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-3- 8I- t)()230'~ <br />to Beneficiary the original policies of insurance and renewals <br />thereof or memo copies of such policies and renewals thereof. <br />Failure to furnish such insurance by Trustar, or renewals as re- <br />quired hereunder shall, at the option of Beneficiary, constitute <br />a default. All unearned premiums are hereby assigned to Trustee <br />as additional security and a sale and conveyance of the Property <br />by the Trustee shall operate to convey to t!te purchaser the Trustar's <br />interest in and to ail policies of insurance upon the Trust's property. <br />7. Taxes and Assessments. Trustar shall gay all taxes and special <br />assesseents levie or assessed against or due upon the .Property <br />before delinquency, and wail deliver to Beneficiary copies of re- <br />ceipts showing payment of such taxes and special assessments. If <br />Beneficiary shall so request, Trustar agrees that there shall be <br />added to each periodic payment required to be made hereunder, an <br />amflunt estimated by Trustee to be sufficient to enable Truster to <br />pay, at least 30 days before delinquency, all taxes, assessments <br />or other public charges against the Trust Property, the Note secureiI <br />by this Trust Deed, ar upon account of the debt or the lien of this <br />Trust Deed, together with presziur.,s `ar insurance required to be <br />provided under this Trust Deed, and no interest shah be payable to <br />Trustar in respect thereof. Upon demand by Trustee, Trustar shall <br />deliver to Trustee such additional sums of money as are necessary <br />to make up any deficiency Ln the amounts necessary to enable Trus- <br />tee to pay any of the foregoing items. <br />u. Additional Liens. Trustar shall make all payments of interest <br />and principa an payments of -• other charges, tees, and ex- <br />penses. contracted to be Wald tcN~tny existi.::; lien holders or prior <br />beneficiaries under any prior Trust Deed, '9ortgage, or other se~ur- <br />ity agreement, before the date they are r.elinquent and to pay any <br />other clams which jeopardi~:es the security {;ranted herein. <br />~. Fro'~cction ,3f a€:neficiary`:> security. should Truster fail to <br />make any pay~+ent, ~ai1 to <io any ac:t as here is: provided, ar if <br />any action ar proceeding is tioenced which ..aterially affects <br />Beneficiary's interest itl the Property, including, but not limited <br />to, err:^.ant dasaain, Insolvency, arrangements or ~raceedini;s invaly- <br />ing a bankrupt or ~iecedc:tt, then 3en€:ficiary or Trustee, but with- <br />out obligation to do so, and without notice to ar dezsand upon <br />Trustar, arc3 without releasing Trustar from any obligation here- <br />under, stay make or do the sa;ue, and may ,sy, purchase, can teat or <br />co:spramise any encueabrance, charge ar lien, which in the ;udgment <br />of either appeazs to affect said Property; in exercising any such <br />ppwerr the ieneficiary or Trustee may incur any liability and ex- <br />pesad whatever amounts, including disbursements of reasonable attor- <br />neys' Ease, which in their absolute discretio;-, may he necessary. <br />In the event that Trustar shall fail to procure insurance or to <br />pay taxes, and special assess>isents ar to ^sake any payments to exist- <br />ing ar prior lien holders or beneficiaries, the Beneficiary may <br />procure such insurance and asake such payments. All sums incurred <br />4T expanded by Beneficiary ar Trustee in accordance with the pro- <br />visions of this Trust Deed are secured hereby and, withaut demand, <br />shall bs icmaediately due and payable by Trubtor and shall bear <br />interest at the maxirn~m allowable legal rate; provided, however, <br />~, that at the option of Beneficiary or Trustee such suns ^say be <br />added to the principal balance of any indebtedness secured hereby <br />and tha11 bear the same interest as such indebtedness and shall be <br />payable ratabljr aver the remaining term thereof. <br />123, ~ssi,~;:~.merst o.f B.ent~, if rite Property is a rental property, <br />tteary scat nave the right, power and authcarity during the <br />caxstinuance of thin Trust Deed to collect the rents, issues and <br />fits of th+s Property and of any personal property located thereon <br />wit.3x or withcxs~t taxing ossesrxion of the property affected hereby, <br />and ;ru+>itar hereby absoutcly and unconditionally assigns all such <br />tret'tLY, i#stt8s atExd pr°afitg to Beneficiary. Beneficiary, however, <br />