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!. Caaaiewtaurtiow. Tht proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in tonttation with any <br />coadetntatiAn or other Lakin; of the Property, qr part thert:ot, or for conveyance in lieu aF condemnation, arc hereby t+ttt;ned <br />cad shell tea paid to I.aoder. ' <br />In the even! of a Loa: Lakin; of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Detd of Trtu4 <br />with the extxas, if any, paid to Borrower. fn the event of n pa»isl taking of th+f Properly, unless Borrower and Lender' <br />otirtewite apes in writing, there shalt tx applied to iht sums secured by thts Deed of Trust such proponion of the ptveeed3 <br />as is Ctptsi tp cleat proportion which the amount of the sums secuttd by this Decd tit Trust immediately prior t0 the date of <br />takingbeara to the fair market value of the Properly immediately prior to the date o/ taking, with the lsatartcs of the p+ncptdf_ <br />paid to Batrtte+er. <br />It the Property it abandoned by BorroweY, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oRtrs to males <br />an ttwaM or settle a claim for damages, Borrower !ails to respontt to Lender within 30 days after the date-such atotitt is., <br />mailed, Letttkr is authorised W catfctt and apply ttx proceeds, at Lenders option, either to restoration to repair of thst; _ <br />Property or to the sutras secured by this Deed oT Trust. , <br />- Unless Lt:ndtr and Borrower othtnvssc agm in writiae, any such application of proceeds to prfneipal shad trot extend <br />or ptntpone the dot dart of the month?y instat(ments referred tq in paragraph: t and 2 hereof or change the amount of - <br />sttth iastallmenu. <br />Id. Harrower Not Relesaed. Fatten:ion of the time for paytttent ar modification of amortiration of the sums secured' ' - , <br />by this Deed of True granted by Lender to any successor in intcrtst of Borrower shall not operate to rtttase, in any manner, <br />the liability of the original 8orrowtr and Borrower's successors in interest. 1_ender shall net bt required to commence <br />prttctedirtgs against such swxessor or refuse to extend umc for payme::t ar otherwise mortify atriardzntion of the sums <br />secured by this Detd of Ttvsrby reason of any dtmard made by the ariginat Barrgwer and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />I I. C'orbaarsnre 6y Lender Not s Waiver.. Any forbearantt by Lender in exefcising anp right or remedy hereunder, or <br />arfserwise aRorded by applicabtt law, shaS; not tc a .waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance ar the payment of taxes or other titnx yr charges by Lender shntl not bt a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the mdcbtedness stcurcd by tM?s Decd of Trost. <br />f2. Rtmedtes Comutatfre. Ai! remedies provided rat [hts Deed of Trus[ err distinct and cumulative to any other right <br />of remedy under this Deed of Trust oz atTordtd Sy ?aw or equity, and may be exercised concurrentfp, independently or <br />strsceasivelqy <br />-fg. Stceeattrs and Alas sound; )Dint and Several Liabitiry; Captions, The covmnnts and agreemeMS herein <br />eoataintd shelf bind, and the rights hereunde- she" inure to, the rezpective successors and assigns of Lendu and Harrawtr, <br />anbjeci to the provisions of paragraph :.7 herevf Ali covenants a^d agreements of Borrvwez shalt he joint and several. <br />The captions atul hradinp of the paragraphs a' this Detd of Trust are ic;r convenience only and are not to br used to <br />imerpret ar ~fttu ttx provistnns htreof. <br />14. !Votkr. Except for any natut required under apphcab?e law tt? be given in another manntr, (a) any natitt to <br />Borrower provi+3td for in ;his Died cif Tnttt shun be givrr, by mailing such nnt;ct by certified mail addresxd to Borrower at <br />ttte Property Address or n such other address ax Burrower may dtsignatt fly notice to Lender as provided htrein, and <br />(b) any Holies to Ltruier shall hx given by cstiried marl, return receipt requested, to ]xnder's address stated htrein or to <br />stxh oche address ax Lender may designate Icy notice to Hotrawer as provided htrein. Any notice provided far fn this <br />Deed of Tntsi shelf be deemed to have hte*f genera to Borrower ar 1_cnder when girth in the manntr drsignated herein. <br />lg. VAifnrnl flees of Tram; Gnvernfng; Sevenbifity. ? ~;s farm of derbi of trust cvmts:nex umfarm covenants far <br />rtatiWtal use and can-uniform covenantz with Limited var:a[:onx F±p urisdict+ao to constim!e a uniform security instrument <br />covering rtat properr. This Decd of Trust shat'. ';c governed fly r.>+e i:+w ,af the :ursdict;an :n which cht I'zoperty is Ia^.attd. <br />Fn the event the[ any prevision ar tlatre-_ of €his Flees of Tzusi ar she lotr ~unPiGts with appticat:,e `taw, such canftict shalt <br />nOt aflK! alhtf pzavisians of thrx Dted ai True' ar the Note which ,rr: 'w g=vcn eftett ws[haut tht conf?icting prgvisian, <br />arts to this trrd the provlsiofts of the Dad of Trust and the *tatt are dec'.ared [ci he severable. <br />li. IMartawar'x Cgpy. 8otrawer shalt bt furnasned a canfanned copy o,' the :Fate and of [his Dtcd of Trust at the time <br />of eaecutiatt ar after tetoraatior, hrnof. <br />17. Trutater et tbt Property; AssutnPtfsn. tf all ar any part of ehe Pnpcrty or an inttrest ?herein is sold or transftrred <br />6y Harrower without trader's ¢ror written consent, exetuding ta+ ;hc :rest on of r ',cn or encumtsranet subordinau to <br />this fats atTrtrtt„bi the treatiau of a purelvase ntar[~Y xe;:ur:ty =ntrrezt t:,r heuscho!:t ;.vpt~anecs, `c) a transfer by devtst, <br />datttem or by operation of taw utton tht dea[tt of a ,otn[ :errant ur r,!; tt:c gran[ of cry !easehoid inttrest of three nears nr Itss <br />not cortlasn?rsg an option to purchase, Lender may, at Lcndrr's option, declare z!i the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be <br />immediately due and paya.:*St. Lerultr shall have waives{ such opt=an !o accelerate f, ratter 'o the sale or transfer, Linder <br />cad the pttson [o whom stse Property is to be sold or :ransferrcd =cash rgrcement +r+ wr>.t:ng that the credit of such perzan <br />~ satisfae[ory to F.endcr and that the tn[erest paYal-ir an th! sum, aerurcd `>v chic ".~etd vt rt"rust shat! !?e at such rate as <br />LtadsrshafF request. !f Lender has wairtd the cep[:vn *.* accelerate nravtded ,n this paragraph t?, and ,t Borrower's successor <br />in [merest hat exetutard a written assumpnon agrttment aecrpted ies writing by Lender, Ler,dcr shall release Borrower from <br />alt abB;tt1[onx under zhis Lhtd of T'rtts. ynd the 'YO[e. <br />If Ltrtder exertisq such option [o uee3tra[c. Leztdtr s4ral= ma+' t3vrrower rrotite of acceleration in aceordante with <br />parapttph l3 taet~f. Such natict shall provide a period of :rut less than tb days from the date the notice tie marled within <br />which Barrows may pay tht toms dtelared tine. t Barrvwer Earls to pup such same prior tv the exp,ratsan of such period., <br />Leader neap, without funhtr notice ar demand an flocrower, ~nvgke any remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereat. <br />Nola-Uturoaaa Covetvntars. Barrowtr and F.endtr turthcr tovcnant and egret as fo?tows: <br />tf. Atttkrwiast Rues. lsuept m provided fa para~rttsrt+ t7 htreof, uPnn Banoxer's !math of say tovettmrt m <br />of Harrew-tt in this flet+A at Trost, iacfaditsg ikE Eor-ttttants in pay whta due any surtts seeurtd !sy this shed <br />T~rmsi, t~adsE prior to atnkrftioa shad maH Desire to Berfcwer as prrtridtd [n para(,rapb EA hsrtof spettfyinq: tt) the <br />bratElD; t2t tMt aetism required to awrc ,both breach; t3) a dale, aat Tess thAn 3d-days from the date tbt notice is rnaikd to <br />llltreswee, Eby srbicb lath breach must be cured; acrd (+9f that failure to cure each breach an ur before the daft spcciAtd <br />iw ttte aeNet my resatt in trettltrAtinn of cite sums snared b`7 thg Decd rrf Trust and salt of ttte Property. 'tits notice <br />dgtl fvathrr Iafosm Barrewa of fbe right to reinstate after atnkratinn and the right to bring a court action to assert <br />teat tto>t>~euce of a default or atsy mbar dcltnst of Borrower to xtclcratipn cad safe, ff the breach is not cured <br />at sY befasrt ttte dmt sPerifstQ Fn the rrotirsr t.endtr w (>endtr's option may declare aB o€ the sums strured try this heed <br />actTriN to lso iaaaatmtfay dot cad PayabFe without furtbtr demand and may Fnvoke the Pewer of salt and say whir remedies <br />perrpMtti_ ttq fPpiietttrk law. I.tasder shad bA etaHtled to eottea aft reasoaabta caws cad axperots iatarred in pu+auwt the <br />ratasiiaa t ~ this PttttstteaPb et. iatludiag, bat not limited rn, reasnrabte attmney't fees. <br />~tAs tatMtrof tts~ is iaralnd. Trastet stuff rccrYfd a nwitt of default Fa earn rotmty is whkh the Property or some <br />part dKretf Is iaemeQ wQ shalt ~ aror}iea of such noire in the mmner presen'bed by applicabl: law to Borrower cad to the <br />W#M lsretst ptef[er~ei kq a~pliE~tc taw. Afttt Litt tapte of such time aft may bt required- by applicabit taw, TrusNe shall <br />t~ llaMit Iatek't at sift N tRas Perpas ttaQrn the mamter prestritsed tsy sppticablc law. Trustee, without demmd nn <br />laepArrM, sbttp ash fba trapart) m ptrbiit aaatinn ae rbe Aigheu biddtr at the Htnr amt ptaeE lad nrsder the terms desigsmted <br />ia.t4tt aaaeu of sale lea sae astswe-P~1' cad-in suds-ardtr as T'rus#re may determine. rrtr:tec mar poaupanr sail-af aH <br />or sseg ptae+l tt art lrepany bt poblk msroarscatmtat m She Bart amd place of say prerieasty sebadaled sNe. Lemaler or <br />l:at!tdrs"s a ruu}' pwebaaa tie Pwparty at asty suit. _ <br />lttta. lea rK3gitt 4t 3-YTtmtaatae^a hs Prima f,tdtotlnof tbt taut he sta~teasems madE ibmat'n.t~K <br />tttaaA tM/ty qdt ~e~aed fat atlte tole iA ttre tmfltxrtagt order; t~ fa act rzsYartahts somas wed capeases of rht Bale; iaciudirt*, bat <br />tact 111tiMf ta,'f rtatMt' r t4as at wM msrrt tfian r~Y j, !Ir of Nrr grass sale prict> ftasortabit aliarnsy'Y fees And Ctms Of <br />YMtatNtiassea ~ saaM wms ta:tarN by tttit ~ of Trtd; uml (tl tat exees+b, i! any, to the perwn or persons legally tackled <br />1ltrsllts <br />Mustwtlr t1t1~tI sa tlbdtsMMt IYatwistutatsd tag Le~ntht's nteattratian of the zutrrs srcurtd by this Decal of Trust. <br />r~bt to-tiara any r;rosKatirs;s ha;un lxy Lr to cntorce this f)ttd a! 't'nLSt itiseontinned st <br />1~ Watt p+netr Nr ttte ttar4str is Draft of {i) the flftls daY ttefore the sate of ihn Praptrty punwnt sa fhE power of safe contatrted <br />in f#~ai~tad+al Tract tar iu# aMSY of a ~ardgmcnt mt3~int t#tts f?etd of Trost st-. !al ttorrawtr pegs I-cpdtr alt sums which wmrdd <br />tat #tapr Qua sender this Data! ttf 'Frtm, test Niota and Hates- ueunng futierc Astraacrs, ci ray, had na xctFtratran ntxurred: <br />~ iarroscar csrras elf bteatltaa oaf coy trtMx- taw[•nartts. az a;ra»ttrris et farrower rttatsintd in ±hix Decd of Trtrsi: <br />tlgs~sawry t~ a{ r+tisae:mattFt atparwtt irtesisred by Lander-at,d Truitt +n enttsrrarg !tx °-vvenams and agrettnstnts of <br />saanrasntd rn thrs Detect of '€rtrst stns ns anfarcus; lentttr's and 'trustee s rtrnesttts as previiittl ra nova{(*aph t Y <br />haaod> aet:tu3tify. fwt Hat ttmpttd to, runaualtlt ait+nsnty's £tas, anci (ct} Bnrru.c: takes sigh aetirnn as i_emit+ mar rtasonahty <br />ratewte err rwmrr tf*At ttie ?xn of thn tJttd ref trust. f tndtr's Fnitrex: .n :nc firntxr:p me Hnrroaer~s nt7!iga[tcsn to nay <br /> <br />