<br />f~~'-emu X318
<br />Leader's vrritma agramant or ~ law. Borrower shall paq the arrtottmt o[ dt montgege insurarra pteasiums in the
<br />t prtov~ed tasttx ptraa;rapir 2 hereof.
<br />Any sasoeaus dbtsseeatl by Isoder parrsueat to this paragcaplt 7, with interest thereon. shall become additional
<br />ad Borrower caromed ttq this Morspge. Unless Borrower and Leoder agree to arbor terms of prymem, stmh
<br />aatoerrw dug M peyaftk upon marls tram Lender to Borrower regtaesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest ft~t the
<br />dsAa at1 disUtt:aeaeent w the rile payabls ban elms to bate on outtttaading priacipd ttntier the iVote imleaa pagmant of
<br />Itsawese u sscit rrde wodd be essnaary to apptinble law. in which event strch amaunb shalt f>~r inmrest at the hlB~ rile
<br />` applpshte law. NMhbtg cantaiaad in this parsgraph 7 shag require Lender to ittcnr any exlrawe ar take
<br />say acAae haemdar
<br />fL 1~eeA1r. [seder tnty make or cause to be made reaaatatik carries upcm and inspectiorn of the Property, provided
<br />tltsa L.eetdae shag give Borrawertttttace prior to any sacft inttpcetion specifying ttasottabk cause ihraetar related- to t_entler's
<br />iatastassn @r Propxty.
<br />R mow. The proceeds of arty award or claim far damages, direct or cotaegtreaeial, in cottnectian with any
<br />mammon or otlrr rating of the taroperry, ar part thereof, ar for cottveyarkx in lieu of ~rondannatian, are hetebp a~igtted
<br />sail tdtaB be pair: to Larder.
<br />La ffie ewers +# a told t~rtg of the Ptoptrty. the proceeds shalt be applied to the stttm secured try this Mortgage,
<br />ndlh the errs. if aey, paid to Borrower. to the event of a pertia- taking of the Property. unkas Borrower and Lender
<br />odrew~r agree in vrriting, there xisdi tm applied to the sums secured h;~ this Mortgage such proportion of the- proceeds
<br />as is ograrfi to the patpattms 7rhiclr the amount of tfte sums secured h3` this Mortgage irttmediatety prior to the date of
<br />tatiag [tears to tlsa fair market value of the Pr'oPertY itnmediately prior to the date of taking, with the t+alancc of the proceeds
<br />paid m Berroasr.
<br />if the Prstpeetq is sbaadoesd tsy Borrower. or if. after notice by I.errder to Borrower trot the condemnor offers to rooks
<br />an award or seetie a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to t_endK within 10 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender » aahaiaed to cogect and apply the proeatda, at i.ertder's option. eitfiet to restoration or repair of the
<br />Propsny or to [ttr smna aectrred by this Mortgage.
<br />Lltdse t.eoder atsd Borrower dhawix agree in writing, asy such application of proceeds to prittcipat shall oar exttard
<br />ar porepone the doe date of the roonttd)' installtrreats referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such i~
<br />1R tgesrwav Plan AsisawL Fxtensiat of the trttx far payment or mcxliflcation of amortfration of ttte stttrrs secured
<br />by thn Mortgagt;tanred by [sailor to any stsccesoor is interest of Harrower shall oat apente to release. in ecru manner.
<br />the lialal`tty of the crri6inal Bortasaet :ad Borrower's xucctxxsrs in interest- Under shall oat 6e required to carrrrtreaec
<br />agarta! sash ar reltre to extend time for payment ar otherwise modify atnortizatiat of the wtm
<br />sacsrred 1xq this Mortgage by rcmas of any demand made by the arigittal Borrower and Borrower's strcceasws in itnerest.
<br />fl. lasieaeeaee sty L,sairr IWt • tflaiser. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right m remedy tteretrrrder, ar
<br />odferenise atfordad by appiicabie taw, shall nil rte a waiver of or prtxltde the exercise of any stxh right ar remedy.
<br />The pracot~soets! of Itrwenae of the payment n} taxes car other lints ar charges by f.cndcr shall oat t+e a waiver of f,eneier's
<br />ri~R to acoekrate tlro trrat+stity c+f t~ t~s secumd by this Zt4angage.
<br />t$ iraaeia ~>rtrierse. AFt tenredies pravcded in this Monltage arc distinct and cumulative to any outer right or
<br />remedy ttr7tiat this Mortgagee ar al3ttrtkal i:y taw cu equity, and may tae exerc~ed concurrcntty. irtdependeatty ar successive±Y.
<br />t]. Lfareaaeesa sad Af.{Ipes Bawadi 7eiat sad Seweeal tom: t:styelrrra. The cavenatNa and agreementx Aeretn
<br />canLined xirl! bind. sect ttx rights tteret:rtdee xhall snore to. the tcnpective snceessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower
<br />tubfat4 to the pry at paragrspEt t7 I>crrof: Art covenaeus and agreements c,E 8otro*~et xtw11 bs saint sail severd~
<br />The captions and h of the pats;taptu of this Mangagc are far conveni+rnce anir and are oat to to used to
<br />istte€pret o€ defer. the provsziaas hereof.
<br />14 '.V+rNre. P.xcagt for any ttotiee required under applicattie taw to tae grv~t in arwtiter tasnner, tai any notice to
<br />Btrcrowar ptsavidRsd fa is titb Mtrgage shelf he given by mailing such notice by certi$ed mail addrtased to Borrower at
<br />the Ptopaty Amt ar at stilt aura address as Borrower may designate by notice sa Lender as provided herein. and
<br />tft) say notice t$ Lem sluJ1 be gi+rn by rerti$ed mail, return receipt regrremted. to Lender's address stated herein ar to
<br />ardt ether addtssa ar Lender rttay desiBrtate by notice to Borrower as providtd txrein. Any ttatiec provide! for in thts
<br />Mortgage shalt Ica dttstrted to have txwt givicet to Borrttwer yr t ender when given in the ttranrter daignsted herein.
<br />1l1. tla414rusa tlleaeplet C+~mwiag Ltnrs 9evaeaiiily. Thtx farm of mortgage combine uniform covenants for naticutal
<br />sane attd aoa-uti~otta.cawetrants witb Ytta.'`ed variations by jurisdtetion to comtitute s uniform security instrument coveting
<br />heal pts~rnrty. Thh Masp, he goverrscd try the taw of the juritrdictitxs in which the Property is located.. In-rite
<br />cavort tlsat say prtrvisiat or e~ss of thin Mortgage c?r rho Nate conflicts with appticabk taw, such coaflist shall oat affect
<br />ot1~ pravuiena ~ the Mortpge ar the Note. whicR can he givmr effect withtart the cottflictiag provision. and to th»
<br />eed the provision of tlte- Matgsge and tlr art declared to tse sevetahde.
<br />if 8assewwie Ca)rg, ltosrower shall tx furnished a ronformed copy of the Nate aml of this Mortgage at the iitne
<br />~ aarcmipn at a~ ttttian Irereaf,
<br />19. '1"tae/araEEialfirPestyt.Asaaepisrr. if aN ar any part of rho Pnsperty ar as Inute>t t7rtrairt is acid. or traesferrred
<br />by Bertorrer ss~hate Latdat's prior written s~mrent, saclttdis~ sal the cteatitm of a lien of atcumbratsrx subordinate to
<br />this lit8rtgage, fhT the rrauson of a ptrrcbase tttoaey secwity interest far ttaaehakd appliances, (cl a rramfer by dewae.
<br />dr"vest or by opdtttiat at !aw trpan the citatlt of a joint tenant ar till the grant at any leasehold irrecteat of tltrte years ar lets
<br />:sot tsoatei~g-iut aptiots to puarhwe, lender m+Y. at t.ender`a oprian. deciatt a!t the stoma secured try this m- m be
<br />inreseshasttlt dm std payable. Leader xhati have waived roach option to ~ if, prior to the sale or trander. Lender
<br />acrd-lira psraoa to vehola tltt Property is to rte-sold ar uated reach a$[aemeat is w-ritittg that the cralit of strc}t peas~art
<br />isadiafasafry to Leader sad Hest-the itsFesest paydde oa the sums senrral by tftis Mortgage shill be at tttctt rata as Leader
<br />t6tsil°:ZegptN,: if t,eader has trrrt}vad the optiaat to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17, and if Borrower's srrnemor in
<br />ittearaattmresaaoWwt a tetiBgt asat~ttien agreeeseat aooepted in writing b'q fem. !..ender shsli rte ltorravrar from aB
<br />this 11Eartgytr aril trace lttt#e.
<br />u Lander arssh opteo» to atxNerate, istider shad mail Borrower rtati€e of :ti+rnt in aceordaact with
<br />psxaggaph t# boon' tsa!tiee sltaB ptxtvide a period of tta lass than 30 days from the dada the t19tICe is witlria
<br />srhirsh.Bartosrar may pap the roar rkr3arsd thac. If Borrower faih to pay much sums prior. to the exgirstiaa of atteh period.
<br />Esrsder astry, witleeat Euttirrt aatice.or demand sre I#ottotatrr, inwokc any restrtdies permitted- by paragraph t 8 hared:
<br />1~hst-t,esas t~rfurutrtt: lipttowret sad farai-es tutthsr cavastant at:.` agree as fttllara:
<br />~:, ~ limsrrettt aa)Mtat~Mat/ it p.w~tgrif it IserstsE, tgaw tssrwwa'+ 6eaaei ur at eu...eed. ar
<br />a~YMarssrMe:jtl-..~-IatluNeE=tUa asav>arrteskt.a-- vrfsp dstt ta-y oars seaaa.i Isi Arts,
<br />tilrlefrppe fa ~stsai.areA aaAera to 3hsrraara r prwidei let•ptrslgsagli 1# MssaaE ti) ue lrereria
<br />4I~IAetafltaau~gAgsft~a~etlmsdr:~!t~ tzlaiR tri-two tkeasJt als~r bars-ale dsee-drs aelke ti seeMad to ttatsrr+wr,
<br />Igr ~11is1f:wlrrdkMwrk ngll-ira:wtaa~sai $d} Assn Erlisae ~s sore ,tstdt_&aaarMr-,to: er Mtiw+a t1r: slab spea~sd it tYe rssYa
<br />aqt tittas~~faatrC~rtr-wrrt~rd,lKr tidal far'adrresa~r!' f M~Matisd aele.af'tYr !-'~'.
<br />~ra~Mtw~~ewrtsta~aer trf-2rMawte a~rr lea aad,ttrs eigfet a. arsat tt- Ara taraate+wr
<br />~,~a aft Rflafitrlt-rt. srtYer dNynw~a sE ~rewrr er uocalsnYets sad tsasae{re~w~ N Ar rMswsit
<br />~Iteasg~teA+rtfudarrNn tdgtetrgett frt eNrrarstfw, taresir~r sa lraaiss'a alMYn ~• iwirea alsd tlst stria aiaraai gry
<br />~IltMialMttit~fl~arAdgr~k+rtolkreterls(>wt ilarrrttrt sad eel0' -o+rtdaatt liP tt~+Me1r1 ~tSraeiaA Laaiw
<br />r~1ea->ler+We~tR~llsa~F~ ~paaaee+f;~. ttreir~lwg. >tae ass 11iafMA #a, srahr at daaaeaeMta7
<br />~~»
<br />~. ~:IAfMiE iMa 11~1Miil.iw t..adrlr'a , rd rtha sswaa sewed- bq this 1Norsgsyta.
<br />Lrratnarerslwi~ ArAt- tka eiMltt fd ~- btrg'ta b7` l~,ndtar fo cnfiarce tltis Mor~ge uisnred at any tuna
<br />