itsc~taE, txa era hteiaed tn, etnirreet dottrasrs, insolvency. Cade enttstcerrsertt, or arranttemrnts err pre-ceeaiings rnvolvmg u
<br />trot or deceaoat, than-l.tstder-st t..eada's aptiws, upon notice to ilstrrovrer, may make such appearatues, dishursr such
<br />:roes urd taltt tarp acfioss ss a necessuy to protect l,rndrr`s mttrest, irrcfuding, trot not iimutd to, disMrrsement v+t
<br />rarer attotntey'x fed std tatty upon the Property to ranks repairs- If F.crrdor required morigagt insurance az ~
<br />c-ontf~siat-rd s the toatt attwtd by this ik~eti of "Trstat. Horrawer strait pay the prrnxums requi.rcd to rnaimzrn such
<br />i d etYaet leer`!! sacb time as Ilse rcquirertuoi fur such insurance tzrmi:tates in accordance with Burrower: and
<br />[.eadet9 arl+.da agreeeeem or a taro- Borrower shall pray- the umaunt of all mortgage insurat>ie premiums :n the
<br />nutmeat ptxrvidsd ua~r eft 2 abhatmf.
<br />Any ttmapnat by fender purstatnt to this paragraph 'f, with rntetest thereon. ehaN Eseamr adduairtat
<br />tnda6imdasear of 8ornwat' ttecarcd by ttrus Deetl n# Trtrat, Untds Btrrower ;+nd Lersder agrce m ether terms of payment. stn ti
<br />aetnpraats xhisN fsa-ppya7sle=xrpnn utuice trtim Lssdu tw Nturrrwtr roituesting paymetu tf~t'r: f, sect shai4 brae intczat (rani ihr
<br />tfaaa of ~ at the titers psytslsir from tdsc ut bare on atnatanding principal under t}ue Noe ?niltais payment of interest
<br />d ttttalr tissa tvauid fro ct~tary to appftcabtt taw, in whirls CYefil atreh amounts :half (sear {merest at tlse highest rate
<br />pM~ra~ taw. ~~ ermtairxid in sltss parapaph ?shaft require Lender to terror any expeme nr take
<br />~. 1bYggprJlYta.. f..atttlat airy raalse rn cases to bemtde rrataxtsattle stories upon anst urspcCtscurtt of the Properly. prx,vtdrd
<br />thtu l.±mdar shaft psnk $orrntrer twatCe frrrcu tat say stts`fa ' wtpdbun sp~ifyitsa rerisooatsl+r sautes tl~rtfor rttated io t rtnirr`,
<br />satoeaat lu tbs l"reeatty.
<br />