<br />81--~+~(a2318
<br />uwrto.,e f:ovasrtarra. Bortosret and t.esidar oovmstet and agree as taftowa:
<br />L ~ # ~ ~ Llatsal. Borrower shalt promptly pay when due the printdpa- of and interest txi the
<br />evidtaoed hY the Kota, ptgsytasoe and Usse charges as provided in the Nw0. and the principal of and inteteat
<br />m attp a Attvaaeen ttecuted tsy this Martgaaa.
<br />>t Itfa6 far To tttti brm~ Stebject to applicable taw t# to a written waive by Lecedu, Honawu sha#1 t#Y
<br />~ £br tm ~Qay tamely it~8dentt tat principal atul itete-rest are paytehk under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a tt~_(Htts'efn "Futeds"i agoaf to tans-twelfth of the yarty'tusa and assesmt~tts which- tray attain- priority over this
<br />dortp~, as! gcoemd`reots oe the Ftvperiq, of any. pile txprtwelfth of pearly Premium iastalirteents fm• hazard insurance;
<br />pits ase~tsrtdith of y~rly premhme imNeta-for tnortgsge iawratsce, if say. d! as rteasa®bty estimaaed itriteaBy and from
<br />timato-aims-h9 I.ereder m tae ism ~ apmmeass and taiils attd rpsombk tutimstea thetegf.
<br />'tLe Fandaahr~ Fm imtd in as eustiteuian tltc daposiu or actxttna of which an ittaured or gttaraat~d by a Fe~rai ar
<br />uus igpisy (~ Leads if I.Qada is stuh an etntitttteaal. tender shall apply tits i=tmda to pap- said taxes. as+sssmants,
<br />inGwaape psttvstsnas std grwmd re1t;. trader may nM charge for so htaldittg and appfyipg the Fuada, analyzing said atxount,
<br />~ vetffyitts sort taotnpiling tactf aramtoante ant! belle, tmkss Leader pays ~orrowu irstetest oo the Funds and applicable isw
<br />ptrtatia ;Ardsr to tttdte stele s cltarre. liorrowu amt [ may agree in writing at rho time of execettion of trek
<br />INortpage that its oa the Feutdt shall bs paid to Borrower, and unless rash sgreempnt o mme or applicable Itw
<br />rsgtti[ea uaeh itgarmst to t+e paid, tender shat! not be ret}uired ro pay tiotTOwer any inttuea or earaitegs oa the Fvods. Lender
<br />shatl gfse tp Aarrossar, without charge. an annual atxxnttueag of thr Funds sltswing credets nttd ttebiu [o tht Futtds std the
<br />pttrpws fw ]Aside eaefi dtdet to the Funds was made. 1Le Funds arc pfedgad as ead;nanal security fat the soma saeuted
<br />by t>ds liartgye•
<br />U the tetaotmt of the Rtadt leeld by (.,cadet. tagethet with the future tewnthly instailtnmts of Funds payable prior to
<br />the des dates tat tsetea, asseaarnenta, itetturaatx premiums attd ground tens, shat! exceed the attwtmt requited to pay acid taxes,
<br />asssa~n. raxuanoo pt+ tted grtxsnd teats as .they fart due, each excen shat! lac, at iiarrrwer's option, tither
<br />praaspetp rapsitt to 8erroeest or txetfited to Bortowu an monthly tnstalttttereta of Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />isaad by I.etdsr shall trot 6e a to paq taxes. asaeasttsettts. inuurance premiturts and ground rents as they felt due,
<br />Berrooer almlt pay to Irtstta any atnouat necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notitx is mailed
<br />by Leader to 8orrttwer regtststttsg psyraena thueaf.
<br />Llpsae paymsm to fatt of all stems scarred by this Mortgage. [..ender shalt prompty refund to Barrowu say Ftmds
<br />(teed try Leader. If under paragraph l8 ht:rnrf the Property is sold or the Pmpcrty is otherwise acquixd by finder, -xndor
<br />abail ap~aty, tto [sear than iotsaetliatety pn+x to the sale tit the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lander at tits time of app~catiert as a credrn agatnu the rums secured by this ;Mortgage.
<br />3. Ayiftarw ad Agysrt+aAS. Unless applicable taw prar+des sxhersvise, aif paytrtu is rexeivtd by te.°~r under the
<br />Noss and pstsgraphs f sad 2 hereof dtal7 be applied hY tinder fits[ in payment of atnntmts payable to tender by Borrower
<br />under pane Z itaeof, than to tptefeat payable an ttte Ntxe. then to the principal of rite Notes, and rhea to interest and
<br />psstetapisi oo any Fracas A$vaacros.
<br />4. ~ iittas, 8ortavet shall pay all texts, assexsmrnts artd other charges, fines and imposition, attributable to
<br />the Prnpmty wiaelt [tray sacra a priority ova this Mortgage, aril ieaschold payments or grouted rents. if any, in the tnannu
<br />peovsded trader ptuagsph 2 laueaf ar.:f v,„x paid to such meaner, by Burrower making psytaeni, whin due, directly to the
<br />payete etteraof. Bstrarat shalt ptrataptfy ttumsh to t.ctttfet ail rtota:es of amounts due undo this paragraph, acrd en the event
<br />13rrtxvs.u shad eeealte payment d+receh•, ttorrower ehsil promptly famish to Icntkr recripts evidencing such payttxttts.
<br />lfr shdi pnt~dy dial sat lien c:3ttett hu prttutty over this Mortgage: provided. that Borrowu shall tioE be
<br />retpt:red ro tfacissrgs arty such lien sa teneg v Barrowet shelf agree in xriting to ttg paytuent of the oWigasioit secured by
<br />sOCh hen to a tnaeaat its to finder, to shalt in gaud faint comes! such Lien by, ar dele-+td enforcemwtt of such Nett in,
<br />irgrii paazaa'~ise'r`e etas to prevrfat the enft3reerner+t of t#ee fern oe farfuture of the Property yr any pan thereof.
<br />i Asurd leetstaaet. Bartxtwer xbail Aetga the tmptovrments new- exunng or hereafter erected on the Property itestued
<br />agaert lea by Ace. tsratds tncttttkd wtthm the rum "extended eoverttgtr'. and such other hazards as txteder may requere
<br />and is tttsch attmsenu and for sttcfi pertsxts as t.ttetffir may requere, ptovetkd_ that t.citder shalt not require that the amount of
<br />suet! tsoverttg~e tsr~ that amount of caversgee required to pap tf~ rums secured h5' this Mongage.
<br />'tht tasoraase cattier pzorfding the insurance shat! be chosen by ttorrower subp~Ct to approval sty Lender; provided,
<br />chat sacb approval shalt ltot be ttmeawntebly withheld. :Vt premiums :n+ i:tsurattce pttliciea shall tx paid in the ma~:ttu
<br />pttvviid emdsr ptua~aph 2..*~-_~t ar, tf z. ~e paai in such manner. by tiorrtraxr malting psymettt, when due, dit~tly to the
<br />/4Y lawraettx pnleeiu tad renewals thereof shall be m form acc+eptahle to tinder and shaft ueclettte a standard mortgage
<br />comas in favor of am rn fmm attroptaWo to reader. lender shaft have the right :o hasfd the porkies and reteewals thereof,
<br />tmd Harrower shall !Y fnraesh to t.eadu afi reaewaf trotted and a}t tempts tit paid premiums. to the event of foss.
<br />8onascer i1u31 give paatnpt rxatfce to the iitsuratue tamer sad Lender. lindcr may mate proot of toga iL not made ,promptly
<br />by Ytttttwaar.
<br />t3efatts fttoder affi Hnrrorrer rittseewise agree in wrrttug, irtanrttace proceeds shall be apptitd to testorattan or repair of
<br />the f'raiaotp tiaasasad, provukd such terwratraa nr repair :s es:onamicattp fttaatble atsd tlu security of this Mortgage is
<br />opt thawhY iaNtarirecf, tf such resurstion w repstr n tun ecsetearnseaiiy trasitde Ut i[ the stxurity of thin Mongage would
<br />he impairw Mss inrttraace prtttaseda shall be applied to the stun: secured by [itg Mortgage. with the excess. if any, Peed
<br />to 6orrprer. U rho Rrapprty b absndtxepd by Btnsowu, or if Borrower fob to rdptmd to Fender w+then 30 days from the
<br />date taotite is tnsihsd by Lando to tlorrawer that sbe iterpfaiwC curio otters to settle a claim far ttnuratetx teetxfits, I.cnder
<br />*; s~orsed to eoHatx sad apply the ittstsrattce pstaceeds st F.etttier's option tattier to rt~oratitm or repair of the Proptnty
<br />a to rho scams sat:pted M' thir It4artgtyie.
<br />tirtdass Leaditr aed igOrroarer otbeawise agrms rn wrsentg, eery such xp{Nit:atson of protxeds to principal chaff oat eattend
<br />~ ptitttpeaa die dos dais of the tmatshly iottatHnean refuted to to patagrapM I oral 2 heron[ or cltangs the amount of
<br />sash ~. if «tsdar parttgxaph t 8 herasf tits Property m at:gstired by Ltmtite, aif right, title and enterest of liatrowcr
<br />es clad i4 stay ipaarstsx peslicies std sn sad to rfx prntxnds thsreo! rt:pdtittg from damage to the Ftopetsy prior to the sak
<br />a aettpto® slglt pars tat Lsnda to the extsm cif the sustw secured lay thin Mortgage immedisiety prior tp such sale err
<br />L ~naerstst6tw-sd Aitsidrsaaos eR lsepesryt l.eesdeatiR Cweiteadaiaarr; t~istsasd iJait- Uavtrbpestenb. ldorrtswer
<br />Yrm ifssg ttte ' ibe gpo+fi repair aced shttit tent twmmh waNe or pstsoet +mpaumant or deterioratmte of the Peoperty
<br />sad t#at>; tget'~lY whh the prott~as of any lest tf tbu frltortgagt is op a feushuld. If this Mt:rtrage is on a unit in a
<br />teRft ar a pfsaaed tacit devdapmmt, Bartarscr shall petitxtn all of Borrower`s ab#igateone utaider the dectatatirtrt+
<br />is e~-~ ~ thr or ptamesd ~xtit ~velnt, the by-laws am tegufat~a of the
<br />was ~ i~ vas, dsveipysxat. and rxxem[it+tetet doctrmedts It a catmdatnenium or planned tacit devefoprttetet
<br />redK vE ~ 4y t#k'trtsssr asd retxudai tttttetieer wide this MongsPs, the covenants ass! agreeatenen of s+.rch risk['
<br />sMA~.b!' ~mfatgprlsp[d ittpa asd +msnd ami sr~tmtenr the aorestants and agremaeroa ~ clue itlartgage as tf tits redo
<br />t+iaxs a;,part ht:
<br />'l~ Tsalst.,g[ _4wairs~ ; ff BOSto+ssr fails to petittren aha ceveatsnrs std agtcaroa»is cOataetMd in this
<br />1dWtttep+• ttr i[ snag sttiiiatp tx prooeedisH ea rnn+eowocM which tnatuidly a8sces t_ender's itttet#t in -the Property,
<br />itschtdt~, hat mt d.tu, ttaaiemst tMaatsia, imolvswcy, code rnfartamteat, or atrangattaertb at ptoaae~sga involving a
<br />tfit~-reaps. err tt~anGitt, Ana Letadar at t.;tatiisr's , etppa ttotioe to 8armsrer, tteay make such ap¢tesrances, dktbatsa suei+
<br />ttstaa and utSS s ttigiasr iw >a tatslsttuy eta pisatcct i.eader's tnterett, inclttditig. bid txx liatited to, disbutsentant trf
<br />taGattotsb4e s ttaA r tapes the Ptaperty tta snake rclwirs. if frpder cequitred mtttegage itastuanee as a
<br />of rdidrffi tlr last aasagtltd hY this Ftiort~, ttorrowcr shall trig the ~ required to mainttin xstcle
<br />tstMStWSlittb fe +~tlwti trtattf- eNM- ~- tba- tvgt+izeesatp tot gets -iatausinao- tn. ~ with Borrower`s and
<br />