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UMtlroaas CarENANt]. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payatrsrrt M Pritscipal and InleaauP. Borrower shall P~PdY PaY when due the pritxipa! of eml interest on flat <br />irsdeMedrtem tvidertced EY the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the ptittcipai of and inter <br />oa app Frrtart /ldgnces tzsttred by this Deesi of Tntsi. <br />Z Fttsia tttr 71tas trN iw~. Subject to applicable law ar to a written waiver by Leader, itsrrtswr attdl pplayq <br />to Leger tsa the day monthly installments of pnncipai and interest are payable under the Note, unfit the Nots is pad in fu16 <br />a sorts (herein `Ftmda"} equal to tme•twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain prioiity over ittis <br />Dead of Trtst, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments tar hatttrd ittsttrattce, <br />ptutc ottatwelfth of yearly premium inslailtaents for mortgrtge inwrance, if any, alt u reasonably estima-ed initially and irttm <br />tirtx to filet tbryy Lender on the basis of assnsments and hills and reasonable estimates thartta,f. <br />The Funds shall be herd in an imfitution the deposits or accounts of-which arc insured or guaranteed Ey a Federal w <br />stttts agtatey{ittc-itdbtg-Lender if Landes is such an irtstittuion)_ tender sha#l apply Iha Fttnds-to-paysatd-lases, aadameats: <br />ittsunraz pretniumx and ground rents. Lender may rest charge far so holding and applying the Funds, ahalyzing said aeeawtl <br />or verifying and cattpiling said altatasmrnts amt bills, untess Lender pays Horrower mtcreu on the Funds and applicaltlE taw <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and t_endcr may ngtce in writing at the time of esecutitm of this <br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shalt tie paid to Borrower, and unltxs such agreement is made ter applicably taw <br />rtquirea such inttresi to tie paid, Linder shack not bt regwrcd to pay Barrow€r any interest or earnin~,s on the Funds. Lander <br />shad girt to Honowtr, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and detnts to the Funds amt the <br />purpose for which each debit to ttte Funds was made. The Funds are plt~gtxl ss additional security for the stwro tttlcured <br />bt' this Decd of Tru:t. <br />tf t(tie amount of the Funds held by Ixntfer. together with the future ttwnthfy irtstallmenls of Fonds payable prior in <br />the due dater; of taxes, assessments, insurance prcmiulns and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said notes. <br />asatasmants, itnunetec premiums and ground rents as they fall dot, such excess shall be, at Botrowtr'a op_lion, tither <br />ptamptly repaid to 8ortower or credited to 6orrowtr on monthly inauNments of Funds. If the amotmt of the Furtds <br />hdd by Lender shall not tie sutTttitnY to pay tarts, asscsunents. insurance premiums and ground rents as arty fall due. <br />Borrower shah pay to Lender any amount necessary la make up the deficiency within 70 days from the dale notice is mailed <br />Ey I.ettdar to Borrower requesitesg payt~ns thereof. <br />Upon payment in Culf of all toms secured by th+s Decd of Trust, Lender shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held fay Lem1u. If tmdtr paragraph 1 R hereof the Pmpeny +~ sold or the Property +s othtrwiss: acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, na later than immediately prror m the Bale aE the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by <br />tasder at the time pf app#iptian as a cred+t against the sums secured by this Detd of Trtrst. <br />~. Ap(alieafion of Paymeata. Unitas applKablc law prnv+des otherwrst. aN payments reteived by Lender udder the <br />Note and paragra s !and 2 berm( shall tae apptxd by Lender first rn payment of amounts payable to Lender by Batrowtr <br />utsder p:ragraph 2 ftereof, then to interest payaMt on the Note, lhtn to tht pnnc[pat of the Nott. and then to inttrcst and <br />pntseipa! on any Fuwrc Adrsntxs. <br />4. CherRca; [.terra. Harrower shall pay all rases. avesaments and other charges. tines and impositions attributable to <br />the Propetry which may stole a prronty aver chic Decd pf Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rents, it say, in. the <br />matsner ptavided under pangnph Z hereof nr, if not paid in such manner. 6y Borrower making payment, when due. directly <br />to the payee thereof. Borrmwer shat! promptly furnish to Lender all nauces of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the <br />event Borrower shall make payment dtrtctty, Borrower shalt promptly tarnish to i.ender receipts evidencing etch payments. <br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien whtrh has priority over thrs Deed p( Trust; p;mrded. that Borrower shelf not he <br />required to discharge any such #ien so long as Harrower shall agree m wnnnR ra the payme»t of the ob#igation xecured by <br />such hen in a manner aecaptabit to Lc^der, ar shalt in Road tanh contest sr+cn .+en hy, ar defend enforcemem of s+ich Iitr. in. <br />legal [n which operate to prevent the tnforccmert of the i:cn ar forte:tore of the Property or any part thereof. <br />S. Haa'ard ft~rtees+e. Hormwcr shah keep the impravemcnts now es[st+nR or hertatter eractad on the Property insur°' <br />against tors by fire, hazards included within the term "estrndcd cavcrage", and such other hazards as Lender may require <br />and in such amounts and far such per[ads as I.rndtr may require: provrdcd, sha[ t.cnder sha## not require that the amount of <br />such coverage exceed that atnaunt pf cavtragc regtnrcd tr., pay rht sums xcured by th[s Decd of Tnst. <br />The irtsuranct carrier prorrd[ng the insurance sfsall hr thasen by Barrawcr sablttt to apprevak try fender: pmvrdeJ. <br />t;tat such apprera# sha#i trot be unrcass'[aahty withhe#d, A#I premiums on +nsurance policies shall bt paid in the mantra <br />provided ue~r puagtap6 2 hereof w. if not paid in scab manner, by Borrower making payrntnt, when du0. ditzctty to the <br />ittitetante tattier. <br />Alf instuartee policies and renewals thereof shad tae rn farm acecptaFste to Lander and sha[! usctude a standard mangage <br />ctawe in fawr of and in form xceptahle to f.endcr- t.enrter shat! have the nght to bald the policies and renewals therepL <br />and l~rowd shalt promptly furonh !a Lender a#t renewal rustKts acrd ail r-capes of pa,d premiums. In the cutest of toss, <br />Bottawtr sha## gtre prompt edict to the insurance carrier and Lender. tender may make proof of lass +( nm made p,omptty <br />by Brsrrosrer. <br />Un#ess Lender and 8turower othc. -ire agree m wnang, :nsuranre proceeds shall !R applied to restoration or repair of <br />the Properly damaged, pravtded such rtstoruron ar rtpa+r rs ecomrm:catty fcas+b#e and the sez:+nty of this flied of Trust +s <br />oat thtteby impa+rcd. 1f such rtstorai+an or repair [s opt economrcatly fcaseb#t or +f the security of this Cked of Trust would <br />ere intpt+ind, flit +tssurantt precteds stsaiF be applied its sha sums ucuretl by flits Eked of Trust, wnh the esccss, if any, paid <br />to Bormwar. tf the Property is abandornd by Bor:wer. ar it Barrawcr farts to respond to Lender within 70 days from the <br />dint twtite is malted by Lender to Hortowex that the insurance carrecr ofltrs to settle a claim fr. rnwrante benefits. tinder <br />is wthoritzd to collect and apply the insurance proceats az Lender's option ether tp resiorauon or repair of the Prapeny <br />or w sha sums s~ttre4 by this Lkerl of Trust. <br />Unhsa Lendat and liatrawer otherwist agrees in wrung, any such application at praca~erls to pnntipai shalt nd tatted <br />or pasiptrna itta dues date of tlx rttonth#y snstalirstents rcterrtW to m paragraphs t and 2 htrmt ar cttangt the amount of <br />such imnikrtenis. tf uttdar paragraph 1fI hereof the Property :s acqu+red by i.cnder, ail r+ght, title and interest of Borrower <br />in atsd fa Sep insurartpe paticies slid rn and to tfu proceeds thereof rtsulung from damages to sha Property prror to the sale <br />or atxtuisition shalt pros to t.tndar to the extant at the sums secured by th+s eked a! Trout immediately prror to xuch sale or <br />aogttisition. <br />f. Preaerratian asd Aiatahsaiea of Property; Ltasetwtds: Ceedemieiems: Plmraad Uait Rerefopnseats. Borrower <br />strati klieg the Ptupeny to good repau a:et! shall oat camm~s wane nr prrns+t ;naps+rnunt or .S€tenarasrnn n! flit Proptny <br />sad ebait rnmply with flit proviaiona of any tease if this t)tert of Trust rs an a leasehold, If tt++s Eked of Trull rs on a unit in a <br />conrtottrtnittm ar a ptanneri unit deveiapmem. Borrower shat! perform sit of Borrower's ohligalraM under the declaration <br />or rxivcnants treating ar gtsrernrng ttx candamtnium ur p#an+rM unit desziopment, the by-laws and rcgulatwns of the <br />tsmdominium ar p-stmed nett davtlopmextt, and eanstetuem documents. If a condominium or planned unit deveiapment <br />rider is e:ecured try $atrowcr and tecarded together with this bard of Trust, t ~ tavenants aM agrerr+enss o! such rider <br />shah be ittcarpesratcd into arid strait attsend and supptensent the cavenanis and agreemanta of this Decd of Trtrs! as if the rider <br />wets a gaff heeecsf. <br />T. i?iYetat'tdan rest f.eadtr's Seenrity. tf Borrawt;f farts to perform the covenants and agreemems conta+rsed in this <br />Dead tsf Tttnt, or-if arty saran err prtsoeedmg-n ctsmmtacesf which matvufty effects ixrtder's interest in the Property. <br />itteittditsg, iMn cwt limited to, eminent domain, insnlrcncy, ctsdt en{erccment, or arrangemeatts or proceedings involving a <br />baahra~Crt: daredem, ehim l,sts~r at Lender's option, upon ndiu to Borrower, may make suds appearances, dixisune such <br />sterns artd take such actitm as n neta:sxary m tsratatt -xnder i mterat, inc#uding, lint not hmiiad to, diithurstmem o! <br />r>able attoraeY~ Errs artd entry ugort the Property ao make repairs. -f txtedcr required snongage izsurar~t as a <br />e+ of sing the bttn secured by the Deed of Trent, Harrower shalt pay the premiums required to mainta+n such <br />itraaratstys in ttsffaet unit sltch time as fate requirement Ear suds [tssursrwe ttrmrnatM in asxordatttt with Horrmrer's acrd <br />trriRan aurtdtr w ~ w. Horrawer shah pay the amount of ati mortgaR instsranee praminms in the <br />Ae~r its d by Lcwdar purwant ra flits pangraptt 7, wnh intarast ttttraon. shat) became additional <br />i..tM1+ARaesf I#orrias.+sF,aeraned by this l~eyd of Trtt3t. Untt~ f3orrrnrar-and Larssk+r ayse ec other ttrrtts of paymetrt, such <br />ieseaatis sfiiail-Ere ptt'abie upon net+ce Erase Lender to Nerrrorrsr rtgtassting paymattt iftertwf, acrd shat! boar inhrtst hart! the <br />d+Ma*aL q at t-ta !~ ptlytbla from rit+te to lime an outstanding pnnc+pal under flies h#ata unless Payment of fnfcrest <br />su fotdt-testa-iatttid be~eoastary to appficabtt taw, in wisreh avant such amounts shalt boar intteesi at the highest raft <br />ptttta+iri~y uradyr apptieaEls Tarr. Nothing twniairritd in this paragraph 7 slid! require Leader to incur snr expetssa or tike <br />stay. assn Atrauasd+er, <br />~ ~ lra:dyr ~ males ar ratae f4 be rssade rcatarsatsie tmrits upon and +nspact+ans of sha Propyrry. pttss~tded <br />ttass teatdyP fliitl gets Ibnrrsswet rwtiee prror to any ss+cis rrssprrutm sptxifying raasanahte same thertfor refatecl tp t.eadcr's <br />iaartxaat rrs rite pryK[aasv, <br />~i~~rtF'7#~,..` <br />~~ <br />